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Online training platform: Building a Thriving Startup: Insights from Online Training Platforms

1. Why online training platforms are the future of education and business?

online training platforms are not just a convenient way to learn new skills or enhance existing ones. They are also a powerful tool to create value, impact, and innovation in various domains of education and business. In this article, we will explore how online training platforms can help you build a thriving startup by providing insights from successful examples in the industry. We will cover the following aspects:

- The benefits of online training platforms for learners and educators. Online training platforms offer a flexible, personalized, and engaging learning experience for learners of all ages and backgrounds. They also enable educators to reach a wider audience, create diverse and inclusive content, and generate revenue from their expertise.

- The challenges and opportunities of online training platforms for entrepreneurs. Online training platforms are a competitive and dynamic market that requires entrepreneurs to differentiate themselves, validate their ideas, and scale their operations. They also present opportunities to leverage emerging technologies, collaborate with partners, and solve real-world problems.

- The best practices and tips for online training platforms from successful founders. Online training platforms are not just about creating and delivering content. They are also about building a community, a brand, and a culture. We will share some of the best practices and tips from successful founders of online training platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, and MasterClass.

2. How to identify your target audience, competitors, and niche?

Before you launch your online training platform, you need to conduct a market analysis to understand the needs, preferences, and behaviors of your potential customers, as well as the strengths, weaknesses, and strategies of your competitors. A market analysis will help you identify your target audience, competitors, and niche within the online training industry. Here are some steps you can follow to conduct market analysis for your online training platform:

1. define your target market. Your target market is the group of people who are most likely to benefit from your online training platform and pay for your services. To define your target market, you need to consider factors such as demographics, psychographics, geographic location, income level, education level, and online behavior. For example, if you are offering online courses on web development, your target market might be young professionals who want to learn new skills, upgrade their careers, and increase their income.

2. segment your target market. Your target market might consist of different subgroups that have different needs, preferences, and motivations. To segment your target market, you need to identify the common characteristics and behaviors that distinguish each subgroup from the others. For example, you might segment your target market based on the level of web development skills they have, such as beginners, intermediate, or advanced learners.

3. Analyze your competitors. Your competitors are the other online training platforms that offer similar or related courses to your target market. To analyze your competitors, you need to research their products, prices, features, benefits, marketing strategies, customer reviews, and market share. For example, you might compare your online courses on web development with those offered by Udemy, Coursera, Codecademy, and Skillshare.

4. identify your competitive advantage. Your competitive advantage is the unique value proposition that sets your online training platform apart from your competitors and attracts your target market. To identify your competitive advantage, you need to highlight the aspects of your online training platform that are superior, distinctive, or innovative compared to your competitors. For example, you might offer more personalized, interactive, or affordable online courses on web development than your competitors.

5. Find your niche. Your niche is the specific segment of the online training market that you focus on and serve better than anyone else. To find your niche, you need to narrow down your target market and your competitive advantage to the most profitable and sustainable opportunity for your online training platform. For example, you might find your niche by offering online courses on web development for women who want to start their own online businesses.

How to identify your target audience, competitors, and niche - Online training platform: Building a Thriving Startup: Insights from Online Training Platforms

How to identify your target audience, competitors, and niche - Online training platform: Building a Thriving Startup: Insights from Online Training Platforms

3. How to design and develop an engaging and effective online training platform?

One of the most crucial aspects of building a successful online training platform is the product development process. This involves designing and developing a platform that meets the needs and expectations of the learners, instructors, and other stakeholders. A well-designed and developed platform can enhance the learning experience, increase engagement and retention, and foster a sense of community and collaboration. However, product development is not a one-time event, but a continuous cycle of improvement and innovation. How can online training platforms design and develop their products effectively and efficiently? Here are some key steps and best practices to follow:

- 1. conduct user research and market analysis. Before starting the design and development process, it is essential to understand the target audience, their pain points, goals, preferences, and behaviors. User research can help identify the needs, wants, and expectations of the learners and instructors, as well as the gaps and opportunities in the market. user research methods can include surveys, interviews, focus groups, user testing, analytics, and feedback. The results of user research can help define the value proposition, user personas, user journeys, and user stories of the platform.

- 2. Define the product vision and strategy. Based on the user research and market analysis, the next step is to define the product vision and strategy. The product vision is a clear and concise statement that describes the purpose, scope, and goals of the platform. The product strategy is a roadmap that outlines the key features, functionalities, and milestones of the platform. The product vision and strategy should align with the business objectives, mission, and values of the platform. They should also be communicated and shared with the entire team and stakeholders to ensure a common understanding and direction.

- 3. design the user interface and user experience. The user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are the aspects of the platform that determine how the users interact with and perceive the platform. The UI and UX should be designed to be intuitive, user-friendly, accessible, and engaging. The UI and UX design process can involve creating wireframes, mockups, prototypes, and style guides that illustrate the layout, structure, navigation, and aesthetics of the platform. The UI and UX design should be tested and validated with the users and stakeholders to ensure usability, functionality, and desirability.

- 4. Develop the product using agile methodologies. The product development process involves transforming the design into a functional and scalable platform. The product development process should follow agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, that allow for iterative and incremental development, testing, and delivery. Agile methodologies can help reduce risks, improve quality, and adapt to changing requirements and feedback. The product development process should also involve collaboration and communication among the developers, designers, testers, and other team members and stakeholders.

- 5. Launch the product and collect feedback. The final step of the product development process is to launch the product and collect feedback from the users and stakeholders. The launch of the product should be planned and executed carefully, taking into account the marketing, distribution, and support strategies. The launch of the product should also be accompanied by collecting feedback from the users and stakeholders, using methods such as surveys, reviews, ratings, comments, and analytics. The feedback can help measure the performance, impact, and satisfaction of the platform, as well as identify the areas of improvement and innovation.

4. How to attract and retain customers, generate leads, and increase conversions?

One of the most crucial aspects of building a thriving online training platform is developing and implementing an effective marketing strategy. Without a clear plan to attract and retain customers, generate leads, and increase conversions, even the most innovative and valuable online training platform will struggle to succeed in the competitive market. In this section, we will explore some of the best practices and tips for creating and executing a marketing strategy that works for your online training platform. We will cover the following topics:

- How to identify and understand your target audience and their needs

- How to create and deliver engaging and relevant content that showcases your online training platform's value proposition and benefits

- How to leverage various channels and platforms to reach and communicate with your potential and existing customers

- How to measure and optimize your marketing performance and results

1. Identify and understand your target audience and their needs. Before you can market your online training platform effectively, you need to know who you are marketing to and what they are looking for. You need to conduct thorough market research and analysis to segment your audience based on their demographics, psychographics, behavior, and preferences. You also need to create buyer personas that represent your ideal customers and their pain points, goals, motivations, and challenges. By doing so, you can tailor your marketing messages and offers to resonate with your audience and address their specific needs.

For example, if your online training platform offers courses on digital marketing, you may want to segment your audience based on their level of expertise, industry, role, and learning objectives. You may also want to create buyer personas such as "Mark, a beginner digital marketer who wants to learn the basics of SEO and PPC" or "Lisa, an experienced digital marketer who wants to advance her skills in social media and content marketing". By knowing your audience and their needs, you can create and deliver more relevant and personalized marketing campaigns that capture their attention and interest.

2. Create and deliver engaging and relevant content that showcases your online training platform's value proposition and benefits. Content is the core of any marketing strategy, especially for online training platforms. You need to create and deliver high-quality, engaging, and relevant content that educates, informs, entertains, and inspires your audience. Your content should showcase your online training platform's value proposition and benefits, as well as demonstrate your expertise and authority in your niche. You should also use various types of content, such as blog posts, ebooks, webinars, podcasts, videos, infographics, case studies, testimonials, and more, to cater to different preferences and stages of the buyer's journey.

For example, if your online training platform offers courses on digital marketing, you may want to create and deliver content such as:

- A blog post that explains the importance and benefits of digital marketing for businesses

- An ebook that provides a comprehensive guide on how to create and execute a digital marketing strategy

- A webinar that showcases your online training platform's features and functionalities, as well as a live demo of one of your courses

- A podcast that interviews one of your instructors or students and shares their insights and experiences with digital marketing

- A video that showcases a success story or a testimonial from one of your satisfied customers

- An infographic that summarizes the key statistics and trends of digital marketing

- A case study that illustrates how one of your customers achieved their goals and improved their results with your online training platform

By creating and delivering engaging and relevant content, you can build trust and credibility with your audience, as well as generate awareness and interest in your online training platform.

3. Leverage various channels and platforms to reach and communicate with your potential and existing customers. Once you have created your content, you need to distribute and promote it effectively to reach and communicate with your potential and existing customers. You need to leverage various channels and platforms, such as email, social media, search engines, online communities, forums, podcasts, and more, to maximize your exposure and engagement. You also need to optimize your content for each channel and platform, as well as for different devices and formats. You should also use various tools and techniques, such as SEO, PPC, social media ads, influencer marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and more, to boost your visibility and reach.

For example, if your online training platform offers courses on digital marketing, you may want to leverage various channels and platforms such as:

- Email: You can use email to send newsletters, updates, offers, invitations, reminders, and more to your subscribers and customers. You can also use email to nurture your leads and move them along the sales funnel. You should also segment your email list based on your audience's characteristics and behavior, and personalize your email content and subject lines to increase your open and click rates.

- social media: You can use social media to share your content, interact with your followers, build your brand awareness and reputation, and drive traffic to your website or landing page. You can also use social media to run ads, contests, polls, quizzes, and more to generate leads and conversions. You should also choose the right social media platforms for your niche and audience, and post consistently and frequently to maintain your presence and engagement.

- search engines: You can use search engines to optimize your website or landing page for relevant keywords and phrases, and rank higher on the search results pages. You can also use search engines to run PPC ads, such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, and more, to target your audience based on their search intent and location. You should also monitor and analyze your search performance and results, and adjust your SEO and PPC strategies accordingly.

- online communities and forums: You can use online communities and forums, such as Reddit, Quora, Medium, LinkedIn, and more, to share your content, answer questions, provide feedback, and establish your authority and credibility in your niche. You can also use online communities and forums to find and join relevant groups and discussions, and network with your peers and potential customers. You should also follow the rules and etiquette of each community and forum, and avoid spamming or self-promoting excessively.

By leveraging various channels and platforms, you can reach and communicate with your potential and existing customers, as well as expand your audience and influence.

4. Measure and optimize your marketing performance and results. The last but not least step of creating and executing a marketing strategy for your online training platform is to measure and optimize your marketing performance and results. You need to track and analyze various metrics and indicators, such as traffic, leads, conversions, revenue, retention, churn, customer satisfaction, and more, to evaluate your marketing effectiveness and ROI. You also need to use various tools and methods, such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, email marketing software, surveys, feedback forms, and more, to collect and interpret your data and insights. You should also conduct regular tests and experiments, such as A/B testing, multivariate testing, and more, to optimize your content, offers, channels, and platforms, and improve your marketing outcomes.

For example, if your online training platform offers courses on digital marketing, you may want to measure and optimize your marketing performance and results such as:

- Traffic: You can measure your traffic by using tools such as Google analytics, and track metrics such as sessions, users, page views, bounce rate, time on site, and more. You can also segment your traffic by source, medium, device, location, and more, to understand where your traffic is coming from and how they are behaving on your website or landing page. You can also optimize your traffic by using techniques such as SEO, PPC, social media ads, and more, to increase your traffic quantity and quality.

- Leads: You can measure your leads by using tools such as email marketing software, and track metrics such as subscribers, opt-in rate, open rate, click rate, and more. You can also segment your leads by stage, source, interest, and more, to understand how your leads are progressing and what they are looking for. You can also optimize your leads by using techniques such as lead magnets, landing pages, webinars, and more, to increase your lead generation and nurturing.

- Conversions: You can measure your conversions by using tools such as Google Analytics, and track metrics such as conversion rate, cost per conversion, revenue per conversion, and more. You can also segment your conversions by type, source, channel, and more, to understand how your conversions are happening and what factors are influencing them. You can also optimize your conversions by using techniques such as CTA, copywriting, design, and more, to increase your conversion rate and value.

- Revenue: You can measure your revenue by using tools such as Google Analytics, and track metrics such as total revenue, average revenue per user, lifetime value, and more. You can also segment your revenue by product, customer, channel, and more, to understand how your revenue is generated and distributed. You can also optimize your revenue by using techniques such as pricing, upselling, cross-selling, and more, to increase your revenue growth and retention.

- Retention: You can measure your retention by using tools such as Google Analytics, and track metrics such as retention rate, churn rate, repeat purchase rate, and more. You can also segment your retention by product, customer, channel, and more, to understand how your retention is affected and maintained. You can also optimize your retention by using techniques such as email marketing, loyalty programs, referrals, and more, to increase your customer loyalty and advocacy.

By measuring and optimizing your marketing performance and results, you can ensure that your marketing strategy is aligned with your online training platform's goals and objectives, and that you are achieving the

5. How to monetize your online training platform and optimize your pricing strategy?

Here is a possible segment that meets your criteria:

One of the most crucial decisions for any online training platform is how to generate revenue from its users. There are many factors that influence this choice, such as the target market, the value proposition, the competitive landscape, and the customer behavior. A successful revenue model not only ensures profitability, but also aligns with the platform's vision and mission. In this section, we will explore some of the common ways to monetize an online training platform and how to optimize the pricing strategy for each of them.

- Subscription model: This is a popular option for online training platforms that offer a variety of courses or content across different topics or domains. Users pay a recurring fee, usually monthly or annually, to access the platform's offerings. The subscription model has several advantages, such as predictable revenue, customer loyalty, and scalability. However, it also poses some challenges, such as attracting and retaining users, differentiating from competitors, and providing consistent value. To optimize the subscription model, online training platforms should consider the following aspects:

- Segmentation: Not all users have the same needs, preferences, and willingness to pay. Therefore, online training platforms should segment their users based on criteria such as demographics, behavior, goals, and outcomes. By doing so, they can tailor their offerings and prices to each segment and increase their conversion and retention rates. For example, Coursera offers different subscription plans for learners, educators, and enterprises, each with different features and benefits.

- Bundling: Online training platforms can increase their revenue by bundling multiple courses or content together and offering them at a discounted price. Bundling can create a perception of value and encourage users to purchase more than they would otherwise. However, bundling also has some drawbacks, such as reducing the perceived value of individual courses or content, cannibalizing the sales of standalone products, and confusing the users with too many options. To optimize bundling, online training platforms should consider the following aspects:

- Complementarity: The courses or content that are bundled together should be complementary, meaning that they are related or relevant to each other and enhance the user's learning experience. For example, Udemy bundles courses that belong to the same category or topic, such as web development, data science, or business.

- Customization: Online training platforms should allow users to customize their bundles according to their needs and preferences. This can increase the user's satisfaction and willingness to pay, as well as reduce the risk of over- or under-bundling. For example, Skillshare allows users to create their own playlists of courses or content that interest them.

- Pay-per-use model: This is another common option for online training platforms that offer discrete or modular courses or content that can be consumed individually or on-demand. Users pay a one-time fee for each course or content they access or complete. The pay-per-use model has several advantages, such as flexibility, simplicity, and transparency. However, it also poses some challenges, such as variable revenue, customer churn, and competition. To optimize the pay-per-use model, online training platforms should consider the following aspects:

- Value proposition: Online training platforms should clearly communicate the value proposition of each course or content they offer, such as the learning outcomes, the credentials, the instructors, and the testimonials. This can help users to assess the quality and relevance of the course or content and justify their purchase decision. For example, edX highlights the key features and benefits of each course or content on its landing page, such as the syllabus, the duration, the level, the certificate, and the partner institution.

- Pricing strategy: Online training platforms should adopt a pricing strategy that reflects the value and demand of each course or content they offer, as well as the costs and margins involved. This can help them to maximize their revenue and profit, as well as to attract and retain users. There are different pricing strategies that online training platforms can use, such as cost-based, value-based, dynamic, or tiered. For example, Udacity uses a tiered pricing strategy, where users can choose between different levels of access and support for each course or content, such as free, basic, or premium.

6. How to scale your online training platform and leverage social media, referrals, and partnerships?

One of the most crucial aspects of building a thriving online training platform is to grow your user base and revenue. This can be achieved by applying various growth hacking strategies that leverage the power of social media, referrals, and partnerships. Growth hacking is the process of experimenting with different marketing channels and techniques to find the most effective ways to grow a business. In this segment, we will explore some of the best practices and examples of growth hacking for online training platforms.

Some of the growth hacking strategies that online training platforms can use are:

1. Create viral content. viral content is any piece of content that gets widely shared and generates a lot of attention and engagement. This can be a blog post, a video, a podcast, an infographic, a quiz, or anything else that provides value, entertainment, or education to your target audience. viral content can help you reach new potential users, increase your brand awareness, and drive traffic to your platform. For example, Duolingo, a popular language learning app, created a series of humorous videos that showcased the benefits of learning a new language in different scenarios. The videos went viral on social media and attracted millions of views and shares, resulting in a significant boost in downloads and sign-ups for the app.

2. leverage user-generated content. User-generated content (UGC) is any content that is created by your users, such as reviews, testimonials, feedback, questions, answers, comments, photos, videos, etc. UGC can help you build trust and credibility with your audience, as well as increase your organic reach and engagement. You can encourage your users to create and share ugc by offering incentives, rewards, recognition, or gamification. For example, Skillshare, an online learning community, launched a campaign called #SkillshareTeacher that encouraged its users to share their stories and experiences of teaching on the platform. The campaign generated thousands of UGC posts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and helped Skillshare showcase its diverse and talented community of teachers and learners.

3. implement a referral program. A referral program is a system that rewards your users for inviting their friends, family, or colleagues to join your platform. Referrals are one of the most effective ways to acquire new users, as they rely on word-of-mouth and social proof. You can design your referral program to offer different types of incentives, such as discounts, credits, free trials, premium features, or cash. For example, Udemy, an online course marketplace, offers a referral program that gives both the referrer and the referee a $10 coupon to use on any course. This motivates the users to share their favorite courses with their network and helps Udemy increase its sales and revenue.

4. Partner with influencers and experts. Influencers and experts are people who have a large and loyal following on social media, blogs, podcasts, or other platforms. They can help you reach a wider and more relevant audience, as well as enhance your brand reputation and authority. You can partner with influencers and experts to promote your platform, create content, host events, or offer exclusive deals. For example, Masterclass, an online platform that offers classes from celebrities and experts, partnered with Oprah Winfrey to launch a series of online courses on topics such as leadership, wellness, and spirituality. The partnership generated a lot of buzz and exposure for Masterclass, as well as attracted many new users who wanted to learn from Oprah.

How to scale your online training platform and leverage social media, referrals, and partnerships - Online training platform: Building a Thriving Startup: Insights from Online Training Platforms

How to scale your online training platform and leverage social media, referrals, and partnerships - Online training platform: Building a Thriving Startup: Insights from Online Training Platforms

The online training industry is booming, with more and more people seeking to learn new skills, enhance their careers, or pursue their passions. However, this also means that the competition is fierce, and the expectations are high. As an online training platform, you need to be aware of the common challenges that you may face, as well as the opportunities that you can leverage to stand out from the crowd. In this segment, we will explore some of the key aspects that you need to consider when building a thriving online training startup.

Some of the challenges that you may encounter are:

- Quality and credibility: How do you ensure that your courses are of high quality and that your instructors are qualified and trustworthy? How do you convince your potential customers that your platform is worth their time and money?

- Engagement and retention: How do you keep your learners motivated and engaged throughout the course? How do you prevent them from dropping out or switching to another platform? How do you encourage them to come back for more courses or refer others to your platform?

- Scalability and sustainability: How do you manage the growth of your platform and the demand for your courses? How do you handle the technical, operational, and financial aspects of running an online training business? How do you ensure that your platform is reliable, secure, and compliant with the relevant regulations?

Some of the opportunities that you can capitalize on are:

- Personalization and customization: How can you tailor your courses and your platform to the specific needs, preferences, and goals of your learners? How can you use data and feedback to improve your offerings and your user experience?

- Diversification and innovation: How can you expand your portfolio of courses and your target market? How can you differentiate yourself from your competitors and offer something unique and valuable? How can you leverage the latest technologies and trends to enhance your platform and your courses?

- Collaboration and community: How can you foster a sense of connection and belonging among your learners and your instructors? How can you facilitate the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and feedback? How can you partner with other organizations or influencers to promote your platform and your courses?

To illustrate these points, let us look at some examples of successful online training platforms that have overcome the challenges and seized the opportunities in the industry.

- Udemy: Udemy is one of the largest and most popular online learning platforms, with over 150,000 courses and 40 million learners. Udemy ensures the quality and credibility of its courses by using a rating and review system, as well as a verification process for its instructors. Udemy keeps its learners engaged and retained by offering a variety of formats, such as video, audio, text, quizzes, and assignments, as well as a certificate of completion and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Udemy manages its scalability and sustainability by using a cloud-based infrastructure, a revenue-sharing model, and a global presence.

- Coursera: Coursera is another leading online learning platform, with over 5,000 courses and 80 million learners. Coursera specializes in offering courses from top universities and organizations, such as Stanford, Yale, Google, and IBM. Coursera personalizes and customizes its courses and its platform by using adaptive learning, skill assessments, and learning paths, as well as offering degrees and professional certificates. Coursera diversifies and innovates its courses and its platform by covering a wide range of topics, such as business, data science, health, and arts, as well as using interactive elements, such as peer reviews, projects, and live sessions.

- Skillshare: Skillshare is a niche online learning platform, with over 30,000 courses and 12 million learners. Skillshare focuses on offering courses on creative skills, such as design, photography, writing, and music. Skillshare fosters collaboration and community among its learners and its instructors by using a project-based approach, where learners can share their work and get feedback from others, as well as a membership model, where learners can access unlimited courses and join live events and workshops.

8. How to measure your success and plan for the future of your online training platform?

You have learned how to create, launch, and market your online training platform. But how do you know if you are successful? And how do you plan for the future of your platform? These are important questions that every online training platform owner should ask themselves. In this segment, we will explore some ways to measure your success and plan for the future of your online training platform.

- Define your goals and metrics. The first step to measure your success is to define what success means for you and your platform. You need to have clear and specific goals that are aligned with your vision and mission. For example, your goals could be to increase your revenue, grow your user base, improve your retention rate, or enhance your user satisfaction. Once you have your goals, you need to identify the metrics that will help you track your progress and performance. Metrics are quantifiable indicators that measure your results. For example, your metrics could be the number of sales, the number of users, the churn rate, or the net promoter score. You should choose metrics that are relevant, reliable, and actionable for your platform.

- Analyze your data and feedback. The second step to measure your success is to collect and analyze your data and feedback. You need to have a system that allows you to gather and store your data and feedback from various sources, such as your platform analytics, your user surveys, your social media, or your customer support. You should use tools that help you visualize and interpret your data and feedback, such as dashboards, charts, or reports. You should look for patterns, trends, and insights that can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, your opportunities and threats, and your user needs and preferences. You should also compare your data and feedback with your goals and metrics, and see how well you are meeting or exceeding them.

- Adjust your strategy and actions. The third step to measure your success is to adjust your strategy and actions based on your data and feedback. You need to have a process that allows you to review and evaluate your data and feedback regularly, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly. You should use your data and feedback to identify what is working and what is not working for your platform, and what you can do to improve or optimize it. You should also use your data and feedback to set new or revised goals and metrics, and update your strategy and actions accordingly. You should test and experiment with different ideas and approaches, and measure their impact and effectiveness. You should also communicate your results and learnings with your team and your users, and celebrate your achievements and milestones.

- Plan for the future. The fourth step to measure your success is to plan for the future of your online training platform. You need to have a vision that guides your long-term direction and growth. You should consider the external and internal factors that may affect your platform, such as the market trends, the user demands, the competitor actions, or the technological innovations. You should also consider the potential risks and challenges that may arise, and how you can mitigate or overcome them. You should also consider the opportunities and possibilities that may emerge, and how you can leverage or create them. You should also consider the resources and capabilities that you need to sustain and scale your platform, such as the funding, the talent, the partnerships, or the infrastructure. You should also consider the impact and value that you want to create for your users and the society, and how you can measure and communicate it.

By following these steps, you can measure your success and plan for the future of your online training platform. You can also use these steps as a feedback loop that helps you continuously learn and improve your platform. Remember that success is not a destination, but a journey. And you are the driver of your online training platform. Happy driving!

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