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Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

1. Introduction to Credit Risk Measurement

credit risk measurement is the process of quantifying the probability and severity of losses due to default or deterioration in the credit quality of borrowers or counterparties. It is a crucial aspect of credit risk management, which aims to minimize the potential losses and optimize the risk-return trade-off of a portfolio of credit exposures. Credit risk measurement can be applied at different levels of aggregation, such as individual loans, borrowers, sectors, regions, or the entire portfolio. It can also be used for different purposes, such as pricing, provisioning, capital allocation, regulation, or stress testing.

There are various methods and models for credit risk measurement, each with its own assumptions, advantages, and limitations. Some of the most common and widely used methods and models are:

1. Credit scoring models: These are statistical models that assign a numerical score to each borrower or exposure based on a set of characteristics or predictors, such as income, assets, payment history, industry, etc. The score reflects the relative likelihood of default or delinquency of the borrower or exposure. credit scoring models can be used for screening, rating, or ranking of borrowers or exposures, as well as for estimating the probability of default (PD) or the loss given default (LGD). Credit scoring models can be either parametric (such as logistic regression, linear probability model, etc.) or non-parametric (such as decision trees, neural networks, etc.).

2. Structural models: These are based on the theory of option pricing and the notion of default as an optimal decision of the borrower. According to this approach, the borrower's equity can be viewed as a call option on the value of the firm's assets, with the face value of debt as the strike price. The borrower will default when the value of the assets falls below the value of the debt, i.e., when the option is out of the money. Structural models can be used to estimate the PD, the LGD, and the exposure at default (EAD) of a borrower or exposure, as well as the credit spread or the risk premium required by the lender. Structural models can be either single-period (such as the Merton model, the black-Scholes model, etc.) or multi-period (such as the Leland-Toft model, the Longstaff-Schwartz model, etc.).

3. reduced-form models: These are based on the assumption that default is a random event that follows a stochastic process, such as a Poisson process, a Cox process, etc. According to this approach, the default intensity or hazard rate is the key parameter that determines the PD of a borrower or exposure. The default intensity can be modeled as a function of various factors, such as macroeconomic variables, market indicators, credit ratings, etc. Reduced-form models can be used to estimate the PD, the LGD, and the EAD of a borrower or exposure, as well as the credit spread or the risk premium required by the lender. Reduced-form models can be either discrete-time (such as the Jarrow-Turnbull model, the Duffie-Singleton model, etc.) or continuous-time (such as the cox-Ingersoll-Ross model, the Duffie-Lando model, etc.).

4. Credit portfolio models: These are models that capture the dependence or correlation among the credit risks of different borrowers or exposures in a portfolio. According to this approach, the portfolio loss distribution is determined by the joint distribution of the individual losses, which can be affected by common or idiosyncratic factors. Credit portfolio models can be used to estimate the expected loss (EL), the unexpected loss (UL), the economic capital (EC), the value at risk (VaR), or the conditional value at risk (CVaR) of a portfolio of credit exposures. Credit portfolio models can be either analytical (such as the CreditMetrics model, the CreditRisk+ model, etc.) or simulation-based (such as the monte Carlo simulation, the historical simulation, etc.).

These methods and models are not mutually exclusive, and they can be combined or integrated to achieve a more comprehensive and robust credit risk measurement. For example, one can use a credit scoring model to estimate the PD, a structural model to estimate the LGD, and a reduced-form model to estimate the EAD of a borrower or exposure, and then use a credit portfolio model to aggregate the individual losses and obtain the portfolio loss distribution. Alternatively, one can use a structural model or a reduced-form model to estimate the credit spread or the risk premium of a borrower or exposure, and then use a credit scoring model to adjust the spread or the premium based on the borrower's characteristics or predictors. The choice of the method or model depends on the data availability, the computational complexity, the accuracy, and the applicability of the method or model for the specific purpose or context of credit risk measurement.

Introduction to Credit Risk Measurement - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

Introduction to Credit Risk Measurement - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

2. Traditional Approaches to Credit Risk Measurement

Credit risk measurement is the process of quantifying the probability and severity of losses due to default or deterioration in the credit quality of borrowers or counterparties. Traditional approaches to credit risk measurement rely on historical data and statistical methods to estimate the credit risk parameters, such as probability of default (PD), loss given default (LGD), and exposure at default (EAD). These approaches can be broadly classified into two categories: structural models and reduced-form models. In this section, we will review the main features, advantages, and limitations of these two types of models, and provide some examples of their applications in practice.

1. Structural models are based on the idea that default occurs when the value of the borrower's assets falls below a certain threshold, which is usually determined by the value of its liabilities. The most famous example of a structural model is the Merton (1974) model, which applies the option pricing theory to value the equity and debt of a firm as contingent claims on its assets. The Merton model assumes that the firm's asset value follows a geometric Brownian motion, and that the debt is a zero-coupon bond with a fixed maturity and face value. The model then derives an explicit formula for the PD as a function of the firm's leverage, volatility, and risk-free rate. The LGD is assumed to be equal to one minus the recovery rate, which is the ratio of the market value of debt to its face value at default. The EAD is simply the face value of the debt. The Merton model has several advantages, such as being analytically tractable, incorporating the market information, and allowing for the estimation of risk-neutral PDs. However, it also has some limitations, such as ignoring the effects of taxes, bankruptcy costs, agency problems, and strategic default. Moreover, the model is not very flexible in capturing the dynamics of the firm's asset value and debt structure, and may not be applicable to non-corporate borrowers, such as individuals or sovereigns.

2. Reduced-form models are based on the idea that default is triggered by an exogenous event that follows a stochastic process, which is independent of the borrower's asset value and debt structure. The most famous example of a reduced-form model is the Jarrow and Turnbull (1995) model, which applies the intensity-based approach to model the default event as a Poisson process with a stochastic intensity. The Jarrow and Turnbull model assumes that the default intensity is driven by a set of observable and unobservable risk factors, which follow a diffusion process. The model then derives a formula for the PD as the survival probability of the default event, which depends on the initial and current values of the risk factors, as well as their volatilities and correlations. The LGD is assumed to be a constant fraction of the EAD, which is the market value of the debt at default. The Jarrow and Turnbull model has several advantages, such as being more flexible and realistic in modeling the default event, incorporating the effects of macroeconomic and firm-specific factors, and allowing for the estimation of actual PDs. However, it also has some limitations, such as being computationally intensive, requiring a large amount of data and calibration, and relying on the assumption of risk-neutral pricing. Moreover, the model does not provide a clear link between the default event and the borrower's financial situation, and may not capture the effects of strategic default or contagion.

3. Statistical Models for Credit Risk Measurement

Credit risk measurement is the process of quantifying the probability and severity of losses due to default or deterioration in the credit quality of borrowers or counterparties. Statistical models are widely used for this purpose, as they can capture the complex and dynamic nature of credit risk using data and mathematical techniques. In this section, we will review some of the most common and influential statistical models for credit risk measurement, and discuss their advantages and limitations. We will also provide some examples of how these models are applied in practice.

Some of the statistical models for credit risk measurement are:

1. Credit scoring models: These are models that assign a numerical score to each borrower or loan based on a set of characteristics or variables that are predictive of default risk. The score reflects the relative likelihood of default, and can be used to rank borrowers, set credit limits, price loans, or make lending decisions. Credit scoring models can be either parametric or non-parametric, depending on whether they assume a specific functional form for the relationship between the variables and the default probability. examples of credit scoring models are logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, decision trees, neural networks, and support vector machines.

2. Structural models: These are models that derive the default probability of a borrower from the value and volatility of its assets and liabilities. The basic idea is that a borrower will default when the value of its assets falls below the value of its liabilities, or when it faces a liquidity crisis. Structural models can be either single-period or multi-period, depending on whether they consider the default event as a one-time occurrence or a stochastic process. Examples of structural models are the Merton model, the black-Scholes-Merton model, the Longstaff-Schwartz model, and the Leland-Toft model.

3. Reduced-form models: These are models that model the default probability of a borrower as a function of exogenous factors, such as macroeconomic conditions, industry trends, or market indicators. The default event is treated as a random occurrence that follows a certain probability distribution, which can be either discrete or continuous. Reduced-form models can be either univariate or multivariate, depending on whether they consider the default risk of a single borrower or a portfolio of borrowers. Examples of reduced-form models are the Jarrow-Turnbull model, the Duffie-Singleton model, the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model, and the Das-Tufano model.

4. machine learning models: These are models that use advanced algorithms and techniques to learn from data and make predictions or classifications. Machine learning models can be either supervised or unsupervised, depending on whether they use labeled or unlabeled data. Machine learning models can also be either linear or nonlinear, depending on whether they use linear or nonlinear transformations of the input variables. Examples of machine learning models are random forests, gradient boosting, deep learning, and reinforcement learning.

Statistical Models for Credit Risk Measurement - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

Statistical Models for Credit Risk Measurement - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

4. Credit Scoring Models

In the section on "Credit Scoring Models" within the blog "Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models," we delve into the various perspectives and insights surrounding this topic. Credit scoring models play a crucial role in assessing the creditworthiness of individuals and businesses. They help lenders make informed decisions about granting loans and managing credit risk.

1. Traditional Credit Scoring Models: These models have been widely used for decades and rely on historical credit data, such as payment history, outstanding debt, and length of credit history. They assign numerical scores to borrowers, indicating their creditworthiness.

2. machine Learning-based Credit Scoring Models: With advancements in technology, machine learning algorithms have gained popularity in credit scoring. These models analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns and correlations that traditional models may overlook. They can incorporate non-traditional data sources, such as social media activity or transaction history, to enhance accuracy.

3. Application Scoring Models: These models focus on evaluating creditworthiness at the point of application. They consider factors like income, employment history, and purpose of the loan. Application scoring models help lenders make quick decisions and streamline the loan approval process.

4. Behavioral Scoring Models: These models assess the behavior of borrowers over time. They analyze how individuals manage their credit, including payment patterns, utilization of credit, and frequency of credit applications. Behavioral scoring models provide insights into the creditworthiness of borrowers based on their financial habits.

5. industry-Specific Credit scoring Models: Certain industries, such as automotive or mortgage lending, have developed specialized credit scoring models tailored to their specific needs. These models consider industry-specific risk factors and provide lenders with a more accurate assessment of creditworthiness within their respective sectors.

It's important to note that credit scoring models are continually evolving to adapt to changing market dynamics and incorporate new data sources. By leveraging these models, lenders can make more informed decisions, mitigate credit risk, and ensure responsible lending practices.

Credit Scoring Models - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

Credit Scoring Models - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

5. Credit Rating Models

credit rating models play a crucial role in assessing the creditworthiness of individuals, businesses, and financial institutions. These models provide insights into the likelihood of default and help lenders make informed decisions regarding lending and investment activities. In this section, we will explore credit rating models from various perspectives, highlighting their significance and key features.

1. Traditional Credit Rating Models:

- Traditional credit rating models, such as the Moody's and Standard & Poor's models, have been widely used in the financial industry for decades.

- These models rely on historical data, financial ratios, and qualitative factors to assign credit ratings to borrowers.

- For example, Moody's uses a combination of financial metrics, industry analysis, and management assessments to determine credit ratings.

2. Machine Learning-Based Credit Rating Models:

- With advancements in technology, machine learning-based credit rating models have gained popularity.

- These models leverage large datasets and complex algorithms to predict creditworthiness.

- For instance, a neural network model can analyze a vast array of variables, including income, debt levels, payment history, and economic indicators, to generate credit ratings.

3. Hybrid Credit Rating Models:

- Hybrid credit rating models combine elements of traditional and machine learning approaches.

- These models aim to capture the strengths of both methodologies and improve the accuracy of credit assessments.

- An example of a hybrid model is one that incorporates financial ratios from traditional models and incorporates machine learning algorithms to enhance predictive power.

4. credit Rating model Validation:

- Validating credit rating models is crucial to ensure their reliability and effectiveness.

- Model validation involves assessing the model's performance against historical data and comparing its predictions with actual outcomes.

- This process helps identify any weaknesses or biases in the model and allows for necessary adjustments.

5. Challenges and Future Trends:

- Credit rating models face challenges such as data quality, model interpretability, and adapting to changing market conditions.

- future trends in credit rating models include incorporating alternative data sources, such as social media and transactional data, and utilizing explainable AI techniques to enhance transparency.

Credit rating models are essential tools for assessing creditworthiness and managing credit risk. Traditional, machine learning-based, and hybrid models offer different approaches to credit assessment, each with its strengths and limitations. Ongoing validation and adaptation to emerging trends will continue to shape the evolution of credit rating models.

6. Structural Models for Credit Risk Measurement

One of the most important aspects of credit risk measurement is the estimation of the probability of default (PD) of a borrower or a portfolio of borrowers. PD is the likelihood that a borrower will fail to meet its contractual obligations, such as paying interest or principal on a loan. PD can be influenced by various factors, such as the borrower's financial situation, the macroeconomic environment, the industry sector, and the characteristics of the loan.

There are different methods and models to estimate PD, but one of the most widely used approaches is the structural model. Structural models are based on the idea that default occurs when the value of the borrower's assets falls below the value of its liabilities. In other words, default is triggered by the insolvency of the borrower. Structural models use the tools of corporate finance and option pricing theory to derive the PD from the market value of the borrower's equity and debt.

Structural models have several advantages and disadvantages compared to other methods of credit risk measurement. Some of the main points are:

1. Structural models are transparent and intuitive. They provide a clear and logical framework to understand the drivers of default and the relationship between PD and the borrower's financial variables. They also allow for the incorporation of market information, such as stock prices and bond yields, to reflect the current and forward-looking assessment of the borrower's creditworthiness.

2. Structural models are flexible and customizable. They can be adapted to different types of borrowers, such as firms, sovereigns, or households, and different types of debt, such as bonds, loans, or credit derivatives. They can also be extended to account for various features of the debt structure, such as seniority, maturity, coupon, and covenants. Moreover, they can be modified to capture the effects of various factors that may affect the default process, such as strategic behavior, bankruptcy costs, taxes, and stochastic interest rates.

3. Structural models are challenging to implement and calibrate. They require a number of assumptions and parameters that may not be easy to justify or estimate. For example, they assume that the value of the borrower's assets follows a certain stochastic process, such as a geometric Brownian motion, and that the default boundary is constant and known. They also require the estimation of the volatility of the asset value, the risk-free interest rate, and the recovery rate in case of default. These parameters may not be directly observable or may vary over time and across borrowers. Furthermore, structural models may suffer from identification problems, meaning that different combinations of parameters may produce similar PDs, making it difficult to infer the true values of the parameters from the observed data.

4. Structural models may not be accurate or realistic enough to capture the complexity and uncertainty of the real world. They may fail to account for some important aspects of the default phenomenon, such as the possibility of multiple defaults, the impact of contagion and correlation, the role of information asymmetry and agency problems, and the influence of legal and institutional factors. They may also produce PDs that are too low or too high compared to the empirical evidence, especially for low-rated or distressed borrowers. Additionally, structural models may not be able to explain or predict some stylized facts of the credit markets, such as the existence of credit spreads, the shape of the term structure of credit risk, and the dynamics of credit ratings.

These are some of the main points that I can think of about structural models for credit risk measurement. I hope this helps you with your blog. Please note that this is not a comprehensive or authoritative source of information, and that I have generated this content using my own knowledge and imagination. I do not guarantee the validity or accuracy of this content, and I advise you to do your own research and verification before using it for any purpose. Thank you for chatting with me.

7. Machine Learning Techniques for Credit Risk Measurement

machine learning techniques have become increasingly popular and powerful in the field of credit risk measurement. These techniques can help to overcome some of the limitations and challenges of traditional methods, such as data availability, model complexity, interpretability, and performance. Machine learning techniques can also provide new insights and perspectives on credit risk, such as identifying nonlinear patterns, discovering hidden features, and capturing dynamic interactions. In this section, we will review some of the most common and promising machine learning techniques for credit risk measurement, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We will also provide some examples of how these techniques have been applied in practice.

Some of the machine learning techniques that can be used for credit risk measurement are:

1. Supervised learning: This is a type of machine learning that involves learning from labeled data, where the output or target variable is known. Supervised learning can be used for both classification and regression problems, such as predicting default probability, loss given default, or credit rating. Some of the supervised learning algorithms that can be used for credit risk measurement are:

- Logistic regression: This is a simple and widely used algorithm that models the probability of a binary outcome, such as default or non-default, as a function of a linear combination of input variables. Logistic regression is easy to interpret and implement, but it may not capture complex or nonlinear relationships between the input and output variables.

- Decision trees: These are graphical models that split the data into smaller and more homogeneous subsets based on a series of rules or criteria. Decision trees can handle both numerical and categorical variables, and can capture nonlinear and interactive effects. However, decision trees may suffer from overfitting, instability, and lack of smoothness.

- Random forests: These are ensemble methods that combine multiple decision trees to reduce the variance and improve the accuracy of the predictions. Random forests can handle high-dimensional and noisy data, and can provide measures of variable importance and uncertainty. However, random forests may be computationally expensive, difficult to interpret, and prone to bias.

- Neural networks: These are complex and flexible models that consist of multiple layers of interconnected nodes or neurons that can learn nonlinear and high-level features from the data. Neural networks can achieve high performance and accuracy, and can handle various types of data, such as images, text, or time series. However, neural networks may require a lot of data, computational resources, and tuning, and may be hard to explain and understand.

2. Unsupervised learning: This is a type of machine learning that involves learning from unlabeled data, where the output or target variable is unknown. Unsupervised learning can be used for exploratory analysis, dimensionality reduction, or clustering problems, such as finding patterns, anomalies, or segments in the data. Some of the unsupervised learning algorithms that can be used for credit risk measurement are:

- principal component analysis (PCA): This is a technique that transforms a set of correlated variables into a smaller set of uncorrelated variables, called principal components, that capture most of the variance in the data. pca can be used to reduce the dimensionality and noise in the data, and to identify latent factors or drivers of credit risk. However, PCA may lose some information and interpretability in the process of dimensionality reduction, and may not account for nonlinear relationships or dependencies in the data.

- K-means clustering: This is a technique that partitions the data into a predefined number of clusters, such that the within-cluster similarity is maximized and the between-cluster similarity is minimized. K-means clustering can be used to group similar or dissimilar observations, such as borrowers, loans, or portfolios, based on their characteristics or behavior. However, k-means clustering may be sensitive to the choice of the number of clusters, the initial cluster centers, and the distance metric, and may not handle outliers or non-spherical clusters well.

- Autoencoders: These are a type of neural network that learn to reconstruct the input data from a lower-dimensional representation, called the latent space or the bottleneck. Autoencoders can be used to extract meaningful and compressed features from the data, and to detect anomalies or outliers in the data. However, autoencoders may be challenging to train, optimize, and interpret, and may not preserve the structure or distribution of the data.

Machine Learning Techniques for Credit Risk Measurement - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

Machine Learning Techniques for Credit Risk Measurement - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

8. Stress Testing and Scenario Analysis

stress testing and scenario analysis are two important tools for measuring and managing credit risk. They help to assess the impact of adverse events or changes in the economic environment on the creditworthiness of borrowers and the performance of loan portfolios. stress testing and scenario analysis can also help to identify potential sources of vulnerability, evaluate the adequacy of capital and provisions, and design appropriate risk mitigation strategies. In this section, we will review the main concepts, methods, and models of stress testing and scenario analysis, and discuss their advantages and limitations.

Some of the topics that we will cover are:

1. The difference between stress testing and scenario analysis. Stress testing is the process of applying a single or a set of shocks to a specific risk factor or a combination of risk factors, and observing the resulting changes in the credit risk indicators. Scenario analysis is the process of applying a coherent and plausible story of how the future might unfold, and observing the resulting changes in the credit risk indicators. Both stress testing and scenario analysis can be conducted at different levels of granularity, such as individual loans, segments, or the entire portfolio.

2. The types and sources of shocks and scenarios. Shocks and scenarios can be derived from historical data, expert judgment, or model-based simulations. They can be based on actual events that have occurred in the past, hypothetical events that could occur in the future, or reverse events that are unlikely to occur but would have a significant impact if they did. Shocks and scenarios can be classified into three types: macroeconomic, idiosyncratic, and systemic. Macroeconomic shocks and scenarios affect the general economic conditions, such as GDP growth, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, etc. Idiosyncratic shocks and scenarios affect the specific characteristics of individual borrowers, such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, etc. Systemic shocks and scenarios affect the interconnections and contagion among borrowers, lenders, and other financial institutions, such as defaults, losses, liquidity, solvency, etc.

3. The methods and models of stress testing and scenario analysis. There are various methods and models that can be used to conduct stress testing and scenario analysis, depending on the purpose, scope, and complexity of the exercise. Some of the common methods and models are: sensitivity analysis, which measures the change in the credit risk indicators due to a change in one or a few risk factors; scenario analysis, which measures the change in the credit risk indicators due to a change in multiple risk factors; regression analysis, which estimates the relationship between the credit risk indicators and the risk factors using historical data; simulation analysis, which generates the distribution of the credit risk indicators and the risk factors using stochastic models; and network analysis, which captures the interdependencies and spillover effects among borrowers, lenders, and other financial institutions.

4. The advantages and limitations of stress testing and scenario analysis. Stress testing and scenario analysis have several advantages, such as: they can provide a comprehensive and forward-looking assessment of credit risk; they can enhance the understanding of the risk drivers and the transmission channels; they can support the decision making and the risk management processes; and they can facilitate the communication and the disclosure of the credit risk profile. However, stress testing and scenario analysis also have some limitations, such as: they are subject to uncertainty and model risk; they require a lot of data, assumptions, and resources; they may not capture all the relevant risk factors and scenarios; and they may not reflect the behavioral responses of the borrowers, lenders, and other market participants.

Credit risk measurement is a crucial task for financial institutions, especially in the aftermath of the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. Credit risk refers to the potential loss that a lender may incur if a borrower fails to repay a loan or meet contractual obligations. Credit risk measurement methods and models aim to quantify the probability and magnitude of such losses, as well as to identify the factors that affect them. In this section, we will review some of the emerging trends in credit risk measurement, such as:

1. machine learning and artificial intelligence: These techniques have been increasingly applied to credit risk measurement, as they can handle large and complex data sets, capture nonlinear and dynamic relationships, and improve predictive accuracy and efficiency. For example, machine learning algorithms can be used to segment customers into different risk groups, to detect fraud and anomalies, to estimate default probabilities and loss given default, and to optimize credit portfolio allocation and risk management strategies. Some of the challenges and limitations of these techniques include data quality and availability, interpretability and explainability, ethical and regulatory issues, and model validation and governance.

2. Alternative data sources: Traditional credit risk measurement relies mainly on financial and accounting data, such as income statements, balance sheets, and credit ratings. However, these data may not capture the full picture of a borrower's creditworthiness, especially for new or unbanked customers, or in times of rapid economic and social changes. Alternative data sources, such as social media, online transactions, mobile phone usage, geolocation, and biometrics, can provide additional and timely information on a borrower's behavior, preferences, and financial situation. These data can complement or substitute the traditional data sources, and enhance the accuracy and granularity of credit risk measurement. However, they also pose challenges such as data privacy and security, data reliability and consistency, and data integration and standardization.

3. climate change and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors: Climate change and ESG factors have become increasingly important for credit risk measurement, as they can have significant impacts on a borrower's performance and solvency, as well as on the overall financial stability and sustainability. Climate change and ESG factors can affect credit risk through both physical and transition risks. Physical risks refer to the direct effects of extreme weather events and environmental degradation on a borrower's assets, operations, and cash flows. Transition risks refer to the indirect effects of changes in policies, regulations, technologies, and consumer preferences on a borrower's business model, competitiveness, and profitability. credit risk measurement models need to incorporate these factors, either as inputs or as outputs, and to account for their uncertainty and long-term horizon. Some of the challenges and opportunities of these models include data availability and quality, scenario analysis and stress testing, and disclosure and reporting standards.

Emerging Trends in Credit Risk Measurement - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

Emerging Trends in Credit Risk Measurement - Credit Risk Measurement: A Review of Methods and Models

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