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Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

1. Introduction to Engagement Metrics and Social Sharing

Engagement metrics serve as a critical barometer for the success and reach of online content. Among these, social sharing stands out as a pivotal component, acting as both a measure and catalyst of engagement. When content resonates with an audience, it is shared across social platforms, amplifying reach and, in turn, driving further engagement. This virtuous cycle is the cornerstone of a robust digital strategy. From the perspective of a content creator, marketer, or social media manager, understanding the nuances of social sharing can unlock new avenues for audience interaction and growth.

Here are some in-depth insights into the role of social sharing in engagement metrics:

1. The Psychology of Sharing: People share content that evokes an emotional response, aligns with their identity, or offers value. For instance, a well-crafted infographic that simplifies complex data may be widely shared for its utility and clarity.

2. content Quality and relevance: High-quality, relevant content is more likely to be shared. A blog post predicting trends in a specific industry can become a go-to resource, prompting shares among professionals within that field.

3. The Impact of Visuals: Visual content, such as images and videos, often has higher share rates due to its immediate impact and ease of consumption. A viral video campaign, like Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches," can lead to massive sharing due to its powerful message and emotional resonance.

4. Timing and Trends: Aligning content with current events or trending topics can increase its shareability. A brand commenting humorously on a recent meme can see a spike in shares due to the content's timeliness.

5. Incentivizing Shares: Sometimes, shares can be incentivized through contests or rewards. A company might offer a giveaway that requires sharing their post, thus increasing visibility and engagement.

6. social Proof and influence: Shares from influential figures or within peer groups act as social proof, encouraging others to share. A celebrity endorsement or mention can lead to a cascade of shares.

7. Ease of Sharing: The technical ease with which content can be shared also affects its shareability. Integrating social share buttons prominently on a webpage can significantly increase the likelihood of content being shared.

8. Feedback Loops: Engagement metrics from shares can inform content strategy. Analyzing which content gets shared the most can help refine future content to better align with audience preferences.

By examining these facets of social sharing, one can begin to appreciate its complexity and power. It's not just about creating content; it's about crafting experiences that people feel compelled to share. Each share represents a personal endorsement, a signal that the content has struck a chord. In the digital age, where attention is the currency, social shares are a testament to content's value and relevance. Engaging content that encourages sharing can elevate a brand's digital presence, forging deeper connections with its audience.

Introduction to Engagement Metrics and Social Sharing - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

Introduction to Engagement Metrics and Social Sharing - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

2. The Power of Social Shares in Todays Digital Landscape

In the realm of digital marketing, social shares have emerged as a pivotal metric, transcending mere vanity numbers to become a tangible indicator of content resonance and audience engagement. The act of sharing content across social platforms is not just a passive endorsement but a proactive recommendation that amplifies reach, builds brand authority, and fosters community. It's a powerful form of word-of-mouth in the digital age, where a single share can trigger a cascade of interactions, from likes and comments to further shares, weaving a web of connectivity that can elevate a brand's digital presence to new heights.

From the perspective of a content creator, social shares are the currency of the digital ecosystem. They represent a direct line to increased visibility and, by extension, potential revenue. For marketers, each share is a data point, a pulse on the zeitgeist that informs strategy and content creation. And for consumers, sharing is an expression of identity, a way to align with brands and causes they believe in.

Here are some in-depth insights into the power of social shares:

1. Viral Potential: A well-timed, relatable, or emotive piece of content can go viral, catapulting a brand from obscurity to the spotlight. The ice Bucket challenge is a prime example, where social shares not only raised awareness for ALS but also led to significant donations.

2. SEO Benefits: Social shares can indirectly influence search engine rankings. google and other search engines view shares as signals of content quality, which can boost the content's visibility in search results.

3. Consumer Trust: Recommendations from friends and family rank highly in trustworthiness. A study by Nielsen found that 92% of consumers trust peer recommendations over advertising.

4. Brand Humanization: When users share content, they often add personal messages, which can humanize a brand. For instance, when a user shares a brand's post with a comment like "This is why I love [Brand]", it adds a personal endorsement.

5. Analytics and Insights: Each share is a mine of information. By analyzing shares, brands can gain insights into audience preferences, peak sharing times, and more, allowing for more targeted content strategies.

6. Cost-Effective Marketing: Encouraging social shares is a cost-effective marketing strategy. It requires no paid advertising yet has the potential to reach a wide audience organically.

7. engagement and Community building: Shares create a sense of community among users with similar interests. For example, when fans share content related to a new movie release, it fosters a sense of belonging to a fan community.

8. Feedback Loop: Social shares provide immediate feedback on content. High share counts indicate a hit, while low counts can prompt a content reassessment.

Social shares are a multifaceted tool in the digital landscape, serving as a barometer for content success and a catalyst for brand growth. They are the lifeblood of engagement metrics, and encouraging them should be a cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy. By understanding and leveraging the power of social shares, brands can harness the collective voice of their audience to propel their message across the digital expanse.

The Power of Social Shares in Todays Digital Landscape - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

The Power of Social Shares in Todays Digital Landscape - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

3. Strategies for Crafting Share-Worthy Content

creating content that resonates with your audience and compels them to share can significantly amplify your reach and engagement. share-worthy content often strikes a chord by being informative, entertaining, or emotionally engaging. It's the kind of content that provides value, sparking conversations and encouraging a community to spread the word. From a marketer's perspective, it's a dream scenario when your content organically reaches a wider audience without additional investment. From a consumer's point of view, sharing content is a way to connect with others, express identity, or offer something of value. Understanding the motivations behind why people share is crucial in crafting content that is primed for virality.

Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Understand Your Audience: Knowing your audience's interests, pain points, and preferences is foundational. For example, a tech blog might find that their audience loves in-depth tutorials, so they focus on creating comprehensive guides for new software releases.

2. Evoke Emotion: Content that elicits strong emotions, whether it's joy, surprise, or even anger, is more likely to be shared. A classic example is the "Dove Real Beauty Sketches" campaign, which touched on self-esteem issues and became widely shared.

3. Be Timely and Relevant: Aligning your content with current events or trends can make it more shareable. A food blog posting a pumpkin spice recipe in autumn is tapping into seasonal trends.

4. Create visually Appealing content: Humans are visual creatures, and content that includes images, infographics, or videos often gets more shares. An infographic about the impact of recycling can convey the message more effectively than text alone.

5. Provide Practical Value: Content that people find useful in their everyday lives is highly shareable. Think of a listicle titled "10 Life Hacks for More Productive Mornings" – it's practical and has a clear benefit.

6. Encourage Interaction: Ask questions, run polls, or create challenges that invite your audience to engage. A fitness brand might challenge their followers to a 30-day workout challenge, encouraging them to share their progress.

7. Leverage Influencers: Collaborating with influencers who have a strong connection with their followers can boost shares. A beauty brand might partner with a popular makeup artist on YouTube to create a tutorial using their products.

8. Optimize for Shareability: Make it easy to share your content with social sharing buttons and catchy headlines. A compelling headline like "The secret Ingredient to success That Nobody Talks About" can pique curiosity.

9. Tell a Story: People love stories, and narratives can make your content more memorable and shareable. A brand sharing customer success stories is a good way to humanize their content.

10. Be Authentic: Authenticity builds trust, and people are more likely to share content from sources they trust. A company blog that transparently discusses challenges and solutions can foster a loyal community.

Remember, the goal is not just to get shares, but to create meaningful engagement that builds relationships and drives results. By focusing on these strategies, you can create content that not only gets shared but also enhances your brand's reputation and reach.

Strategies for Crafting Share Worthy Content - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

Strategies for Crafting Share Worthy Content - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

4. Leveraging Analytics to Track Social Sharing

In the realm of digital marketing, understanding and leveraging analytics to track social sharing is paramount. This process involves meticulously monitoring how content is shared across social platforms, which can provide invaluable insights into user engagement and content reach. By analyzing these social sharing metrics, marketers can discern patterns and preferences in their audience's behavior, allowing for the optimization of future content to enhance visibility and engagement. Furthermore, tracking social sharing can reveal the effectiveness of different platforms, the impact of sharing at various times of the day, and the types of content that resonate most with audiences.

From the perspective of a content creator, the goal is to craft shareable content that not only aligns with the brand's message but also strikes a chord with the target audience. For instance, a well-timed infographic that simplifies complex data can lead to increased shares, thereby amplifying the content's reach. Similarly, from a user's standpoint, the ease of sharing content plays a crucial role. If the process is cumbersome or the share buttons are not prominently displayed, users may be less inclined to share, even if they find the content valuable.

Here are some in-depth insights into leveraging analytics for tracking social sharing:

1. identify Key metrics: Determine which metrics are most relevant to your goals. Commonly tracked metrics include the number of shares, likes, comments, and the reach of shared content.

2. Use Analytics Tools: Employ tools like Google analytics, which can track the source of traffic and conversions from shared content.

3. Segment Data: Break down the data by platform, content type, and user demographics to understand where and how your content is being shared.

4. A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests with different sharing options and content formats to see what encourages more sharing.

5. Timing and Frequency: Analyze the best times to post and share content for maximum visibility and engagement.

6. user Behavior analysis: Understand the behavior of users who share content, including their journey on your site and their interaction with the share buttons.

7. Content Optimization: Use insights from analytics to optimize content for social sharing, such as including compelling visuals and calls-to-action.

For example, a blog post about "10 Tips for a Sustainable Lifestyle" might gain traction on social media if it includes easily digestible tips, eye-catching graphics, and a clear call-to-action encouraging readers to share their own sustainable practices. By tracking the shares of this post, the content team can learn which tips were most popular and what time of day saw the most shares, informing future content creation and sharing strategies.

Leveraging analytics to track social sharing is not just about counting likes and retweets; it's about understanding the deeper implications of those actions and using that knowledge to drive engagement and build a stronger connection with your audience. By adopting a data-driven approach, you can transform social shares from a vanity metric into a powerful tool for growth and engagement.

Leveraging Analytics to Track Social Sharing - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

Leveraging Analytics to Track Social Sharing - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

5. Best Practices

Integrating social share buttons on your website or blog is a strategic move that can significantly amplify your content's reach and engagement. These buttons act as a conduit, enabling your audience to effortlessly share your content within their social networks, thus increasing your visibility and potentially driving more traffic to your site. However, the integration of these buttons should be done thoughtfully to avoid overwhelming users or detracting from their experience. From the perspective of user interface (UI) design, marketing, and web development, there are several best practices to consider to ensure that your social share buttons are effective and enhance user engagement.

1. Choose the Right Networks: Not all social platforms are equal when it comes to sharing content. Select networks that are most relevant to your audience and content type. For instance, visual content may perform better on Instagram or Pinterest, while business-related content might see more shares on LinkedIn.

2. Strategic Placement: Place social share buttons in locations where they are easily accessible but not intrusive. Common placements include at the top or bottom of an article, or a floating sidebar that moves with the scroll.

3. Design Consistency: The buttons should match the overall design of your website to provide a seamless user experience. They should be visually distinct yet not out of place.

4. Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices, ensure that social share buttons are touch-friendly and easily clickable on smaller screens.

5. Limit the Number of Buttons: Too many options can lead to decision paralysis. Include only the most relevant social networks to keep the interface clean.

6. Use Analytics: Track the performance of your share buttons to understand which networks are most used and how they affect your traffic. This data can help you make informed decisions about which buttons to feature.

7. Enable Share Counts: If possible, show the number of times content has been shared to encourage more shares. social proof can be a powerful motivator.

8. Fast Loading: Ensure that the buttons do not slow down your page's load time, as this can negatively impact user experience and seo.

9. Clear Call-to-Action: Sometimes, users need a nudge. A simple call-to-action like "Share this post" can increase the likelihood of shares.

10. Avoid Automatic Pop-ups: While it might be tempting to use pop-ups to prompt users to share, they can be annoying and might lead to a negative experience.

Example: A food blogger might integrate Pinterest share buttons prominently on their recipe posts because their content is highly visual and Pinterest is a platform where food-related content is often sought after and shared. They could place a 'Pin It' button at the top and bottom of each recipe, and a floating sidebar for easy access while scrolling through the ingredients and instructions. They would track the performance through analytics and adjust their strategy based on which recipes get pinned the most.

By following these best practices, you can create a more engaging user experience that encourages social sharing and helps to boost your engagement metrics. Remember, the goal is to make sharing as intuitive and frictionless as possible for your users.

Best Practices - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

Best Practices - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

6. Timing and Frequency

In the realm of digital marketing, the timing and frequency of social sharing are pivotal elements that can significantly influence the level of engagement a piece of content receives. Crafting a strategic social sharing plan requires a nuanced understanding of your audience's online behavior, preferences, and the unique algorithms of each social platform. The goal is to ensure that your content not only reaches your target audience but also resonates with them, prompting shares that can amplify your message exponentially.

From the perspective of a social media manager, the emphasis is often on identifying peak activity hours when the audience is most active online. This could vary widely depending on factors such as the geographical location of the audience, the nature of the content, and the specific social media platform in question. For instance, a B2B company might find linkedin most effective during business hours, while a B2C brand targeting young adults might see higher engagement rates on Instagram or TikTok during evenings and weekends.

Here are some in-depth insights into creating a robust social sharing plan:

1. Understand Your Audience: Use analytics tools to determine when your audience is most active. For example, if data shows that your followers engage the most on weekdays between 1-3 PM, schedule your most important posts for those times.

2. Leverage Platform Insights: Each social platform offers insights into user activity. Twitter Analytics, for example, can show you the best days and times to tweet based on your followers' online presence.

3. Quality Over Quantity: It's tempting to post frequently to stay 'visible', but over-posting can lead to audience fatigue. Focus on crafting high-quality content that provides value, which in turn will encourage sharing.

4. Test and Learn: Experiment with posting times and measure the results. A/B testing can reveal surprising patterns about when your content performs best.

5. Be Consistent: Once you've identified optimal posting times, maintain a consistent schedule. This helps build audience expectations and habituates them to engaging with your content regularly.

6. Adjust for Time Zones: If your audience is global, consider their time zones. Tools like Hootsuite or Buffer can help schedule posts to go live at the ideal time in different regions.

7. Monitor Real-Time Events: Be prepared to post spontaneously in response to real-time events or trending topics, which can lead to increased visibility and shares.

8. Use Automation Wisely: Automation tools are useful but don't rely on them exclusively. Personal touches and real-time interactions are essential for genuine engagement.

9. Evaluate and Evolve: Regularly review your sharing strategy and make adjustments based on new data, platform updates, or shifts in audience behavior.

For example, a travel blogger may find that their audience engages most with posts shared on Friday afternoons, as people are planning their weekend getaways. By scheduling posts that showcase stunning destinations or offer travel tips at this time, the blogger increases the likelihood of their content being shared among like-minded individuals planning their trips.

A well-timed social sharing plan is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it requires ongoing attention and adaptation. By considering these factors and continuously refining your approach, you can enhance the reach and impact of your content through strategic social sharing.

Timing and Frequency - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

Timing and Frequency - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

7. Encouraging User-Generated Content for More Shares

In the realm of social media, user-generated content (UGC) stands as a powerful catalyst for increasing social shares and, by extension, amplifying engagement metrics. This form of content, which includes images, videos, reviews, and comments, is created voluntarily by users rather than brands, and it carries a sense of authenticity and relatability that branded content often lacks. UGC not only fosters a community around a brand but also encourages peer-to-peer sharing, which can significantly boost visibility and engagement. From a psychological standpoint, when users see content from individuals they can relate to, they are more likely to engage with and share that content, thus enhancing the brand's reach.

Here are some in-depth strategies to encourage UGC for more shares:

1. Create Hashtag Campaigns: Launching a hashtag campaign can motivate users to create content that's associated with your brand. For example, Coca-Cola's #ShareACoke campaign encouraged users to share pictures of themselves with bottles of Coke, which had their names on the label.

2. Host Contests or Challenges: Competitions where users submit their own content can generate a buzz. GoPro's photo challenges, where users submit their best shots taken with the camera, is a prime example.

3. Feature User Content: showcasing user content on your platforms can incentivize others to share their own experiences. Airbnb often features user-generated travel stories and photos, which encourages more users to participate.

4. Engage with User Content: Liking, commenting, or sharing user content can increase the likelihood of users creating more content. It shows the brand values their contribution.

5. Provide tools for Content creation: Offering templates, filters, or other creative tools can help users create content that's share-worthy. Instagram and Snapchat filters are perfect examples of this.

6. Educate Your Audience: Sometimes, users need guidance on what type of content to create. Tutorials or examples can inspire them to generate their own content.

7. Leverage Influencers: Collaborating with influencers who can encourage their followers to create content related to your brand can have a massive impact. An influencer starting a dance challenge on TikTok that relates to your brand can lead to a surge in UGC.

8. Acknowledge and Reward Contributors: Recognizing users who create outstanding content can encourage others to strive for the spotlight. This could be through shoutouts, reposts, or even tangible rewards.

9. Create a Community: Building a platform where users can share their content and interact with others can foster a sense of belonging and encourage more sharing. Reddit communities are a testament to the power of user interaction and content sharing.

10. Use Emotional Triggers: Content that evokes emotions—be it happiness, nostalgia, or even outrage—is more likely to be shared. Campaigns that tap into these emotions can encourage users to create and share content that resonates with them on a personal level.

By implementing these strategies, brands can create a robust ecosystem of user-generated content that not only enhances their social shares but also builds a more engaged and loyal audience. Remember, the key to UGC is not just to encourage creation but also to facilitate sharing, thereby turning users into brand ambassadors.

Encouraging User Generated Content for More Shares - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

Encouraging User Generated Content for More Shares - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

8. Measuring the Impact of Social Shares on Overall Engagement

In the realm of digital marketing, social shares are often viewed as a vanity metric; however, their impact on overall engagement is far more substantive than they're given credit for. When content is shared across social platforms, it not only amplifies reach but also serves as an endorsement, increasing the perceived value of the content and the brand. This social proof can lead to higher engagement rates, as users are more likely to interact with content that has been validated by their peers. Moreover, social shares can significantly enhance the visibility of content in search engine results, driving organic traffic and further engagement. By analyzing the correlation between social shares and engagement metrics such as time on site, comments, and conversion rates, businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their content strategy.

Here are some key points that delve deeper into the impact of social shares on overall engagement:

1. Quantifying Social Shares: The first step is to track the number of shares across platforms. Tools like Google analytics and social media analytics can provide this data. For example, a blog post that receives 500 shares on LinkedIn is likely reaching a professional audience interested in industry-specific content.

2. analyzing Engagement metrics: After quantifying shares, examine the corresponding engagement metrics. Look for patterns such as increased page views or longer session durations following a spike in shares.

3. User Behavior Analysis: Utilize heatmaps and session recordings to understand how users interact with shared content. Are they scrolling through the entire article? Are they clicking on calls-to-action?

4. Conversion Tracking: Determine if social shares lead to conversions. Set up goals in analytics tools to track this. For instance, if a product review is widely shared, check if there's an uptick in product sales or inquiries.

5. Sentiment Analysis: Use social listening tools to gauge the sentiment of the conversations around shared content. Positive sentiment can indicate effective engagement.

6. A/B Testing: Experiment with different types of content to see what gets shared the most and what leads to the best engagement. For example, test whether educational content results in more shares and engagement compared to promotional content.

7. Influencer Impact: Collaborate with influencers and track the engagement on content they share. Influencers can dramatically increase the reach and credibility of your content.

8. long-term trends: Look at long-term data to assess the sustained impact of social shares. A viral post may bring a surge in traffic, but consistent sharing over time is key for ongoing engagement.

9. Benchmarking Against Competitors: Compare your social share metrics with competitors to understand your position in the market. Tools like BuzzSumo can help with this analysis.

10. Feedback Loop: Use the data from social shares to inform content creation. If how-to guides are consistently shared and lead to high engagement, it's a signal to produce more of that content type.

By considering these points, businesses can measure the impact of social shares on overall engagement more accurately and tailor their strategies to leverage this often-underestimated metric. For instance, a company might find that their comprehensive guides are shared frequently on Twitter, leading to increased website traffic and newsletter sign-ups, indicating a successful engagement strategy.

Measuring the Impact of Social Shares on Overall Engagement - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

Measuring the Impact of Social Shares on Overall Engagement - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

9. Next Steps to Amplify Your Social Sharing Efforts

As we wrap up our discussion on the pivotal role of social shares in enhancing engagement metrics, it's crucial to recognize that social sharing is not just a metric to be increased; it's a gateway to building a robust online community around your brand. The act of sharing content goes beyond mere numbers—it's an endorsement, a vote of confidence from your audience that resonates with their network, amplifying your reach exponentially. To truly harness the power of social shares, one must delve into the psychology of why people share and leverage that understanding to craft share-worthy content.

From the perspective of a content creator, the motivation to share often stems from the desire to inform, entertain, or add value to their network. For businesses, it's about extending their brand's voice and ethos through content that aligns with their audience's interests and values. Meanwhile, from a user's standpoint, sharing is driven by the content's relevance, emotional impact, and the social currency it provides them within their circles.

Here are some next steps to amplify your social sharing efforts:

1. Create compelling content: Your content should be so engaging that it compels users to share. For example, a well-crafted infographic that presents complex data in an easy-to-understand format can become highly shareable.

2. Understand Your Audience: Dive deep into analytics to understand what resonates with your audience. Tailor your content to match their preferences, like a video series for an audience that engages more with visual content.

3. encourage User-Generated content: Create campaigns that invite your audience to contribute content. A successful example is the "Share a Coke" campaign by Coca-Cola, which personalized bottles with names, encouraging customers to share their experiences online.

4. Leverage Emotional Triggers: Content that evokes strong emotions, whether joy, surprise, or even anger, is more likely to be shared. Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" campaign is a testament to how emotional resonance can lead to widespread sharing.

5. Optimize for Mobile: With the majority of social media interactions happening on mobile devices, ensure your content is mobile-friendly. Quick-loading pages and responsive design are key factors here.

6. Use Social Proof: Highlight how others are sharing your content. When people see that a piece of content is popular, they're more likely to share it themselves, creating a viral loop.

7. Incentivize Sharing: Sometimes, a little nudge is all it takes. Offer incentives for sharing, like discounts or entry into a contest. Dropbox's referral program, which offered extra storage space for both the referrer and the referee, significantly boosted their user base through shares.

8. Make Sharing Easy: Include visible and accessible share buttons on your content. The fewer clicks it takes to share, the better. For instance, BuzzFeed articles often go viral due to their prominently placed share buttons.

9. Engage with Sharers: When someone shares your content, engage with them. A simple thank you can go a long way and encourage further sharing.

10. Monitor and Adapt: Keep an eye on what's working and what's not. Be ready to pivot your strategy based on real-time feedback from your social metrics.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a ripple effect that not only boosts your social shares but also fosters a deeper connection with your audience. Remember, the goal is to turn passive consumers into active sharers and brand advocates. It's a continuous process of learning, adapting, and engaging—a journey well worth embarking on.

Next Steps to Amplify Your Social Sharing Efforts - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

Next Steps to Amplify Your Social Sharing Efforts - Engagement metrics: Social Shares: Encouraging Social Shares to Boost Your Engagement Metrics

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