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Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

1. Understanding the Importance of Problem-Solving

Problem-solving plays a crucial role in the journey of an entrepreneur. It is a skill that allows individuals to identify and overcome challenges, leading to growth and success. In this section, we will explore the significance of problem-solving and provide insights from different perspectives.

1. Enhancing Adaptability: Problem-solving equips entrepreneurs with the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. By analyzing problems and finding effective solutions, entrepreneurs can navigate through uncertainties and make informed decisions. This adaptability is essential in today's dynamic business environment.

2. Driving Innovation: Problems often serve as catalysts for innovation. When entrepreneurs encounter obstacles, they are prompted to think creatively and develop unique solutions. This process of problem-solving fosters innovation, leading to the development of new products, services, or processes that can differentiate a business from its competitors.

3. Building Resilience: Problem-solving builds resilience in entrepreneurs. By facing and overcoming challenges, entrepreneurs develop a mindset that embraces setbacks as opportunities for growth. This resilience enables them to persevere in the face of adversity and bounce back stronger.

4. enhancing Decision-making: effective problem-solving enhances decision-making skills. Entrepreneurs who can analyze problems, evaluate potential solutions, and make informed choices are more likely to achieve favorable outcomes. Problem-solving enables entrepreneurs to consider multiple perspectives, weigh pros and cons, and select the most suitable course of action.

5. strengthening Customer relationships: Problem-solving is closely tied to customer satisfaction. When entrepreneurs proactively address customer issues and provide timely solutions, they build trust and loyalty. By understanding and solving customer problems, entrepreneurs can create a positive customer experience and foster long-term relationships.

6. Overcoming Obstacles: Problems are inevitable in the entrepreneurial journey. However, effective problem-solving allows entrepreneurs to overcome obstacles and continue moving forward. By breaking down complex problems into manageable tasks and implementing systematic approaches, entrepreneurs can tackle challenges head-on.

7. Learning and Growth: Problem-solving provides valuable learning opportunities. Each problem encountered presents a chance for entrepreneurs to acquire new knowledge, skills, and insights. By reflecting on past problem-solving experiences, entrepreneurs can continuously improve their problem-solving abilities and grow both personally and professionally.

Problem-solving is a fundamental skill for entrepreneurs. It enhances adaptability, drives innovation, builds resilience, enhances decision-making, strengthens customer relationships, overcomes obstacles, and promotes learning and growth. By embracing problem-solving as an integral part of their entrepreneurial journey, individuals can navigate challenges effectively and achieve success.

Understanding the Importance of Problem Solving - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

Understanding the Importance of Problem Solving - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

2. Identifying Common Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs face a multitude of challenges on their journey to success. These challenges can arise from various aspects of running a business, including market dynamics, financial constraints, and operational hurdles. By understanding and addressing these common challenges, entrepreneurs can enhance their problem-solving skills and increase their chances of achieving their goals.

1. Market Uncertainty: One of the key challenges faced by entrepreneurs is navigating through market uncertainty. This includes understanding customer needs, predicting market trends, and staying ahead of competitors. Entrepreneurs must conduct thorough market research and analysis to identify potential opportunities and mitigate risks.

2. Financial Management: Managing finances is another significant challenge for entrepreneurs. They need to secure funding, allocate resources effectively, and maintain a healthy cash flow. This requires careful budgeting, financial planning, and seeking investment opportunities.

3. team building: Building a competent and cohesive team is crucial for the success of any entrepreneurial venture. Entrepreneurs must recruit, train, and retain talented individuals who share their vision and can contribute to the growth of the business. effective communication and leadership skills are essential in fostering a positive work environment.

4. scaling and growth: As businesses expand, entrepreneurs often face challenges related to scaling and managing growth. This includes adapting to increased demand, expanding operations, and maintaining quality standards. Entrepreneurs must develop scalable business models and implement efficient processes to ensure smooth growth.

5. Innovation and Adaptability: In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, entrepreneurs must continuously innovate and adapt to stay relevant. They need to embrace new technologies, anticipate market changes, and pivot their strategies when necessary. Being open to change and fostering a culture of innovation is vital for long-term success.

6. marketing and Customer acquisition: Entrepreneurs need to effectively market their products or services and attract customers. This involves developing a strong brand identity, implementing targeted marketing strategies, and building customer relationships. Entrepreneurs should leverage digital marketing tools and platforms to reach their target audience effectively.

7. time management: Time management is a common challenge faced by entrepreneurs, as they often juggle multiple responsibilities and tasks. Prioritizing activities, setting realistic goals, and delegating tasks can help entrepreneurs optimize their time and increase productivity.

8. legal and Regulatory compliance: entrepreneurs must navigate through complex legal and regulatory frameworks to ensure compliance. This includes understanding intellectual property rights, tax obligations, and industry-specific regulations. seeking legal counsel and staying updated on relevant laws is crucial to avoid legal pitfalls.

By addressing these common challenges, entrepreneurs can enhance their problem-solving skills and increase their chances of success. It is important for entrepreneurs to seek support from mentors, industry experts, and fellow entrepreneurs to overcome these challenges and thrive in their entrepreneurial journey.

Identifying Common Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

Identifying Common Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

3. Analyzing and Assessing the Root Causes of Problems

Analyzing and assessing the root causes of problems is a crucial aspect of problem-solving for entrepreneurs. By understanding the underlying factors that contribute to a problem, entrepreneurs can develop effective strategies to address and resolve them. In this section, we will delve into the various perspectives on problem analysis and provide valuable insights.

1. Multiple Perspectives: When analyzing the root causes of a problem, it is essential to consider different viewpoints. This allows entrepreneurs to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue and identify potential contributing factors. By examining the problem from various angles, entrepreneurs can uncover hidden connections and develop more effective solutions.

2. Identifying Patterns: One effective approach to analyzing root causes is to identify patterns. By examining past instances of similar problems, entrepreneurs can identify commonalities and recurring themes. This helps in understanding the underlying causes and developing strategies to prevent future occurrences.

3. Cause-and-Effect Analysis: Another useful technique is cause-and-effect analysis. This involves identifying the primary cause of a problem and tracing its effects throughout the system. By understanding the causal relationships, entrepreneurs can address the root cause directly and mitigate the associated effects.

4. Data Analysis: Utilizing data analysis techniques can provide valuable insights into the root causes of problems. By collecting and analyzing relevant data, entrepreneurs can identify trends, correlations, and potential causes. This data-driven approach enhances problem-solving by providing objective evidence to support decision-making.

5. Examples: Let's consider an example to illustrate the importance of analyzing root causes. Suppose an entrepreneur is facing a decline in customer satisfaction. By analyzing customer feedback, conducting surveys, and examining sales data, the entrepreneur may discover that the root cause is a lack of product quality. Armed with this insight, the entrepreneur can focus on improving product quality to address the underlying issue and enhance customer satisfaction.

Analyzing and assessing the root causes of problems is a critical step in effective problem-solving for entrepreneurs. By considering multiple perspectives, identifying patterns, conducting cause-and-effect analysis, utilizing data analysis techniques, and using examples, entrepreneurs can gain a deeper understanding of the issues they face and develop targeted strategies for resolution.

Analyzing and Assessing the Root Causes of Problems - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

Analyzing and Assessing the Root Causes of Problems - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

4. Developing Effective Problem-Solving Strategies

If you need some assistance with your blog, I can offer you some general tips on developing effective problem-solving strategies as an entrepreneur. These are based on my own knowledge and experience, and not on any web search. Here are some tips:

- Define the problem clearly. Before you can solve a problem, you need to understand what it is, why it matters, and what are the desired outcomes. A clear problem statement can help you focus on the root cause and the main objectives of your problem-solving process.

- gather relevant information. Once you have defined the problem, you need to collect and analyze data and information that can help you understand the problem better and identify possible solutions. You can use various sources of information, such as customer feedback, market research, industry reports, expert opinions, etc. You should also evaluate the reliability and validity of the information you gather.

- Generate and evaluate alternatives. After you have gathered enough information, you can start brainstorming and generating different ideas and options for solving the problem. You can use various techniques, such as mind mapping, swot analysis, pros and cons lists, etc. To stimulate your creativity and organize your thoughts. You should also evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness, and impact of each alternative, and compare them with your criteria and goals.

- Choose and implement the best solution. Based on your evaluation, you can select the most suitable solution for your problem and plan how to implement it. You should consider the resources, time, budget, and risks involved in the implementation, and communicate your plan clearly to your team and stakeholders. You should also monitor and measure the results and outcomes of your solution, and make adjustments if needed.

- Learn from the experience. Finally, you should reflect on the problem-solving process and the solution you implemented, and learn from the feedback and outcomes. You should identify what worked well and what didn't, and what you can improve for the future. You should also document and share your learnings and best practices with others, and celebrate your achievements.

5. Implementing Solutions and Measuring Success

Implementing solutions and Measuring success is a crucial aspect of problem-solving for entrepreneurs. In this section, we will explore various insights and strategies to effectively implement solutions and evaluate their success.

1. Clearly Define the Problem: Before implementing any solution, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the problem at hand. This involves identifying the root cause, analyzing its impact, and setting specific goals for resolving it.

2. brainstorming and Idea generation: Once the problem is defined, entrepreneurs can engage in brainstorming sessions to generate potential solutions. Encouraging diverse perspectives and ideas can lead to innovative approaches.

3. Prioritize and Evaluate Solutions: Not all solutions are equally effective or feasible. It is crucial to prioritize and evaluate each solution based on factors such as cost, resources required, and potential impact. This helps in selecting the most viable options.

4. Develop an Action Plan: After selecting the most suitable solution, entrepreneurs should create a detailed action plan. This plan should outline the steps, timelines, and responsibilities involved in implementing the solution.

5. Test and Iterate: It is often beneficial to test the solution on a smaller scale before implementing it fully. This allows for identifying any potential issues or areas of improvement. Iteration based on feedback and data analysis can lead to more refined solutions.

6. monitor Key metrics: To measure the success of the implemented solution, entrepreneurs should establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and regularly monitor them. These metrics can include factors like customer satisfaction, revenue growth, or process efficiency.

7. Analyze Results and Adjust: Analyzing the data collected from monitoring KPIs provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the solution. If the desired outcomes are not achieved, adjustments can be made to the implementation strategy or alternative solutions can be explored.

8. Continuous Improvement: Problem-solving is an ongoing process, and entrepreneurs should strive for continuous improvement. This involves learning from past experiences, seeking feedback, and adapting strategies to changing circumstances.

By following these steps and utilizing a systematic approach, entrepreneurs can effectively implement solutions and measure their success in problem-solving endeavors. Remember, problem-solving is a dynamic process, and flexibility is key to finding optimal solutions.

Implementing Solutions and Measuring Success - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

Implementing Solutions and Measuring Success - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

6. Overcoming Obstacles and Adapting to Change

One of the most important skills for an entrepreneur is problem-solving. However, problems are not always easy to solve, especially when they involve obstacles and changes that are beyond your control. How can you overcome these challenges and adapt to the changing circumstances? In this section, we will explore some strategies and tips that can help you deal with problems effectively and creatively.

Some of the common obstacles and changes that entrepreneurs may face are:

- Market changes: The demand for your product or service may fluctuate due to changes in customer preferences, trends, competition, regulations, or other factors. You need to keep an eye on the market and adjust your offering accordingly.

- Resource constraints: You may have limited resources such as time, money, staff, equipment, or materials to execute your plans. You need to prioritize your tasks and allocate your resources wisely.

- Team conflicts: You may have disagreements or misunderstandings with your co-founders, employees, partners, or investors. You need to communicate clearly and respectfully, and resolve the conflicts constructively.

- Personal issues: You may have personal problems such as health, family, or emotional issues that affect your motivation, productivity, or well-being. You need to take care of yourself and seek support when needed.

To overcome these obstacles and adapt to these changes, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the problem: The first step is to define the problem clearly and accurately. What is the root cause of the problem? What are the symptoms and effects of the problem? How does the problem affect your goals and objectives?

2. Analyze the problem: The next step is to gather relevant information and data about the problem. What are the facts and assumptions about the problem? What are the possible causes and consequences of the problem? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your current situation?

3. Generate solutions: The third step is to brainstorm and evaluate different solutions to the problem. What are the possible options and alternatives to solve the problem? What are the pros and cons of each solution? How feasible and effective are each solution?

4. Implement solutions: The fourth step is to select and execute the best solution to the problem. How will you implement the solution? What are the resources and actions required to implement the solution? How will you monitor and measure the results of the solution?

5. Review and improve: The final step is to review and improve the solution based on the feedback and outcomes. What are the outcomes and impacts of the solution? What are the successes and failures of the solution? How can you improve the solution or prevent the problem from recurring?

Here are some examples of how entrepreneurs can overcome obstacles and adapt to changes using these steps:

- Example 1: A fashion entrepreneur notices that the sales of her clothing line are declining due to a change in customer preferences. She identifies the problem as a mismatch between her products and the market demand. She analyzes the problem by conducting market research and customer surveys. She generates solutions such as redesigning her products, launching a new collection, or targeting a different segment. She implements the solution of launching a new collection that reflects the latest trends and customer feedback. She reviews and improves the solution by tracking the sales and customer satisfaction of the new collection and making adjustments as needed.

- Example 2: A software entrepreneur faces a resource constraint due to a tight deadline and a small budget. He identifies the problem as a lack of time and money to complete his project. He analyzes the problem by estimating the scope, cost, and duration of the project. He generates solutions such as outsourcing some tasks, reducing some features, or seeking additional funding. He implements the solution of outsourcing some tasks to a reliable and affordable freelancer. He reviews and improves the solution by communicating regularly with the freelancer and ensuring the quality and timeliness of the work.

- Example 3: A social entrepreneur has a team conflict due to a disagreement with his co-founder over the vision and direction of the venture. He identifies the problem as a lack of alignment and trust between the co-founders. He analyzes the problem by listening to and understanding the perspectives and concerns of his co-founder. He generates solutions such as compromising, collaborating, or parting ways. He implements the solution of collaborating with his co-founder to create a shared vision and mission statement that reflects their common values and goals. He reviews and improves the solution by maintaining open and honest communication and feedback with his co-founder and respecting their differences and strengths.

Overcoming Obstacles and Adapting to Change - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

Overcoming Obstacles and Adapting to Change - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

7. Leveraging Technology for Efficient Problem-Solving

Technology is a powerful tool that can help entrepreneurs solve problems in various domains and contexts. Whether it is finding new ways to reach customers, optimize operations, enhance products, or improve services, technology can offer innovative solutions that can save time, money, and resources. However, leveraging technology for problem-solving is not a simple task. It requires a clear understanding of the problem, the available technology, and the desired outcome. It also involves creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and experimentation. In this section, we will explore some of the best practices and strategies for using technology to solve problems as an entrepreneur. We will also look at some examples of how technology has been used to solve real-world problems in different industries.

Some of the steps for leveraging technology for efficient problem-solving are:

1. Define the problem. The first step is to identify and understand the problem that needs to be solved. This involves asking questions such as: What is the root cause of the problem? Who are the stakeholders involved? What are the goals and objectives of solving the problem? What are the constraints and challenges? How will the problem and the solution be measured and evaluated?

2. Research the technology. The next step is to explore and evaluate the technology that can be used to solve the problem. This involves asking questions such as: What are the existing or emerging technologies that can address the problem? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each technology? How compatible and adaptable is the technology to the problem and the context? How reliable and secure is the technology? How easy and affordable is it to access and use the technology?

3. Design the solution. The third step is to design and plan the solution that will use the technology to solve the problem. This involves asking questions such as: What are the features and functions of the solution? How will the solution use the technology to achieve the desired outcome? How will the solution integrate with the existing systems and processes? What are the resources and skills needed to implement the solution? What are the risks and assumptions involved in the solution?

4. test and refine the solution. The fourth step is to test and refine the solution that uses the technology to solve the problem. This involves asking questions such as: How will the solution be tested and validated? What are the criteria and metrics for success? How will the feedback and data be collected and analyzed? How will the solution be improved and optimized based on the results? How will the solution be scaled and sustained over time?

5. Communicate and share the solution. The final step is to communicate and share the solution that uses the technology to solve the problem. This involves asking questions such as: How will the solution be communicated and presented to the stakeholders and the audience? How will the solution be marketed and promoted to the potential users and customers? How will the solution be documented and reported to the relevant authorities and parties? How will the solution be transferred and replicated to other problems and contexts?

Some examples of how technology has been used to solve problems as an entrepreneur are:

- Airbnb: Airbnb is a platform that connects people who have spare rooms or properties with travelers who need a place to stay. Airbnb solved the problem of finding affordable and authentic accommodation by using technology to create a peer-to-peer marketplace that enables hosts and guests to interact and transact online.

- Uber: Uber is a platform that connects people who need a ride with drivers who have a car. Uber solved the problem of finding reliable and convenient transportation by using technology to create a network of on-demand drivers who can be requested and paid via a mobile app.

- Netflix: Netflix is a platform that provides streaming video on demand (SVOD) services to subscribers. Netflix solved the problem of finding and watching quality entertainment by using technology to create a personalized and customized library of movies and shows that can be accessed and viewed anytime and anywhere.

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Leveraging Technology for Efficient Problem Solving - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

8. Collaborating and Seeking Support from Others

Collaborating and seeking support from others is a crucial aspect of problem-solving as an entrepreneur. By leveraging the knowledge, skills, and perspectives of others, entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights and find innovative solutions to the challenges they face.

One perspective on collaboration is the idea that two heads are better than one. When entrepreneurs collaborate with others, they can tap into a diverse range of expertise and experiences. This can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the problem at hand and generate a wider range of potential solutions.

Another viewpoint is the power of collective intelligence. When individuals come together to collaborate, they can collectively contribute their unique ideas and perspectives. This can result in a synergistic effect, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. By harnessing the collective intelligence of a group, entrepreneurs can uncover novel approaches and breakthrough solutions.

1. Building a network: Entrepreneurs can actively build a network of like-minded individuals, industry experts, mentors, and potential collaborators. This network can serve as a valuable resource for seeking support, advice, and feedback. By nurturing relationships within their network, entrepreneurs can tap into a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

2. Seeking mentorship: mentors can provide guidance, wisdom, and support to entrepreneurs. They can offer valuable insights based on their own experiences and help entrepreneurs navigate challenges more effectively. By seeking out mentors who have expertise in relevant areas, entrepreneurs can benefit from their guidance and learn from their successes and failures.

3. Joining communities and forums: Online communities and forums provide platforms for entrepreneurs to connect with others who share similar interests and challenges. These communities can be a source of support, inspiration, and collaboration. Entrepreneurs can engage in discussions, ask questions, and share their own insights, fostering a sense of community and collective problem-solving.

4. Collaborative projects: Entrepreneurs can initiate collaborative projects with other individuals or organizations. By pooling resources, skills, and knowledge, entrepreneurs can tackle complex problems that may be beyond their individual capabilities. Collaborative projects can foster creativity, innovation, and the exchange of ideas, leading to more robust and effective solutions.

5. Leveraging partnerships: Entrepreneurs can form strategic partnerships with other businesses or organizations. These partnerships can provide access to additional resources, expertise, and market opportunities. By leveraging the strengths of each partner, entrepreneurs can tackle challenges more effectively and achieve mutual growth and success.

Remember, collaboration and seeking support from others is not a sign of weakness, but rather a strategic approach to problem-solving. By embracing collaboration, entrepreneurs can tap into a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and perspectives, leading to more innovative and effective solutions.

Collaborating and Seeking Support from Others - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

Collaborating and Seeking Support from Others - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

9. Continuous Learning and Improvement in Problem-Solving Skills

One of the most important skills for an entrepreneur is problem-solving. Problems are inevitable in any business, and how you deal with them can make or break your success. However, problem-solving is not a static skill that you can learn once and forget. It is a dynamic and evolving process that requires continuous learning and improvement. In this section, we will explore some of the ways that you can enhance your problem-solving skills as an entrepreneur and become more effective and efficient in finding solutions.

Some of the strategies that you can use to improve your problem-solving skills are:

1. Identify the root cause of the problem. Many times, we tend to focus on the symptoms or the effects of a problem, rather than the underlying cause. This can lead to superficial or temporary solutions that do not address the core issue. To avoid this, you need to dig deeper and ask yourself why the problem exists, what are the factors that contribute to it, and how it affects your business goals. A useful tool for this is the 5 Whys technique, which involves asking "why" repeatedly until you reach the root cause. For example, if your problem is that your sales are declining, you can ask:

- Why are your sales declining? Because your customers are not satisfied with your product.

- Why are your customers not satisfied with your product? Because your product does not meet their needs or expectations.

- Why does your product not meet their needs or expectations? Because you did not conduct enough market research or user feedback before launching it.

- Why did you not conduct enough market research or user feedback? Because you did not have enough time or resources to do so.

- Why did you not have enough time or resources to do so? Because you did not plan or prioritize your product development process properly.

By asking these questions, you can identify the root cause of your problem, which is your lack of planning and prioritization, and then work on solving it.

2. Seek multiple perspectives and opinions. Sometimes, we can get stuck in our own way of thinking and overlook other possible solutions or approaches. To overcome this, you need to seek input and feedback from different sources, such as your team members, mentors, customers, competitors, experts, or even friends and family. By doing this, you can gain new insights, ideas, perspectives, and opinions that can help you solve your problem more effectively. You can also avoid biases, assumptions, or blind spots that may hinder your problem-solving process. A useful tool for this is the Six Thinking Hats technique, which involves wearing different hats or roles to view the problem from different angles. For example, you can wear:

- The white hat to focus on the facts and data related to the problem.

- The red hat to express your emotions and feelings about the problem.

- The black hat to identify the risks and drawbacks of the problem or the solution.

- The yellow hat to highlight the benefits and opportunities of the problem or the solution.

- The green hat to generate creative and alternative solutions to the problem.

- The blue hat to manage and organize the problem-solving process.

By wearing these hats, you can expand your thinking and explore the problem from different perspectives.

3. Test and evaluate your solutions. Once you have generated some possible solutions to your problem, you need to test and evaluate them to see if they work or not. You can do this by conducting experiments, simulations, prototypes, or pilots to test your solutions in real or simulated scenarios. You can also use metrics, indicators, or criteria to measure the effectiveness, efficiency, feasibility, and desirability of your solutions. By doing this, you can validate your assumptions, gather feedback, learn from your mistakes, and improve your solutions. A useful tool for this is the plan-Do-Check-act (PDCA) cycle, which involves four steps:

- Plan your solution and how you will test it.

- Do implement your solution and collect data and feedback.

- Check analyze your data and feedback and compare it with your expected results.

- Act adjust your solution based on your analysis and feedback and repeat the cycle until you reach your desired outcome.

By following this cycle, you can test and evaluate your solutions in a systematic and iterative way.

These are some of the ways that you can improve your problem-solving skills as an entrepreneur. By applying these strategies, you can become more confident and competent in finding and implementing solutions to your business problems. Remember, problem-solving is not a one-time event, but a continuous learning and improvement process. Therefore, you should always seek new challenges, opportunities, and feedback to enhance your problem-solving skills and grow as an entrepreneur.

Continuous Learning and Improvement in Problem Solving Skills - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

Continuous Learning and Improvement in Problem Solving Skills - Problem solving: How to Identify and Solve Problems as an Entrepreneur

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