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Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

1. Introduction to Customer Advocacy in Relationship Marketing

customer advocacy in relationship marketing represents a paradigm shift from traditional marketing strategies that focus on sales transactions to a holistic approach that emphasizes long-term customer engagement and loyalty. This concept is rooted in the belief that customers who are deeply satisfied with a brand are more likely to advocate on its behalf, sharing their positive experiences with others and driving organic growth. In an era where consumers are bombarded with countless marketing messages, the endorsement of a genuine customer carries significant weight.

From the perspective of a business, customer advocacy is a testament to the company's ability to not only meet but exceed customer expectations. It's a powerful form of marketing that can't be bought; it must be earned through consistent, exceptional service and product quality. On the other hand, customers view advocacy as a way to share their satisfaction and help others make informed decisions. It's a win-win situation where businesses grow through word-of-mouth and customers become influential contributors to a brand's reputation.

Here are some in-depth insights into the role of customer advocacy in relationship marketing:

1. Trust Building: Advocacy begins with trust, which is cultivated over time through positive interactions and experiences with a brand. A customer who trusts a brand is more likely to recommend it to others.

2. Customer Retention: Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal to a brand. By focusing on advocacy, companies can increase retention rates, which is often more cost-effective than acquiring new customers.

3. Feedback Loop: Advocates often provide valuable feedback that can help a company improve its products and services. This feedback loop is essential for continuous improvement and innovation.

4. Peer Influence: In the digital age, peer recommendations are incredibly influential. Advocates who share their experiences online can sway potential customers who trust peer reviews over traditional advertising.

5. Community Building: Advocacy helps in creating a community of loyal customers who engage with each other and the brand. This sense of community can lead to higher levels of engagement and brand loyalty.

6. Brand Differentiation: In crowded markets, advocacy can differentiate a brand by highlighting the unique experiences of its customers. This can be a key factor in a customer's decision-making process.

7. Cost-Effective Marketing: Customer advocacy is a cost-effective marketing strategy. Instead of spending heavily on advertising, companies can invest in improving customer experiences to drive advocacy.

8. Increased Sales: Ultimately, advocacy can lead to increased sales. When customers advocate for a brand, they extend its reach and can attract new customers who might not have been reached through traditional marketing channels.

For example, consider a software company that implements a customer advocacy program. They encourage users to share their experiences with the software on social media. One user, a graphic designer, posts a before-and-after image of her work, crediting the software for the improvement. This post not only showcases the software's capabilities but also serves as a peer endorsement that is likely to resonate with other graphic designers.

customer advocacy is a cornerstone of relationship marketing that benefits both the brand and the customer. It fosters a collaborative environment where customers feel valued and are motivated to share their positive experiences, thereby driving the brand's growth and success.

Introduction to Customer Advocacy in Relationship Marketing - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

Introduction to Customer Advocacy in Relationship Marketing - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

2. The Pillars of Customer Advocacy

Customer advocacy is the heartbeat of a thriving business, representing the bridge between a company's offerings and the community it serves. It's a multifaceted discipline that goes beyond mere customer service; it's about fostering a proactive relationship where customers are not just satisfied—they are enthusiastic proponents of the brand. This enthusiastic support is not garnered through happenstance but is the result of a strategic approach that involves several key elements. These elements, or pillars, are the foundation upon which customer advocacy is built, ensuring that customers feel valued, understood, and compelled to share their positive experiences with others.

1. Understanding Customer Needs: The first pillar is deeply understanding customer needs. This involves active listening and empathy, ensuring that the solutions provided are not just adequate but tailored to address specific concerns. For example, a software company might use customer feedback to develop a new feature that simplifies a common task, thereby demonstrating responsiveness to user needs.

2. building trust: Trust is paramount, and it is earned by consistently delivering on promises and maintaining transparency. A classic example is outdoor clothing brand Patagonia, which has built a loyal following through its commitment to quality and environmental sustainability.

3. Creating Exceptional Experiences: Every interaction with a customer should be an opportunity to exceed expectations. Whether it's through personalized service, surprise upgrades, or thoughtful gestures, exceptional experiences turn customers into advocates. For instance, a hotel might surprise returning guests with a room upgrade, creating a memorable experience that guests are likely to share.

4. Empowering Customers: Empowered customers feel a sense of ownership and pride. This can be achieved by involving them in product development, community forums, or beta testing. Apple's beta software program is a great example, where users can try out and provide feedback on pre-release software.

5. recognizing and Rewarding loyalty: recognizing customer loyalty can reinforce positive feelings and encourage continued advocacy. A loyalty program that offers exclusive benefits or rewards for referrals can be highly effective, as seen with Amazon Prime's success.

6. Encouraging Community: Building a community around a brand allows customers to connect with each other, share experiences, and offer support. This sense of belonging can amplify advocacy, as seen with the vibrant communities around gaming companies like Blizzard Entertainment.

7. Responding to Feedback: Finally, responding to both positive and negative feedback shows that a company values all customer input. This responsiveness not only improves products and services but also demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement.

By focusing on these pillars, companies can create a strong foundation for customer advocacy, turning satisfied customers into vocal supporters who help drive growth and success. The synergy between a brand and its advocates is a powerful force, one that can propel a company to new heights in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

The Pillars of Customer Advocacy - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

The Pillars of Customer Advocacy - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

3. Strategies for Cultivating Customer Advocates

Cultivating customer advocates is an essential strategy in customer relationship marketing, as it transforms satisfied customers into vocal proponents for a brand. This process not only enhances brand reputation but also drives organic growth through word-of-mouth marketing. Advocates are customers who have had positive experiences with a company's products or services and are willing to share these experiences with others. They are not simply repeat buyers but are actively engaged in promoting the brand without any expectation of compensation. Their advocacy stems from a genuine appreciation for the brand, which can be more persuasive than traditional advertising.

Here are some strategies for cultivating customer advocates:

1. exceptional Customer service: Ensure every interaction with customers is positive, helpful, and exceeds expectations. For example, Zappos is renowned for its customer service, often going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction, which in turn leads to high levels of customer advocacy.

2. Engagement Through Social Media: Use social media platforms to engage with customers, respond to their queries, and acknowledge their feedback. A customer who receives a prompt and friendly response is more likely to become an advocate.

3. Loyalty Programs: Create loyalty programs that reward customers for their repeat business and referrals. Sephora's Beauty Insider program rewards points for purchases, which can be redeemed for products, thus encouraging customers to become brand advocates.

4. customer Feedback loop: Implement a system to collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback. This shows customers that their opinions are valued and can lead to improvements that make them more likely to recommend the brand.

5. Exclusive Experiences: Offer exclusive experiences or insider access that customers can't get anywhere else. For instance, Apple's product launches create a sense of exclusivity and community among its customers, encouraging them to advocate for the brand.

6. Storytelling: encourage customers to share their stories and experiences with the brand. These narratives can be powerful testimonials that resonate with potential customers.

7. Community Building: Foster a community around the brand where customers can interact, share experiences, and feel a sense of belonging. Harley-Davidson's owner groups are a prime example of brand communities that drive advocacy.

8. Influencer Partnerships: Partner with influencers who align with the brand's values and can authentically represent the brand to their followers.

9. quality Products and services: Ultimately, the quality of the products or services is paramount. No amount of marketing can substitute for a product that meets and exceeds customer expectations.

10. Surprise and Delight: Go beyond what's expected by surprising customers with unexpected perks or thoughtful gestures. This can turn a regular customer into a passionate advocate.

By implementing these strategies, companies can build a strong foundation of customer advocates who will contribute significantly to the brand's success. The key is to consistently deliver value and exceed expectations, turning customers into enthusiastic supporters.

Strategies for Cultivating Customer Advocates - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

Strategies for Cultivating Customer Advocates - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

4. Measuring the Impact of Customer Advocacy

measuring the impact of customer advocacy is a multifaceted process that involves analyzing various aspects of customer behavior and the ripple effects they have on a brand's growth and reputation. Customer advocates are not just repeat buyers; they are the vocal supporters of your brand, the ones who are likely to recommend your products or services to others, and contribute to discussions about your brand in a positive light. Their actions can significantly amplify your marketing efforts, often leading to a more authentic and sustainable form of growth. To truly understand the value they bring, it's essential to look at both quantitative and qualitative measures.

From a quantitative perspective, one might consider metrics such as Net Promoter score (NPS), which gauges the likelihood of customers recommending your brand, or Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), which reflects the total worth of a customer to a company over the entirety of their relationship. However, these numbers only tell part of the story. Qualitative insights, such as customer testimonials, social media interactions, and participation in community forums, can provide a deeper understanding of the sentiment and enthusiasm of your customer advocates.

Here are some in-depth points to consider when measuring the impact of customer advocacy:

1. net Promoter score (NPS): This metric is based on the simple question: "How likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?" Scores range from -100 to 100, with higher scores indicating a healthier advocacy level.

2. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Calculating the CLV involves assessing the revenue a customer generates over their entire relationship with your brand, minus the costs associated with acquiring and serving them.

3. Referral Rates: Keep track of how many new customers are acquired through referrals from existing customers. This is a direct indicator of advocacy in action.

4. social Media engagement: Analyze likes, shares, comments, and mentions to gauge how customers are interacting with your brand on social platforms.

5. customer Reviews and testimonials: Collect and evaluate customer feedback across various platforms. Positive reviews can be a powerful testament to strong customer advocacy.

6. Participation in Loyalty Programs: active participation in loyalty programs can indicate a higher level of engagement and advocacy.

7. Content Creation: Customers who create content such as blogs, videos, or social media posts about your brand are demonstrating a high level of advocacy.

8. Community Involvement: Look at how customers engage with your brand in forums, user groups, or other community-based platforms.

9. customer Feedback and suggestions: Engaged advocates often provide valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement, which can be a goldmine for innovation.

10. brand Sentiment analysis: Use tools to analyze the sentiment of mentions and conversations about your brand online.

To highlight an idea with an example, consider a scenario where a customer not only makes regular purchases but also actively participates in your brand's online community, offers constructive product feedback, and creates user-generated content that showcases your products in action. This customer's activities contribute to a positive brand image and can influence others to explore and ultimately choose your brand over competitors.

Measuring the impact of customer advocacy requires a blend of looking at hard data and listening to the stories behind the numbers. It's about understanding the depth of your customers' relationship with your brand and recognizing the various ways they contribute to your brand's narrative and success. By doing so, you can foster stronger relationships and encourage even greater advocacy in the future.

Measuring the Impact of Customer Advocacy - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

Measuring the Impact of Customer Advocacy - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

5. Leveraging Social Proof through Customer Stories

social proof is a powerful psychological phenomenon where people conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of the correct behavior. In the context of customer relationship marketing, leveraging social proof through customer stories can be a particularly effective strategy. This approach not only showcases the value of your product or service but also builds trust and credibility with potential customers. By sharing real-life examples of how your offerings have positively impacted other customers, you create a narrative that prospects can relate to and see themselves in. These stories serve as tangible evidence of your company's ability to deliver on its promises and help to foster a sense of community among users.

From a business perspective, customer stories are a testament to the success of your product or service. They provide a platform for satisfied customers to share their experiences, which can then be used to attract new customers. From the customer's point of view, these stories offer reassurance that they are making a wise decision by choosing your brand. Here's how you can effectively leverage customer stories:

1. Collecting Impactful Testimonials: Reach out to your most satisfied customers and ask them to share their experiences. Focus on those who have seen significant benefits from your product or service, and encourage them to provide specific details about their journey.

2. Creating Case Studies: Develop in-depth case studies that highlight the challenges faced by your customers and how your solutions helped them overcome those challenges. Include metrics and data to quantify the impact.

3. Showcasing Diverse Scenarios: Present a variety of stories that cover different use cases and industries. This demonstrates the versatility of your offerings and broadens your appeal.

4. Incorporating Visuals: Use photos, videos, and infographics to make the stories more engaging and easier to digest. Visuals can help convey emotion and are often more memorable than text alone.

5. Sharing Across Platforms: Distribute your customer stories through multiple channels, such as your website, social media, email newsletters, and at events. This ensures a wider reach and increases the chances of resonating with potential customers.

6. encouraging Peer-to-peer Advocacy: Create a referral program that incentivizes customers to share their positive experiences with their peers. This can lead to organic growth and strengthen your customer community.

For example, a SaaS company might share a story of how a small business used their software to streamline operations, resulting in a 50% reduction in administrative time and a 20% increase in sales. This not only highlights the software's features but also provides a relatable success story for similar businesses.

By integrating customer stories into your marketing strategy, you not only validate your product's value but also create a narrative that potential customers can connect with, ultimately leading to a stronger foundation for customer advocacy. Remember, the goal is to turn happy customers into vocal advocates for your brand, creating a self-sustaining cycle of endorsement and trust.

Leveraging Social Proof through Customer Stories - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

Leveraging Social Proof through Customer Stories - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

6. Building a Community of Brand Advocates

building a community of brand advocates is a transformative strategy in customer relationship marketing. It's about nurturing customers who are not only loyal to your brand but are also willing to actively promote it. These advocates become an extension of your marketing team, sharing their positive experiences with your brand through word-of-mouth, social media, and other channels. This organic form of promotion is invaluable as it is authentic and resonates more deeply with potential customers. Brand advocates are born from consistently positive customer experiences, and their advocacy is a testament to a company's commitment to excellence.

To cultivate a robust community of brand advocates, consider the following strategies:

1. Exceptional Customer Service: Ensure that every interaction with your brand is positive. For example, Zappos, the online shoe retailer, is renowned for its customer service, often going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction, which in turn fosters brand advocacy.

2. Engagement and Recognition: engage with customers on social media and recognize their contributions. A simple shout-out or feature on your platforms can make customers feel valued and deepen their loyalty.

3. Exclusive Benefits: Offer exclusive perks to your most loyal customers. Early access to new products, special discounts, or invitations to events can make customers feel like VIPs and encourage them to share their experiences.

4. Feedback Loops: Create channels for feedback and show that you act on it. This demonstrates that you value customer input and are committed to continuous improvement.

5. Storytelling: Encourage customers to share their stories. GoPro, for instance, highlights user-generated content that showcases the versatility of their cameras, effectively turning their customers into brand ambassadors.

6. Community Building: Foster a sense of community among your customers. Harley-Davidson has mastered this with their owner groups, where enthusiasts can share their passion for the brand and motorcycles.

7. Consistent Communication: Keep in touch with your customers through regular updates and newsletters. This keeps your brand top-of-mind and reinforces the relationship.

8. Empowerment: Empower customers to make a difference. TOMS Shoes' "One for One" campaign, where a pair of shoes is donated for every pair purchased, allows customers to become advocates for the brand's mission.

9. Quality Products and Services: Ultimately, the quality of your offerings is paramount. Apple's dedication to design and functionality has created a legion of advocates who eagerly anticipate their next innovation.

By implementing these strategies, companies can transform satisfied customers into vocal advocates, creating a powerful marketing force that drives brand growth and reinforces customer loyalty.

Building a Community of Brand Advocates - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

Building a Community of Brand Advocates - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

7. Incentivizing Customers to Become Advocates

turning customers into advocates is a powerful marketing strategy. Advocates do more than just buy products; they become extensions of the brand itself, offering credible, trusted promotion that's more effective than any advertisement. To incentivize customers to step into this role, companies must go beyond the transactional aspects of business and foster genuine, emotional connections. This involves consistently delivering exceptional experiences, engaging in meaningful dialogue, and showing appreciation for their loyalty. It's about creating a community around the brand where customers feel valued and, in turn, naturally want to share their positive experiences with others.

Here are some strategies to incentivize customers to become advocates:

1. Loyalty Programs: Offer rewards that go beyond discounts. For example, early access to new products or exclusive events can make customers feel special and appreciated.

2. Engagement: Encourage customers to participate in product development through surveys or beta testing. This involvement can foster a sense of ownership and pride in the brand.

3. User-Generated Content: Inspire customers to create content about their experiences. A customer who posts a positive review or shares a photo with your product is providing a personal endorsement to their network.

4. Referral Bonuses: Provide incentives for customers who refer new clients. Dropbox, for instance, offers additional storage space for every successful referral.

5. Community Building: Create forums or social media groups where customers can interact, share tips, and offer support to one another. This builds a sense of belonging and community around your brand.

6. Exceptional Service: Ensure every customer service interaction is positive. Zappos, known for its customer service, often surprises customers with free upgrades to overnight shipping, creating memorable experiences.

7. Personalization: Use data to tailor experiences and communications. Spotify's personalized playlists are a great example of using customer data to enhance the user experience.

8. Recognition: Acknowledge and celebrate your customers. Feature customer stories on your website or social media to show that you value their input and experiences.

9. Feedback Loop: Actively seek and respond to customer feedback. Showing that you listen and make changes based on their suggestions can strengthen their commitment to your brand.

10. Exclusive Access: Give loyal customers first dibs on sales or new products. Apple's early access to product launches for existing customers is a way to make them feel privileged and connected to the brand.

By implementing these strategies, companies can transform satisfied customers into enthusiastic advocates who spread the word about their positive experiences, attracting new customers and creating a self-sustaining cycle of promotion and loyalty. Remember, the goal is to create a win-win situation where customers are rewarded for their advocacy, and the company benefits from organic, trustworthy marketing.

Incentivizing Customers to Become Advocates - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

Incentivizing Customers to Become Advocates - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

8. Integrating Customer Advocacy into Your Marketing Funnel

Customer advocacy is a potent element in the marketing funnel, serving as a bridge between a company's efforts and the genuine endorsement of its products or services by its customers. This advocacy goes beyond mere satisfaction; it's about customers becoming fervent supporters who actively promote the brand through word-of-mouth and social proof. Integrating customer advocacy into the marketing funnel can transform the traditional pathway, adding a layer of trust and authenticity that resonates with potential customers. It's a strategy that leverages the voices of your most satisfied customers to amplify your message and attract new leads. The key is to nurture these relationships and provide platforms for customers to share their positive experiences.

Here are some in-depth insights into integrating customer advocacy into your marketing funnel:

1. Identify Potential Advocates: Start by analyzing your customer base to identify those who are most engaged and satisfied with your brand. These are the customers who frequently use your product, interact with your brand on social media, and have a history of positive feedback.

2. Encourage Sharing: Make it easy for customers to share their experiences by providing shareable content, referral programs, and incentives. For example, Dropbox offers extra storage space for users who refer friends, turning satisfied customers into active promoters.

3. Leverage Reviews and Testimonials: Encourage customers to leave reviews and testimonials. Highlight these on your website and in marketing materials. For instance, Amazon prominently displays customer reviews, which significantly influence purchasing decisions.

4. Create Advocacy Programs: Develop structured programs that reward customers for their advocacy efforts. Sephora's Beauty Insider program rewards points for purchases, which can be redeemed for products, thus incentivizing customers to become brand advocates.

5. utilize User-Generated content: share user-generated content across your platforms. When a customer posts a photo of your product on Instagram, reshare it. This not only validates the customer's effort but also shows potential customers real-world usage of your product.

6. Engage with Advocates: Maintain an open line of communication with your advocates. Respond to their queries, feature their content, and make them feel valued. A responsive brand encourages ongoing advocacy.

7. Measure and Optimize: Track the effectiveness of your advocacy efforts through metrics like referral rates, social shares, and conversion rates. Use this data to refine your strategy and recognize your most active advocates.

By incorporating these steps, businesses can create a marketing funnel that not only attracts leads but also fosters a community of loyal advocates. This approach can lead to a more sustainable and organic growth, as new customers are often more receptive to recommendations from peers than direct marketing efforts. Customer advocacy, when integrated effectively, can be a game-changer in how businesses approach marketing and customer relationship management.

Integrating Customer Advocacy into Your Marketing Funnel - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

Integrating Customer Advocacy into Your Marketing Funnel - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

As we delve into the future trends of customer advocacy and relationship marketing, it's essential to recognize that the landscape is evolving rapidly. The advent of digital transformation has already begun to reshape the way brands interact with their customers, fostering a more personalized and engaging experience. In the coming years, we can anticipate a further shift towards customer empowerment, where advocacy programs become a cornerstone of marketing strategies. Companies will increasingly leverage data analytics to understand customer behaviors and preferences, enabling them to deliver tailored content and experiences that resonate on a personal level.

From the perspective of technology, we're likely to see an integration of advanced tools such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to predict customer needs and automate interactions. This will not only enhance the customer experience but also provide brands with deeper insights into the customer journey. Moreover, the rise of social media platforms has given customers a louder voice and wider reach, making them pivotal players in shaping brand reputation.

Now, let's explore some in-depth insights into the future trends of customer advocacy and relationship marketing:

1. Personalization at Scale: Brands will utilize AI to offer hyper-personalized experiences to customers. For example, Spotify's Discover Weekly playlist is a testament to the power of personalization, providing users with a curated list of songs tailored to their individual tastes each week.

2. leveraging User-Generated content: Customers trust other customers. Encouraging and sharing user-generated content, like reviews and testimonials, will become a key strategy. Airbnb's success is partly due to its reliance on user reviews to build trust and credibility.

3. Community Building: Brands will focus on creating communities around their products or services, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty. Sephora's Beauty Insider community is a prime example, offering a platform for beauty enthusiasts to connect and share tips.

4. sustainability and Ethical practices: Consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental and social impact of their purchases. Brands that advocate for sustainability, like Patagonia, will strengthen customer relationships by aligning with their values.

5. Customer Empowerment through Co-Creation: Inviting customers to participate in product development will become more common. LEGO Ideas is an innovative platform where fans can submit and vote on new LEGO set ideas.

6. Omnichannel Experience: Seamless integration across multiple channels will be crucial. Disney's MagicBand technology provides a frictionless experience across parks, hotels, and apps, enhancing the customer journey.

7. data Privacy and security: With data breaches becoming more prevalent, brands that prioritize customer data privacy will gain a competitive edge. Apple's commitment to user privacy has become a key part of its brand identity.

8. Predictive Customer Service: AI will enable predictive service by anticipating customer issues before they arise. Amazon's anticipatory shipping model, which pre-emptively sends products based on purchasing patterns, is a step towards this trend.

9. augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): These technologies will transform the shopping experience. IKEA's AR app allows customers to visualize furniture in their homes before making a purchase.

10. Blockchain for Transparency: blockchain technology will be used to enhance transparency in supply chains, giving customers insight into the origin and journey of their products. Everledger uses blockchain to trace the provenance of diamonds, ensuring ethical sourcing.

The future of customer advocacy and relationship marketing is one of collaboration, innovation, and mutual respect. Brands that embrace these trends and view their customers as partners rather than transactions will thrive in the evolving marketplace. The key will be to balance technological advancements with genuine human connection, creating a marketing ecosystem that is both efficient and empathetic.

Future Trends in Customer Advocacy and Relationship Marketing - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

Future Trends in Customer Advocacy and Relationship Marketing - Customer Relationship marketing: Customer Advocacy: Building a Strong Foundation with Customer Advocacy

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