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Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

1. Introduction to Error Handling in VBA

error handling in vba is a critical aspect of writing robust and reliable macros. It's the process of anticipating, detecting, and resolving programming, application, or communication errors. Particularly within the context of a `Select Case` block, error handling can be nuanced, as the structure is designed to handle multiple conditions elegantly. Without proper error handling, a VBA program may exhibit unpredictable behavior, crash, or present incorrect results when faced with an unexpected situation.

From a developer's perspective, the primary goal is to create error-resistant code that can gracefully handle unexpected inputs or states. Users, on the other hand, expect a seamless experience where errors are either resolved silently or communicated clearly without technical jargon. Administrators need to ensure that errors are logged appropriately for audit trails and debugging purposes. Balancing these perspectives requires a thoughtful approach to error handling.

Here are some in-depth insights into error handling within a VBA `Select Case` statement:

1. understanding Error types: Before diving into error handling, it's important to distinguish between compile-time and run-time errors. Compile-time errors are syntax errors that are caught when the code is compiled, while run-time errors occur during execution, which is where error handling comes into play.

2. The On Error Statement: VBA provides the `On Error` statement to direct code execution in the event of an error. Within a `Select Case`, you can use `On error GoTo Label` to jump to an error-handling routine when an error occurs.

3. error Handling routines: An error-handling routine is a section of code marked by a label that executes when an error occurs. For example:


Select Case value

Case 1

' Code for case 1

Case 2

' Code for case 2

Case Else

' Code for other cases

End Select

Exit Sub


MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbExclamation

Resume Next


4. The err object: The `Err` object is part of VBA's built-in error handling and contains information about the error that occurred. `Err.Number` gives the error number, and `Err.Description` provides a description.

5. Clearing the Err Object: After handling an error, it's important to clear the `Err` object using `Err.Clear` to prevent the same error from being raised again.

6. Exiting the Error Handler: Once the error is handled, use `Resume` to exit the error handler and continue with the next line of code, or `Resume Next` to proceed with the line following the one that caused the error.

7. Logging Errors: Implementing a logging mechanism within the error handler can help in maintaining a record of when and where errors occurred, which is invaluable for debugging.

8. User Communication: Decide how to communicate errors to the user. This could range from simple message boxes to writing errors to a log file that can be reviewed later.

9. Preventive Coding: Often, the best error handling is avoiding errors in the first place. This can be achieved by validating inputs and using `Select Case` to manage control flow effectively.

10. Testing and Debugging: Rigorous testing is essential to uncover and handle potential errors. Use the VBA editor's debugging tools to step through code and inspect variables.

By considering these points, you can develop a comprehensive error handling strategy within your VBA `Select Case` statements, leading to more stable and user-friendly applications. Remember, the goal is not just to handle errors when they occur but to enhance the overall quality and reliability of your VBA projects.

Introduction to Error Handling in VBA - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

Introduction to Error Handling in VBA - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

2. Understanding the Select Case Structure

The Select Case structure in VBA is a powerful tool for handling multiple conditions and directing the flow of execution based on the evaluation of an expression. Unlike the If...Then...Else statement, which can become cumbersome with multiple conditions, Select Case provides a cleaner and more readable way to evaluate a single expression against a list of potential matches. It's particularly useful in scenarios where you have a variable that can take one out of many possible values, and you want to execute different blocks of code depending on which value it takes.

From a developer's perspective, the Select Case structure enhances code maintainability and readability. For a beginner, it simplifies the decision-making process in code logic, and for an advanced programmer, it offers a neat structure to handle complex decision trees without nesting multiple If statements.

Here's an in-depth look at the Select Case structure:

1. Basic Syntax: The basic form of a select Case statement includes the Select Case line followed by one or more Case lines and an optional Case Else line.


Select Case expression

Case value1

' Code to execute if expression = value1

Case value2

' Code to execute if expression = value2

Case Else

' Code to execute if expression doesn't match any Case

End Select


2. Case with Multiple Values: You can specify multiple values for a single Case line, separated by commas. This is useful when the same block of code needs to run for different values.


Case value1, value2, value3

' Code to execute if expression matches any of these values


3. Range of Values: You can define a range of values using the `To` keyword.


Case 1 To 5

' Code to execute for any value between 1 and 5, inclusive


4. Using Comparison Operators: Besides exact matches, you can use comparison operators like `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=` to define cases.


Case Is > 100

' Code to execute if expression is greater than 100


5. nested Select case: You can nest select Case structures within each other to handle more complex decision-making processes.


Select Case outerExpression

Case 1

' Outer case code

Select Case innerExpression

Case A

' Inner case code

End Select

Case 2

' Another outer case code

End Select


6. Combining Conditions: While each Case line typically stands alone, you can combine conditions using logical operators within a single Case statement.


Case 1, 3, 5 To 7, Is > 10

' Code to execute for values 1, 3, any between 5 and 7, or greater than 10


For example, consider a scenario where you need to categorize a numerical score into grades. The Select Case structure allows you to do this succinctly:


Dim score As Integer

Score = 85 ' Assume this is the score obtained

Select Case score

Case Is >= 90

MsgBox "Grade: A"

Case 80 To 89

MsgBox "Grade: B"

Case 70 To 79

MsgBox "Grade: C"

Case 60 To 69

MsgBox "Grade: D"

Case Else

MsgBox "Grade: F"

End Select

In this example, the program evaluates the `score` variable and displays a message box with the corresponding grade. The Select Case structure makes it easy to see the range associated with each grade, and adding or modifying a grade range is straightforward.

The Select Case structure is an indispensable part of VBA that simplifies decision-making in code. It's a testament to the language's flexibility and the thoughtfulness of its design, catering to both novice and experienced programmers alike. Whether you're handling simple choices or complex conditions, Select Case can help you write clearer, more efficient code.

Understanding the Select Case Structure - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

Understanding the Select Case Structure - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

3. Common Errors in VBA and How to Catch Them

visual Basic for applications (VBA) is a powerful scripting language used in Microsoft Office applications to automate tasks and enhance functionality. However, even the most seasoned VBA developers can encounter errors that can halt a program's execution or produce unexpected results. Understanding common errors in VBA and how to catch them is crucial for creating robust and error-resistant code. This section delves into the intricacies of error handling within the context of the VBA `Select Case` statement, providing insights from various perspectives and offering in-depth information on how to effectively manage errors.

1. Compile Errors: These occur when the code violates syntax rules. For example, a missing `End If` or `Next` statement can cause a compile error. To catch these, always ensure that each control structure is properly closed and that variables are correctly declared.


' Example of a Compile Error:

Sub ExampleCompileError()

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 10

' Some code here

' Missing 'Next i'

End Sub


2. Runtime Errors: These happen during the execution of the code, such as trying to divide by zero or accessing an array out of its bounds. The `On Error` statement can be used to redirect code execution to an error handling routine.


' Example of Runtime Error handling:

Sub ExampleRuntimeError()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim x As Integer

X = 5 / 0 ' This will cause a division by zero error

Exit Sub


MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description

Resume Next

End Sub


3. Logical Errors: These are the most difficult to catch because the code runs without any error messages but produces incorrect results. Implementing unit tests and having a thorough code review process can help catch logical errors.


' Example of a Logical Error:

Function CalculateDiscount(price As Double, discountRate As Double) As Double

' Incorrect calculation due to logical error

CalculateDiscount = price - discountRate / 100

End Function


4. Error Handling with `Select Case`: The `Select Case` statement can be used to handle different error numbers specifically. This allows for more granular control over error management.


Sub ExampleSelectCaseErrorHandling()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' Some code that may cause an error

Exit Sub


Select Case Err.Number

Case 11 ' Division by zero

MsgBox "Cannot divide by zero."

Case 9 ' Subscript out of range

MsgBox "Subscript out of range."

Case Else

MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred."

End Select

Resume Next

End Sub


By incorporating these strategies into your vba programming practices, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of errors and ensure that your applications run smoothly. Remember, effective error handling is not just about catching errors; it's about anticipating them and crafting a user experience that remains uninterrupted by potential mishaps.

Common Errors in VBA and How to Catch Them - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

Common Errors in VBA and How to Catch Them - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

4. Implementing Error Handling within Select Case

Error handling within the `Select Case` construct in VBA is a nuanced topic that requires a thoughtful approach. When dealing with multiple conditions and the corresponding actions, it's crucial to anticipate and manage errors effectively to ensure the robustness of your code. This involves not only catching errors as they occur but also foreseeing potential pitfalls that could lead to unexpected behavior. By implementing error handling within `Select Case`, developers can create a safety net that allows the program to continue running smoothly or fail gracefully, providing informative feedback to the user and preserving data integrity.

Here are some in-depth insights into implementing error handling within `Select Case`:

1. Use of `On Error` Statement: At the beginning of your `Select Case` block, use the `On Error GoTo ErrorHandler` statement to redirect code execution to an error-handling subroutine in case an error occurs.

2. Defining a Clear Error Handler: Create a label `ErrorHandler:` at the end of your subroutine, followed by the error-handling code that will execute when an error is encountered.

3. Logging Errors: Within the error handler, log the error details such as `Err.Number` and `Err.Description` to a file or a database for later analysis.

4. User Communication: Provide clear messages to the user through message boxes or user forms, explaining what went wrong and suggesting possible actions.

5. Cleanup Operations: Ensure that any cleanup operations, such as releasing resources or resetting variables, are performed before exiting the error handler.

6. Resuming Execution: Decide whether to use `Resume`, `Resume Next`, or `Resume Label` to control the flow of execution after an error has been handled.

7. Nested `Select Case` Blocks: Handle errors in nested `Select Case` blocks carefully to avoid masking errors from inner blocks.

8. Testing for Specific Errors: Use `If Err.Number = x Then` within the error handler to test for specific errors and handle them accordingly.

9. Avoiding Empty `Case Else`: Do not leave the `Case Else` section empty; always include error handling or a comment explaining why it's empty.

10. preventing Infinite loops: Be cautious to prevent infinite loops by ensuring that the error handler does not inadvertently cause the same error to reoccur.

Let's consider an example to highlight these ideas:


Sub ProcessData()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim value As Integer

' Assume GetData() is a function that may raise an error

Value = GetData()

Select Case value

Case 1 To 10

' Process for values 1 to 10

Case 11 To 20

' Process for values 11 to 20

Case Else

' Handle unexpected values

Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, "ProcessData", "Unexpected value"

End Select

Exit Sub


' Log error details

LogError Err.Number, Err.Description

' Inform the user

MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description

' Cleanup and exit


Resume Next

End Sub

In this example, we have a `Select Case` block that processes data based on the value retrieved from a hypothetical `GetData` function. If an unexpected value is encountered, an error is raised intentionally with `Err.Raise`. The error handler logs the error, informs the user, performs cleanup, and then resumes execution with `Resume Next`.

By considering these points and using the example as a guide, you can implement effective error handling within your `Select Case` blocks, making your VBA applications more reliable and user-friendly.

Implementing Error Handling within Select Case - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

Implementing Error Handling within Select Case - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

5. Best Practices for Writing Error-Resilient VBA Code

In the realm of VBA programming, writing error-resilient code is not just a best practice; it's an essential discipline that separates the novice from the adept. This section delves into the strategies and methodologies that seasoned programmers employ to ensure their code not only handles errors gracefully but also anticipates potential pitfalls that could lead to runtime issues. By adopting a proactive approach to error management, particularly within the context of a `Select Case` structure, developers can create robust applications that stand the test of user interaction and dynamic data environments.

From the perspective of a developer who has encountered every conceivable error, to the end-user who benefits from a seamless experience, the importance of error-resilient code cannot be overstated. Here are some best practices to consider:

1. Use error Handling blocks: At the beginning of your procedure, use `On error GoTo ErrorHandler` to redirect code execution to an error handling block in case of an error.


Sub ExampleProcedure()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' ... code ...

Exit Sub


' ... error handling code ...

Resume Next

End Sub


2. Anticipate Known Errors: Use `Select Case` to handle known errors specifically. This allows for more granular control and tailored responses to different error conditions.


Select Case Err.Number

Case 9 ' Subscript out of range

' ... handle error ...

Case 13 ' Type mismatch

' ... handle error ...

Case Else

' ... handle other errors ...

End Select


3. Validate Inputs: Before processing, validate all inputs to prevent errors caused by invalid data. Use functions like `IsNumeric` or `Len` to check for valid data types and lengths.

4. Set Expectations with Assertions: Use assertions to check for conditions that must be true before the code proceeds; this is a form of defensive programming.

5. Employ Enumerations for Clarity: Instead of using magic numbers, use enumerations to make your `Select Case` statements more readable and maintainable.

6. Document Assumptions: Comment your code to explain assumptions, especially within your error handling blocks, so future maintainers understand the context.

7. Test with Err.Raise: During development, intentionally raise errors using `Err.Raise` to test your error handling routines.

8. Release Resources: In your error handling block, ensure that all objects are properly released and system resources are freed, even after an error.

9. Log Errors: Implement a logging mechanism to record errors, which can be invaluable for debugging and improving your code.

10. User Communication: Inform the user appropriately when an error occurs, possibly suggesting corrective actions without exposing them to technical details.

For example, consider a scenario where you're iterating over a collection of objects. An error-resilient approach would involve checking if each object meets certain criteria before proceeding with operations that could potentially cause an error:


For Each obj In Collection

If Not obj Is Nothing Then

' Perform operations on obj


' Handle the case where obj is Nothing

End If

Next obj

By integrating these practices into your VBA programming routine, you'll not only enhance the stability and reliability of your code but also provide a more professional experience for users of your applications. Remember, error handling is not about if errors will occur, but when, and your code should be prepared to handle them with grace.

Best Practices for Writing Error Resilient VBA Code - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

Best Practices for Writing Error Resilient VBA Code - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

6. Nested Select Case and Error Handling

In the realm of VBA programming, mastering the art of error handling is akin to a tightrope walker perfecting their balance. It's a delicate act that, when done correctly, can lead to flawless execution. Nested Select Case statements, combined with robust error handling, are advanced techniques that can significantly streamline decision-making processes and enhance the resilience of your code. This approach allows for a more granular control of the flow, especially when dealing with a multitude of conditions that may trigger different errors. By embedding error handling within these nested structures, you create a safety net that catches exceptions at the most granular level, ensuring that your program remains stable and reliable even when faced with unexpected inputs or situations.

Here's an in-depth look at how to implement these advanced techniques:

1. Understanding Nested Select Case: A nested Select case is essentially a Select case within another Select Case. This structure is useful when you need to evaluate a series of related conditions.

- Example:


Select Case weekday

Case vbMonday

Select Case weather

Case "Sunny"

' Code for sunny Monday

Case "Rainy"

' Code for rainy Monday

End Select

Case vbFriday

Select Case weather

Case "Sunny"

' Code for sunny Friday

Case "Rainy"

' Code for rainy Friday

End Select

End Select


2. Implementing Error Handling: Each nested Select Case can have its own error handling using `On error GoTo` statements.

- Example:


On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Select Case weekday

' ... (nested Select Case as above)

End Select

Exit Sub


MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description

Resume Next


3. Advantages of Nested Error Handling: This structure allows for errors to be caught and handled at the point they occur, providing more specific feedback and recovery options.

4. Best Practices: Always include an `Exit Sub` before the error handler to prevent the error handling code from running during normal operation. Use `Resume Next` carefully, as it continues execution with the statement following the one that caused the error, which might not always be desirable.

5. Common Pitfalls: Avoid overly complex nesting as it can make the code hard to read and maintain. Ensure that each error handler is capable of handling the errors that might occur within its scope.

By considering these points and utilizing nested Select Case statements with error handling thoughtfully, you can create VBA programs that are not only efficient but also robust against the myriad of issues that can arise during runtime. Remember, the goal is to write code that not only works well when everything goes right but also handles the unexpected with grace.

Nested Select Case and Error Handling - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

Nested Select Case and Error Handling - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

7. From Select Case to Error Resolution

Debugging is an essential aspect of programming, especially when dealing with complex control structures like the `Select Case` in VBA. This construct is particularly useful for handling multiple conditions by executing different blocks of code, depending on the value of an expression. However, when errors occur within a `Select Case` statement, it can be challenging to pinpoint the exact cause. The key to effective debugging in this context lies in a systematic approach that isolates and identifies the problematic section of code.

Insights from Different Perspectives:

From a beginner's standpoint, the `Select Case` might seem daunting due to its multiple branches, but understanding its flow can simplify error handling. An experienced developer might leverage the `Select Case` to streamline error resolution by categorizing potential errors into cases. Meanwhile, a maintenance programmer would appreciate clear and concise `Case` statements for easier debugging in the long run.

In-Depth Debugging Tips:

1. Use Breakpoints Wisely: Insert breakpoints at the beginning of each `Case` block. This allows you to step through the code and observe the behavior as each condition is evaluated.

2. Implement Error Handlers: Within each `Case` block, include an error handler using `On Error GoTo` to catch any runtime errors and log them for review.

3. Validate Conditions: Ensure that the conditions for each `Case` are mutually exclusive and cover all possible values of the expression.

4. Monitor Variables: Watch the variables involved in the `Select Case` expression closely. Use the Immediate Window to print their values at runtime.

5. Simplify Complex Cases: If a `Case` contains complex logic, consider breaking it down into smaller functions or procedures for easier testing and debugging.

Example to Highlight an Idea:

Consider a scenario where you're using a `Select Case` to handle different error codes. You might encounter a situation where an unexpected error code is passed, and none of the `Case` statements are executed. In such cases, always include a `Case Else` as a catch-all to handle unforeseen values:


Select Case errorCode

Case 1001

' Handle error 1001

Case 1002 To 1005

' Handle errors 1002 to 1005

Case Else

Debug.Print "Unexpected error code: " & errorCode

End Select

By following these tips and incorporating examples into your debugging process, you can effectively resolve errors within a `Select Case` structure and enhance the robustness of your VBA applications. Remember, the goal is not just to fix the error but to understand why it occurred and how to prevent it in the future.

From Select Case to Error Resolution - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

From Select Case to Error Resolution - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

8. Real-World Examples of Error Handling in VBA

Error handling in VBA is a critical aspect of developing robust applications in Excel. It's not just about preventing crashes; it's about creating a user experience that is seamless and informative, even when the unexpected occurs. By examining real-world case studies, we can glean valuable insights into the practical application of error handling within the `Select Case` structure. These examples showcase the diversity of errors that can arise and the nuanced ways in which they can be managed. From simple typos to complex logical errors, the way these situations are handled can greatly influence the efficiency and reliability of the code.

1. user Input validation: A common use case involves validating user input through a userform. Consider an application where users enter their age, and the program calculates a potential retirement date. The `Select Case` structure can elegantly handle various erroneous inputs:


select Case true

Case IsNumeric(UserInput) And UserInput > 0

' Calculate retirement date

Case UserInput = ""

MsgBox "Please enter your age."

Case Else

MsgBox "Invalid input. Please enter a numeric value."

End Select


This approach ensures that the program responds appropriately to different types of incorrect input, guiding the user back to the correct path without crashing or producing invalid results.

2. File Operations: Another case study involves file operations, such as opening a file. Errors can occur if the file doesn't exist or is already open. Here's how `Select Case` can be used:


Select Case Dir(FilePath)

Case ""

MsgBox "File not found. Please check the file path."

Case Else

' Attempt to open the file

On Error Resume Next


If Err.Number <> 0 Then

MsgBox "Unable to open file. It may be open in another program."


End If

End Select


This method provides feedback to the user and prevents the program from stopping unexpectedly due to a file-related error.

3. Database Connectivity: When connecting to a database, the `Select Case` structure can handle various error scenarios, such as connection failures or query issues. For instance:


Select Case True

Case Err.Number = 0

' Proceed with database operations

Case Err.Number = 3709

MsgBox "The connection cannot be used to perform this operation."

Case Err.Number = 3024

MsgBox "Database not found."

Case Else

MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred: " & Err.Description

End Select


This example demonstrates how different error numbers can be used to provide specific feedback, helping users understand the nature of the problem.

By studying these case studies, developers can better understand the importance of comprehensive error handling. It's not just about catching errors; it's about guiding users towards resolution and maintaining the integrity of the application. The `Select Case` structure in VBA offers a clean and organized way to handle a variety of error conditions, making it an invaluable tool for any VBA developer.

Real World Examples of Error Handling in VBA - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

Real World Examples of Error Handling in VBA - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

9. Streamlining Your VBA Error Handling Process

Streamlining your vba error handling process is the final, yet a crucial step in ensuring that your code not only runs efficiently but also manages unexpected events gracefully. Error handling within VBA's Select Case statement can be particularly tricky due to the multiple conditions that may be evaluated. However, with a systematic approach, you can minimize the occurrence of unhandled errors and make your code more robust. From the perspective of a novice programmer, error handling might seem like an additional layer of complexity, but it is a best practice that can save hours of debugging. For an experienced developer, it's a non-negotiable part of writing clean, maintainable, and reliable code.

Here are some in-depth insights into streamlining the error handling process:

1. Use a Consistent error Handling strategy: Decide on a consistent error handling pattern for your entire project. This could be a combination of `On Error Resume Next`, `On Error GoTo Label`, and `Err` object properties. For example, in a Select Case block, you might want to use `On Error Resume Next` to bypass any errors within a particular case and then check `Err.Number` to handle specific errors after the case statement.

2. Log Errors for Review: Implement a logging system that records errors as they occur, along with the context in which they happened. This can be as simple as writing error details to a text file or as complex as logging to a database. For instance, if an error occurs within a case that handles file operations, log the file name, path, and the operation that failed.

3. Create a Centralized Error Handler: Instead of scattering error handling code throughout your procedures, centralize it in a single procedure that all other procedures call. This makes it easier to manage and update your error handling logic. You could have a procedure named `HandleError` that takes the `Err` object as a parameter and processes the error accordingly.

4. Use Error Handling to Inform the User: When an error occurs, provide meaningful feedback to the user, rather than just displaying a cryptic error number. For example, if a file read error occurs, inform the user that the specific file could not be accessed and suggest possible actions.

5. Test Your Error Handlers: Just like any other part of your code, your error handlers need to be tested. Intentionally cause errors in a controlled environment to ensure that your handlers react as expected.

6. Consider the User's Perspective: Think about how the user will experience an error. Aim to handle errors in a way that is least disruptive to their workflow. For example, if a non-critical error occurs, you might choose to log the error and continue execution rather than halting the program.

7. Use Select Case Wisely: Remember that Select Case is best used when you have a limited, known set of values to compare. If your error handling requires more complex decision-making, consider using If...Then...Else statements instead.

To highlight these points with an example, consider a scenario where your VBA script is processing different types of data inputs. Within a Select Case statement, you might encounter an error when trying to convert a string to a number. An effective error handling setup would catch this conversion error, log it, and perhaps default to a predefined value, allowing the rest of the code to continue running smoothly.

By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your VBA error handling is not only effective but also contributes to a better overall user experience. Remember, the goal is to make your code resilient and your applications user-friendly, even when faced with the unexpected.

Streamlining Your VBA Error Handling Process - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

Streamlining Your VBA Error Handling Process - Error Handling: Catching Choices: Error Handling within VBA Select Case

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