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SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

1. Introduction to Alt Text and Its Importance in SEO

Alt text, short for alternative text, is a critical component of web accessibility and plays a significant role in the optimization of images for search engines. It serves as a textual substitute for images, providing context and descriptions for users who are unable to see them. This includes individuals who rely on screen readers due to visual impairments, as well as situations where images fail to load due to poor internet connectivity or technical issues. From an SEO perspective, alt text enhances the relevance of content by allowing search engines to index images properly, which can contribute to improved search rankings and visibility.

Insights from Different Perspectives:

1. User Experience (UX): For visually impaired users, alt text is a gateway to understanding the content of an image. For example, an e-commerce site might use an image of a blue dress with the alt text "navy blue cocktail dress with lace detailing," which allows users who cannot see the image to still understand what it might look like.

2. Technical SEO: Search engines like Google use alt text to understand the content of an image and its context within a page. Properly optimized alt text can help a page rank better for relevant queries. For instance, a blog post about healthy eating might include an image with the alt text "fresh salad with mixed greens," which could help the page rank for searches related to healthy meals.

3. Web Accessibility: Alt text is a requirement under various web accessibility standards, including the Web content Accessibility guidelines (WCAG). It ensures that all users, regardless of disability, have access to information.

4. Legal Compliance: In some jurisdictions, having proper alt text is not just good practice but a legal requirement to prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities.

5. Marketing and Branding: Alt text can reinforce brand messaging and contribute to the overall storytelling of a website. A travel agency might use an image with alt text "family enjoying a sunset view at Bali beach resort," which adds to the narrative of family-friendly vacation spots.

6. Network and Technical Constraints: In areas with low bandwidth or when technical issues prevent images from loading, alt text ensures that the information intended to be conveyed by the image is still accessible to the user.

Examples Highlighting the importance of Alt text:

- SEO Impact: A blog post featuring a step-by-step guide to making French press coffee includes images with alt text for each step, such as "measuring coffee grounds," "pouring hot water into French press," and "plunging the French press." This not only aids visually impaired users but also helps the page to appear in image searches related to making French press coffee.

- Accessibility Example: A news website covers the Olympics and includes an image of a sprinter crossing the finish line with the alt text "Usain Bolt clinching gold at the 100m dash." This provides context for those who cannot view the image and ensures the moment's significance is communicated.

Alt text is a multifaceted tool that serves both functional and strategic purposes. It bridges the gap between visual content and text-based search engines, enhances user experience, ensures legal compliance, and supports the overall SEO strategy by making web content more accessible and discoverable. As such, incorporating well-crafted alt text into an seo audit is not just beneficial—it's essential for a comprehensive and inclusive online presence.

Introduction to Alt Text and Its Importance in SEO - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

Introduction to Alt Text and Its Importance in SEO - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

2. How Alt Text Benefits Users and Search Engines?

Alt text, short for alternative text, is a critical component that bridges the gap between content and accessibility, serving as a textual substitute for images on web pages. It plays a dual role in enhancing user experience and bolstering search engine optimization (SEO). From the perspective of users, particularly those with visual impairments, alt text provides a descriptive narrative of an image's content and function, which is essential when images are not visible or when browsing with screen readers. For search engines, alt text offers a clear context and relevance of images, aiding in more accurate indexing and helping the page rank better for relevant queries.

Here are some in-depth insights into how alt text benefits both users and search engines:

1. Enhances Accessibility: Alt text ensures that all users, regardless of disability status, have access to the information conveyed by images. For example, a visually impaired user might use a screen reader to browse a website. If an image contains important information, such as a chart with vital statistics, the alt text can describe the chart, ensuring the user receives the information.

2. Improves SEO: Search engines cannot 'see' images but can 'read' alt text. This means that well-crafted alt text can contribute to a website's keyword density and relevance. For instance, if an e-commerce site has an image of a "blue men's running shoe," the alt text can be "Men's Blue Running Shoe - Brand Model X," which can help the page rank for those specific keywords.

3. Provides Context: Alt text helps search engines understand the context of images and how they relate to the surrounding content. This can be particularly useful for thematic consistency across a website. For example, if a blog post is about healthy eating and includes an image of a salad, the alt text could be "Fresh garden salad with a variety of greens," which reinforces the theme of the post.

4. Fallback for Image Loading Issues: When images fail to load due to slow connection speeds or errors, the alt text is displayed in place of the image. This ensures that the message of the image is not lost. For example, if a promotional banner doesn't load, the alt text "50% off all items this Black Friday" still conveys the sale information.

5. Supports Image Search: Alt text can lead to images appearing in image search results, driving traffic to a website. For example, a user searching for "cute puppies" might be directed to a website if the images of puppies have appropriate alt text descriptions.

6. enhances User engagement: Descriptive alt text can contribute to the overall storytelling of a webpage, engaging users more deeply with the content. For example, alt text for an image in a travel blog like "Sunset view from the top of Mount Fuji" can evoke emotions and engage readers' imaginations.

7. Compliance with Legal Standards: Many regions require web accessibility by law, and alt text is a part of meeting those standards. For example, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) specify the need for alt text to make content accessible.

Alt text is a small but mighty element of web design that serves a significant purpose for both users and search engines. By providing descriptive, relevant, and keyword-rich alt text, webmasters can improve the accessibility of their content, enhance their SEO efforts, and ensure a better overall experience for all users.

How Alt Text Benefits Users and Search Engines - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

How Alt Text Benefits Users and Search Engines - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

3. The Role of Alt Text in Web Accessibility

Alt text, short for alternative text, is a critical component that serves multiple functions in the realm of web accessibility. It is essentially a textual substitute for images on web pages, providing a description that can be read by screen readers used by individuals who are visually impaired. This not only aids in understanding the content where images are not visible or are loading slowly but also plays a significant role in search engine optimization (SEO). From an SEO perspective, alt text can improve the visibility of a website to search engines, as it offers context to images, which search engines cannot interpret visually.

From the standpoint of web accessibility, alt text is indispensable. It ensures that all users, regardless of visual ability, have access to the information conveyed by images. For instance, a photo of a warning sign on a website should have alt text that describes not only the appearance of the sign but also its meaning, such as "Warning: Slippery When Wet." This allows users who cannot see the image to still receive the important information it conveys.

Here are some in-depth insights into the role of alt text in web accessibility:

1. User Experience: For users with visual impairments, alt text is often the only way to comprehend the content of an image. Without it, they might miss out on crucial information or the emotional impact of visual content.

2. SEO Benefits: Search engines index alt text, which can help a page rank better for relevant keywords. For example, an image with alt text "chocolate labrador retriever playing fetch" is more likely to appear in search results for those terms.

3. Legal Compliance: Many regions have laws requiring web accessibility, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the USA. Proper use of alt text helps websites comply with these regulations.

4. Technical Context: When images fail to load due to slow connection speeds or technical errors, the alt text provides context so users understand what they're missing.

5. Educational Resource: Alt text can serve as a learning aid for individuals learning to read or for those learning a new language by providing descriptive text to accompany images.

To highlight the importance of alt text with an example, consider an e-commerce site. A product image with alt text "red silk evening gown with a plunging neckline" gives search engines specific content to index and helps visually impaired users understand the product being offered, enhancing both SEO and accessibility.

Alt text is a multifaceted tool that bridges the gap between visual content and its textual representation, serving as a cornerstone for both web accessibility and seo. Its thoughtful implementation is essential for creating an inclusive digital space that caters to all users.

The Role of Alt Text in Web Accessibility - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

The Role of Alt Text in Web Accessibility - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

4. Best Practices for Writing Effective Alt Text

Alt text, or alternative text, is a crucial component of web accessibility, serving as a textual substitute for images on a web page. It plays a significant role in both SEO and web accessibility, helping search engines understand the content of images, and providing context to users who may be unable to see them. Crafting effective alt text is an art that balances brevity with descriptiveness, ensuring that all users, regardless of how they access the web, have a comparable experience.

From an SEO perspective, alt text can improve the visibility of a website in search engine results by accurately describing images, which can be indexed by search engines. For users with visual impairments who rely on screen readers, alt text provides a narrative that describes the image's content and function. This is not only beneficial for inclusivity but also enhances the user experience for those using text-based browsers or those with slow internet connections where images may not load.

Here are some best practices for writing effective alt text:

1. Be Descriptive and Concise: Aim for a succinct description that conveys the essential information about the image. For example, instead of "image," use "Golden Retriever playing fetch in the park."

2. Avoid Redundancy: Do not repeat information that is already present in the surrounding text. If the image caption says "CEO John Doe presenting the annual report," the alt text can simply be "John Doe presenting."

3. Use Keywords Sparingly: Incorporate relevant keywords that align with the image and content, but avoid keyword stuffing. An image of a yoga class could have alt text like "Morning yoga session overlooking the beach."

4. Don’t Use 'Image of...' or 'Picture of...': Screen readers already announce an image as such, so this is redundant. Jump straight into the description.

5. Consider the Context: The alt text should reflect the reason why the image is on the page. If the image is decorative, it might not need alt text. If it's informative, describe the information being conveyed.

6. Include Text in Images: If an image contains text, transcribe this text in the alt attribute. For instance, an infographic with statistics should have the key figures included in the alt text.

7. Reflect the Function of the Image: If the image is a link or a button, the alt text should indicate the action or destination. For a "Subscribe" button, use "Subscribe to the newsletter."

8. Be Mindful of Length: While there's no strict limit, keeping alt text under 125 characters is generally advised as some screen readers cut off longer text.

9. Test with Screen Readers: To ensure effectiveness, test alt text with screen reader software to hear how it would be read to someone with visual impairments.

10. Update Alt Text as Content Changes: If the image content changes but the file name remains the same, remember to update the alt text accordingly.

For example, consider an image on a travel blog showing a bustling market in Marrakech. Instead of a generic description, the alt text could be "Vibrant stalls at Marrakech market selling spices and traditional crafts." This paints a picture for those who cannot see the image and helps search engines understand the image context.

In summary, effective alt text is a blend of clarity, context, and conciseness, enhancing accessibility while also contributing to a website's SEO performance. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your images are inclusive and beneficial to all users, which is a key aspect of a thorough seo audit.

Best Practices for Writing Effective Alt Text - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

Best Practices for Writing Effective Alt Text - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

5. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Alt Text Optimization

alt text optimization is a critical component of web accessibility and SEO strategy, yet it's often overlooked or misunderstood. The purpose of alt text is to provide a textual alternative to visual content, ensuring that users who rely on screen readers or have images turned off in their browsers can still understand the content. Moreover, alt text can contribute to a website's SEO performance by providing context to search engines about the content of an image. However, there are common pitfalls that can hinder the effectiveness of alt text, leading to a suboptimal experience for users and missed opportunities in search engine rankings.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid in alt text optimization:

1. Overlooking Keyword Integration: Alt text should naturally include relevant keywords to improve image searchability. However, keyword stuffing can lead to penalties from search engines.

- Example: Instead of "dog.jpg," use "Golden Retriever playing fetch."

2. Being Too Vague or Generic: Alt text should be descriptive and specific to the content of the image.

- Example: Rather than "office photo," a better alt text would be "team meeting in office with project timeline displayed."

3. Ignoring the User Experience: Alt text should enhance the user experience for those using assistive technologies, not confuse them with irrelevant details.

- Example: For an image of a chart, describe the trend or data point the chart is illustrating, not just "bar chart."

4. Forgetting to Localize Alt Text: For multilingual websites, alt text should be translated to match the language of the page, ensuring accessibility for all users.

- Example: If your website is in Spanish, the alt text should also be in Spanish, not English.

5. Using Images as Text: Whenever possible, avoid using images to display text, as this can be problematic for screen readers. If it's unavoidable, ensure the alt text exactly matches the text in the image.

- Example: If an image is used to display the word "Sale," the alt text should be "Sale."

6. Missing Contextual Relevance: The alt text should reflect the context in which the image is used, not just describe the image in isolation.

- Example: If an image of a laptop is used in an article about remote work, the alt text could be "laptop on desk with remote work setup," rather than just "laptop."

7. Not Updating Alt Text: As content changes, so should the alt text to remain relevant and accurate.

- Example: If an image of a current product is replaced with a new version, the alt text should also be updated to reflect this change.

8. Leaving Alt Text Empty: While decorative images that add no content value can have empty alt attributes (`alt=""`), important images should always have alt text.

- Example: A company logo image should have alt text like "XYZ Company Logo," not an empty alt attribute.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your alt text is effective both for SEO and for providing a better user experience for those with visual impairments. Remember, the goal is to create a web that's inclusive and accessible to all, while also optimizing for search engines.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Alt Text Optimization - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Alt Text Optimization - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

6. Tools and Techniques for Auditing Alt Text

Alt text, or alternative text, is a critical component of web accessibility, serving as a textual alternative to images for users who are unable to see them. This includes individuals who rely on screen readers due to visual impairments, as well as situations where images cannot be displayed due to technical issues. In the context of SEO, alt text also plays a significant role by providing search engines with contextual information about the content of images, thereby aiding in image indexing and improving the overall visibility of a website. Auditing alt text is an essential practice within SEO audits to ensure that images are not only accessible but also optimized for search engine algorithms.

From an accessibility standpoint, the audit should verify that alt text accurately and succinctly describes the image content and function. For SEO purposes, it should include relevant keywords without resorting to keyword stuffing. The balance between accessibility and optimization is delicate and requires a nuanced approach. Here are some tools and techniques that can be employed in auditing alt text:

1. Automated Audit Tools: Various SEO and accessibility tools can crawl a website and identify images lacking alt text. Examples include Google's Lighthouse, WAVE, and Ahrefs. These tools can provide a quick overview but may not assess the quality of the alt text.

2. Manual Review: A thorough audit involves manually checking images to ensure that the alt text is descriptive and appropriate. For instance, an e-commerce site might have an image with alt text that reads "blue men's t-shirt with front pocket" which is descriptive and useful for both screen readers and search engines.

3. Screen Reader Simulation: Using screen reader software or browser extensions that simulate the experience can help understand how alt text is conveyed to visually impaired users. This can highlight issues that automated tools might miss.

4. Competitor Analysis: Reviewing how competitors handle alt text can provide insights into best practices and help identify opportunities for improvement.

5. Keyword Analysis: Tools like google Keyword planner can help identify relevant keywords that can be incorporated into alt text to improve SEO without compromising accessibility.

6. content Management system (CMS) Plugins: Some CMS platforms offer plugins that can assist in auditing and updating alt text across a website.

7. User Testing: Gathering feedback from real users, especially those who rely on assistive technologies, can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of alt text.

For example, consider a blog post featuring an infographic on "The Lifecycle of a Butterfly." An effective alt text might be "Infographic illustrating the stages of a butterfly's life cycle from egg to caterpillar, pupa, and adult butterfly." This description is informative for both screen readers and search engines, capturing the essence of the image while incorporating relevant keywords.

Auditing alt text is a multifaceted process that requires a combination of automated tools, manual review, and user feedback. By employing these techniques, SEO professionals can enhance both the accessibility and search engine performance of a website's images. It's a process that not only improves user experience but also contributes to the ethical and inclusive design of digital content.

Tools and Techniques for Auditing Alt Text - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

Tools and Techniques for Auditing Alt Text - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

7. Implementing Alt Text in Content Management Systems

Implementing alternative text, commonly known as "alt text," in content management systems (CMS) is a crucial step in ensuring that websites are accessible to all users, including those who rely on screen readers due to visual impairments. Alt text serves as a textual substitute for images, conveying the same essential information that the visual content would provide to sighted users. From an SEO perspective, alt text also plays a significant role in image search optimization, helping search engines understand and index the content of images, which can drive additional traffic to a website.

From the standpoint of a content creator, alt text is an opportunity to reinforce the relevance of an image with respect to the surrounding content, using keywords that align with the overall SEO strategy. For developers and website administrators, implementing alt text is about creating a seamless workflow within the CMS that encourages and facilitates the inclusion of high-quality alt text for every image uploaded.

Here are some in-depth insights into implementing alt text in CMS:

1. CMS Configuration: Ensure that the CMS is configured to prompt users to add alt text whenever they upload an image. This can be achieved by making the alt text field mandatory or by providing a noticeable reminder during the upload process.

2. Educating Users: Provide guidelines and training for content creators on how to write effective alt text. This includes understanding the context of the image, using descriptive and concise language, and avoiding phrases like "image of" or "graphic of."

3. Quality Control: Implement a review process where alt text can be checked for quality and relevance before content goes live. This could involve automated checks for common errors or manual reviews by a designated team member.

4. SEO Integration: Integrate alt text with the website's SEO tools, allowing for keyword analysis and suggestions based on the content of the page where the image will appear.

5. Accessibility Testing: Regularly test the website with screen readers and other accessibility tools to ensure that alt text is being correctly interpreted and conveyed to users.

6. template design: Design templates that include clear instructions for alt text and that highlight its importance, making it a standard part of the content creation process.

7. Bulk Editing: For large websites, provide tools for bulk editing of alt text to facilitate updates and changes across multiple images.

8. Localization: In multilingual websites, ensure that alt text is localized along with the rest of the content, reflecting the language and cultural context of the audience.

Example: Consider an e-commerce website that sells outdoor gear. An image of a tent set up in a forest might have alt text that reads, "Four-person dome tent with rainfly in a forest setting, demonstrating the spacious interior and waterproof features." This alt text provides context, describes the image for those who cannot see it, and includes relevant keywords for SEO.

By integrating these practices into the CMS, businesses can improve both the accessibility and the search engine visibility of their websites, ultimately providing a better user experience and potentially increasing their audience reach.

Implementing Alt Text in Content Management Systems - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

Implementing Alt Text in Content Management Systems - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

8. The Impact of Alt Text on SEO Performance

Alt text, or alternative text, is a critical component of web accessibility, serving as a textual substitute for images on a website. It plays a significant role in SEO performance because it provides context to search engines about the content of an image. When images cannot be displayed, alt text ensures that the information conveyed by the image is not lost, which is particularly important for users who rely on screen readers due to visual impairments.

From an SEO perspective, alt text contributes to a website's relevance and context, which are key factors in search engine rankings. Search engines, like Google, use alt text to understand the content of an image and its relation to surrounding text. This understanding can influence how a page is indexed and where it appears in search results. Moreover, well-crafted alt text can improve the user experience, which is increasingly becoming a factor in search engine algorithms.

Insights from Different Perspectives:

1. User Experience (UX) Designers:

UX designers advocate for meaningful alt text that contributes to the overall user experience. They argue that alt text should be descriptive yet concise, enhancing the user's understanding of the page content without overwhelming them with unnecessary details.

2. SEO Specialists:

SEO experts emphasize the importance of including relevant keywords in alt text to improve search visibility. However, they caution against keyword stuffing, which can lead to penalties from search engines. Instead, they recommend a balanced approach that aligns with the content of the page.

3. Accessibility Advocates:

For accessibility advocates, the primary purpose of alt text is to provide equal access to information. They stress that alt text should accurately represent the image and its function on the page, ensuring that all users, regardless of ability, have a comparable experience.

4. Content Creators:

Content creators often view alt text as an opportunity to enhance storytelling and context within their articles or blog posts. They use alt text to add depth to the narrative and guide the reader's imagination, especially when images are integral to the content.

5. Web Developers:

Developers focus on the technical implementation of alt text, ensuring that it is properly coded and compatible with various assistive technologies. They also consider the impact of alt text on page load times and overall website performance.

case Study examples:

- E-commerce Website:

An online retailer implemented descriptive alt text for product images and saw a 20% increase in organic traffic. The alt text included product names, colors, and key features, which helped the images rank in image searches related to the products.

- Travel Blog:

A travel blogger added alt text to all images, describing the destinations and activities shown. This resulted in a 15% boost in search engine rankings for targeted keywords, as the alt text provided additional context to the blog's content.

- Educational Institution:

A university updated its website with alt text for all campus images, leading to improved accessibility scores and a 10% rise in engagement from prospective students using screen readers.

Alt text is a multifaceted tool that serves both accessibility and SEO purposes. By understanding its impact from various perspectives and applying best practices, webmasters can enhance their website's performance in search rankings while providing a better experience for all users.

The Impact of Alt Text on SEO Performance - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

The Impact of Alt Text on SEO Performance - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

9. Integrating Alt Text into Your SEO Strategy

The integration of alt text into your SEO strategy is a critical step that goes beyond mere compliance with web standards or enhancing accessibility. It represents a commitment to inclusivity and a recognition of the diverse ways in which users interact with content online. Alt text, or alternative text, serves as a textual substitute for images, providing context and descriptions that are crucial for users who rely on screen readers or have bandwidth constraints that prevent images from loading. From an SEO perspective, alt text contributes to a richer user experience, potentially improving site rankings and visibility in image searches.

From the perspective of a content creator, alt text is an opportunity to reinforce the relevance of an image to the surrounding content, using keywords that align with the overall message and purpose of the page. For SEO specialists, it's a chance to optimize images in a way that complements the textual content, ensuring that search engines can fully understand and index all elements of a page. Meanwhile, accessibility advocates view alt text as a fundamental component of web design, essential for ensuring that all users, regardless of disability, can access information equally.

Here are some in-depth insights into integrating alt text into your SEO strategy:

1. Keyword Optimization: Incorporate relevant keywords into your alt text, but avoid keyword stuffing. For example, if your blog post is about sustainable gardening, an image of a compost bin could have alt text like "small backyard compost bin for eco-friendly gardening," which includes keywords related to the topic.

2. Contextual Relevance: Ensure that the alt text is contextually relevant to the image and the content on the page. If there's a chart showing the growth of organic traffic after implementing SEO strategies, the alt text could be "line graph illustrating a significant increase in organic traffic as a result of SEO improvements."

3. Descriptive Precision: Be precise and descriptive in your alt text to provide value for users and search engines. For an image of a person using a laptop, instead of a generic "person with a computer," a more descriptive alt text could be "SEO analyst researching keywords on a laptop."

4. Brevity and Clarity: Keep alt text concise and clear. Aim for descriptions that are informative yet succinct, such as "red sneakers with white laces" instead of a long-winded explanation.

5. Avoid Redundancy: Don't repeat information that's already conveyed in the caption or surrounding text. If the caption says "Our team at the SEO conference," the alt text should not repeat this but could instead describe the action in the image, like "team members engaging in a discussion at an SEO conference booth."

6. Use of Non-Text Content: When images are purely decorative and add no informational value, it's appropriate to use an empty alt attribute (alt="") to indicate that the image should be ignored by screen readers.

By thoughtfully integrating alt text into your SEO strategy, you not only enhance the accessibility of your content but also contribute to a more inclusive and informative internet. This practice not only benefits users with disabilities but also provides a better experience for all users, which can lead to increased engagement, longer dwell times, and ultimately, a more favorable perception by search engines. Remember, at the heart of SEO is the desire to connect users with the content they're searching for, and alt text is a powerful tool in achieving that goal.

Integrating Alt Text into Your SEO Strategy - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

Integrating Alt Text into Your SEO Strategy - SEO audit: Alt Text for Images: Improving Accessibility with Alt Text for Images in SEO Audits

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