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Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

1. Understanding the Importance of Forecast Frequency

1. Business Context Matters:

- Different industries and business functions have varying requirements for forecast frequency. For instance:

- Retail: Daily or weekly forecasts are essential to manage inventory, especially for perishable goods.

- Manufacturing: Production planning may require monthly or quarterly forecasts.

- Finance: budgeting and financial planning often involve annual or semi-annual forecasts.

- Consider the nature of your business, the volatility of demand, and the lead times for decision-making.

2. Trade-Offs Between Accuracy and Cost:

- Frequent updates improve accuracy by incorporating recent data, but they come at a cost (e.g., data collection, processing time).

- Striking the right balance is crucial. For example:

- High-Frequency Updates: Useful for short-term decisions but may introduce noise.

- Low-Frequency Updates: Provide stability but may miss sudden changes.

3. Event-Driven vs. Time-Driven Updates:

- Event-Driven: Update forecasts when significant events occur (e.g., product launches, promotions, supply chain disruptions).

- Time-Driven: Regularly scheduled updates (daily, weekly, monthly) regardless of events.

- Example: A retail store might adjust forecasts after a Black Friday sale (event-driven) but also update weekly (time-driven).

4. Forecast Horizon and Granularity:

- Horizon: Consider the time frame for your forecasts (short-term vs. Long-term).

- Short-Term: Focus on operational decisions (e.g., next week's sales).

- Long-Term: Strategic planning (e.g., annual budgeting).

- Granularity: Decide whether to forecast at an aggregate level (total sales) or disaggregate (by product, region, etc.).

5. Examples to Illustrate Frequency Impact:

- Imagine a fashion retailer:

- High Frequency: Daily updates capture sudden shifts due to weather changes or celebrity endorsements.

- Low Frequency: Quarterly updates for long-term inventory planning.

- A tech company launching a new product:

- Event-Driven: Adjust forecasts after product launch events or marketing campaigns.

- Time-Driven: Regular updates to track overall performance.

6. Technology and Automation:

- Advances in data analytics and machine learning allow more frequent updates without manual effort.

- Consider automated tools that adjust forecasts based on real-time data.

In summary, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Tailor your forecast frequency to your specific context, strike a balance between accuracy and cost, and leverage technology to optimize the process. Remember, forecasting isn't just about predicting the future; it's about making informed decisions today.

Understanding the Importance of Forecast Frequency - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

Understanding the Importance of Forecast Frequency - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

2. Key Variables Affecting Forecast Updates

In this section, we will delve into the important factors that should be taken into account when determining how often you should update your forecasts. It is crucial to consider these key variables to ensure accurate and reliable predictions.

1. Data Availability and Quality: The availability and quality of data play a significant role in determining the frequency of forecast updates. If you have access to real-time data or data that changes frequently, it may be necessary to update your forecasts more frequently to capture the latest trends and patterns accurately.

For example, let's say you are forecasting sales for a retail business. If you receive daily sales data, updating your forecasts on a daily or weekly basis would be more appropriate to capture any sudden changes in customer behavior or market conditions.

2. Forecast Horizon: The time horizon of your forecasts also influences how often you should update them. Short-term forecasts, such as weekly or monthly predictions, may require more frequent updates compared to long-term forecasts spanning several years.

For instance, if you are forecasting demand for a seasonal product, updating your forecasts on a monthly basis may be necessary to account for changing consumer preferences and market dynamics.

3. Business Volatility: The level of volatility or uncertainty in your business environment can impact the frequency of forecast updates. If your industry experiences frequent fluctuations, such as changes in market demand, competition, or economic conditions, it may be prudent to update your forecasts more frequently to adapt to these changes.

Consider a technology company operating in a rapidly evolving market. In such a scenario, updating forecasts on a quarterly or even monthly basis would be essential to stay ahead of the competition and make informed business decisions.

4. decision-Making cycle: The frequency of forecast updates should align with your organization's decision-making cycle. If your company makes strategic decisions on a quarterly basis, updating forecasts at the same frequency would ensure that the latest insights are incorporated into the decision-making process.

For example, if your company conducts quarterly budget reviews, updating your forecasts on a quarterly basis would provide the most relevant information for financial planning and resource allocation.

5. Resource Constraints: Lastly, it is important to consider the availability of resources, both in terms of time and expertise, when determining the frequency of forecast updates. Updating forecasts requires data analysis, modeling, and validation, which can be resource-intensive.

If your organization has limited resources or lacks the necessary expertise, it may be more practical to update forecasts less frequently, focusing on key decision points or critical business events.

By considering these key variables, you can determine the optimal frequency for updating your forecasts. Remember, the goal is to strike a balance between capturing the latest information and avoiding unnecessary disruptions to your business operations.

Key Variables Affecting Forecast Updates - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

Key Variables Affecting Forecast Updates - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

3. Evaluating the Accuracy and Relevance of Existing Forecasts

### Understanding the Landscape

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's set the stage. Forecasting plays a pivotal role in various domains, from finance and supply chain management to weather predictions and epidemiology. Organizations rely on forecasts to allocate resources, plan for contingencies, and make informed decisions. However, not all forecasts are created equal. Some are spot-on, while others miss the mark by a wide margin.

### Multiple Perspectives on Forecast Evaluation

1. Accuracy Metrics: A Quantitative Lens

- Mean Absolute Error (MAE): This metric calculates the average absolute difference between predicted values and actual outcomes. It provides a straightforward measure of forecast accuracy.

- Example: Suppose we're predicting monthly sales. A low MAE indicates that our forecasts closely match the actual sales figures.

- root Mean Squared error (RMSE): RMSE penalizes larger errors more heavily. It's the square root of the average squared differences between predictions and actuals.

- Example: In climate modeling, RMSE helps assess the accuracy of temperature forecasts over time.

- Percentage Error: Expressing errors as percentages allows us to compare across different contexts.

- Example: If our demand forecast for a product is off by 10%, we can evaluate its impact on inventory management.

2. Bias and Fairness: A Qualitative Perspective

- Systematic Bias: Consider whether forecasts consistently overestimate or underestimate actual values. Systematic bias can lead to suboptimal decisions.

- Example: If weather forecasts consistently predict milder winters, municipalities may underprepare for snow removal.

- Fairness and Equity: Evaluate whether forecasts disproportionately affect specific groups. Biased predictions can perpetuate inequalities.

- Example: Predictive policing algorithms may unfairly target certain neighborhoods, exacerbating social disparities.

3. Relevance and Decision Context

- Temporal Relevance: Assess how often forecasts need updating. Some domains require real-time adjustments (e.g., stock market predictions), while others can tolerate less frequent updates (e.g., annual budget forecasts).

- Example: In epidemiology, daily COVID-19 case predictions are crucial for timely interventions.

- Decision Horizon: Consider the lead time required for decisions. Short-term forecasts guide immediate actions, while long-term forecasts inform strategic planning.

- Example: A retailer needs accurate holiday season forecasts months in advance to optimize inventory.

### Illustrative Examples

1. Stock Market Predictions:

- Imagine an investor relying on daily stock price forecasts. A small error can lead to substantial financial losses.

- Metrics like RMSE and MAE help assess the accuracy of these predictions.

- Example: If a model consistently underestimates stock volatility, the investor may miss out on profitable opportunities.

2. Weather Forecasts:

- Meteorologists provide daily weather predictions. Accuracy matters for planning outdoor events, agricultural decisions, and disaster preparedness.

- Fairness considerations: Ensure that weather warnings reach all communities equally.

- Example: A false alarm for a severe storm can lead to unnecessary panic or complacency.

3. Demand Forecasting for Retailers:

- Retailers use demand forecasts to optimize inventory levels.

- Relevance: Frequent updates are essential to adapt to changing consumer behavior.

- Example: If a retailer underestimates demand during a sale, it may run out of stock, disappointing customers.

### Conclusion

Evaluating existing forecasts involves a blend of quantitative metrics, qualitative insights, and contextual relevance. By critically analyzing predictions, we can enhance decision-making, minimize biases, and adapt to dynamic environments. Remember, no forecast is perfect, but continuous evaluation ensures that we learn, improve, and stay ahead of the curve.

Evaluating the Accuracy and Relevance of Existing Forecasts - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

Evaluating the Accuracy and Relevance of Existing Forecasts - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

4. Examining Frequency Guidelines in Different Sectors

## The Complexity of Forecast Frequency

### 1. Financial Services:

- Perspective: Financial institutions operate in a dynamic environment where market conditions fluctuate rapidly. For them, frequent updates are essential. Daily or even intraday forecasts are common for stock prices, currency exchange rates, and interest rates.

- Example: A hedge fund manager relies on real-time data to adjust investment strategies. A sudden geopolitical event can trigger immediate portfolio adjustments.

### 2. retail and Consumer goods:

- Perspective: Retailers face seasonality, fashion trends, and consumer behavior shifts. Weekly or monthly forecasts are standard. However, some segments (e.g., perishable goods) require daily updates.

- Example: A fashion retailer analyzes weekly sales data to optimize inventory levels. During holiday seasons, daily updates are crucial.

### 3. manufacturing and Supply chain:

- Perspective: Manufacturers balance production schedules, inventory levels, and supplier lead times. Weekly or monthly forecasts align with production cycles.

- Example: An automotive manufacturer forecasts demand for specific car models. Adjustments occur monthly based on sales trends.

### 4. Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals:

- Perspective: Healthcare organizations deal with patient volumes, drug supplies, and resource allocation. Daily or weekly forecasts guide staffing decisions.

- Example: A hospital predicts patient admissions to allocate nursing staff efficiently. During flu season, daily updates are vital.

### 5. Technology and Software:

- Perspective: Tech companies operate in a fast-paced environment. Agile methodologies favor shorter forecasting cycles. Weekly or biweekly updates are common.

- Example: A software development team forecasts project completion dates. Frequent adjustments accommodate changing requirements.

### 6. Energy and Utilities:

- Perspective: Energy providers manage supply-demand dynamics. Monthly or quarterly forecasts guide capacity planning.

- Example: A utility company forecasts electricity demand to optimize power generation. Seasonal variations impact the frequency of updates.

### 7. real Estate and construction:

- Perspective: real estate developers and construction firms deal with long project timelines. Quarterly or semiannual forecasts suffice.

- Example: A property developer forecasts housing demand for a new residential project. Updates occur as market conditions evolve.

## Conclusion

In summary, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to forecast frequency. Organizations must consider their industry, data availability, and strategic goals. Whether it's daily, weekly, or monthly, the key lies in agility—being responsive to change while maintaining accuracy. Remember, forecasts are like snapshots of a dynamic landscape; adjust your lens as needed.

5. Aligning Forecast Updates with Organizational Goals

1. Strategic Alignment:

- Insight: Aligning forecast updates with strategic objectives ensures that the organization's short-term and long-term goals remain on track.

- Example: Imagine a retail company launching a new product line. Frequent updates during the initial launch phase are crucial to adjust inventory levels, marketing efforts, and supply chain logistics. However, as the product stabilizes, less frequent updates may suffice.

2. Operational Efficiency:

- Insight: Frequent updates can strain resources, disrupt workflows, and lead to inefficiencies.

- Example: A manufacturing plant that produces perishable goods might need daily updates to manage production schedules. Conversely, a software development team working on a long-term project may find weekly or biweekly updates more manageable.

3. Data Availability and Quality:

- Insight: The accuracy of forecasts heavily relies on data quality and availability.

- Example: A tech startup with limited historical data may need more frequent updates to adapt to market fluctuations. In contrast, an established corporation with robust data sources can afford less frequent updates.

4. Risk Mitigation:

- Insight: Frequent updates allow organizations to respond swiftly to unexpected events.

- Example: An airline company monitors weather forecasts and adjusts flight schedules accordingly. Frequent updates help mitigate disruptions caused by storms or other emergencies.

5. Decision-Making Timeliness:

- Insight: Decision-makers rely on forecasts to allocate resources effectively.

- Example: A venture capital firm evaluating investment opportunities needs real-time updates to make informed decisions. Waiting for quarterly forecasts would be impractical.

6. Industry-Specific Considerations:

- Insight: Different industries have varying needs.

- Example: In the pharmaceutical sector, clinical trial outcomes significantly impact revenue projections. Frequent updates are essential during trial phases.

7. Technology and Tools:

- Insight: Forecasting tools and technology influence update frequency.

- Example: A retail chain using advanced machine learning models might benefit from daily updates, while a small business relying on spreadsheets may opt for weekly updates.

Remember that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Organizations must evaluate their unique context, industry, and available resources to determine the optimal frequency for forecast updates. By aligning these updates with organizational goals, businesses can navigate uncertainty, seize opportunities, and thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Aligning Forecast Updates with Organizational Goals - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

Aligning Forecast Updates with Organizational Goals - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

6. Leveraging Automation for Efficient Forecasting

## leveraging Automation for efficient Forecasting

Forecasting is a critical aspect of decision-making in various domains, from supply chain management to financial planning. Traditionally, manual forecasting methods have been time-consuming, error-prone, and often fail to capture the nuances of complex systems. However, with advancements in technology and the availability of powerful tools, organizations can now leverage automation to enhance their forecasting processes.

### 1. Data Integration and Preprocessing:

- Insight: Accurate forecasts rely on high-quality data. Automation tools can seamlessly integrate data from various sources (e.g., sales transactions, historical trends, external factors) and preprocess it for analysis.

- Example: Imagine a retail company that wants to predict demand for its products. An automated pipeline collects data from point-of-sale systems, inventory databases, and weather APIs. It cleans, transforms, and aggregates this data, creating a unified dataset for forecasting.

### 2. machine Learning models:

- Insight: Machine learning (ML) algorithms can uncover patterns and relationships in data that traditional statistical methods might miss. Automation allows organizations to experiment with various ML models and select the best-performing one.

- Example: A financial institution uses an automated ML pipeline to predict stock prices. It trains models like linear regression, decision trees, and neural networks on historical stock data. The pipeline evaluates their performance and selects the most accurate model for real-time predictions.

### 3. Automated Forecasting Algorithms:

- Insight: Dedicated forecasting algorithms (e.g., ARIMA, Exponential Smoothing) are designed to handle time-series data efficiently. Automation tools can apply these algorithms iteratively, adjusting parameters and capturing seasonality.

- Example: An e-commerce platform uses an automated ARIMA model to forecast website traffic. The model adapts to weekly and monthly patterns, providing accurate predictions for server capacity planning.

### 4. scenario Analysis and sensitivity Testing:

- Insight: Forecasts should consider different scenarios (optimistic, pessimistic, baseline) to account for uncertainties. Automation enables rapid scenario testing, allowing decision-makers to assess risks and plan accordingly.

- Example: A manufacturing company automates scenario analysis for raw material costs. By adjusting input variables (e.g., oil prices, exchange rates), it evaluates the impact on production costs and profit margins.

### 5. real-Time forecasting and Alerts:

- Insight: Business environments change rapidly. Real-time forecasting, coupled with automated alerts, ensures timely responses to deviations from expected outcomes.

- Example: An energy grid operator uses automated forecasting to predict electricity demand. If an unexpected surge occurs (e.g., extreme weather), the system triggers alerts for load balancing and preventive measures.

### 6. collaboration and Feedback loops:

- Insight: Automation fosters collaboration among teams involved in forecasting. feedback loops allow continuous improvement of models and processes.

- Example: A marketing department collaborates with data scientists to automate sales forecasts. Regular feedback from sales teams helps refine the model, incorporating market trends and promotional events.

In summary, technology and automation empower organizations to create efficient forecasting workflows. By combining data integration, ML models, specialized algorithms, scenario analysis, real-time monitoring, and collaboration, businesses can make informed decisions and stay ahead in a dynamic world. Remember, the key lies not only in adopting these tools but also in adapting them to the unique context of your organization.

7. Involving Key Decision-Makers in Forecasting Processes

Forecasting is a critical aspect of business planning and strategy. It allows organizations to anticipate future trends, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions. However, the accuracy and reliability of forecasts depend not only on data and algorithms but also on the collaboration of key stakeholders. In this section, we delve into the importance of stakeholder involvement in forecasting processes and explore various perspectives on how to achieve effective collaboration.

1. Shared Understanding and Alignment:

- Importance: Stakeholders, including executives, managers, and subject-matter experts, often have different viewpoints and priorities. Collaborative forecasting ensures that everyone shares a common understanding of the business context, goals, and assumptions.

- Example: Imagine a retail company planning for the holiday season. The sales team expects a surge in demand, while the finance team emphasizes cost control. By involving both teams in the forecasting process, the organization can strike a balance between growth and profitability.

2. Incorporating Domain Knowledge:

- Perspective: Decision-makers possess valuable domain knowledge that complements quantitative models. Their insights about market dynamics, customer behavior, and industry trends enhance the accuracy of forecasts.

- Example: A pharmaceutical company collaborates with its R&D team to forecast drug sales. The R&D team provides information about clinical trials, regulatory approvals, and potential competitors, enriching the forecast with qualitative insights.

3. risk Assessment and mitigation:

- Collaboration Benefit: Stakeholders can identify risks and uncertainties that algorithms may overlook. Their experience helps assess the impact of external factors (e.g., economic changes, supply chain disruptions) on forecasts.

- Illustration: An airline involves pilots, maintenance staff, and route planners in demand forecasting. They consider factors like weather disruptions, crew availability, and geopolitical events to mitigate risks associated with flight schedules.

4. scenario Planning and Sensitivity analysis:

- Approach: Collaborative forecasting allows for scenario-based analysis. Decision-makers explore "what-if" scenarios, adjusting assumptions and variables to understand potential outcomes.

- Use Case: A tech startup collaborates with its product team to forecast user adoption. They create scenarios for different marketing strategies, pricing models, and feature releases. By analyzing sensitivities, they prepare for various growth trajectories.

5. Feedback loops and Continuous improvement:

- Iterative Process: Stakeholder involvement ensures that forecasts evolve over time. Regular feedback from decision-makers helps refine models, update assumptions, and adapt to changing conditions.

- Real-Life Example: An e-commerce platform collaborates with its customer service team. They track actual sales against forecasts, identify discrepancies, and adjust inventory levels. This iterative process improves accuracy and responsiveness.

6. Communication and Accountability:

- Transparency: Collaborative forecasting fosters open communication. Decision-makers understand the rationale behind forecasts and take ownership of their implications.

- Case Study: A financial institution involves risk managers, traders, and compliance officers in predicting market volatility. Transparent discussions about risk exposure lead to better risk management strategies.

In summary, stakeholder collaboration is not an optional add-on to forecasting—it's a fundamental driver of accuracy, agility, and strategic alignment. Organizations that recognize the value of involving decision-makers in the process are better equipped to navigate uncertainty and make informed choices. Remember, it's not just about numbers; it's about people working together to shape the future.

Involving Key Decision Makers in Forecasting Processes - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

Involving Key Decision Makers in Forecasting Processes - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

8. Tracking the Impact of Forecast Updates

1. Importance of Monitoring and Evaluation:

Monitoring and evaluation allow organizations to assess the performance of their forecast updates. It helps identify any discrepancies between predicted and actual outcomes, enabling adjustments to be made for future forecasts. This iterative process ensures continuous improvement and enhances the reliability of forecasts.

2. Tracking Forecast Accuracy:

One key aspect of monitoring and evaluation is tracking the accuracy of forecast updates. This involves comparing the predicted values with the actual values to determine the level of precision. By analyzing the deviations, organizations can identify patterns, trends, and potential sources of error, leading to more accurate forecasts in the future.

3. Evaluating Forecast Impact:

Monitoring and evaluation also involve assessing the impact of forecast updates on various aspects of the organization. This includes evaluating the financial implications, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance. By understanding the impact, organizations can make data-driven decisions and optimize their forecasting strategies.

4. Continuous Improvement:

Monitoring and evaluation provide valuable insights for continuous improvement. By analyzing the results and feedback, organizations can identify areas of improvement and implement corrective measures. This may involve refining forecasting models, adjusting data sources, or enhancing the expertise of forecasters. Continuous improvement ensures that forecast updates align with the evolving needs of the organization.

5. Examples:

Let's consider an example to highlight the importance of monitoring and evaluation. Suppose a retail company regularly updates its sales forecasts based on market trends. By closely monitoring the actual sales data and evaluating the forecast accuracy, the company identifies that certain product categories consistently have higher forecast errors. This insight prompts the company to investigate further, leading to the discovery of a data source discrepancy. By rectifying the issue and continuously monitoring the impact, the company improves the accuracy of its sales forecasts and optimizes inventory management.

In summary, monitoring and evaluation are essential components of tracking the impact of forecast updates. By closely monitoring accuracy, evaluating impact, and embracing continuous improvement, organizations can enhance the reliability of their forecasts and make data-driven decisions.

Tracking the Impact of Forecast Updates - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

Tracking the Impact of Forecast Updates - Forecast frequency: How to determine how often you should update your forecasts

9. Iterating and Refining Forecast Frequency Strategies

1. Balancing Granularity and Resource Constraints

Forecasting frequency is a delicate balance between granularity and resource constraints. On one hand, frequent updates allow organizations to capture short-term fluctuations and respond swiftly to changing market conditions. On the other hand, too frequent updates can strain resources, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex models.


- High Granularity: Daily or hourly updates are suitable for industries with rapid demand shifts (e.g., e-commerce during holiday seasons).

- Moderate Granularity: Weekly or biweekly updates strike a balance for most businesses.

- Low Granularity: Monthly updates suffice for long-term planning (e.g., infrastructure projects).

Example: Consider an online fashion retailer. Daily updates are crucial during Black Friday sales, but monthly updates suffice for inventory planning during the rest of the year.

2. Learning from Historical Performance

Iterative improvement relies on analyzing past performance. Organizations should regularly assess the accuracy of their forecasts and adjust their frequency accordingly. Here's how:

- Root Cause Analysis: When forecasts deviate significantly from actuals, conduct a root cause analysis. Was it due to external factors (e.g., unexpected events) or internal model limitations?

- Forecast Error Metrics: Use metrics like Mean absolute Percentage error (MAPE) or Mean Squared Error (MSE) to quantify accuracy. Compare these across different forecast frequencies.

- Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops with stakeholders (sales, operations, etc.) to validate forecasts against ground truth.

Insight: Iteration involves learning from mistakes and refining the process. adjust forecast frequency based on historical performance.

Example: A supply chain manager notices that weekly forecasts consistently underestimate demand during peak seasons. Increasing the frequency to biweekly improves accuracy.

3. Adaptive Forecasting Models

Different forecasting models behave differently at varying frequencies. Some models perform better with more frequent data, while others stabilize with less frequent updates. Consider:

- time Series models: ARIMA, Exponential Smoothing, and Prophet benefit from frequent data points.

- Machine Learning Models: deep learning models (e.g., LSTM) may require substantial data for stable predictions.

- Hybrid Approaches: Combine models for short-term and long-term forecasts.

Insight: Choose models that align with your desired forecast frequency and adapt as needed.

Example: A retail chain uses ARIMA for weekly sales forecasts but switches to a neural network for daily predictions during holiday sales.

4. cost-Benefit analysis

Resource allocation matters. Assess the costs (time, computational resources, personnel) associated with frequent updates against the benefits (accuracy, responsiveness). Consider:

- Computational Overhead: Frequent updates strain servers and increase processing time.

- Human Effort: Data collection, model training, and validation require human effort.

- Decision Impact: How critical are timely forecasts for decision-making?

Insight: Optimize forecast frequency by balancing costs and benefits.

Example: A pharmaceutical company invests in daily forecasts for drug demand during flu season but reverts to weekly updates during off-peak months.

In summary, continuous improvement in forecast frequency involves a dynamic process of evaluation, adaptation, and optimization. Organizations must consider their unique context, historical performance, and available resources to strike the right balance. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution; it's about finding what works best for your specific domain and business objectives.

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