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Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

1. Understanding Podcast Advertising

1. The Rise of Podcasts:

- Podcasts have evolved from niche content to mainstream entertainment. Their convenience, accessibility, and ability to cater to specific interests have contributed to their growth.

- From true crime mysteries to business advice, podcasts cover a wide range of topics. As a result, advertisers can find relevant shows to target their desired audience.

2. Why Advertise on Podcasts?

- Engaged Audience: Podcast listeners are highly engaged. Unlike radio or TV, where ads can be skipped, podcast ads are seamlessly integrated into the content.

- Niche Audiences: Podcasts cater to specific niches, allowing advertisers to reach their ideal customers. For instance, a fitness brand can advertise on a health and wellness podcast.

- Trust Factor: Listeners often trust podcast hosts, which translates to credibility for advertised products or services.

3. Types of Podcast Ads:

- Host-Read Ads: These are personalized ads delivered by the podcast host. They feel authentic and resonate with the audience.

- Example: "Hey, listeners! If you're looking for a reliable web hosting service, check out Bluehost. Use code 'PODCAST' for a special discount."

- Pre-Roll and Mid-Roll Ads:

- Pre-Roll: These ads play at the beginning of an episode.

- Mid-Roll: These ads appear during the episode, often after a natural break.

- Example: "Before we dive into today's topic, a quick shoutout to our sponsor, Audible. Get a free audiobook by visiting audible.com/podcast."

- Dynamic Insertion:

- Advertisers can change ad content dynamically based on the listener's location or other factors. This ensures relevance.

- Example: "Calling all New Yorkers! Visit Joe's Pizza for a slice of heaven. Use code 'PODCAST' for 10% off."

4. Measuring Podcast Ad Performance:

- Unique URLs or Promo Codes: Advertisers create custom URLs or promo codes for each podcast campaign. This helps track conversions.

- Attribution Tools: Platforms like Chartable provide insights into listener behavior, conversion rates, and engagement.

- Surveys and Listener Feedback: Gathering feedback directly from listeners helps assess ad effectiveness.

5. Challenges and Considerations:

- Ad Fatigue: Frequent ads can annoy listeners. Striking the right balance is essential.

- Ad Placement: Mid-roll ads should align with the episode's content to avoid disrupting the listener's experience.

- Budget: Podcast advertising costs vary. Advertisers must weigh the benefits against their budget.

Remember, successful podcast advertising involves creativity, authenticity, and a deep understanding of the audience. So, whether you're promoting a product, service, or your own podcast, consider the unique dynamics of this medium.

Understanding Podcast Advertising - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

Understanding Podcast Advertising - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

2. Benefits of Podcast Advertising

Podcast advertising offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to reach their target audience with PPC. It provides a unique opportunity to connect with listeners who are actively engaged and interested in the content they are consuming. From the perspective of advertisers, podcast advertising allows for precise targeting based on specific demographics, interests, and niche markets. This ensures that your message reaches the right audience, increasing the chances of conversion and ROI.

One of the key benefits of podcast advertising is the intimate and personal nature of the medium. Listeners often develop a strong connection with their favorite podcast hosts, considering them as trusted sources of information and recommendations. By leveraging this trust, advertisers can effectively promote their products or services in a way that feels authentic and genuine.

Additionally, podcast advertising allows for longer-form content compared to traditional advertising formats. This gives advertisers the opportunity to provide in-depth information about their offerings, highlighting key features, benefits, and use cases. By going beyond a simple ad spot, advertisers can engage listeners with compelling storytelling and valuable insights.

To further illustrate the benefits of podcast advertising, let's explore a numbered list:

1. Targeted Reach: Podcasts cover a wide range of topics, catering to diverse audiences. Advertisers can choose podcasts that align with their target market, ensuring their message reaches the right people.

2. Enhanced Engagement: Unlike other forms of advertising, podcast ads are often integrated seamlessly into the content, resulting in higher listener engagement. This leads to better brand recall and increased likelihood of action.

3. niche Market opportunities: Podcasts cover niche topics that may not be widely addressed in other media channels. This presents an opportunity for advertisers to tap into specific markets and connect with highly engaged listeners.

4. long-lasting impact: Podcast episodes are typically available for download or streaming long after their initial release. This means that your ad has the potential to reach new listeners even months or years after its initial airing.

5. Cost-effective: Compared to traditional advertising channels, podcast advertising can be a cost-effective option, especially for businesses with limited marketing budgets. Advertisers can choose podcasts with varying pricing models, such as CPM (cost per thousand impressions) or CPA (cost per acquisition).

Benefits of Podcast Advertising - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

Benefits of Podcast Advertising - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

3. Choosing the Right Podcasts for Your Audience

1. Audience Segmentation and Persona Mapping:

- Before diving into podcast selection, it's crucial to understand your audience segments. Who are they? What are their interests, demographics, and pain points? Create detailed buyer personas to guide your decision-making process.

- Example: Imagine you're promoting a fitness app. Your primary audience might include health-conscious individuals aged 25-40, interested in workouts, nutrition, and wellness. Consider podcasts that resonate with this profile.

2. Content Relevance:

- Look for podcasts that align with your brand or product. Consider the topics discussed, tone, and overall vibe. Does the content complement your message?

- Example: If you're launching a new line of sustainable fashion, explore podcasts that discuss eco-friendly living, ethical fashion, and conscious consumerism.

3. Niche vs. Broad Appeal:

- Niche podcasts cater to specific interests (e.g., "Vegan Cooking Tips" or "Indie Music Scene"). While their audiences may be smaller, they're highly engaged.

- Broad appeal podcasts cover diverse topics (e.g., "TED Talks Daily" or "The Joe Rogan Experience"). They reach a wider audience but may have less targeted impact.

- Consider both approaches based on your campaign goals.

4. Listener Demographics and Geographics:

- Analyze podcast demographics: age, gender, location, education level, and income. Some podcasts share this data publicly.

- Geographical relevance matters too. If you're promoting a local event, choose podcasts popular in that region.

- Example: A real estate company targeting homebuyers in New York City might explore podcasts with a strong NYC listener base.

5. Engagement Metrics and Authenticity:

- Look beyond download numbers. Focus on listener engagement—comments, social media interactions, and reviews.

- Authentic hosts resonate with their audience. Avoid sponsorships on podcasts where ads sound forced or out of place.

- Example: A tech startup could collaborate with a podcast hosted by a respected industry influencer who genuinely believes in their product.

6. Ad Format and Integration:

- Podcast ads come in various formats: pre-roll (before the episode), mid-roll (during), or post-roll (after).

- Choose an integration that feels seamless. Host-read ads often perform better than scripted ones.

- Example: A skincare brand might benefit from a host discussing their personal experience with the product during a mid-roll segment.

7. Budget and CPM (Cost Per Mille):

- Understand your budget constraints. Podcast advertising costs vary widely.

- Calculate CPM (cost per 1,000 listens) to compare pricing across different shows.

- Example: If your budget is limited, consider smaller podcasts with engaged audiences rather than high-profile shows.

8. Test and Optimize:

- Start with a few podcast campaigns and track performance. Use unique promo codes or landing pages to measure conversions.

- Optimize based on results. If a podcast isn't delivering, adjust your strategy.

- Example: A food delivery app might test different podcasts and analyze which ones drive the most sign-ups.

Remember, podcast advertising isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Tailor your choices to your specific goals, audience, and brand identity. By strategically selecting podcasts, you can effectively reach your target audience and maximize your ROI.

Choosing the Right Podcasts for Your Audience - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

Choosing the Right Podcasts for Your Audience - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

4. Creating Effective Podcast Ads

creating effective podcast ads is a crucial aspect of leveraging the power of podcast advertising to connect with your target audience. In this section, we'll delve into the strategies, best practices, and creative approaches that can make your podcast ads stand out and drive results. Let's explore this topic from various perspectives:

1. Understanding Your Audience:

- Before crafting your podcast ad, it's essential to deeply understand your audience. Consider their demographics, interests, pain points, and preferences. Are they tuning in for entertainment, education, or inspiration? Knowing your audience allows you to tailor your message effectively.

- Example: If you're promoting a fitness product, your ad will resonate differently with health-conscious listeners than with casual podcast enthusiasts.

2. Captivating Introductions:

- The first few seconds of your ad are critical. Hook your audience with an engaging introduction. Use humor, curiosity, or a relatable scenario to grab their attention.

- Example: "Hey, busy professionals! Tired of skipping meals? Our meal replacement shakes are your secret weapon for staying healthy on the go."

3. Clear Value Proposition:

- Clearly communicate what sets your product or service apart. Highlight benefits, not just features. Explain how it solves a problem or enhances their lives.

- Example: "Our language learning app guarantees fluency in just 30 days. Say goodbye to awkward conversations!"

4. Storytelling:

- Narratives resonate deeply with listeners. Share a relatable story that connects your brand to their experiences.

- Example: "Meet Sarah, a working mom who transformed her morning routine with our time-saving coffee pods."

5. Call to Action (CTA):

- Every ad needs a strong CTA. Encourage listeners to take action—visit your website, use a promo code, or subscribe.

- Example: "Visit PodcastAd.com and use code 'LISTEN' for 20% off your first order!"

6. Voice and Tone:

- Match your ad's tone to the podcast's overall vibe. Be conversational, authentic, and aligned with the host's style.

- Example: A comedy podcast ad can playfully say, "Our noise-canceling headphones block out annoying coworkers—just like our jokes!"

7. Frequency and Consistency:

- Repetition matters. Consistently feature your ad across episodes to reinforce brand recall.

- Example: "This week's episode is brought to you by XYZ Insurance. Protect what matters most!"

8. Segment-Specific Ads:

- Tailor ads for specific podcast segments (e.g., true crime, business, lifestyle). Customize messaging to fit the context.

- Example: "Attention mystery lovers! Our detective novels are now available on Audible."

9. Length Matters:

- Keep ads concise. Aim for 30–60 seconds. Respect listeners' time.

- Example: "Quick tip: Our meditation app reduces stress in just 10 minutes a day."

10. Testing and Optimization:

- Continuously analyze ad performance. A/B test variations to find what resonates best.

- Example: "We tweaked our ad script, and conversions skyrocketed!"

Remember, effective podcast ads blend seamlessly with the content, leaving a positive impression on listeners. Whether you're promoting a product, service, or brand, these principles will help you create compelling ads that drive results.

Creating Effective Podcast Ads - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

Creating Effective Podcast Ads - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

5. Setting Up Podcast Ad Campaigns

Podcast advertising is a powerful tool for reaching your target audience through PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns. In this section, we will explore the process of setting up podcast ad campaigns and provide valuable insights from different perspectives.

1. Define Your Campaign Goals: Before diving into the setup process, it's crucial to clearly define your campaign goals. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads? Understanding your objectives will help shape your campaign strategy.

2. Identify Your target audience: knowing your target audience is essential for effective podcast advertising. Research and analyze your ideal listeners, considering factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviors. This information will guide your ad targeting and messaging.

3. Select Relevant Podcasts: Once you have identified your target audience, it's time to choose the podcasts that align with your campaign goals and audience demographics. Look for podcasts that have a similar niche or topic to your product or service. Consider factors like audience size, engagement, and relevance.

4. Determine Ad Placement: Podcast ads can be inserted at different points within an episode, such as pre-roll (before the episode starts), mid-roll (during the episode), or post-roll (after the episode ends). Each placement has its advantages, so consider your campaign goals and the podcast's format when deciding on ad placement.

5. Craft Compelling Ad Copy: Your ad copy should be concise, engaging, and tailored to resonate with your target audience. highlight the unique value proposition of your product or service and include a clear call-to-action. Use storytelling techniques or real-life examples to captivate listeners.

6. Set budget and Bidding strategy: Determine your budget for podcast ad campaigns and allocate it based on your campaign goals. Consider whether you want to pay per impression (CPM) or per action (CPA). Test different bidding strategies to optimize your ad performance and maximize your return on investment.

7. Track and Analyze Results: Implement tracking mechanisms to monitor the performance of your podcast ad campaigns. Track metrics such as impressions, click-through rates, conversions, and cost per acquisition. Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven optimizations.

Remember, setting up podcast ad campaigns requires careful planning, targeting, and optimization. By following these steps and leveraging the power of podcast advertising, you can effectively reach your target audience and achieve your campaign goals.

Setting Up Podcast Ad Campaigns - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

Setting Up Podcast Ad Campaigns - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

6. Measuring Success and ROI

1. audience Engagement metrics:

- Downloads and Listens: The most basic metric for podcast success is the number of downloads and listens. However, it's essential to go beyond the surface level. Consider unique downloads, episode completion rates, and listener retention.

Example: A health and wellness podcast sees a spike in downloads after featuring a renowned nutritionist. However, if listeners drop off midway through the episode, it indicates a lack of engagement.

- Subscriber Growth: Tracking subscriber growth over time provides insights into audience loyalty. A steady increase suggests that your content resonates with listeners.

Example: A business podcast gains 500 new subscribers within a month of launching a series on entrepreneurship. This indicates relevance to the target audience.

2. Attribution Models:

- Direct Response vs. Brand Awareness: Different podcast advertising goals require distinct attribution models.

- Direct Response: Use unique promo codes or custom URLs to track conversions directly linked to the podcast.

Example: An e-commerce podcast offers a 10% discount code ("PODCAST10") for listeners. The number of redemptions provides a clear ROI.

- Brand Awareness: Here, measuring ROI is more nuanced. Surveys, brand lift studies, and social media sentiment analysis help gauge impact.

Example: A tech podcast partners with a software company. Post-campaign surveys reveal increased brand recall among listeners.

3. Cost-Per-Action (CPA) and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV):

- CPA Calculation: Divide the total campaign cost by the number of desired actions (e.g., sign-ups, purchases).

Example: A finance podcast spends $5,000 on an ad campaign and generates 200 new subscribers. CPA = $5,000 / 200 = $25.

- CLV Consideration: assess the long-term value of acquired customers. A high CLV justifies higher upfront costs.

Example: A travel podcast collaborates with a hotel chain. While the initial CPA is $50, the average customer stays loyal for years, resulting in a substantial CLV.

4. Attribution Challenges and Solutions:

- cross-Channel attribution: Podcasts often complement other marketing channels. Use tracking pixels, UTM parameters, and CRM integration to attribute conversions holistically.

Example: A fashion podcast's website traffic increases after airing an episode. By analyzing referral sources, you discover that social media shares played a significant role.

- Delayed Impact: Podcasts have a longer shelf life than other ad formats. Consider delayed conversions when evaluating ROI.

Example: A storytelling podcast sponsors a literary festival. Attendees mention hearing about it on the podcast months later, demonstrating delayed impact.

5. Qualitative Feedback and Case Studies:

- Listener Surveys and Reviews: Collect feedback directly from listeners. What resonated with them? Did they take action?

Example: A true crime podcast receives rave reviews for its gripping storytelling. Some listeners share how they recommended it to friends, illustrating organic growth.

- Case Studies: Showcase success stories. Highlight how a brand's podcast partnership led to tangible outcomes.

Example: A startup podcast collaborates with a venture capital firm. A case study reveals that three featured startups secured funding within six months.

In summary, measuring podcast advertising success involves a blend of quantitative metrics, attribution models, and qualitative insights. By adopting a holistic approach, marketers can optimize campaigns, enhance ROI, and build lasting connections with their podcast audiences. Remember, the true value lies not only in numbers but also in the impact created within the minds and hearts of listeners.

Measuring Success and ROI - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

Measuring Success and ROI - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

7. Optimizing Podcast Ad Performance

## Understanding the Landscape

Before we dive into optimization techniques, let's set the stage. Podcast advertising has gained immense popularity due to its intimate and engaged audience. Listeners often form strong connections with their favorite hosts, making podcast ads a powerful way to reach potential customers. However, with great power comes great responsibility (and opportunity). Let's explore different perspectives on optimizing podcast ad performance:

1. Audience Segmentation Matters:

- Advertiser Viewpoint: understand your target audience deeply. Who are they? What are their interests? Demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns matter. For instance, if you're promoting a fitness product, consider podcasts related to health, wellness, or lifestyle.

- Podcast Host Viewpoint: Hosts know their audience intimately. Collaborate with them to tailor your message. A fitness product ad might resonate better during a health-focused podcast episode rather than a true-crime series.

2. Placement and Timing:

- Advertiser Viewpoint: Choose ad placements wisely. Pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll? Each has pros and cons. Pre-rolls grab attention but may be skipped. Mid-rolls blend seamlessly but interrupt content. Post-rolls have a lingering effect.

- Podcast Host Viewpoint: Hosts can guide you on optimal placement. A mid-roll during a natural pause ensures better retention. Avoid interrupting critical moments.

3. crafting Compelling Ad copy:

- Advertiser Viewpoint: Keep it concise, relevant, and memorable. Highlight benefits, evoke emotions, and include a clear call-to-action (CTA). For example:

> "Are you tired of sluggish mornings? Try our energy-boosting coffee blend. Use code PODCAST20 for 20% off!"

- Podcast Host Viewpoint: Hosts appreciate authentic, conversational ads. Avoid sounding like a sales pitch. Blend seamlessly into the show's tone.

4. A/B Testing and Iteration:

- Advertiser Viewpoint: Test different ad versions. Measure click-through rates, conversions, and brand recall. Iterate based on data. Maybe one host's endorsement works better than another's.

- Podcast Host Viewpoint: Hosts can provide feedback. They know what resonates with their audience. Collaborate to refine your message.

5. geo-Targeting and personalization:

- Advertiser Viewpoint: Leverage geolocation data. Serve relevant ads based on listeners' locations. Personalize by mentioning local events or landmarks.

- Podcast Host Viewpoint: Hosts can add a personal touch. "Hey, listeners in New York, check out this exclusive offer!"

## Examples in Action

Let's illustrate these concepts with examples:

- Scenario 1: The Fitness App

- Ad Placement: Mid-roll during a health and wellness podcast.

- Ad Copy: "Struggling to stay active? Our fitness app offers personalized workouts. Download now and transform your health!"

- Host Integration: The host shares their fitness journey and how the app helped them. Authenticity wins.

- Scenario 2: Local Coffee Shop

- Ad Placement: Post-roll after a foodie podcast.

- Ad Copy: "Craving a caffeine fix? Visit Joe's Coffee Shop on Main Street. Mention this podcast for a free pastry!"

- Host Integration: The host reminisces about their favorite coffee moments at Joe's.

Remember, optimization is an ongoing process. Monitor metrics, adapt, and keep experimenting. ️

Now, armed with these insights, go forth and create podcast ads that resonate, engage, and convert!

*(Disclaimer: The examples provided are fictional for illustrative purposes.

Optimizing Podcast Ad Performance - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

Optimizing Podcast Ad Performance - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

8. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Podcast Advertising

1. Ignoring Audience Insights:

- Mistake: Failing to understand your target audience can lead to ineffective ad placements. Don't assume that all podcast listeners are the same.

- Insight: Research the demographics, interests, and preferences of the podcast's audience. Consider factors like age, gender, location, and interests. For example, an ad for luxury watches might not resonate with a comedy podcast's audience.

- Example: If you're promoting a fitness app, consider advertising on health and wellness podcasts with an engaged fitness-focused audience.

2. Overloading with Information:

- Mistake: Trying to cram too much information into a short ad spot. Podcast listeners are often multitasking, so keep it concise.

- Insight: Focus on a single key message or call-to-action (CTA). highlight benefits rather than features. Use storytelling techniques to engage listeners.

- Example: Instead of listing all product features, emphasize how your meal delivery service saves time and provides healthy options.

3. Neglecting Script Quality:

- Mistake: Poorly written scripts can make your ad sound robotic or unconvincing.

- Insight: Invest time in crafting a compelling script. Use conversational language, inject humor if appropriate, and align the tone with the podcast's style.

- Example: A travel app ad could start with, "Imagine sipping a piña colada on a pristine beach. Our app finds the best travel deals for your dream getaway."

4. Ignoring call-to-Action optimization:

- Mistake: Not optimizing your CTA for podcast listeners. Avoid generic phrases like "Visit our website."

- Insight: Tailor the CTA to the podcast context. Use unique URLs or promo codes for tracking. Encourage immediate action.

- Example: "Get 20% off your first order by visiting [YourBrand.com/Podcast](https://www.yourbrand.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Podcast Advertising - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Podcast Advertising - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

1. Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI):

- DAI is revolutionizing podcast advertising by allowing real-time insertion of ads into episodes. Unlike static ads, which remain fixed, DAI enables advertisers to serve contextually relevant ads based on listener demographics, location, and behavior.

- Example: Imagine a travel podcast dynamically inserting an ad for discounted flights to a specific destination based on the listener's location.

2. Programmatic Advertising:

- Programmatic buying is gaining traction in podcast advertising. It involves automated ad placement using algorithms and data-driven decisions. Advertisers can target specific audiences efficiently.

- Example: An e-commerce brand using programmatic ads to reach listeners interested in online shopping during a tech podcast.

3. Personalization and Targeting:

- Podcast platforms are investing in data analytics to understand listener preferences. Advertisers can then tailor their messages to resonate with specific segments.

- Example: A fitness supplement company delivering personalized ads to health-conscious listeners during wellness podcasts.

4. Native Advertising:

- native ads blend seamlessly with the podcast content, enhancing the listener experience. These ads sound like part of the show, making them less intrusive.

- Example: A storytelling podcast featuring an engaging narrative about a brand's product or service.

5. Branded Podcasts:

- Brands are creating their own podcasts as a content marketing strategy. These branded shows provide value to listeners while subtly promoting the brand.

- Example: A car manufacturer producing a podcast series on road trips, featuring interviews with travelers and discussions about vehicle safety.

6. Influencer Collaborations:

- Podcast hosts with loyal followings are becoming influencers. Brands collaborate with them for sponsored content or endorsements.

- Example: A beauty brand partnering with a popular makeup podcast host to discuss their latest product line.

7. Measurement and Attribution:

- Improved measurement tools allow advertisers to track ad performance accurately. Attribution models help connect podcast ads to conversions.

- Example: A finance podcast measuring the impact of investment-related ads by tracking website visits and sign-ups.

8. voice Search optimization:

- As voice assistants become more prevalent, optimizing podcast content for voice search is crucial. Advertisers need to consider how their ads will be discovered through voice queries.

- Example: A food delivery service ensuring their podcast ads align with common voice search queries like "best pizza near me."

9. Geotargeting and Hyperlocal Ads:

- Advertisers can now target listeners based on their geographical location. Hyperlocal ads cater to specific neighborhoods or cities.

- Example: A coffee shop promoting its new branch in a particular city during a local news podcast.

10. interactive Ads and gamification:

- engaging listeners through interactive ads or gamified experiences is gaining popularity. Quizzes, polls, and challenges create memorable moments.

- Example: A trivia podcast incorporating sponsored quizzes related to a brand's history or products.

In summary, podcast advertising is evolving rapidly, and staying informed about these trends will empower advertisers to make strategic decisions. Whether you're a brand, a podcast host, or a listener, these developments shape the future landscape of audio marketing.

Future Trends in Podcast Advertising - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

Future Trends in Podcast Advertising - Podcast advertising: How to Use Podcast Advertising to Reach Your Target Audience with PPC

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