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Blockchain startup public relations: Building Trust: Effective PR for Blockchain Companies

1. What is blockchain and why does it need PR?

blockchain is a revolutionary technology that enables peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries, ensuring security, transparency, and decentralization. However, blockchain also faces many challenges and misconceptions that hinder its adoption and growth. This is where public relations (PR) comes in. PR is the practice of creating and maintaining a positive image and reputation for an organization, product, or service among its target audiences. PR can help blockchain startups to:

1. Educate the public about the benefits and potential of blockchain technology, and dispel myths and fears that may arise from its complexity, novelty, or association with illicit activities.

2. build trust and credibility among investors, customers, partners, regulators, and media, by showcasing their vision, values, achievements, and social impact.

3. attract and retain talent, by highlighting their culture, opportunities, and incentives for innovation and collaboration.

4. Differentiate themselves from competitors, by emphasizing their unique value proposition, competitive edge, and market niche.

5. Manage crises and challenges, by communicating proactively, honestly, and empathetically, and taking corrective actions when needed.

For example, a blockchain startup that provides a platform for decentralized identity verification could use PR to:

- Explain how their solution can enhance privacy, security, and convenience for users, and reduce costs and risks for businesses and governments.

- Showcase their partnerships with reputable organizations, such as the world Economic forum, the United Nations, or the World Bank, to demonstrate their legitimacy and social relevance.

- Highlight their awards, recognitions, and media coverage, to establish their authority and influence in the industry.

- Share their stories, testimonials, and case studies, to illustrate their impact and value for different stakeholders and scenarios.

- respond to any negative feedback, criticism, or allegations, by addressing the issues, providing evidence, and offering solutions.

By doing so, the blockchain startup can create a positive and lasting impression on their audiences, and foster trust, loyalty, and advocacy for their brand and technology. PR is therefore an essential tool for blockchain startups to achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.

As a kid, I grew up middle class, but my father was a great innovator with an entrepreneurial spirit, and it wasn't long before my family became part of the infamous 1%.

2. Misconceptions, regulations, and competition

blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries and sectors, from finance and healthcare to supply chain and gaming. However, despite its promise and innovation, blockchain also faces a number of challenges when it comes to public relations and communication. These challenges stem from the complex and evolving nature of the technology, the lack of awareness and understanding among the general public and the media, the regulatory uncertainty and scrutiny in different jurisdictions, and the fierce competition among the numerous blockchain projects and platforms. In this section, we will explore some of these challenges in more detail and discuss how blockchain startups can overcome them with effective PR strategies.

- Misconceptions: One of the major challenges of blockchain PR is to dispel the common misconceptions and myths that surround the technology. For instance, some people may associate blockchain with cryptocurrencies only, and ignore its broader applications and benefits. Others may confuse blockchain with Bitcoin, and assume that all blockchain projects are volatile, risky, or illegal. Moreover, some may perceive blockchain as a threat to the existing systems and institutions, and resist its adoption and integration. To address these misconceptions, blockchain startups need to educate their target audiences about the basics and the advantages of blockchain technology, using clear and simple language, engaging visuals, and relevant examples. They also need to showcase their unique value proposition and differentiation, and demonstrate how their solution can solve real-world problems and create positive impact.

- Regulations: Another challenge of blockchain PR is to navigate the complex and diverse regulatory landscape that governs the technology. Depending on the nature and scope of their project, blockchain startups may have to comply with different laws and regulations in different countries and regions, such as data protection, anti-money laundering, consumer protection, securities, taxation, and more. These regulations may vary in terms of their clarity, consistency, and enforcement, and may change over time as the technology evolves and matures. To cope with this challenge, blockchain startups need to be aware of the regulatory requirements and risks that apply to their project, and seek legal advice and guidance from experts. They also need to communicate their compliance and transparency to their stakeholders, and build trust and credibility with the regulators and the media.

- Competition: A third challenge of blockchain PR is to stand out from the crowd and attract attention and support from the market. According to a recent report by CB Insights, there are over 6,000 blockchain projects and platforms in existence, with more being launched every day. These projects and platforms span across various domains and niches, such as decentralized finance, non-fungible tokens, smart contracts, identity management, and more. With such a high level of competition and saturation, blockchain startups need to differentiate themselves from their rivals and highlight their unique features and benefits. They also need to identify and target their specific audience segments and niches, and tailor their messages and channels accordingly. Furthermore, they need to leverage their network and partnerships, and collaborate with other reputable and influential players in the blockchain ecosystem, such as investors, advisors, media outlets, industry associations, and more.

3. Credibility, visibility, and community

One of the main challenges that blockchain startups face is to establish trust and credibility in a nascent and volatile industry. Blockchain technology is often associated with scams, hacks, and regulatory uncertainty, which can deter potential customers, investors, and partners from engaging with blockchain-based solutions. Therefore, blockchain PR is essential for building trust and reputation, as well as increasing visibility and community engagement. Some of the benefits of blockchain PR are:

- Credibility: blockchain PR can help blockchain startups to showcase their expertise, achievements, and values to the relevant audiences. By creating and distributing high-quality content, such as white papers, case studies, blogs, podcasts, and webinars, blockchain startups can demonstrate their knowledge, innovation, and vision in the blockchain space. blockchain PR can also help blockchain startups to secure media coverage, endorsements, and awards from reputable and influential sources, such as industry publications, influencers, analysts, and thought leaders. These can boost the credibility and legitimacy of the blockchain startups and their solutions, as well as attract more attention and interest from potential stakeholders.

- Visibility: Blockchain PR can help blockchain startups to increase their exposure and awareness in the crowded and competitive blockchain market. By identifying and targeting the right media outlets, channels, and platforms, blockchain PR can help blockchain startups to reach and connect with their ideal customers, investors, and partners. blockchain PR can also help blockchain startups to optimize their online presence, such as their website, social media, and SEO, to enhance their discoverability and accessibility. Blockchain PR can also help blockchain startups to participate in and sponsor relevant events, such as conferences, meetups, and hackathons, to showcase their solutions and network with the blockchain community.

- Community: Blockchain PR can help blockchain startups to build and grow a loyal and engaged community around their solutions. By creating and sharing valuable and engaging content, such as newsletters, videos, infographics, and quizzes, blockchain PR can help blockchain startups to educate, inform, and entertain their community members. blockchain PR can also help blockchain startups to foster a two-way communication and feedback loop with their community, such as through social media, forums, and surveys, to listen to their needs, preferences, and opinions, and to address their questions, concerns, and issues. Blockchain PR can also help blockchain startups to incentivize and reward their community members, such as through contests, giveaways, and loyalty programs, to encourage their participation, contribution, and advocacy.

4. Goals, target audience, and key messages

Before you launch your blockchain startup, you need to have a clear and effective PR strategy that will help you build trust and credibility with your target audience. A PR strategy is a plan of action that outlines your goals, your target audience, and your key messages that you want to communicate through various channels and platforms. A PR strategy also helps you measure and evaluate your results and adjust your tactics accordingly. Here are some steps to craft a blockchain PR strategy that works for your startup:

1. Define your goals: What are you trying to achieve with your PR efforts? Do you want to raise awareness, educate, persuade, or inspire your audience? Do you want to attract investors, partners, customers, or media attention? Do you want to establish yourself as a thought leader, an innovator, or a disruptor in the blockchain space? Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

2. identify your target audience: Who are you trying to reach with your PR strategy? Who are the people who will benefit from your blockchain solution or who will influence your success? You may have different segments of your target audience, such as potential users, investors, regulators, media, influencers, etc. You need to understand their needs, pain points, interests, preferences, and behaviors. You can use tools such as personas, customer journey maps, or surveys to create a profile of your ideal audience.

3. Craft your key messages: What are the main points that you want to convey to your target audience? What are the benefits and value propositions of your blockchain solution? What are the problems that you are solving or the opportunities that you are creating? What are the unique features or advantages of your blockchain technology or platform? Your key messages should be clear, concise, consistent, and compelling. They should also address the common questions, concerns, or objections that your audience may have about blockchain.

4. choose your channels and platforms: How will you reach your target audience with your key messages? What are the best ways to communicate with them and engage them? You may use a combination of owned, earned, paid, and shared media to distribute your PR content. Owned media are the channels that you control, such as your website, blog, newsletter, social media accounts, etc. Earned media are the coverage that you get from third-party sources, such as press releases, articles, interviews, podcasts, etc. Paid media are the channels that you pay for, such as ads, sponsorships, endorsements, etc. Shared media are the channels that you co-create or collaborate with others, such as guest posts, webinars, events, etc.

5. Create and execute your PR plan: How will you implement your PR strategy and deliver your PR content? You need to have a detailed and realistic PR plan that outlines your objectives, activities, timelines, budgets, and responsibilities. You also need to have a content calendar that specifies what type of content you will create, when you will publish it, where you will distribute it, and who will be in charge of it. You need to follow the best practices and guidelines for each channel and platform that you use. You also need to monitor and track your PR performance and feedback.

6. Measure and evaluate your PR results: How will you know if your PR strategy is working or not? You need to have a set of metrics and indicators that will help you measure and evaluate your PR outcomes and impact. You may use tools such as Google analytics, social media analytics, media monitoring, or surveys to collect and analyze your PR data. You need to compare your actual results with your expected goals and identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You also need to report and communicate your PR results and insights to your stakeholders and team members.

7. Adjust and improve your PR strategy: How will you improve your PR strategy and optimize your PR performance? You need to have a feedback loop that will help you learn from your PR experience and make necessary changes and improvements. You need to test and experiment with different PR tactics and approaches and see what works best for your startup. You also need to keep up with the latest trends and developments in the blockchain industry and the PR field and adapt your PR strategy accordingly.

Goals, target audience, and key messages - Blockchain startup public relations: Building Trust: Effective PR for Blockchain Companies

Goals, target audience, and key messages - Blockchain startup public relations: Building Trust: Effective PR for Blockchain Companies

5. Media, social media, events, and influencers

One of the most crucial aspects of PR for blockchain startups is selecting the right channels to reach your target audience and stakeholders. There are many options available, but not all of them are equally effective or suitable for your specific goals and needs. Therefore, you need to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each channel and devise a strategy that maximizes your impact and ROI. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right PR channels for your blockchain startup:

1. Media: Media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, blogs, podcasts, and TV shows can provide you with exposure, credibility, and authority in your industry and niche. However, getting media coverage is not easy, especially for new and unknown startups. You need to have a compelling story, a clear value proposition, and a strong pitch that captures the attention and interest of journalists and editors. You also need to build relationships with relevant media contacts and follow up with them regularly. Some examples of media outlets that cover blockchain and crypto topics are Coindesk, Cointelegraph, Forbes, TechCrunch, and The Block.

2. Social media: social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Telegram can help you connect with your potential customers, investors, partners, and influencers. You can use social media to share your updates, announcements, insights, and opinions, as well as to engage with your community and followers. However, social media also requires a lot of time, effort, and creativity to produce and distribute quality content that stands out and generates engagement. You also need to monitor and respond to comments, feedback, and questions from your audience. Some examples of successful blockchain startups that use social media effectively are Chainlink, Uniswap, Compound, and Aave.

3. Events: events such as conferences, meetups, webinars, and workshops can help you showcase your product, service, or solution, as well as to network with other industry players and stakeholders. You can use events to demonstrate your expertise, thought leadership, and vision, as well as to generate leads, referrals, and partnerships. However, events can also be costly, time-consuming, and competitive, especially if you want to secure a speaking slot, a booth, or a sponsorship. You also need to prepare and deliver a captivating presentation, pitch, or demo that resonates with your audience. Some examples of popular and influential events in the blockchain and crypto space are Consensus, EthCC, Devcon, and Web Summit.

4. Influencers: Influencers are individuals or groups that have a large and loyal following on social media, blogs, podcasts, or other platforms. They can help you amplify your message, increase your visibility, and boost your reputation and trustworthiness. You can use influencers to endorse, review, or promote your product, service, or solution, as well as to generate buzz, awareness, and word-of-mouth. However, influencers can also be expensive, risky, and unpredictable, especially if you choose the wrong ones or fail to align your expectations and goals. You also need to ensure that the influencers disclose their relationship with you and comply with the relevant laws and regulations. Some examples of influential and reputable influencers in the blockchain and crypto industry are Andreas Antonopoulos, Vitalik Buterin, Anthony Pompliano, and Laura Shin.

Media, social media, events, and influencers - Blockchain startup public relations: Building Trust: Effective PR for Blockchain Companies

Media, social media, events, and influencers - Blockchain startup public relations: Building Trust: Effective PR for Blockchain Companies

6. Storytelling, education, and proof

One of the main challenges of blockchain PR is to create content that is both informative and engaging for the target audience. Blockchain is a complex and novel technology that requires a lot of explanation and education to convey its benefits and potential. However, simply providing facts and figures is not enough to capture the attention and trust of the readers. To create compelling blockchain PR content, you need to use three key elements: storytelling, education, and proof. Here are some tips on how to use these elements effectively:

- Storytelling: Stories are powerful tools to connect with the emotions and values of the readers. They can also help to simplify complex concepts and make them more relatable and memorable. To use storytelling in your blockchain PR content, you need to identify the main problem that your blockchain solution is addressing, the impact that it has on the lives of the people or the society, and the vision that you have for the future. You also need to craft a narrative that showcases your unique value proposition, your competitive advantage, and your brand personality. For example, if you are a blockchain startup that is developing a decentralized identity platform, you can tell a story of how your solution can empower people to own and control their digital identities, protect their privacy and security, and access various services and opportunities without intermediaries or barriers.

- Education: Education is essential to build awareness and understanding of your blockchain solution among the readers. You need to provide clear and concise explanations of what blockchain is, how it works, and why it matters. You also need to address the common misconceptions and challenges that are associated with blockchain, such as scalability, security, and regulation. To use education in your blockchain PR content, you need to tailor your message to the level of knowledge and interest of your target audience. You can use analogies, metaphors, examples, and visuals to make your content more accessible and appealing. You can also use interactive and gamified elements to make your content more fun and engaging. For example, if you are a blockchain startup that is creating a peer-to-peer lending platform, you can explain how your solution can enable anyone to lend or borrow money without intermediaries, fees, or risks. You can also use a quiz, a calculator, or a simulator to show the readers how they can benefit from your platform and compare it with traditional lending options.

- Proof: Proof is crucial to establish credibility and trust for your blockchain solution among the readers. You need to provide evidence and validation that your solution is viable, reliable, and beneficial. You also need to demonstrate that you have the expertise, experience, and resources to deliver your solution and achieve your goals. To use proof in your blockchain PR content, you need to use various sources and formats of data and information, such as statistics, testimonials, case studies, awards, partnerships, and media coverage. You also need to use third-party endorsements and verifications, such as reviews, ratings, certifications, and audits. For example, if you are a blockchain startup that is offering a tokenized real estate investment platform, you can provide data on the performance, returns, and risks of your platform and compare it with other investment options. You can also showcase the feedback and success stories of your customers, investors, and partners. You can also highlight the recognition and support that you have received from reputable organizations, media outlets, and influencers in the industry.

By using these three elements of storytelling, education, and proof, you can create blockchain PR content that is not only informative, but also engaging, persuasive, and memorable. You can also differentiate yourself from the competition and build a loyal and supportive community around your blockchain solution.

7. Metrics, feedback, and optimization

One of the main goals of blockchain PR is to build trust and credibility for your blockchain startup among your target audience, potential investors, and the media. However, trust is not something that can be easily measured or quantified. How do you know if your PR efforts are effective and achieving the desired results? How do you get feedback and optimize your PR strategy accordingly? In this section, we will explore some of the ways to measure and improve your blockchain PR performance using metrics, feedback, and optimization techniques.

- Metrics: Metrics are quantitative indicators that can help you track and evaluate your PR performance over time. Some of the common metrics that blockchain PR practitioners use are:

- Media coverage: This metric measures the amount and quality of media exposure that your blockchain startup receives from various sources, such as online publications, blogs, podcasts, social media, etc. media coverage can help you increase your brand awareness, reach, and reputation among your audience and the industry. You can use tools such as Google Alerts, Mention, or Meltwater to monitor your media coverage and analyze its impact.

- Website traffic: This metric measures the number of visitors and sessions that your blockchain startup's website receives from different channels, such as organic search, referrals, social media, email, etc. Website traffic can help you assess your online visibility, lead generation, and conversion rates. You can use tools such as Google Analytics, SimilarWeb, or SEMrush to track your website traffic and its sources.

- social media engagement: This metric measures the level of interaction and involvement that your blockchain startup's social media accounts generate from your followers and fans, such as likes, comments, shares, retweets, mentions, etc. social media engagement can help you build relationships, loyalty, and advocacy among your community and influencers. You can use tools such as Hootsuite, Buffer, or Sprout Social to manage your social media presence and engagement.

- Sentiment analysis: This metric measures the tone and emotion that your blockchain startup's brand, products, or services elicit from your audience, media, and the public, such as positive, negative, or neutral. sentiment analysis can help you understand your reputation, perception, and feedback among your stakeholders and the market. You can use tools such as Brandwatch, Talkwalker, or Lexalytics to conduct sentiment analysis and identify trends and issues.

- Feedback: Feedback is qualitative information that can help you gain insights and perspectives from your audience, media, and the industry. Some of the ways to collect and use feedback for your blockchain PR are:

- Surveys: Surveys are questionnaires that you can use to ask your audience, media, or the industry about their opinions, preferences, satisfaction, or expectations regarding your blockchain startup's brand, products, or services. surveys can help you measure your customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy, as well as identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You can use tools such as SurveyMonkey, Typeform, or Qualtrics to create and distribute surveys and analyze their results.

- Interviews: Interviews are conversations that you can have with your audience, media, or the industry to explore their thoughts, feelings, experiences, or stories related to your blockchain startup's brand, products, or services. Interviews can help you gain deeper understanding, empathy, and trust among your stakeholders and the market, as well as discover new ideas, solutions, or innovations. You can use tools such as Zoom, Skype, or Calendly to schedule and conduct interviews and record and transcribe their outcomes.

- Reviews: Reviews are evaluations or ratings that your audience, media, or the industry give to your blockchain startup's brand, products, or services based on their usage, experience, or satisfaction. Reviews can help you showcase your social proof, credibility, and value proposition among your potential customers and investors, as well as collect feedback and testimonials for your PR campaigns. You can use platforms such as Trustpilot, Capterra, or G2 to encourage and monitor reviews and ratings for your blockchain startup.

- Optimization: optimization is the process of improving your blockchain PR performance by using the data and insights that you have collected from metrics and feedback. Some of the steps to optimize your blockchain PR are:

- set SMART goals: SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART goals are clear, realistic, and trackable objectives that you can set for your blockchain PR efforts based on your desired outcomes and available resources. SMART goals can help you focus, prioritize, and align your PR activities and measure your progress and results.

- Test and experiment: Testing and experimenting are methods of trying out different PR strategies, tactics, or messages to see what works best for your blockchain startup and your audience. Testing and experimenting can help you optimize your PR performance by finding the optimal combination of variables that can maximize your impact and return on investment. You can use tools such as A/B testing, multivariate testing, or split testing to compare and contrast different PR options and choose the best one.

- Learn and adapt: Learning and adapting are actions of applying the lessons and feedback that you have learned from your PR performance to your future PR plans and actions. Learning and adapting can help you improve your PR performance by avoiding mistakes, overcoming challenges, and seizing opportunities. You can use tools such as SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, or Porter's five forces analysis to evaluate your PR performance and environment and make informed decisions and changes.

8. Best practices and examples of successful blockchain PR campaigns

Blockchain startups face unique challenges when it comes to public relations. They need to communicate the value and potential of their innovative solutions, while also addressing the skepticism and misconceptions that often surround the blockchain industry. How can they build trust and credibility with their target audiences, media outlets, and investors? Here are some best practices and examples of successful blockchain PR campaigns that can inspire and guide blockchain entrepreneurs:

- 1. Identify and understand your niche. Blockchain is a broad and diverse field that encompasses various applications, sectors, and use cases. It is important to define your niche and tailor your message accordingly. For example, if your blockchain startup is focused on healthcare, you need to highlight how your solution can improve the quality, security, and efficiency of healthcare services, and how it can benefit patients, providers, and insurers. You also need to research and target the media outlets and influencers that cover healthcare and blockchain topics, and pitch them with relevant and compelling stories.

- 2. educate and inform your audience. Blockchain is still a relatively new and complex technology that many people do not fully understand or trust. Therefore, it is essential to educate and inform your audience about the basics of blockchain, how it works, and why it matters. You can use various formats and channels to create and distribute educational content, such as blog posts, white papers, webinars, podcasts, videos, infographics, and social media posts. You can also leverage platforms like Medium, LinkedIn, and Quora to share your expertise and insights, and engage with your community. For example, ConsenSys, a leading blockchain software company, has a dedicated blog and media platform called ConsenSys Media, where they publish informative and engaging content about blockchain, Ethereum, and decentralized applications.

- 3. Showcase your achievements and impact. Nothing builds trust and credibility more than demonstrating your results and impact. You can showcase your achievements and success stories by creating and sharing case studies, testimonials, reviews, awards, and recognitions. You can also highlight your partnerships, collaborations, and endorsements with reputable and influential organizations, institutions, and individuals. For example, VeChain, a blockchain platform for enterprise and supply chain management, has partnered with global brands like BMW, Walmart, and LVMH, and has featured their collaborations on their website and social media accounts.

9. How blockchain PR can help your startup grow and thrive?

As a blockchain startup, you have a unique opportunity to leverage the power of public relations to build trust, credibility, and awareness for your innovative solutions. However, you also face some challenges and risks that require careful planning and execution of your PR strategy. In this article, we have discussed some of the best practices and tips for effective PR for blockchain companies, such as:

- understanding your target audience and their pain points

- crafting a clear and compelling value proposition and narrative

- Choosing the right channels and platforms to reach your audience

- Creating and distributing high-quality content that educates, informs, and engages your audience

- building and maintaining relationships with relevant media outlets, influencers, and stakeholders

- Monitoring and measuring the impact and outcomes of your PR efforts

By following these steps, you can create a positive and lasting impression of your blockchain startup in the minds of your potential customers, investors, partners, and regulators. You can also demonstrate your thought leadership, expertise, and authority in the blockchain space, and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Ultimately, you can use PR as a powerful tool to grow and thrive in the blockchain industry.

Here are some examples of how blockchain PR can help your startup achieve specific goals and objectives:

- increase brand awareness and visibility: PR can help you reach a wider and more diverse audience, and expose them to your brand and your solutions. For instance, you can use PR to get featured in popular media outlets, podcasts, blogs, newsletters, and social media platforms that your audience consumes. You can also use PR to participate in industry events, webinars, panels, and conferences, and showcase your blockchain solutions to potential customers and partners.

- Build trust and credibility: PR can help you establish and enhance your reputation and legitimacy as a blockchain startup, and overcome the skepticism and mistrust that some people may have towards blockchain technology. For example, you can use PR to share your success stories, case studies, testimonials, and reviews from your satisfied customers and users. You can also use PR to highlight your credentials, certifications, awards, and recognitions that validate your quality and standards.

- Generate leads and conversions: PR can help you attract and nurture qualified leads for your blockchain solutions, and convert them into loyal customers and advocates. For instance, you can use PR to offer free trials, demos, webinars, whitepapers, ebooks, and other valuable resources that showcase the benefits and features of your solutions. You can also use PR to create a sense of urgency and scarcity, and offer discounts, incentives, and referrals to encourage your leads to take action.

- Raise funds and attract investors: PR can help you showcase your potential and value as a blockchain startup, and attract the attention and interest of investors, venture capitalists, angel investors, and crowdfunding platforms. For example, you can use PR to announce your funding rounds, partnerships, acquisitions, and expansions, and highlight your growth and traction metrics. You can also use PR to pitch your story and vision to relevant investors and media outlets, and demonstrate your market fit and scalability.

These are just some of the ways that blockchain PR can help your startup grow and thrive in the blockchain space. Of course, every blockchain startup is different, and you need to tailor your PR strategy to your specific goals, needs, and challenges. However, by following the best practices and tips that we have shared in this article, you can create a strong and effective PR strategy that will help you achieve your desired results.

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