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Cost Per Download: CPD: Explore key performance indicators: KPIs: tied to CPD and their impact on business success

1. What is CPD and why is it important for app developers and marketers?

Cost Per Download (CPD) is one of the most common metrics used by app developers and marketers to measure the effectiveness of their app marketing campaigns. CPD refers to the amount of money spent on acquiring a new user who downloads the app from an app store or a website. CPD is calculated by dividing the total cost of the campaign by the number of downloads generated.

CPD is important for app developers and marketers for several reasons:

- It helps them to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of their app marketing campaigns. By comparing the CPD with the lifetime value (LTV) of the app users, they can determine whether the campaign is profitable or not. LTV is the estimated revenue that a user will generate over their entire usage of the app. Ideally, the LTV should be higher than the CPD for a positive ROI.

- It helps them to optimize their app marketing strategies. By analyzing the CPD of different channels, platforms, regions, and demographics, they can identify the most effective and efficient ways to reach their target audience and increase their app downloads. For example, they can use A/B testing to compare the CPD of different ad creatives, landing pages, or app store optimization techniques.

- It helps them to benchmark their app performance against their competitors and industry standards. By comparing the CPD of their app with other similar apps in the same category or niche, they can assess their app's market potential and growth opportunities. They can also use the CPD data from third-party sources, such as app analytics platforms or app intelligence tools, to get insights into the app market trends and best practices.

CPD is not a fixed or static metric. It can vary depending on several factors, such as:

- The type and quality of the app. Some apps have higher CPD than others because they offer more value, functionality, or uniqueness to the users. For example, a premium app that requires a one-time payment or a subscription may have a higher CPD than a free app that relies on in-app purchases or ads for monetization.

- The stage and goal of the app marketing campaign. Some campaigns have higher CPD than others because they have different objectives, budgets, or timelines. For example, a launch campaign that aims to create awareness and buzz for a new app may have a higher CPD than a retention campaign that aims to re-engage existing users and increase their loyalty.

- The seasonality and demand of the app. Some apps have higher CPD than others because they have more or less demand at certain times of the year or in certain markets. For example, a travel app may have a higher CPD during the peak holiday season than during the off-season, or a gaming app may have a higher CPD in a region where it is more popular than in a region where it is less known.

Therefore, app developers and marketers should not rely on a single CPD value, but rather track and analyze the CPD trends and variations over time and across different segments. This will help them to gain a deeper understanding of their app's performance and potential, and to make data-driven decisions to improve their app marketing outcomes.

2. How to calculate CPD and compare it with other metrics such as CPI, CAC, and ROAS?

One of the most important aspects of measuring the effectiveness of a mobile app marketing campaign is the cost per download (CPD), which is the amount of money spent on acquiring a new user who installs the app. However, CPD alone does not tell the whole story, as it does not account for the quality, retention, and profitability of the users. Therefore, it is essential to compare CPD with other metrics that reflect the value and performance of the app users, such as cost per install (CPI), customer acquisition cost (CAC), and return on ad spend (ROAS). These metrics can help app marketers optimize their campaigns and maximize their return on investment (ROI).

- Cost per install (CPI) is the amount of money spent on acquiring a new user who not only downloads but also opens the app for the first time. CPI is usually higher than CPD, as not all users who download the app will launch it. CPI can be calculated by dividing the total ad spend by the number of installs. For example, if a campaign costs $1000 and generates 200 installs, the CPI is $5.

- Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the amount of money spent on acquiring a new customer who not only installs but also makes a purchase or performs a desired action within the app. CAC is usually higher than CPI, as not all users who install the app will become customers. CAC can be calculated by dividing the total ad spend by the number of customers. For example, if a campaign costs $1000 and generates 50 customers, the CAC is $20.

- Return on ad spend (ROAS) is the amount of revenue generated by the app users who were acquired through a specific ad campaign. ROAS is a measure of the profitability and efficiency of the campaign, as it shows how much revenue is generated for every dollar spent on advertising. ROAS can be calculated by dividing the total revenue by the total ad spend. For example, if a campaign costs $1000 and generates $2000 in revenue, the ROAS is 2.

By comparing CPD with these metrics, app marketers can gain insights into the quality and behavior of the app users, and adjust their strategies accordingly. For instance, if the CPD is low but the CPI or CAC is high, it means that the campaign is attracting a lot of downloads but not many installs or customers, which indicates a low retention rate or a poor user experience. In this case, the app marketer may need to improve the app design, functionality, or value proposition to increase the engagement and conversion of the users. On the other hand, if the CPD is high but the ROAS is also high, it means that the campaign is attracting a lot of valuable and loyal customers who generate more revenue than the cost of acquisition, which indicates a high lifetime value (LTV) or a strong product-market fit. In this case, the app marketer may want to scale up the campaign and invest more in the channels and segments that deliver the best results.

3. How to optimize CPD by improving app quality, user experience, and marketing strategy?

One of the most important metrics to measure the success of an app is the cost per download (CPD), which is the amount of money spent on acquiring a new user who installs the app. CPD can vary depending on the type, category, and quality of the app, as well as the marketing channels and strategies used to promote it. A lower CPD indicates a higher return on investment (ROI) and a more efficient use of the marketing budget. However, CPD is not the only factor that determines the profitability of an app. There are other key performance indicators (KPIs) that are closely related to CPD and have a significant impact on the business success of an app. These include:

- Retention rate: This is the percentage of users who continue to use the app after a certain period of time, such as a day, a week, or a month. Retention rate reflects the loyalty and satisfaction of the users, as well as the potential lifetime value (LTV) of the app. A higher retention rate means that the users are more likely to engage with the app, make in-app purchases, or recommend it to others. A lower retention rate means that the users are more likely to uninstall the app, switch to a competitor, or ignore the app updates and notifications. Therefore, retention rate is a crucial indicator of the quality and relevance of the app, as well as the effectiveness of the user acquisition and retention strategies.

- Conversion rate: This is the percentage of users who perform a desired action within the app, such as registering, subscribing, making a purchase, or completing a level. Conversion rate reflects the value proposition and usability of the app, as well as the alignment of the user expectations and the app goals. A higher conversion rate means that the users are more likely to find the app useful, enjoyable, or beneficial, and that the app is able to deliver on its promises and meet the user needs. A lower conversion rate means that the users are more likely to be dissatisfied, frustrated, or confused by the app, and that the app is unable to fulfill its purpose or solve the user problems. Therefore, conversion rate is a vital indicator of the user experience and monetization potential of the app, as well as the effectiveness of the user engagement and conversion strategies.

- Referral rate: This is the percentage of users who invite or refer other users to the app, either through word-of-mouth, social media, or other channels. Referral rate reflects the popularity and virality of the app, as well as the trust and advocacy of the users. A higher referral rate means that the users are more likely to share the app with their friends, family, or followers, and that the app is able to generate organic and free traffic and downloads. A lower referral rate means that the users are more likely to keep the app to themselves, or even discourage others from using it, and that the app is unable to create a buzz or a community around it. Therefore, referral rate is a key indicator of the brand awareness and reputation of the app, as well as the effectiveness of the user referral and reward programs.

To optimize CPD, it is not enough to focus on the quantity of the downloads, but also on the quality of the users and the app itself. By improving the app quality, user experience, and marketing strategy, it is possible to enhance the performance of these KPIs and achieve a higher roi and a lower CPD. Some of the ways to do this are:

- improve the app quality: This involves ensuring that the app is bug-free, fast, secure, and compatible with different devices and platforms. It also involves adding new features, updates, and content that are relevant, useful, and engaging for the users. By improving the app quality, it is possible to increase the retention rate, as the users are more likely to enjoy using the app and less likely to encounter issues or errors. It is also possible to increase the conversion rate, as the users are more likely to find value and benefit from the app and its offerings. For example, a gaming app that regularly releases new levels, characters, and rewards can keep the users interested and motivated to play and progress. A shopping app that offers fast delivery, secure payment, and personalized recommendations can make the users more confident and satisfied with their purchases.

- improve the user experience: This involves designing and developing the app in a way that is easy, intuitive, and delightful for the users. It also involves understanding and addressing the user needs, preferences, and feedback, and providing them with a seamless and satisfying journey within the app. By improving the user experience, it is possible to increase the retention rate, as the users are more likely to have a positive and memorable impression of the app and less likely to abandon or uninstall it. It is also possible to increase the conversion rate, as the users are more likely to perform the desired actions and achieve their goals within the app. For example, a fitness app that provides clear instructions, real-time feedback, and customized plans can help the users achieve their fitness goals and stay motivated. A music app that allows easy navigation, personalization, and offline access can enhance the user enjoyment and convenience.

- improve the marketing strategy: This involves choosing and optimizing the right marketing channels and methods to reach and attract the target audience for the app. It also involves creating and delivering compelling and relevant messages and offers that showcase the value and benefits of the app and persuade the users to download and use it. By improving the marketing strategy, it is possible to increase the referral rate, as the users are more likely to be exposed to and influenced by the positive word-of-mouth and social proof of the app. It is also possible to decrease the CPD, as the users are more likely to download the app voluntarily and organically, rather than through paid or incentivized campaigns. For example, a travel app that leverages social media, influencers, and user-generated content can create a sense of community and aspiration among the potential users. A education app that provides free trials, discounts, and testimonials can demonstrate the value and credibility of the app and its courses.

4. How to measure and analyze the effectiveness of CPD campaigns using tools such as attribution, cohort analysis, and A/B testing?

One of the main goals of any app marketer is to acquire high-quality users who will engage with the app, make in-app purchases, and become loyal customers. However, acquiring users is not cheap, and app marketers need to optimize their campaigns to ensure they are getting the best return on investment (ROI). Cost per download (CPD) is a common metric used to measure the cost-effectiveness of app marketing campaigns. It is calculated by dividing the total amount spent on a campaign by the number of downloads generated by that campaign. For example, if a campaign costs $1000 and generates 500 downloads, the CPD is $2.

However, CPD alone is not enough to evaluate the success of a campaign. Not all downloads are equal, and some users may be more valuable than others. Therefore, app marketers need to use other tools and methods to measure and analyze the effectiveness of their CPD campaigns, such as:

1. Attribution: Attribution is the process of identifying and tracking the sources and channels that lead users to download and use an app. Attribution helps app marketers understand which campaigns, platforms, and creatives are driving the most downloads and conversions. Attribution also enables app marketers to measure the performance of different types of campaigns, such as paid, organic, or viral. For example, an app marketer can use attribution to compare the cpd and conversion rates of a Facebook ad campaign versus a Google ad campaign, and optimize their budget allocation accordingly.

2. cohort analysis: Cohort analysis is a method of analyzing the behavior and retention of groups of users who share common characteristics or experiences, such as the date of download, the source of download, the app version, or the device type. Cohort analysis helps app marketers understand how different groups of users interact with the app over time, and identify the factors that influence their engagement, retention, and monetization. For example, an app marketer can use cohort analysis to compare the retention and lifetime value (LTV) of users who downloaded the app from a CPD campaign versus users who downloaded the app organically, and adjust their CPD strategy accordingly.

3. A/B testing: A/B testing is a method of comparing two or more versions of a campaign, creative, or app feature to determine which one performs better in terms of a predefined goal, such as downloads, conversions, or revenue. A/B testing helps app marketers optimize their CPD campaigns by testing different elements, such as the ad copy, the image, the call to action, the landing page, or the app store listing. For example, an app marketer can use A/B testing to compare the CPD and conversion rates of two different ad creatives, and select the one that delivers the best results.

By using these tools and methods, app marketers can measure and analyze the effectiveness of their CPD campaigns, and improve their app marketing performance and roi. However, app marketers should also keep in mind that CPD is not the only metric that matters, and they should also consider other metrics, such as user acquisition cost (UAC), retention rate, LTV, and customer acquisition cost (CAC) to get a holistic view of their app marketing success.

How to measure and analyze the effectiveness of CPD campaigns using tools such as attribution, cohort analysis, and A/B testing - Cost Per Download: CPD:  Explore key performance indicators: KPIs: tied to CPD and their impact on business success

How to measure and analyze the effectiveness of CPD campaigns using tools such as attribution, cohort analysis, and A/B testing - Cost Per Download: CPD: Explore key performance indicators: KPIs: tied to CPD and their impact on business success

5. How to use CPD data to segment and target users based on their behavior, preferences, and value?

One of the main goals of any app developer or marketer is to acquire new users who will download, install, and use their app. However, not all users are equally valuable or loyal. Some may download the app and never open it, some may use it once and uninstall it, and some may become regular or even paying customers. Therefore, it is important to measure and optimize the cost per download (CPD) metric, which is the average amount of money spent on acquiring a new user who downloads the app.

CPD is calculated by dividing the total amount of money spent on a campaign or channel by the number of downloads generated by that campaign or channel. For example, if a campaign costs $1000 and generates 500 downloads, the CPD is $2. However, CPD alone does not tell the whole story. It is also necessary to consider the following key performance indicators (KPIs) that are tied to CPD and their impact on business success:

- Retention rate: This is the percentage of users who continue to use the app after a certain period of time, such as a day, a week, or a month. retention rate is a measure of user loyalty and engagement, and it can help determine the long-term value of a user. A high retention rate means that users are satisfied with the app and are likely to generate more revenue and referrals. A low retention rate means that users are not interested in the app and are likely to churn. Therefore, it is desirable to have a low CPD and a high retention rate, as this indicates that the app is acquiring loyal and engaged users at a low cost.

- Lifetime value (LTV): This is the estimated amount of revenue that a user will generate over their entire lifetime of using the app. LTV is a measure of user profitability and potential, and it can help determine the return on investment (ROI) of a campaign or channel. A high LTV means that users are spending money on the app or generating revenue through other means, such as ads or in-app purchases. A low LTV means that users are not contributing to the app's revenue or are costing more than they are worth. Therefore, it is desirable to have a high LTV and a low CPD, as this indicates that the app is acquiring profitable and valuable users at a low cost.

- Conversion rate: This is the percentage of users who perform a desired action after downloading the app, such as registering, subscribing, making a purchase, or completing a level. conversion rate is a measure of user behavior and intention, and it can help determine the effectiveness of a campaign or channel. A high conversion rate means that users are following the app's goals and are likely to become loyal and valuable customers. A low conversion rate means that users are not interested in the app's offerings or are facing barriers or friction. Therefore, it is desirable to have a high conversion rate and a low CPD, as this indicates that the app is acquiring users who are willing and able to perform the desired actions at a low cost.

Using CPD data, app developers and marketers can segment and target users based on their behavior, preferences, and value. This can help them optimize their campaigns and channels, improve their user experience, and increase their ROI. Here are some examples of how to use CPD data to segment and target users:

- Segment users by retention rate: By analyzing the retention rate of different campaigns or channels, app developers and marketers can identify which ones are attracting loyal and engaged users and which ones are attracting users who are likely to churn. They can then allocate more resources and budget to the campaigns or channels with high retention rates, and reduce or eliminate the ones with low retention rates. They can also use retention data to create personalized messages and incentives to retain users who are at risk of churning, such as offering discounts, rewards, or reminders.

- Segment users by LTV: By analyzing the LTV of different campaigns or channels, app developers and marketers can identify which ones are attracting profitable and valuable users and which ones are attracting users who are not generating revenue or are costing more than they are worth. They can then allocate more resources and budget to the campaigns or channels with high LTVs, and reduce or eliminate the ones with low LTVs. They can also use LTV data to create personalized offers and recommendations to increase the revenue and value of users, such as upselling, cross-selling, or suggesting relevant products or services.

- Segment users by conversion rate: By analyzing the conversion rate of different campaigns or channels, app developers and marketers can identify which ones are attracting users who are willing and able to perform the desired actions and which ones are attracting users who are not interested or are facing barriers or friction. They can then allocate more resources and budget to the campaigns or channels with high conversion rates, and reduce or eliminate the ones with low conversion rates. They can also use conversion data to create personalized prompts and nudges to increase the likelihood of users performing the desired actions, such as simplifying the registration process, highlighting the benefits of subscribing, or providing feedback and support.

6. How to increase user retention, engagement, and loyalty by leveraging CPD insights and feedback?

One of the most important metrics for measuring the success of a mobile app is the cost per download (CPD), which is the amount of money spent on acquiring a new user through various marketing channels. CPD can vary depending on the type, quality, and popularity of the app, as well as the competition and demand in the market. However, CPD alone does not tell the whole story of how well an app is performing. To get a more complete picture, app developers and marketers need to look at other key performance indicators (KPIs) that are tied to CPD and their impact on business success. Some of these KPIs are:

- Retention rate: This is the percentage of users who continue to use the app after a certain period of time, such as a day, a week, or a month. Retention rate is a measure of how loyal and engaged the users are, and how well the app meets their needs and expectations. A high retention rate means that the app has a loyal user base that generates recurring revenue and word-of-mouth referrals. A low retention rate means that the app has a high churn rate, which means that users are leaving the app soon after downloading it, and the CPD is wasted on acquiring users who do not stick around.

- Engagement rate: This is the percentage of users who actively interact with the app, such as opening it, using its features, completing tasks, or making purchases. Engagement rate is a measure of how interesting and useful the app is, and how well it motivates the users to take action. A high engagement rate means that the app has a strong value proposition and a compelling user experience that drives user behavior and satisfaction. A low engagement rate means that the app has a weak value proposition and a poor user experience that fails to capture user attention and interest.

- Loyalty rate: This is the percentage of users who recommend the app to others, such as friends, family, or colleagues. Loyalty rate is a measure of how satisfied and delighted the users are, and how well the app exceeds their expectations and creates positive emotions. A high loyalty rate means that the app has a strong brand reputation and a loyal fan base that generates organic growth and word-of-mouth marketing. A low loyalty rate means that the app has a weak brand reputation and a dissatisfied user base that generates negative feedback and reviews.

To increase user retention, engagement, and loyalty, app developers and marketers need to leverage CPD insights and feedback. This means that they need to analyze the data and information that they collect from the users who download the app, such as their demographics, preferences, behavior, feedback, and ratings. By doing so, they can gain valuable insights into who their users are, what they want, how they use the app, and how they feel about it. Based on these insights, they can then improve the app's features, functionality, design, content, and marketing strategies to better meet the users' needs, wants, and expectations, and to create a more personalized and delightful user experience. Some of the ways to leverage CPD insights and feedback are:

- Segment the users: This means that they need to group the users into different categories based on their characteristics, such as age, gender, location, income, education, interests, etc. By doing so, they can better understand the different user personas and their motivations, goals, pain points, and preferences. They can then tailor the app's features, functionality, design, content, and marketing messages to each user segment, and to create a more relevant and customized user experience.

- Test the app: This means that they need to conduct various tests on the app, such as A/B testing, usability testing, beta testing, etc. By doing so, they can measure the app's performance, functionality, usability, and user satisfaction, and to identify the app's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. They can then optimize the app's features, functionality, design, content, and marketing strategies to enhance the app's quality, reliability, efficiency, and user experience.

- Collect feedback: This means that they need to solicit feedback from the users, such as surveys, reviews, ratings, comments, suggestions, complaints, etc. By doing so, they can gather direct and honest feedback from the users, and to understand their opinions, feelings, and expectations. They can then use the feedback to improve the app's features, functionality, design, content, and marketing strategies to address the users' issues, concerns, and needs, and to create a more satisfying and delightful user experience.

7. How to scale and grow your app business by reducing CPD and increasing LTV and ROI?

One of the most important metrics to measure the success of your app business is the cost per download (CPD), which is the amount of money you spend on acquiring a new user who installs your app. CPD can vary depending on the type, quality, and source of your app marketing campaigns, as well as the competition and demand in your target market. Reducing CPD can help you optimize your app marketing budget and increase your return on investment (ROI).

However, CPD is not the only factor that determines your app business growth. You also need to consider the lifetime value (LTV) of your users, which is the total revenue you generate from a user over their entire relationship with your app. LTV can be influenced by many factors, such as user retention, engagement, monetization, and loyalty. Increasing LTV can help you maximize your app revenue and profitability.

Therefore, to scale and grow your app business, you need to find the optimal balance between reducing CPD and increasing LTV. This can be achieved by following some best practices, such as:

1. Segmenting your users and targeting them with personalized campaigns. By analyzing your user data and behavior, you can identify different user segments based on their demographics, preferences, interests, and needs. You can then create tailored app marketing campaigns that target each segment with relevant messages, offers, and incentives. This can help you attract more qualified and engaged users who are likely to have a higher LTV and lower CPD.

2. optimizing your app store listing and landing page. Your app store listing and landing page are the first impressions that potential users have of your app. You need to make sure that they are appealing, informative, and persuasive. You can use various techniques, such as A/B testing, keyword research, and user feedback, to optimize your app title, icon, description, screenshots, videos, ratings, and reviews. This can help you improve your app store ranking, visibility, and conversion rate, which can lead to lower CPD and higher LTV.

3. Leveraging organic and viral marketing channels. Besides paid app marketing campaigns, you can also use organic and viral marketing channels to acquire new users and increase your app awareness. For example, you can use social media, blogs, podcasts, newsletters, and influencers to promote your app and generate word-of-mouth referrals. You can also encourage your existing users to share your app with their friends and family by offering them rewards, discounts, or bonuses. This can help you reduce your CPD and increase your LTV by acquiring more loyal and satisfied users.

4. Improving your app quality and user experience. The quality and user experience of your app are crucial for retaining and engaging your users. You need to ensure that your app is fast, reliable, secure, and easy to use. You also need to provide your users with valuable and relevant features, content, and services that meet their needs and expectations. You can use various tools, such as analytics, feedback, and testing, to monitor and improve your app performance, functionality, and design. This can help you reduce your app uninstall rate, increase your user retention rate, and boost your user engagement and monetization, which can lead to higher LTV and lower CPD.

8. Key takeaways and best practices for achieving success with CPD

Cost Per Download (CPD) is a metric that measures how much it costs to acquire a new user for your app or game through paid advertising campaigns. It is calculated by dividing the total ad spend by the number of downloads generated. CPD is an important indicator of the efficiency and profitability of your user acquisition strategy, as well as the quality and retention of your users. However, CPD alone does not tell the whole story of your app's performance. You need to consider other key performance indicators (KPIs) that are tied to CPD and their impact on your business success. Here are some of the most relevant KPIs that you should track and optimize along with CPD:

- Cost Per Install (CPI): This is the amount of money spent to get a user to install your app after downloading it. CPI is usually higher than CPD, as not all downloads result in installs. CPI depends on factors such as the size of your app, the device compatibility, the user experience, and the app store optimization. A low CPI indicates that your app is appealing and easy to install for your target audience.

- Cost Per Action (CPA): This is the amount of money spent to get a user to perform a desired action within your app, such as registering, making a purchase, or completing a level. CPA is a measure of the engagement and monetization potential of your users. CPA is usually higher than CPI, as not all installs result in actions. CPA depends on factors such as the app design, the value proposition, the user segmentation, and the incentive structure. A low CPA indicates that your app is engaging and rewarding for your users.

- Return On Ad Spend (ROAS): This is the ratio of the revenue generated by your users to the amount of money spent to acquire them. ROAS is a measure of the profitability and scalability of your user acquisition strategy. ROAS is usually higher than 1, as you want to make more money than you spend. ROAS depends on factors such as the app category, the monetization model, the user lifetime value, and the retention rate. A high ROAS indicates that your app is profitable and sustainable for your business.

These are some of the key takeaways and best practices for achieving success with CPD:

- Optimize your app store page: Your app store page is the first impression that your potential users have of your app. It should be clear, attractive, and informative, highlighting the unique features and benefits of your app. You should also use relevant keywords, screenshots, videos, and ratings to improve your app store optimization and increase your organic downloads.

- Test and refine your ad creatives: Your ad creatives are the main drivers of your paid downloads. They should be catchy, relevant, and persuasive, showcasing the value and fun of your app. You should also use different formats, such as banners, interstitials, videos, and playable ads, to reach different audiences and platforms. You should constantly test and refine your ad creatives to improve your click-through rate and conversion rate.

- Target and segment your users: Your users are not a homogeneous group. They have different preferences, behaviors, and needs. You should use data and analytics to target and segment your users based on various criteria, such as demographics, geolocation, device type, interests, and in-app actions. You should also use different ad networks, channels, and campaigns to reach different user segments and optimize your bid strategy and budget allocation.

- Measure and analyze your results: You should always monitor and evaluate your user acquisition performance using the KPIs mentioned above, as well as other metrics, such as impressions, clicks, downloads, installs, actions, revenue, and retention. You should also use tools and platforms, such as attribution, analytics, and dashboard, to collect and visualize your data and insights. You should use your results to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and to make data-driven decisions and improvements.

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