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Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

1. Silicon Valleys Humble Beginnings

The transformation of Silicon Valley from vast orchards to the epicenter of technological innovation is a testament to the vision and perseverance of a group of individuals and companies who saw potential in the power of semiconductors. This region, now synonymous with cutting-edge technology and entrepreneurship, was once known for its fertile soil and fruit production. However, the post-World War II era marked a significant shift, with the emergence of Stanford Industrial Park, which became a crucible for technological development.

The narrative of Silicon Valley is deeply intertwined with the story of Moore's Law. Coined by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, it predicted that the number of transistors on a microchip would double approximately every two years, while the cost of computers would halve. This law not only forecasted the exponential growth of computing power but also set a pace for innovation that Silicon Valley would match and maintain over the decades.

1. Stanford's Role: Stanford University played a pivotal role in the Valley's development. Frederick Terman, often called "the father of Silicon Valley," encouraged students and graduates to start their own electronics companies, leading to the formation of tech giants like Hewlett-Packard.

2. The Traitorous Eight: The foundation of Fairchild Semiconductor by the "Traitorous Eight" – a group of engineers who left Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory – marked the beginning of Silicon Valley's semiconductor industry. Their innovations and subsequent ventures laid the groundwork for the region's tech boom.

3. Venture Capital Surge: The rise of venture capital firms in the 1960s, such as Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia Capital, provided the necessary funding and support for startups, fueling the Valley's explosive growth.

4. Cultural Shift: The counterculture movement of the 1960s and 70s, with its emphasis on breaking boundaries and challenging norms, permeated Silicon Valley, fostering an environment ripe for innovation and risk-taking.

5. The Garage Mythos: The iconic image of tech founders starting in garages, exemplified by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak with Apple, became a symbol of the Valley's entrepreneurial spirit.

6. The Dot-com Boom: The 1990s saw the rise of the internet and the dot-com boom, with companies like Google and eBay becoming household names. This era further solidified Silicon Valley's reputation as a tech mecca.

Examples abound of the Valley's innovative spirit. Consider the creation of the first microprocessor by Intel in 1971, which revolutionized computing, or the launch of the first iPhone by Apple in 2007, which changed the way we communicate and access information. These milestones are not just products; they are manifestations of a culture that celebrates forward-thinking and continuous improvement.

Silicon Valley's humble beginnings are a reminder that with the right mix of talent, investment, and a conducive cultural environment, even the most unassuming places can become hotbeds of innovation and success. The Valley continues to evolve, driven by the same principles that sparked its initial growth, ensuring its place at the forefront of global technological advancement.

Silicon Valleys Humble Beginnings - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

Silicon Valleys Humble Beginnings - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

2. The Material that Powered an Era

Silicon, the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust, has been the backbone of technological advancement for decades. Its journey from a simple element to the core material of integrated circuits is a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of progress. The transformation of silicon into a highly pure, crystalline form is the first critical step in semiconductor manufacturing. This process, known as Czochralski growth, involves melting high-purity silicon in a crucible and slowly pulling a seed crystal from the melt, resulting in a large, cylindrical silicon ingot. The ingot is then sliced into thin wafers, polished to a mirror finish, and ready for the intricate dance of circuit fabrication.

From here, the wafers undergo a series of complex steps that define the modern era of electronics:

1. Photolithography: This process uses light to transfer a geometric pattern from a photomask to a light-sensitive chemical photoresist on the wafer. It's akin to printing intricate designs on a microscopic scale, where each pattern represents a different part of the circuit.

2. Etching: After photolithography, the exposed areas of the wafer are removed through etching, creating the physical structures of the transistors and interconnects. Etching can be likened to sculpting at a nanometer scale, carving out the pathways for electrons to flow.

3. Doping: To modify the electrical properties of the silicon, certain areas are doped with impurities like phosphorus or boron. This step is crucial for creating the p-n junctions that are the heart of transistors. For example, the introduction of boron creates 'holes' or positive charge carriers, while phosphorus adds extra electrons, creating negative charge carriers.

4. Metallization: The final step involves depositing layers of metal, typically aluminum or copper, to form the interconnections between transistors. This network of metal lines is what allows the individual components on the chip to communicate and work together as a cohesive unit.

Through these processes, a single silicon wafer can yield hundreds or even thousands of chips, each one a marvel of miniaturization and precision engineering. The evolution of these techniques has been guided by Moore's Law, the observation that the number of transistors on a chip doubles approximately every two years, leading to exponential growth in computing power.

The impact of silicon-based technology is evident in examples like the smartphone, which has evolved from a simple communication device to a powerful computer that fits in the palm of your hand. The microprocessor at the heart of every smartphone is a direct descendant of the silicon revolution, containing billions of transistors on a chip no larger than a postage stamp.

As we look to the future, the role of silicon may be challenged by new materials like graphene or carbon nanotubes, but its legacy is secure. Silicon has powered an era of innovation that has reshaped our world, and its story is a cornerstone of Silicon Valley's history of transformation from sand to success.

The Material that Powered an Era - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

The Material that Powered an Era - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

3. The Predictive Powerhouse of Technological Growth

Moore's Law has been the guiding beacon of technological advancement, a self-fulfilling prophecy that has driven relentless innovation in the semiconductor industry. Coined by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, in 1965, it originally stated that the number of transistors on a microchip would double every year, which he later revised to every two years. This law not only predicted the exponential growth of computing power but also became a target for the industry to maintain. It has been a cornerstone of Silicon Valley's ethos, embodying the spirit of pushing boundaries and redefining what's possible.

From an economic perspective, Moore's Law has facilitated a decrease in cost per transistor, making electronics increasingly affordable and ubiquitous. This democratization of technology has spurred innovation across sectors, from healthcare to education, and has been pivotal in the rise of consumer electronics.

Technologically, Moore's Law has been a driving force behind the miniaturization of devices. The shrinking of transistor size has led to the creation of powerful, portable devices, revolutionizing the way we communicate and interact with the world. Smartphones, wearable technology, and IoT devices are all testaments to this trend.

However, Moore's Law is not without its critics. Some argue that it is reaching its physical limits, as transistors approach the size of atoms and quantum effects begin to interfere with their operation. Others point out the environmental impact of the constant churn of electronic devices, urging for sustainable practices in tech development.

Here are some in-depth insights into the impact of Moore's Law:

1. Computational Power: The law has been instrumental in the development of supercomputers. For instance, the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory utilizes processors that are a direct result of decades of adherence to Moore's Law, enabling it to perform over 200 quadrillion calculations per second.

2. Data Storage: The exponential growth in data storage capabilities can be linked to Moore's Law. From floppy disks to solid-state drives, the capacity has skyrocketed while the physical space required has diminished, exemplifying the law's predictive power.

3. Economic Growth: Silicon Valley's tech giants have thrived under Moore's Law. Companies like Apple and Google have leveraged the increasing power of microchips to create products that have transformed entire industries, fueling economic growth and job creation.

4. Challenges and Innovations: As the law faces physical limitations, new innovations such as 3D stacking and quantum computing are emerging to continue the trend of exponential growth in computing power.

5. Global Connectivity: The advancements in microchip technology have played a crucial role in the development of the internet and mobile networks, leading to a globally connected world.

Moore's Law has been more than just a prediction; it has been a catalyst for innovation, a benchmark for progress, and a reflection of the indomitable spirit of Silicon Valley. As we stand on the cusp of new technological frontiers, the legacy of Moore's Law continues to inspire and challenge the tech world to soar to greater heights. Whether it will hold true in the coming decades or be replaced by a new paradigm, its impact on the technological landscape is undeniable.

The Predictive Powerhouse of Technological Growth - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

The Predictive Powerhouse of Technological Growth - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

4. How Tiny Chips Changed the World?

The transformative journey of semiconductors is a tale of extraordinary scientific progress and commercial acumen. At the heart of this revolution lies the humble silicon chip, a marvel of modern engineering that has become the cornerstone of contemporary technology. From the first transistor to the complex integrated circuits of today, semiconductors have shrunk in size while exponentially growing in capability, adhering to the prophetic Moore's Law which posits that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles about every two years, though the cost of computers is halved.

1. The Birth of Transistors: It all began with the invention of the transistor in 1947 by Bell Labs. This tiny switch enabled the development of smaller, more reliable, and energy-efficient devices compared to the bulky vacuum tubes used previously.

2. The Integrated Circuit: The next leap came with the integrated circuit (IC), which allowed multiple transistors to be placed on a single chip, leading to the first microprocessor.

3. Moore's Law: Coined by Gordon Moore in 1965, this law has predicted the rapid pace of semiconductor advancement, driving relentless innovation in the industry.

4. The Personal Computer Revolution: Semiconductors were pivotal in the development of personal computers, making them accessible to the masses and not just large corporations.

5. Mobile Technology: The miniaturization of semiconductors has been crucial for the explosion of mobile technology, enabling smartphones that have more computing power than the Apollo spacecraft.

6. The Internet of Things (IoT): Today, semiconductors are at the core of IoT, connecting billions of devices worldwide and facilitating unprecedented levels of communication and data exchange.

7. artificial Intelligence and Machine learning: Semiconductors are also driving the AI revolution, with specialized chips designed to process vast amounts of data for machine learning algorithms.

8. Quantum Computing: The future of semiconductors lies in quantum computing, which promises to solve complex problems that are currently intractable for classical computers.

For instance, the smartphone in your pocket is a direct descendant of these innovations, packing millions of transistors into a space smaller than a postage stamp. This miniaturization has not only made devices more compact but also more powerful and energy-efficient, enabling a myriad of applications from global communication networks to medical diagnostics. The semiconductor revolution has indeed changed the world, turning sand into the silicon that powers virtually every aspect of modern life.

5. The Impact of Doubling Capacities

The relentless pace of innovation in Silicon Valley can be largely attributed to the semiconductor industry's adherence to Moore's Law, which posits that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years, while the cost of computers is halved. This principle has not only been a prediction but also a driving force behind the exponential growth in computing power, serving as a self-fulfilling prophecy that has spurred the industry to new heights. The impact of this doubling capacity is profound, affecting everything from consumer electronics to global communication networks.

1. Economic Growth: The semiconductor industry's growth has fueled the broader technology sector, leading to significant economic expansion in Silicon Valley and beyond. Companies like Intel and AMD have become household names, with their chips powering a myriad of devices.

2. Innovation Cycles: As capacities double, so does the potential for innovation. New applications and technologies that were once thought impossible become feasible, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

3. Consumer Electronics: The smartphone revolution is a direct result of increased capacities. Modern smartphones have more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo missions, making them not just communication devices but powerful computers that fit in our pockets.

4. Data Centers: Doubling capacities have led to the proliferation of massive data centers that power the internet and cloud computing services. These data centers rely on the ever-increasing processing power to manage and analyze vast amounts of data.

5. Healthcare: In the medical field, increased computing capacities have enabled complex simulations and modeling that assist in drug discovery and personalized medicine. Wearable devices that monitor health metrics are also a product of miniaturized, powerful sensors.

6. Automotive Industry: The automotive sector has seen a transformation with the integration of advanced computer systems for navigation, safety, and entertainment. The advent of self-driving cars is also predicated on the ability to process large amounts of data in real-time.

7. Environmental Impact: While the increased capacities have many benefits, they also pose environmental challenges. The production and disposal of electronic devices have significant environmental footprints, leading to calls for more sustainable practices.

For instance, consider the evolution of data storage. In the early days of computing, data was stored on large, cumbersome magnetic tapes. Today, we have solid-state drives (SSDs) that are not only smaller and more reliable but also offer vastly superior speed and performance. This transition exemplifies the tangible benefits of doubling capacities, as SSDs enable faster boot times, quicker file transfers, and overall improved system responsiveness.

The impact of doubling capacities under Moore's Law has been a cornerstone of Silicon Valley's success. It has catalyzed a wave of technological advancements that have reshaped industries and society. As we look to the future, the question remains: how will Silicon Valley continue to innovate as we approach the physical limits of Moore's Law? The answer lies in the region's ability to adapt and find new paradigms for growth, ensuring that the spirit of innovation remains undimmed.

The Impact of Doubling Capacities - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

The Impact of Doubling Capacities - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

6. Companies Built on Moores Law

The transformative journey of Silicon Valley from a humble hub of orchards to the world's premier technology epicenter is a testament to the power of innovation and foresight. Central to this metamorphosis has been Moore's Law, an observation made in 1965 by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel. Moore noted that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years, while the cost of computers is halved. This law has not only predicted the exponential increase in computing power but has also served as a guiding principle for the tech giants that dominate the Valley today. These companies, built on the back of Moore's Law, have revolutionized industries and reshaped our daily lives.

1. Intel Corporation: As the progenitor of Moore's Law, Intel has been at the forefront of semiconductor innovation. Its microprocessors are the brains of countless computers, and its commitment to research and development has sustained its market leadership.

2. Apple Inc.: Apple's rise to prominence with its intuitive designs and user-friendly interfaces owes much to the increasing power of the chips that drive its devices. From the original Macintosh to the latest iPhone, Apple has consistently leveraged cutting-edge technology to deliver groundbreaking products.

3. Google (Alphabet Inc.): Google's search engine, built to index an ever-growing internet, has become more sophisticated with advancements in processing power. This has allowed for the development services like Google Maps and the Android operating system, which rely heavily on the rapid processing of vast amounts of data.

4. Facebook (Meta Platforms, Inc.): The social media giant's ability to connect billions of users and handle enormous data sets for personalized content delivery is a direct beneficiary of the trends forecasted by Moore's Law.

5. NVIDIA Corporation: Originally focused on graphics processing units for gaming, NVIDIA has expanded into the data center market, artificial intelligence, and autonomous vehicles, industries that demand high computational capabilities.

6. Tesla, Inc.: While not traditionally associated with Silicon Valley's computing roots, Tesla's innovations in electric vehicles and energy storage systems are deeply intertwined with advancements in chip technology, enabling smarter, more efficient products.

These companies, among others, have not only capitalized on the predictions of Moore's Law but have also contributed to its perpetuation by constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible. They have created a virtuous cycle of innovation where each advancement opens the door to new possibilities, from cloud computing and big data analytics to artificial intelligence and the Internet of things. As we look to the future, the question remains: how long can Moore's Law continue to hold? The answer lies in the hands of the very giants it helped to create, as they explore new frontiers like quantum computing and neuromorphic engineering. The legacy of Moore's Law is thus not just in the chips that powered the past half-century but in the foundational mindset it instilled—a relentless pursuit of progress that continues to define Silicon Valley.

Companies Built on Moores Law - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

Companies Built on Moores Law - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

7. Whats Next for Silicon Valley?

As we venture beyond the era of Moore's Law, the guiding principle that has underpinned Silicon Valley's meteoric rise, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture. The law, which posited that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years while the cost halves, has reached its physical and economic limits. This paradigm shift prompts a crucial question: What lies ahead for the tech mecca as it navigates this uncharted territory?

1. Quantum Computing: The race is on to harness the peculiar properties of quantum mechanics in computing. Unlike traditional bits, which represent either a 0 or a 1, quantum bits, or qubits, can exist in multiple states simultaneously, offering exponential growth in processing power. Companies like IBM and Google are at the forefront, with Google's Sycamore processor performing a calculation in 200 seconds that would take the world's fastest supercomputer 10,000 years.

2. Nanotechnology: At the atomic scale, nanotechnology is poised to revolutionize industries by enabling the creation of materials with precisely tailored properties. For instance, carbon nanotubes could lead to stronger, lighter materials for everything from electronics to aerospace.

3. Biocomputing: Silicon Valley is looking towards biology for inspiration. DNA, nature's data storage medium, offers a potential solution to the data deluge. Microsoft has successfully stored and retrieved a record 200MB of data on DNA strands, pointing to a future where biological and digital technologies converge.

4. Neuromorphic Engineering: mimicking the human brain, neuromorphic chips process information in a manner akin to neurons and synapses, offering a path to more efficient and adaptive computing. Intel's Loihi chip is an example, learning and evolving in real-time, a stark contrast to the static nature of traditional silicon chips.

5. Advanced Materials: The discovery of new materials like graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, is set to redefine the capabilities of semiconductors. Its exceptional electrical conductivity and strength make it a prime candidate for next-generation electronics.

6. Photonics: The use of light to transmit data within chips could overcome the speed limitations of electronic circuits. Silicon photonics merges optical devices with semiconductor fabrication, promising faster and more energy-efficient data transfer.

7. 3D Integration: As scaling in two dimensions becomes increasingly challenging, the industry is turning to 3D stacking of chips. This technique not only saves space but also reduces the distance electrical signals must travel, enhancing performance and energy efficiency.

8. Edge Computing: The proliferation of IoT devices generates vast amounts of data that require real-time processing. Edge computing decentralizes computation, bringing it closer to the data source, thereby reducing latency and bandwidth use.

9. AI and Machine Learning: AI is becoming integral to chip design, with algorithms capable of optimizing layouts in ways humans cannot, potentially leading to more efficient and powerful processors.

10. Sustainable Computing: environmental concerns are driving the search for greener technologies. Startups like Submer are innovating with immersion cooling systems that drastically reduce the energy needed for data center cooling.

Each of these avenues represents a leap into the unknown, a potential revolution in how we think about and interact with technology. As Silicon Valley stands on the precipice of these advancements, it's clear that the spirit of innovation that once relied on Moore's Law is far from diminishing; it's merely evolving, finding new paths to forge and new frontiers to explore. The valley's success was never just about silicon; it was about the relentless pursuit of the impossible, a trait that will continue to define its journey beyond the silicon horizon.

Whats Next for Silicon Valley - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

Whats Next for Silicon Valley - Silicon Valley: From Sand to Success: Silicon Valley s Foundation on Moore s Law

8. Silicon Valleys Influence on Society

Silicon Valley's metamorphosis from a sleepy expanse of orchards into the throbbing heart of technological innovation has not only revolutionized industries but also profoundly altered societal norms and behaviors. This transformation, underpinned by Moore's Law, has ushered in an era where technology is not merely a tool but a cornerstone of daily life, shaping everything from communication to commerce, and from media consumption to manufacturing. The Valley's ethos of rapid innovation and disruption has permeated various facets of society, fostering a culture that values agility, efficiency, and a relentless pursuit of the next 'big thing'.

1. Work Culture Evolution: The traditional 9-to-5 workday has been upended by Silicon Valley's flexible work schedules and the gig economy. Companies like Uber and TaskRabbit exemplify this shift, offering both consumers and workers unprecedented control over their time and income.

2. Education Transformation: Educational platforms such as Khan Academy and Coursera, born in the Valley, have democratized learning, making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This has challenged conventional educational institutions to innovate or risk obsolescence.

3. Social Interaction: Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, hailing from Silicon Valley, have redefined human interaction, creating digital spaces that transcend physical boundaries. While they connect people worldwide, they also raise questions about privacy and the nature of relationships.

4. Economic Impact: The startup culture has invigorated the global economy with a surge of venture capital and has given rise to a new class of 'unicorn' companies. Airbnb and SpaceX, for instance, have disrupted long-standing industries, prompting regulatory and economic shifts.

5. Ethical Considerations: The rapid pace of technological advancement has outstripped the development of ethical frameworks, leading to dilemmas in areas such as AI ethics and data privacy. The case of Cambridge Analytica and Facebook highlights the complex interplay between technology, ethics, and governance.

6. Environmental Footprint: The tech industry's environmental impact is a growing concern. While companies like Tesla are pioneering sustainable solutions, the e-waste and carbon footprint of the sector remain significant challenges.

7. Political Influence: Silicon Valley's role in politics has expanded, with tech leaders advising on policy and social media shaping public discourse. The influence was evident in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, where social media played a pivotal role in information dissemination.

8. Healthcare Innovation: Wearable technology and health apps, such as those developed by Fitbit and Apple, have transformed personal health management, empowering individuals with data and challenging traditional healthcare models.

Silicon Valley's influence extends far beyond the confines of technology. It has become a cultural beacon, a harbinger of change that continuously redefines the parameters of how society operates, interacts, and evolves. The Valley's legacy is one of perpetual motion, a relentless drive forward that leaves an indelible mark on the fabric of society. As we stand on the precipice of new breakthroughs, it is clear that the Valley's cultural shift is an ongoing narrative, one that will continue to shape our world in ways we are only beginning to comprehend.

9. The Future Landscape of Technology and Innovation

As we stand on the precipice of a new era, the future landscape of technology and innovation beckons with a promise of unprecedented transformation. The relentless pace of change, fueled by the exponential growth principles of Moore's Law, has set the stage for a revolution that extends far beyond the confines of Silicon Valley. This evolution is not just about the acceleration of processing power or the miniaturization of components; it's about the convergence of diverse fields, the democratization of access, and the emergence of new paradigms that challenge our very notion of what's possible.

1. Convergence of Technologies: The integration of artificial intelligence, quantum computing, biotechnology, and nanotechnology is leading to breakthroughs that were once the realm of science fiction. For instance, AI algorithms are now designing nanomaterials that could revolutionize energy storage, while quantum computers hold the promise of solving complex biological problems at unprecedented speeds.

2. Democratization of Innovation: With open-source platforms and the rise of maker spaces, innovation is no longer the exclusive domain of well-funded corporations. A teenager in a developing country can now build a solar-powered drone, or a small startup can disrupt an entire industry with a novel app or service.

3. Sustainable and Ethical Tech: As the climate crisis looms, technology is pivoting towards sustainability. Innovations like carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, green data centers, and the circular economy are becoming central to business models. Moreover, there's a growing emphasis on ethical AI, ensuring that technology serves humanity without bias or harm.

4. The Space Economy: Once a government-led domain, space exploration is increasingly driven by private enterprises. Companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are not only reducing the cost of space travel but also opening new frontiers for space tourism, asteroid mining, and even the colonization of other planets.

5. Health Tech Evolution: The intersection of technology and healthcare is producing wearable devices that monitor chronic conditions, telemedicine platforms that make healthcare accessible, and crispr gene-editing techniques that could cure genetic diseases.

6. smart Cities and iot: The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming urban landscapes into smart cities, where everything from traffic lights to waste management is optimized for efficiency and sustainability. An example is Singapore's Smart Nation initiative, which leverages IoT, AI, and big data to enhance the lives of its citizens.

7. The Future of Work: Automation and AI are reshaping the workforce, leading to the rise of remote work, gig economies, and the need for continuous learning. Platforms like LinkedIn Learning and Coursera are pivotal in upskilling individuals for the jobs of tomorrow.

8. Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: While blockchain is synonymous with cryptocurrencies, its potential extends to securing supply chains, enabling transparent governance, and protecting intellectual property rights.

The future landscape of technology and innovation is a tapestry woven from the threads of human ingenuity, societal needs, and the indomitable spirit of exploration. It's a future that's not only shaped by the technologies we create but also by the values we uphold and the visions we dare to pursue. As we look ahead, it's clear that the journey from sand to silicon was just the beginning. The true measure of success will be how we harness these advancements to foster a more equitable, sustainable, and thriving world for all.

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