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Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

1. The Power of Mobile Influencer Marketing

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, mobile influencer marketing has emerged as a potent force. Brands and businesses recognize the immense potential of collaborating with influencers to reach their target audience on mobile platforms. This section delves into the dynamics of mobile influencer marketing, exploring its impact, strategies, and best practices.

1. The Influence of Mobile: A Paradigm Shift

Mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives. From checking social media feeds to shopping online, we rely on our smartphones for a multitude of tasks. As a result, brands are shifting their focus to mobile-first strategies. Influencers, with their engaged followers, play a pivotal role in this shift. Here's why:

- Ubiquity: Mobile devices are ubiquitous. People carry them everywhere, providing a direct channel for brands to connect with their audience.

- Personalization: Mobile apps and platforms allow for personalized experiences. Influencers can tailor their content to resonate with specific demographics.

- Visual Appeal: Mobile screens thrive on visual content. Influencers, adept at creating eye-catching visuals, can captivate users effectively.

2. leveraging Influencer partnerships

Mobile influencer marketing isn't just about sponsored posts. It's about building authentic relationships with influencers. Here's how brands can leverage these partnerships:

- micro-influencers: While mega-influencers have massive followings, micro-influencers (with smaller but highly engaged audiences) offer a more targeted approach. For instance, a fitness app collaborating with a local fitness blogger can yield better results than a generic celebrity endorsement.

- Storytelling: Mobile platforms excel at storytelling. Influencers can weave narratives around products or services, making them relatable and memorable. Consider the success of travel influencers sharing their adventures using a specific travel app.

- Live Streams and Stories: Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, and TikTok's live feature allow real-time interactions. Brands can partner with influencers for live Q&A sessions, product launches, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.

3. Metrics that Matter

measuring the impact of mobile influencer campaigns is crucial. Look beyond vanity metrics (likes and followers) and focus on:

- Engagement Rate: How actively do users engage with influencer content? Comments, shares, and saves provide valuable insights.

- Click-Through Rate (CTR): Track how many users click on links shared by influencers. CTR indicates genuine interest.

- App Installs: For mobile apps, tracking app installs resulting from influencer campaigns is essential. Use unique referral codes or UTM parameters.

4. Case Studies: Success Stories

- Nike and Fitness Influencers: Nike collaborated with fitness influencers to promote its training app. The influencers shared workout routines, showcasing the app's features. The result? Increased app downloads and active users.

- food Delivery Apps and food Bloggers: food delivery apps partnered with food bloggers to create enticing food videos. These mouthwatering clips drove hungry users to download the app and place orders.

- Fashion Brands and Style Influencers: Fashion brands leveraged style influencers to showcase their mobile shopping apps. The influencers demonstrated how easy it was to browse, select, and purchase trendy outfits.

Mobile influencer marketing isn't a trend; it's a strategic imperative. brands that harness its power can unlock new customer segments, boost app downloads, and create lasting brand affinity. So, whether you're a startup or an established brand, consider the influence of mobile in your marketing mix – it's where the magic happens.

2. Identifying the Right Influencers for Your Mobile Campaign

Identifying the right influencers for your mobile campaign is a crucial aspect of mobile influencer marketing. By collaborating with influencers, you can effectively reach new customers on mobile platforms. In this section, we will explore various insights and perspectives on how to identify the right influencers for your campaign.

1. Define your campaign goals: Before diving into influencer selection, it's important to clearly define your campaign goals. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, drive app downloads, or boost sales? Understanding your objectives will help you identify influencers who align with your goals.

2. Audience alignment: Consider the target audience of your mobile campaign. Look for influencers who have a strong following among your target demographic. For example, if you're promoting a fitness app, partnering with fitness influencers who have a dedicated audience interested in health and wellness can be highly effective.

3. Engagement and reach: Evaluate an influencer's engagement and reach metrics. Look for influencers who have a high engagement rate, indicating that their audience actively interacts with their content. Additionally, consider the size of their following and whether it aligns with your campaign's reach objectives.

4. Relevance and authenticity: authenticity is key in influencer marketing.

Identifying the Right Influencers for Your Mobile Campaign - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

Identifying the Right Influencers for Your Mobile Campaign - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

3. Crafting Compelling Mobile Influencer Campaigns

1. Understanding Your Audience and Goals:

- Before launching any campaign, it's crucial to define your target audience. Consider demographics, interests, and mobile usage patterns. Are you targeting Gen Z, millennials, or older demographics? Understanding your audience helps tailor influencer selection and content.

- Set clear campaign goals. Are you aiming for brand awareness, lead generation, or sales? Each goal requires a different approach. For instance, if your goal is to drive app downloads, collaborating with influencers who can create engaging app tutorials or walkthroughs is essential.

2. Choosing the Right Influencers:

- Authenticity matters. Look beyond follower counts and focus on relevance. Micro-influencers (those with smaller but highly engaged audiences) often yield better results.

- Consider the influencer's niche. Are they a lifestyle influencer, a tech enthusiast, or a fitness guru? Align their expertise with your brand.

- Case in point: @TechGuruEmily partnered with a mobile gaming app to showcase its features. Her genuine excitement resonated with her tech-savvy followers, resulting in increased downloads.

3. Content Collaboration:

- Involve influencers early in the campaign planning. Their creativity can enhance your strategy.

- Co-create content that seamlessly integrates your brand message. Whether it's an Instagram story, a TikTok video, or a YouTube tutorial, ensure it feels authentic.

- Example: @FashionistaJane collaborated with a fashion e-commerce app. Her "try-on haul" videos highlighted the app's user-friendly interface and exclusive discounts.

4. Leveraging Mobile Features:

- Mobile platforms offer unique features like Stories, Reels, and live streaming. Use them strategically.

- Live Q&A sessions with influencers allow real-time engagement. @FitnessCoachMike answered workout-related queries during a fitness app campaign.

- Stories with swipe-up links can drive traffic directly to your app or website.

5. Tracking and Measurement:

- Use tracking tools to monitor campaign performance. Metrics include engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

- Adjust strategies based on real-time data. If a particular influencer's content isn't resonating, pivot.

- Example: A skincare brand tracked conversions from influencer posts and found that @GlowingSkinSarah's audience had the highest conversion rate.

6. Incentivizing Influencers:

- Compensation matters. Beyond monetary payments, consider offering exclusive access, product samples, or affiliate commissions.

- Gamify campaigns. Run contests or challenges where influencers encourage their followers to participate.

- @FoodieAdventures collaborated with a food delivery app, offering promo codes to followers who ordered using her link.

7. Disclosure and Transparency:

- Adherence to guidelines is crucial. Ensure influencers disclose paid partnerships.

- transparency builds trust. When influencers share their genuine experiences, it resonates with audiences.

- Example: @TravelExplorerTom documented his road trip using a travel app, mentioning both pros and cons. His honesty garnered respect.

Remember, crafting compelling mobile influencer campaigns involves creativity, data-driven decisions, and a genuine connection between influencers and their audiences. By combining these elements, you can create impactful campaigns that resonate in the mobile space.

Crafting Compelling Mobile Influencer Campaigns - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

Crafting Compelling Mobile Influencer Campaigns - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

4. Leveraging Social Media Platforms for Mobile Influencer Marketing

leveraging Social Media platforms for Mobile Influencer Marketing

In today's hyper-connected digital landscape, social media platforms have become powerful tools for brands and marketers to engage with their target audience. When it comes to influencer marketing, these platforms offer unique opportunities to amplify brand messages, build trust, and drive conversions. Let's explore various aspects of leveraging social media for mobile influencer marketing:

1. Choosing the Right Platforms:

- Not all social media platforms are created equal. Brands must carefully select the platforms that align with their target audience demographics and content preferences.

- Instagram: With over a billion active users, Instagram is a visual-centric platform ideal for lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and travel influencers. Brands can collaborate with influencers to create eye-catching posts, stories, and reels.

- Example: A fitness brand partnering with a fitness influencer to showcase workout routines and promote their products through engaging Instagram stories.

- TikTok: Known for its short-form videos, TikTok appeals to a younger audience. Brands can leverage TikTok influencers to create entertaining and authentic content.

- Example: A snack brand collaborating with a popular TikTok creator to create a fun and quirky video featuring their product.

- YouTube: YouTube offers long-form video content. Brands can work with YouTube influencers for detailed product reviews, tutorials, and vlogs.

- Example: A tech company collaborating with a tech YouTuber to review their latest smartphone model.

- Twitter: Twitter is great for real-time conversations and sharing bite-sized updates. Brands can engage with influencers to amplify event-related content or trending topics.

- Example: A gaming company partnering with a gaming influencer to live-tweet during a major gaming event.

- LinkedIn: While often overlooked, LinkedIn is valuable for B2B influencer marketing. thought leaders and industry experts can share insights and build professional connections.

- Example: A software company collaborating with a renowned developer on LinkedIn to discuss industry trends and promote their software solutions.

2. Content Collaboration:

- Influencers excel at creating authentic content that resonates with their followers. Brands should collaborate closely with influencers to align content with their brand message.

- user-Generated content (UGC): Encourage influencers to create UGC featuring your product. Reposting ugc on your brand's social media channels can boost credibility.

- Example: A fashion brand reposting influencer-tagged photos of customers wearing their clothing.

- Live Streams and Q&A Sessions: Live sessions allow influencers to interact directly with their audience. Brands can sponsor live events to showcase products or answer questions.

- Example: A skincare brand hosting a live session with a beauty influencer to demonstrate skincare routines and answer viewers' questions.

3. Measuring Impact:

- Metrics matter! Brands should track key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the success of influencer campaigns.

- Engagement Rate: Monitor likes, comments, shares, and saves. high engagement indicates content resonance.

- Conversion Rate: Measure how many users took desired actions (e.g., clicked a link, made a purchase) due to influencer content.

- Reach and Impressions: Understand the campaign's reach and potential audience exposure.

- Brand Sentiment: Analyze sentiment around influencer-generated content.

Remember, successful mobile influencer marketing isn't just about follower counts; it's about authentic connections, storytelling, and delivering value to both influencers and their audiences. By strategically leveraging social media platforms, brands can tap into the immense potential of influencer marketing in the mobile era.

Leveraging Social Media Platforms for Mobile Influencer Marketing - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

Leveraging Social Media Platforms for Mobile Influencer Marketing - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

5. Measuring the Success of Your Mobile Influencer Campaigns

1. defining Success metrics:

- Engagement Metrics: These include likes, comments, shares, and overall interaction with influencer content. high engagement rates indicate that the campaign resonates with the audience.

Example: Suppose a fitness influencer partners with a health app to promote a workout challenge. The number of participants and their level of engagement (e.g., sharing workout videos) would be key metrics.

- Conversion Metrics: Ultimately, conversions matter. Track click-through rates (CTR), app downloads, sign-ups, purchases, or any other desired action.

Example: A beauty influencer collaborates with a cosmetics brand. Monitoring the CTR from their Instagram Stories swipe-up link to the brand's product page provides valuable insights.

- Brand Sentiment: Qualitative feedback matters too. Monitor sentiment through social listening tools or surveys to gauge how the campaign impacts brand perception.

Example: A travel influencer's vlog about a luxury resort should evoke positive sentiments among viewers.

2. Attribution Models:

- First-Touch Attribution: Attributes conversions to the first touchpoint (e.g., influencer's post) in the customer journey.

- Last-Touch Attribution: Credits the last interaction (e.g., influencer's link) before conversion.

- multi-Touch attribution: Considers all touchpoints (e.g., influencer's post, retargeting ads) in the conversion path.

Example: An e-commerce brand might use multi-touch attribution to understand how an influencer's initial post led to awareness, followed by retargeting ads that drove conversions.

3. Tracking Tools and UTM Parameters:

- Use UTM parameters in influencer links to track traffic sources accurately. Tools like Google Analytics and UTM.io help attribute conversions to specific campaigns.

Example: A food influencer shares a recipe using a brand's product. The brand can create a unique UTM link for that recipe blog post.

4. Influencer-Specific Metrics:

- Audience Demographics: Understand the influencer's audience. Age, gender, location, and interests impact campaign success.

Example: A gaming influencer's predominantly Gen Z audience might respond differently to a mobile game ad than an older demographic.

- Content Quality: Assess the influencer's content quality, alignment with your brand, and authenticity.

Example: A fashion influencer's aesthetically pleasing Instagram Reels showcasing your clothing line can enhance brand credibility.

5. A/B Testing:

- Test different influencer strategies simultaneously. Compare results to identify what works best.

Example: Two beauty influencers promote the same skincare product—one through a tutorial video and the other through a product review. A/B testing reveals which approach drives more conversions.

6. Lifetime Value (LTV):

- Look beyond immediate conversions. Calculate the LTV of customers acquired through influencer campaigns.

Example: A fitness app collaborates with a wellness influencer. If users acquired through the campaign stay active for months, the LTV justifies the investment.

Remember, measuring success isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Tailor your metrics based on campaign goals, industry, and influencer type. Regularly analyze data, iterate, and optimize for better results.

Measuring the Success of Your Mobile Influencer Campaigns - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

Measuring the Success of Your Mobile Influencer Campaigns - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

6. Building Authentic Relationships with Mobile Influencers

In the dynamic world of mobile influencer marketing, establishing authentic relationships with influencers is crucial for success. These relationships go beyond transactional interactions and delve into the realm of trust, mutual understanding, and shared goals. In this section, we'll explore strategies to foster genuine connections with mobile influencers, drawing insights from various perspectives.

1. Understanding Influencer Motivations:

- Influencers as Storytellers: Recognize that influencers are more than just conduits for brand messages. They are storytellers who craft narratives around your product or service. Understand their motivations—whether it's creative expression, community building, or financial gain—and align your collaboration accordingly.

- Shared Values: Authenticity stems from shared values. When approaching influencers, research their content, beliefs, and causes they champion. For instance, if your brand promotes sustainability, collaborate with influencers who resonate with eco-friendly practices.

2. Personalized Outreach:

- Tailored Messages: Avoid generic outreach templates. Personalize your communication by referencing specific aspects of an influencer's work. Mention a recent post, highlight their unique style, or express admiration for their creativity.

- Building Rapport: Start conversations beyond business. Ask about their journey, interests, and aspirations. Genuine interest fosters trust and lays the foundation for a lasting relationship.

3. Transparency and Honesty:

- Clear Expectations: Set expectations from the outset. Discuss deliverables, compensation, and campaign goals openly. Transparency builds trust and prevents misunderstandings.

- Disclosure: Ensure influencers disclose sponsored content. Authenticity thrives when audiences know they're viewing promotional material. Encourage influencers to weave brand messages seamlessly into their content.

4. Collaborative Ideation:

- Co-Creation: Involve influencers in campaign ideation. Their creativity and insights can elevate your brand. For example, if you're launching a mobile app, seek their input on features or user experience.

- Interactive Brainstorming: Host brainstorming sessions where influencers share ideas. Encourage them to propose unique angles, formats, or storytelling techniques. This collaborative approach fosters ownership and enthusiasm.

5. long-Term partnerships:

- Beyond One-Off Campaigns: Authentic relationships extend beyond single campaigns. Consider long-term partnerships. Regular collaborations deepen understanding, enhance authenticity, and yield better results.

- Loyalty Programs: Reward loyal influencers with exclusive previews, early access, or personalized perks. Acknowledge their contribution beyond monetary compensation.

6. Empowerment and Trust:

- Empower Creativity: Trust influencers' instincts. Avoid micromanagement. Provide guidelines but allow room for their creative flair. Remember, authenticity thrives in genuine expression.

- Feedback Loop: Seek feedback after campaigns. Understand their experiences, pain points, and suggestions. Use this information to refine future collaborations.


Imagine a fitness app collaborating with a wellness influencer. Instead of a standard fitness challenge, they co-create a 30-day mindfulness journey. The influencer shares daily meditation tips, healthy recipes, and personal anecdotes. Users engage, trust grows, and the app gains credibility.

In summary, building authentic relationships with mobile influencers involves empathy, transparency, collaboration, and a genuine desire to create meaningful content. When influencers feel valued, they become brand advocates, amplifying your message to their engaged audiences.

Building Authentic Relationships with Mobile Influencers - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

Building Authentic Relationships with Mobile Influencers - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

7. Optimizing Mobile Landing Pages for Increased Conversions

## The Importance of mobile Landing pages

Mobile landing pages serve as the gateway to your brand or product. They are the first touchpoint for users who click on your ads, social media posts, or influencer collaborations. Here are some perspectives on why optimizing these pages matters:

1. User Experience (UX) Matters:

- A well-designed mobile landing page provides a seamless experience for visitors. Slow loading times, cluttered layouts, and confusing navigation can drive users away.

- Example: Imagine a user clicking on an influencer's Instagram story promoting a new skincare product. If the landing page takes forever to load or lacks clear information, the user might abandon the purchase.

2. Conversion Rates Depend on It:

- high-converting landing pages lead to more sales, sign-ups, or other desired actions. A well-optimized page can significantly boost your conversion rates.

- Example: An influencer's followers are more likely to make a purchase if the landing page offers a limited-time discount or a compelling call-to-action (CTA).

3. Mobile-First Indexing by Search Engines:

- Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results. optimizing your landing pages for mobile ensures better visibility.

- Example: An influencer's blog post about a fitness app should link to a mobile landing page that loads quickly and displays well on various devices.

## Strategies for optimizing Mobile Landing pages

Now, let's explore actionable strategies to enhance your mobile landing pages:

1. Responsive Design:

- Ensure your landing page adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes. Use responsive design principles to optimize layout, fonts, and images.

- Example: An influencer's sponsored post about a travel booking app should lead to a landing page that looks great on both smartphones and tablets.

2. Speed Optimization:

- Mobile users are impatient. Minimize server requests, compress images, and leverage browser caching to improve loading times.

- Example: An influencer promoting a fashion brand's sale should link to a landing page that loads within a few seconds, even on slower connections.

3. Clear and Relevant Content:

- Concisely convey your message. Highlight benefits, features, and unique selling points (USPs).

- Example: An influencer endorsing a meal delivery service should link to a landing page that clearly explains the convenience, variety, and health benefits of the service.

4. Compelling CTAs:

- Use persuasive CTAs that encourage action. Whether it's "Shop Now," "Sign Up," or "Download," make them stand out.

- Example: An influencer's YouTube video review of a skincare product should link to a landing page with a prominent CTA to purchase or request a free sample.

5. A/B Testing:

- Continuously test different elements (headlines, images, CTAs) to identify what resonates best with your audience.

- Example: An influencer's collaboration with a fitness app could involve testing two versions of the landing page—one emphasizing weight loss benefits and the other focusing on muscle gain.

6. Minimize Form Fields:

- Keep form fields minimal. Only ask for essential information to reduce friction.

- Example: An influencer's sponsored post about a financial planning tool should lead to a landing page with a simple form asking for name and email, rather than a lengthy questionnaire.

Remember, successful influencer marketing campaigns rely on a seamless transition from the influencer's content to your landing page. By optimizing your mobile landing pages, you'll create a positive user experience, boost conversions, and maximize the impact of your influencer collaborations.

Feel free to adapt these insights to your specific context, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance!

Optimizing Mobile Landing Pages for Increased Conversions - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

Optimizing Mobile Landing Pages for Increased Conversions - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

8. Integrating Mobile Influencer Marketing with Your Overall Marketing Strategy

Mobile influencer marketing has become an integral part of many businesses' overall marketing strategies. It offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile platforms. In this section, we will explore the various aspects of integrating mobile influencer marketing into your marketing strategy.

1. Understanding the Power of Mobile Influencers:

Mobile influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. Their ability to connect with their followers on a personal level makes them valuable partners for brands. By leveraging their influence, you can tap into their engaged audience and increase brand awareness.

2. Identifying the Right Mobile Influencers:

When integrating mobile influencer marketing into your strategy, it's crucial to identify the right influencers for your brand. Look for influencers who align with your target audience and have a genuine interest in your products or services. This ensures that their recommendations resonate with their followers and drive meaningful engagement.

3. building Authentic partnerships:

Successful mobile influencer marketing relies on building authentic partnerships with influencers. It's essential to establish a mutually beneficial relationship where both parties feel valued. Collaborate with influencers to create content that aligns with your brand's values and resonates with their audience. This authenticity will enhance the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

4. leveraging User-Generated content:

User-generated content (UGC) plays a vital role in mobile influencer marketing. Encourage influencers and their followers to create and share content related to your brand.

Integrating Mobile Influencer Marketing with Your Overall Marketing Strategy - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

Integrating Mobile Influencer Marketing with Your Overall Marketing Strategy - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

9. Successful Mobile Influencer Marketing Campaigns

## The Power of Mobile Influencer Marketing

Mobile influencer marketing leverages social media platforms, apps, and other mobile channels to reach consumers where they spend a significant portion of their time. Here are some key insights from different perspectives:

1. Authenticity Matters:

- Influencers have built trust with their followers over time. Their authentic voice and relatable content resonate more effectively than traditional advertising.

- Successful mobile influencer campaigns focus on aligning the influencer's values with the brand's message. Authenticity ensures that the audience perceives the collaboration as genuine rather than forced.

2. Diverse Platforms:

- Mobile influencer marketing isn't limited to Instagram alone. TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, and even podcasts offer unique opportunities.

- Brands should choose platforms based on their target audience demographics, content type, and engagement levels.

3. Micro-Influencers vs. Macro-Influencers:

- Micro-influencers (with smaller but highly engaged audiences) often yield better results than macro-influencers (with massive followings).

- Case Study Example: A skincare brand collaborated with micro-influencers who shared their authentic skincare routines. The engagement rate was significantly higher compared to a macro-influencer campaign.

4. Creative Campaigns:

- Mobile influencer marketing thrives on creativity. Brands should encourage influencers to think outside the box.

- Case Study Example: A fitness app partnered with fitness influencers to create a 30-day workout challenge. The influencers documented their progress, and users joined the challenge through the app. The campaign increased app downloads and user engagement.

5. User-Generated Content (UGC):

- Encouraging users to create content related to the brand or product is a powerful strategy.

- Case Study Example: A food delivery app ran a UGC contest where users shared their favorite meals delivered through the app. The best entries received vouchers, and the campaign generated buzz and user-generated content.

6. In-App Influencer Collaborations:

- Some mobile apps have integrated influencer marketing directly within their platforms.

- Case Study Example: A fashion shopping app collaborated with fashion influencers to create curated collections within the app. Users could shop directly from these collections, leading to increased sales.

7. Localized Campaigns:

- Mobile influencer marketing allows for hyper-local targeting.

- Case Study Example: A ride-sharing app partnered with local influencers in specific cities to promote discounts during peak hours. The localized approach led to higher app installations and usage.

8. Measuring Success:

- metrics such as engagement rate, click-through rate, conversions, and return on investment (ROI) are crucial.

- Case Study Example: A travel app tracked the number of bookings generated through an influencer campaign. They found that the campaign's ROI exceeded their expectations.

Remember, successful mobile influencer marketing isn't just about numbers; it's about creating meaningful connections with the audience. By understanding the nuances of each platform, collaborating with the right influencers, and fostering creativity, brands can achieve remarkable results in the mobile space.

Successful Mobile Influencer Marketing Campaigns - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

Successful Mobile Influencer Marketing Campaigns - Mobile influencer marketing: How to collaborate with influencers and reach new customers on mobile

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