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Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

1. Introduction to Covered Bonds

Covered bonds are a type of debt security that are backed by a pool of assets, such as mortgages or public sector loans. They were first introduced in Germany in 1769 and have since become a popular financing tool for banks and financial institutions around the world. In this section, we will explore the basics of covered bonds, including their characteristics, benefits, and risks.

1. Characteristics of Covered Bonds

Covered bonds are issued by banks or financial institutions and are backed by a pool of assets, which are called the cover pool. The cover pool is made up of high-quality assets, such as mortgages or public sector loans, and is ring-fenced from the issuer's other assets. This means that if the issuer were to default, the assets in the cover pool would be used to repay the bondholders. Covered bonds are typically issued with a fixed interest rate and have a maturity of five to ten years.

2. Benefits of Covered Bonds

Covered bonds offer several benefits to both issuers and investors. For issuers, covered bonds provide a stable source of funding that is not affected by market conditions. This is because the assets in the cover pool are typically of high quality and have a low risk of default. Covered bonds also provide issuers with a way to diversify their funding sources and reduce their reliance on other forms of financing, such as deposits or unsecured debt.

For investors, covered bonds offer a high level of security and a stable source of income. This is because the assets in the cover pool are ring-fenced from the issuer's other assets and are used to repay the bondholders in the event of a default. Covered bonds also offer a higher yield than government bonds, making them an attractive investment for investors looking to earn a higher return on their investment.

3. Risks of Covered Bonds

While covered bonds offer many benefits, they also come with some risks. One of the main risks of covered bonds is the risk of default. While the assets in the cover pool are typically of high quality, there is still a risk that the issuer could default on their obligations. In this case, the bondholders may not receive the full amount of their investment back.

Another risk of covered bonds is the risk of liquidity. Covered bonds are not as liquid as other types of debt securities, such as government bonds or corporate bonds. This means that it may be more difficult for investors to sell their covered bonds if they need to raise cash quickly.

4. Comparison with other financing options

Covered bonds are just one option for banks and financial institutions looking to raise funds. Other options include deposits, unsecured debt, and securitization. Each of these options has its own benefits and risks.

Deposits are a common form of funding for banks, as they offer a stable source of funding that is not affected by market conditions. However, deposits are also subject to regulatory requirements, such as deposit insurance, which can increase the cost of funding.

Unsecured debt, such as corporate bonds, offer issuers more flexibility than covered bonds, as they are not backed by a pool of assets. However, unsecured debt is also riskier for investors, as they have no collateral in the event of a default.

Securitization is another option for banks and financial institutions looking to raise funds. This involves packaging a pool of assets, such as mortgages or loans, into a security that can be sold to investors. While securitization can be a cost-effective way to raise funds, it also comes with a higher level of risk, as the value of the underlying assets can fluctuate.

5. Conclusion

Covered bonds are a popular financing tool for banks and financial institutions around the world. They offer many benefits, including a stable source of funding and a high level of security for investors. However, they also come with some risks, such as the risk of default and the risk of liquidity. When compared to other financing options, covered bonds offer a good balance between cost and risk, making them an attractive option for many issuers and investors.

Introduction to Covered Bonds - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

Introduction to Covered Bonds - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

2. Benefits of Covered Bonds for Financial Stability

covered bonds have become an increasingly popular financial instrument for banks and other financial institutions. These bonds are backed by a pool of high-quality assets, such as mortgages or public sector loans, which provide a degree of security to investors. One of the key benefits of covered bonds is their ability to promote financial stability, which is essential in today's uncertain economic environment. In this section, we will explore the benefits of covered bonds for financial stability from different perspectives.

1. Diversification of Funding Sources

One of the main advantages of covered bonds is their ability to diversify funding sources for banks and other financial institutions. By issuing covered bonds, banks can access a wider pool of investors, including pension funds, insurance companies, and other institutional investors. This diversification of funding sources can help banks to reduce their reliance on short-term funding and enhance their overall financial stability.

2. Improved Liquidity Management

Covered bonds can also help banks to improve their liquidity management. These bonds are typically longer-term instruments, which can provide banks with a stable source of funding over a longer period. This can help to reduce the risk of liquidity shortages and improve the overall resilience of the banking system. In addition, covered bonds can be used as collateral for central bank borrowing, which can provide banks with an additional source of liquidity in times of stress.

3. Enhanced Credit Quality

Another benefit of covered bonds is their ability to enhance the credit quality of the underlying assets. Covered bonds are typically backed by high-quality assets, such as mortgages or public sector loans, which are subject to strict underwriting standards. This can help to reduce the risk of default and improve the overall credit quality of the bond. In addition, the dual recourse feature of covered bonds, which allows investors to claim against both the issuer and the underlying assets, can provide an additional layer of protection for investors.

4. Increased Transparency

Covered bonds are also known for their high level of transparency. The issuer is required to disclose detailed information about the underlying assets, including their quality, performance, and geographic distribution. This can help investors to make informed decisions about the risks associated with the bond. In addition, the issuer is required to maintain a cover pool of assets that is separate from the issuer's other assets, which can provide an additional degree of protection for investors.

Overall, covered bonds offer a number of benefits for financial stability. They can help to diversify funding sources, improve liquidity management, enhance credit quality, and increase transparency. By promoting financial stability, covered bonds can play an important role in ensuring the resilience of the banking system and supporting economic growth.

Benefits of Covered Bonds for Financial Stability - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

Benefits of Covered Bonds for Financial Stability - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

3. How Covered Bonds Promote Liquidity in the Market?

Covered bonds are an effective tool for promoting liquidity in the market. These bonds are a type of debt security that is backed by a pool of assets, such as mortgages or public sector loans. They are considered a safe investment because the assets provide a collateral for the bonds.

1. Promoting Liquidity

Covered bonds promote liquidity in the market by providing investors with a secure investment option. The collateral backing the bonds reduces the risk of default, making them a more attractive investment option. The bonds can be easily traded in secondary markets, providing investors with a way to quickly buy or sell the bonds.

2. Supporting Financial Stability

Covered bonds also support financial stability by providing a stable source of funding for financial institutions. This funding can help institutions weather economic downturns and maintain their operations. Additionally, the collateral backing the bonds can help reduce the risk of bank failures by providing a source of funds to cover losses.

3. Encouraging Responsible Lending

Covered bonds encourage responsible lending by providing incentives for financial institutions to maintain high credit standards. Because the bonds are backed by assets, financial institutions are incentivized to select high-quality assets for their loan portfolios. This can help reduce the risk of defaults and improve the overall stability of the financial system.

4. Comparing Covered Bonds to Other Investment Options

Covered bonds are often compared to other investment options, such as securitized assets or government bonds. While securitized assets can provide higher returns, they also come with a higher risk of default. Government bonds, on the other hand, are considered a safe investment option but often provide lower returns. Covered bonds offer a balance between risk and return, making them an attractive option for investors.

5. Examples of Covered Bond Programs

Several countries have implemented covered bond programs to promote financial stability and liquidity in their markets. In Europe, the Covered Bond Label is a certification program that ensures covered bonds meet certain standards of quality and transparency. In Canada, the Canada Mortgage Bond program provides a source of funding for mortgage lenders. In the United States, the federal Home loan Banks issue covered bonds to support the housing market.

Overall, covered bonds are an effective tool for promoting financial stability and liquidity in the market. These bonds provide investors with a secure investment option while also supporting responsible lending and stable funding for financial institutions. While covered bonds are not without their risks, they offer a balanced approach to investing that can benefit both investors and the financial system as a whole.

How Covered Bonds Promote Liquidity in the Market - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

How Covered Bonds Promote Liquidity in the Market - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

4. The Role of Covered Bonds in Diversifying Funding Sources

Covered bonds are a type of debt security that are backed by a pool of high-quality assets, such as mortgages or public sector loans. They offer a unique funding source for financial institutions, as they allow them to access long-term funding at lower costs compared to other types of debt instruments. Covered bonds have been gaining popularity in recent years, particularly in Europe, as a means of diversifying funding sources and improving financial stability.

1. Benefits of Covered Bonds

One of the key benefits of covered bonds is that they provide a stable and reliable source of funding for financial institutions. This is because the bonds are backed by a pool of high-quality assets, which reduces the risk of default. As a result, covered bonds are often assigned a high credit rating, which allows financial institutions to access funding at lower costs compared to other types of debt instruments.

Another benefit of covered bonds is that they can help financial institutions to diversify their funding sources. This is particularly important in times of market volatility, when certain types of funding may become more expensive or difficult to access. By having a range of funding sources, financial institutions can better manage their liquidity and reduce their dependence on any one source of funding.

2. Role of Covered Bonds in Promoting Financial Stability

Covered bonds have an important role to play in promoting financial stability. By providing a stable and reliable source of funding for financial institutions, they can help to reduce the risk of liquidity and solvency problems. This is particularly important in times of crisis, when financial institutions may face significant funding pressures.

In addition, covered bonds can help to reduce systemic risk in the financial system. This is because they are typically issued by large, well-established financial institutions, which are less likely to fail. By providing a stable source of funding for these institutions, covered bonds can help to reduce the risk of contagion in the event of a financial crisis.

3. Comparison with Other Funding Sources

While covered bonds have many benefits, they are not the only option available to financial institutions for diversifying their funding sources. Other options include securitization, which involves pooling assets and issuing securities backed by those assets, and bank deposits, which are a traditional source of funding for banks.

Compared to securitization, covered bonds have several advantages. For example, covered bonds are typically more transparent and easier to understand, which can make them more attractive to investors. In addition, covered bonds are typically less complex than securitized instruments, which can reduce the risk of investor confusion and increase market liquidity.

Compared to bank deposits, covered bonds have several advantages as well. For example, covered bonds can be issued with longer maturities, which can provide financial institutions with more stable and reliable funding. In addition, covered bonds can be used to access funding from a wider range of investors, which can help to diversify funding sources and reduce dependence on any one source of funding.

4. Conclusion

Overall, covered bonds have an important role to play in promoting financial stability and diversifying funding sources for financial institutions. By providing a stable and reliable source of funding, covered bonds can help to reduce the risk of liquidity and solvency problems, and reduce systemic risk in the financial system. While covered bonds are not the only option available to financial institutions for diversifying their funding sources, they offer several advantages over other options, such as securitization and bank deposits.

The Role of Covered Bonds in Diversifying Funding Sources - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

The Role of Covered Bonds in Diversifying Funding Sources - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

5. The Importance of Covered Bonds in Supporting Mortgage Lending

Covered bonds play a vital role in supporting mortgage lending, which contributes to the stability of the financial system. A covered bond is a type of debt security that is issued by a financial institution and is backed by a pool of high-quality assets, such as residential or commercial mortgages. These bonds provide a reliable source of funding for mortgage lending, which supports the housing market and the broader economy. In this section, we will explore the importance of covered bonds in supporting mortgage lending and the benefits they offer to investors, financial institutions, and borrowers.

1. Benefits of covered Bonds for investors

Covered bonds provide a secure investment option for investors, as they are backed by a pool of high-quality assets. These bonds typically offer a lower yield than other types of debt securities, such as corporate bonds, but they also have lower risk. Covered bonds are generally considered to be more stable than other types of bonds, as they are secured by a specific pool of assets that are ring-fenced from the issuer's other assets. This means that even if the issuer were to default, the investors in the covered bonds would still have a claim on the assets in the pool.

2. Benefits of Covered Bonds for Financial Institutions

Covered bonds provide a reliable source of funding for financial institutions that specialize in mortgage lending. These institutions can issue covered bonds to raise funds, which they can then use to lend to homebuyers. The issuance of covered bonds allows these institutions to diversify their funding sources, which reduces their dependence on short-term funding from the interbank market. Covered bonds also provide a way for these institutions to manage their liquidity risk, as they can use the proceeds from the issuance of covered bonds to repay other debts that are due.

3. Benefits of Covered Bonds for Borrowers

Covered bonds help to support the availability of mortgage lending, which makes it easier for borrowers to buy homes. By providing a reliable source of funding for mortgage lending, covered bonds help to ensure that there is a steady supply of mortgage credit available to borrowers. This helps to keep mortgage interest rates low and makes it easier for borrowers to qualify for loans. Covered bonds also provide a way for borrowers to refinance their mortgages at lower rates, which can help them to save money on interest payments over the life of the loan.

4. Covered Bonds vs. Securitization

Covered bonds are often compared to securitization, which is another way that financial institutions can raise funds by selling pools of assets to investors. While securitization can be an effective way to raise funds, it is generally considered to be riskier than covered bonds. This is because securitization involves the sale of assets that are not ring-fenced from the issuer's other assets. This means that if the issuer were to default, the investors in the securitized assets would not have a claim on any specific pool of assets. Covered bonds, on the other hand, are backed by a specific pool of assets that are ring-fenced from the issuer's other assets.

5. Best Option for Supporting Mortgage Lending

Overall, covered bonds are considered to be the best option for supporting mortgage lending and promoting financial stability. Covered bonds provide a secure and reliable source of funding for mortgage lending, which helps to ensure that there is a steady supply of credit available to borrowers. They also offer benefits to investors and financial institutions, which makes them an attractive investment option. While securitization can be effective in raising funds, it is generally considered to be riskier than covered bonds and can contribute to financial instability if not properly managed.

The Importance of Covered Bonds in Supporting Mortgage Lending - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

The Importance of Covered Bonds in Supporting Mortgage Lending - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

6. Regulatory Framework for Covered Bonds

The regulatory framework for covered bonds plays a crucial role in promoting financial stability. Covered bonds are a type of debt security that is backed by a pool of assets, typically mortgages or public sector loans. This type of bond has gained popularity in recent years due to its low risk and stable returns, making it an attractive investment option for investors. However, to ensure the safety and soundness of the financial system, it is important to have a robust regulatory framework in place.

1. Legal Framework:

The legal framework for covered bonds varies from country to country. In some countries, such as Germany and Denmark, covered bonds are governed by specific laws that provide a high level of protection to investors. In other countries, covered bonds are subject to general securities laws. The legal framework should ensure that the covered bond issuer is subject to strict rules and regulations, and that investors are protected in the event of issuer insolvency.

2. Asset Eligibility:

The assets that can be included in a covered bond pool vary depending on the regulatory framework. In general, the assets must be high quality, low-risk, and liquid. Eligibility criteria may include minimum credit ratings, loan-to-value ratios, and loan seasoning requirements. The regulatory framework should ensure that the assets included in the covered bond pool are of high quality and can withstand market stress.

3. Dual Recourse:

Dual recourse is a key feature of covered bonds, which means that investors have recourse to both the issuer and the cover pool in the event of issuer insolvency. This provides an extra layer of protection for investors and ensures that the covered bond remains a low-risk investment. The regulatory framework should ensure that dual recourse is a mandatory feature of covered bonds.

4. Supervision and Disclosure:

Supervision and disclosure requirements are important to ensure that covered bond issuers are operating in a transparent and safe manner. The regulatory framework should require issuers to provide regular disclosures on the composition and performance of the cover pool, as well as their own financial position. Supervision by a regulatory authority should be mandatory to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

5. Rating Agencies:

Rating agencies play a crucial role in assessing the creditworthiness of covered bonds. The regulatory framework should ensure that rating agencies are subject to strict rules and regulations, and that their assessments are based on transparent and objective criteria. The regulatory framework should also ensure that investors have access to reliable and independent ratings.

A robust regulatory framework is essential for promoting financial stability with covered bonds. The legal framework, asset eligibility, dual recourse, supervision and disclosure, and rating agencies are all important components of the regulatory framework. By ensuring that covered bonds are subject to strict rules and regulations, we can help to ensure the safety and soundness of the financial system and provide investors with a low-risk investment option.

Regulatory Framework for Covered Bonds - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

Regulatory Framework for Covered Bonds - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

Covered bonds are becoming increasingly popular in the global financial market. This is due to the fact that they offer an attractive investment opportunity for investors who are looking for a safe and secure way to invest their money. Covered bonds are also considered to be a reliable source of financing for banks. In this section, we will discuss the global market trends in covered bonds, including the advantages, challenges, and future prospects of these financial instruments.

1. Advantages of Covered Bonds

One of the main advantages of covered bonds is that they offer a high level of security for investors. This is because the bonds are backed by a pool of high-quality assets, such as mortgages or public sector loans. In the event of a default, investors have a claim on these assets, which provides a level of protection for their investment. Covered bonds also offer a stable source of financing for banks, as they can be issued at a lower cost than other types of debt. This is because the bonds are secured by the assets in the cover pool, which reduces the risk for investors.

2. Challenges of Covered Bonds

While covered bonds offer many advantages, there are also some challenges that need to be considered. One of the main challenges is the complexity of the legal and regulatory framework surrounding these instruments. This can make it difficult for banks to issue covered bonds, as they need to comply with a range of regulations and requirements. Another challenge is that the market for covered bonds is relatively small compared to other types of debt, which can limit the liquidity of these instruments.

3. Future Prospects of Covered Bonds

Despite the challenges, the future prospects for covered bonds look positive. This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing demand for safe and secure investments, the low interest rate environment, and the regulatory changes that are making it easier for banks to issue covered bonds. In addition, there is growing interest in covered bonds from investors in emerging markets, which could help to further boost the market for these instruments.

4. Options for Investing in Covered Bonds

There are several options for investing in covered bonds, including investing directly in individual bonds, investing in a covered bond fund, or investing in a covered bond index. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and investors need to carefully consider their investment goals and risk tolerance before deciding which option is best for them.

5. Conclusion

Covered bonds are becoming an increasingly popular investment opportunity for investors who are looking for a safe and secure way to invest their money. While there are some challenges associated with these instruments, the future prospects for covered bonds look positive. There are also several options for investing in covered bonds, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Overall, covered bonds offer a reliable source of financing for banks and a high level of security for investors, making them an attractive investment opportunity in the global financial market.

Global Market Trends in Covered Bonds - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

Global Market Trends in Covered Bonds - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

8. Successful Implementation of Covered Bonds in a Financial System

Covered bonds have become a popular financial instrument in many countries across the globe. These bonds are considered to be a reliable source of funding for financial institutions, and they have been successfully implemented in many financial systems. In this case study, we will examine the successful implementation of covered bonds in a financial system, and discuss the benefits and challenges associated with this financial instrument.

1. Benefits of Covered Bonds

Covered bonds are a type of debt security that is backed by a pool of high-quality assets, such as mortgages or public sector loans. These bonds offer several benefits to financial institutions, including:

- Lower funding costs: Covered bonds are typically issued at a lower interest rate than unsecured debt, which can help financial institutions reduce their funding costs.

- Diversification of funding sources: Covered bonds provide financial institutions with an alternative source of funding, which can help diversify their funding sources and reduce their reliance on wholesale funding markets.

- Improved liquidity: Covered bonds are highly liquid, making them an attractive investment option for investors who are looking for a safe and stable investment.

2. Challenges of Covered Bonds

While covered bonds offer several benefits, there are also some challenges associated with this financial instrument. These challenges include:

- Complex legal and regulatory framework: Covered bonds are subject to a complex legal and regulatory framework, which can make it difficult for financial institutions to issue these bonds.

- Limited pool of eligible assets: Covered bonds are backed by a pool of high-quality assets, which can limit the number of eligible assets that financial institutions can use to issue these bonds.

- Increased risk for investors: While covered bonds are considered to be a safe and stable investment, they do carry some risk for investors. If the issuer of the covered bond defaults, investors may not be able to recover their full investment.

3. Case Study: Successful Implementation of Covered Bonds in a Financial System

One example of a successful implementation of covered bonds is in the Danish financial system. Denmark has one of the largest covered bond markets in the world, with over 500 billion Danish kroner (approximately $80 billion USD) in outstanding covered bonds.

The success of the Danish covered bond market can be attributed to several factors, including:

- A strong legal and regulatory framework: Denmark has a well-established legal and regulatory framework for covered bonds, which has helped to promote investor confidence in these bonds.

- A broad pool of eligible assets: Danish covered bonds are backed by a broad pool of eligible assets, including mortgages, public sector loans, and corporate loans. This has helped to promote the diversification of funding sources for Danish financial institutions.

- A strong investor base: The Danish covered bond market has a strong investor base, including both domestic and international investors. This has helped to promote liquidity in the market and reduce funding costs for financial institutions.

4. Comparison with Other Funding Sources

While covered bonds offer several benefits, they are not the only funding source available to financial institutions. Other funding sources include unsecured debt, deposits, and securitization.

Compared to unsecured debt, covered bonds offer a lower cost of funding and are typically considered to be a safer investment option for investors. However, covered bonds are subject to a more complex legal and regulatory framework than unsecured debt.

Compared to deposits, covered bonds offer a more diversified source of funding and are not subject to deposit insurance limits. However, covered bonds carry some risk for investors, whereas deposits are typically considered to be a safe and stable investment.

Compared to securitization, covered bonds offer a more transparent and standardized funding source, with a well-established legal and regulatory framework. However, covered bonds are subject to a more limited pool of eligible assets than securitization.

Covered bonds have become an important financial instrument in many financial systems across the globe. While they offer several benefits, they also carry some challenges and are not the only funding source available to financial institutions. The successful implementation of covered bonds in the Danish financial system can provide valuable insights for other countries looking to implement this financial instrument.

Successful Implementation of Covered Bonds in a Financial System - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

Successful Implementation of Covered Bonds in a Financial System - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

9. The Future of Covered Bonds in Promoting Financial Stability

Covered bonds have been recognized as a crucial tool in promoting financial stability. The future of covered bonds in this regard is promising, as they are expected to play an even more significant role in the years to come. This section will explore the reasons why covered bonds are essential for financial stability and what the future holds for these instruments.

1. Covered bonds are a stable source of funding

Covered bonds are secured by a pool of assets, typically mortgages or public sector loans, that remain on the issuer's balance sheet. The dual recourse feature of covered bonds (i.e., the issuer and the pool of assets) makes them a stable source of funding for banks. This stability is essential for financial stability as it reduces the likelihood of bank runs and other forms of financial distress.

2. Covered bonds promote financial stability by reducing systemic risk

Covered bonds help reduce systemic risk by providing a stable source of funding for banks, which allows them to continue lending even during times of crisis. This reduces the likelihood of a credit crunch, which can have severe consequences for the broader economy. Moreover, covered bonds can help reduce the concentration of credit risk in the banking system by transferring some of this risk to investors.

3. The future of covered bonds is promising

The future of covered bonds is bright, as policymakers and investors are recognizing their importance in promoting financial stability. In Europe, covered bonds are already an integral part of the financial system, with outstanding volumes of over 2 trillion. Moreover, the European Commission has proposed a new legislative framework for covered bonds, which aims to enhance their quality and transparency.

4. Covered bonds may face challenges in the future

Despite their many benefits, covered bonds may face challenges in the future. One potential challenge is the changing regulatory landscape, which may affect their attractiveness to investors. Moreover, the ongoing low-interest-rate environment may make it more challenging for issuers to offer attractive yields to investors.

5. The best option for promoting financial stability with covered bonds

The best option for promoting financial stability with covered bonds is to ensure that they are of high quality and transparency. This can be achieved by implementing robust regulatory frameworks that ensure the quality of the assets in the pool and the transparency of the issuers. Moreover, policymakers should consider enhancing the legal certainty of covered bonds, which would increase their attractiveness to investors.

Covered bonds are an essential tool for promoting financial stability. Their stability as a source of funding and their ability to reduce systemic risk make them a crucial instrument for banks and the broader economy. The future of covered bonds is promising, but challenges may arise that policymakers and investors must address. Ensuring the quality and transparency of covered bonds is the best option for promoting financial stability with these instruments.

The Future of Covered Bonds in Promoting Financial Stability - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

The Future of Covered Bonds in Promoting Financial Stability - Financial stability: Promoting Financial Stability with Covered Bonds

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