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Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

1. Understanding Your Audience

Understanding Your Audience is a crucial aspect of utilizing social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community. By gaining insights into your target audience, you can tailor your content and engagement strategies to effectively resonate with them.

1. Analyzing Demographics: Start by understanding the demographic characteristics of your audience, such as age, gender, location, and interests. This information can help you create content that appeals to their specific needs and preferences.

2. Conducting Surveys and Interviews: Engage with your audience through surveys and interviews to gather valuable feedback and insights. This direct interaction allows you to understand their pain points, motivations, and expectations, enabling you to address them effectively.

3. monitoring Social Media analytics: Utilize social media analytics tools to track engagement metrics, such as likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates. This data provides valuable insights into the type of content that resonates with your audience and helps you refine your social media strategy.

4. leveraging User-generated content: encourage your audience to create and share content related to your startup. user-generated content not only fosters a sense of community but also provides authentic social proof, which can attract and engage potential customers.

5. Personalizing Communication: Tailor your communication style and messaging to match the preferences of your audience. Use language, tone, and visuals that resonate with them, creating a personalized and relatable experience.

6. utilizing Influencer marketing: Collaborate with influencers who have a strong presence in your target audience. Their endorsement and promotion can significantly increase your reach and credibility among your desired community.

7. Monitoring Competitors: Keep an eye on your competitors' social media activities to gain insights into their audience engagement strategies. Analyze their successful tactics and adapt them to suit your startup's unique value proposition.

Remember, understanding your audience is an ongoing process.

Understanding Your Audience - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

Understanding Your Audience - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

2. Choosing the Right Platforms

1. Understand Your Audience:

- Before selecting any platform, take a deep dive into your target audience. Who are they? What are their preferences, behaviors, and demographics? Tailor your platform choices to align with their habits. For instance:

- Facebook: A versatile platform with a broad user base, ideal for B2C businesses targeting diverse age groups.

- LinkedIn: Perfect for B2B startups seeking professional connections and industry networking.

- Instagram: Visual content rules here, making it great for lifestyle brands, fashion, and creative ventures.

- TikTok: If your startup thrives on short, engaging videos, consider TikTok, especially if your audience skews younger.

- Example: Imagine you're launching a trendy fashion brand. Instagram and TikTok would be your go-to platforms.

2. Evaluate Platform Features:

- Each platform offers unique features. Consider:

- Content Types: Does your startup create videos, images, or long-form articles? Choose platforms that support your content format.

- Advertising Options: Investigate ad formats, targeting capabilities, and costs. Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and Instagram Ads are popular choices.

- Analytics: Robust analytics help track performance. Instagram Insights, Twitter Analytics, and Google Analytics provide valuable data.

- Example: A podcast startup might prioritize platforms that allow audio content, such as Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

3. Resource Allocation:

- Managing multiple platforms demands time and effort. Start small and expand gradually. quality matters more than quantity.

- Consider:

- Human Resources: Who will manage your social media? Hiring a dedicated social media manager might be necessary.

- Budget: Some platforms require ad spend. allocate resources wisely.

- Example: A bootstrapped tech startup might focus on Twitter and LinkedIn initially, leveraging organic growth.

4. Platform Popularity and Trends:

- Stay updated on platform trends. What's hot today might fade tomorrow.

- Look at:

- Emerging Platforms: Explore newer platforms like Clubhouse or Discord.

- Algorithm Changes: Platforms tweak algorithms; adapt accordingly.

- Example: A gaming startup might explore Discord communities to engage with passionate gamers.

5. Competitor Analysis:

- analyze your competitors' social media presence. Where are they active? What works for them?

- learn from their successes and failures.

- Example: If a food delivery startup's competitors excel on Instagram, it's worth considering.

6. Consistency and Authenticity:

- Consistency matters more than sporadic bursts of activity. Choose platforms you can commit to.

- Authenticity builds trust. Be genuine in your interactions.

- Example: A sustainability-focused startup should prioritize platforms that allow them to share their eco-friendly journey.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Your startup's unique identity and goals should drive your platform choices. Regularly reassess your strategy, adapt, and stay agile in this ever-evolving digital landscape.

Choosing the Right Platforms - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

Choosing the Right Platforms - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

3. Creating Engaging Content

Creating engaging content is a crucial aspect of any successful social media strategy. Whether you're promoting a startup, building a personal brand, or connecting with your community, the content you produce plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining your audience. In this section, we'll delve into the art of crafting compelling content that resonates with your followers, sparks conversations, and drives meaningful interactions.

1. Understand Your Audience:

Before you start creating content, take the time to understand your target audience. Who are they? What are their interests, pain points, and aspirations? Tailor your content to address their needs and preferences. For instance:

- Startup Founders: Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your journey, product development updates, and success stories. Engage with other entrepreneurs by discussing common challenges.

- Community Builders: Highlight community events, member spotlights, and collaborative initiatives. foster a sense of belonging and encourage participation.

- Personal Brands: Showcase your expertise, share valuable insights, and connect with like-minded individuals. Be authentic and relatable.

2. Storytelling Matters:

Humans are wired to respond to stories. Use storytelling techniques to make your content memorable:

- Case Studies: Narrate real-life examples of how your startup solved a problem for a customer. Describe the journey, challenges faced, and the ultimate success.

- User Testimonials: Feature testimonials from satisfied users. Include their experiences, emotions, and outcomes.

- Founder's Story: Share your personal journey, including failures, turning points, and lessons learned. People connect with authenticity.

3. Visual Content:

Visuals grab attention and convey messages effectively:

- Infographics: Simplify complex information using visually appealing infographics. For instance, a startup in the health industry could create an infographic on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

- Videos: Create short videos showcasing product demos, team introductions, or customer testimonials. Live videos (e.g., Q&A sessions) also foster engagement.

- eye-Catching images: Use high-quality images that resonate with your brand. For example, a travel startup could share breathtaking travel photos.

4. Interactive Content:

Encourage participation and interaction:

- Polls and Surveys: Ask your audience for opinions. For instance, a fashion brand could run a poll on which color palette they prefer for the upcoming collection.

- Quizzes and Challenges: Create fun quizzes related to your niche. A fitness startup could have a "Fitness Challenge of the Week."

- User-Generated Content: feature content created by your followers. Repost their photos, testimonials, or creative interpretations of your product.

5. Consistency and Frequency:

Regular posting keeps your audience engaged:

- Content Calendar: Plan ahead. Decide on the types of content you'll create (e.g., Monday motivation quotes, Wednesday tips, Friday success stories).

- Frequency: Find the right balance. Posting too often can overwhelm, while infrequent updates may lead to disengagement.

6. Embrace Trends and Hashtags:

Stay relevant by tapping into trending topics and using relevant hashtags:

- Event Tie-Ins: During major events (e.g., holidays, industry conferences), create content related to them. For instance, a tech startup could discuss innovations showcased at a tech summit.

- Hashtags: Research popular hashtags in your niche. Use them strategically to expand your reach.

7. Call to Action (CTA):

Every piece of content should have a purpose:

- Encourage Sharing: Add a CTA asking users to share your content. For example, "Tag a friend who needs to see this!"

- Drive Traffic: If you have a blog post or landing page, guide users to it with a clear CTA.

- Engage: Ask questions or invite comments. Be responsive when users engage.

Remember, creating engaging content is an ongoing process. Monitor analytics, learn from what works, and adapt your strategy accordingly. And most importantly, enjoy the journey of connecting with your audience through meaningful content!

Why Hashtags Matter: Insights from Different Perspectives

1. Discoverability and Reach:

- Hashtags act as digital signposts, guiding users to relevant content. When you use a specific hashtag, your post becomes discoverable to anyone searching for or following that tag.

- Example: Imagine you're launching a new line of sustainable fashion. By including #EcoFashion in your posts, you tap into a community of environmentally conscious users who actively seek such content.

2. brand Identity and consistency:

- Crafting a unique branded hashtag helps establish your startup's identity. It can be your company name, slogan, or a creative phrase associated with your mission.

- Consistently using this hashtag across platforms reinforces your brand and makes it recognizable.

- Example: #GreenThreads could be the branded hashtag for our sustainable fashion startup.

3. Campaigns and Events:

- Hashtags are essential for running social media campaigns or promoting events. They create a unified thread connecting all related content.

- Example: Hosting a virtual launch party? Use #GreenThreadsLaunchParty to gather posts, photos, and videos from attendees.

4. Trending Topics: Riding the Wave:

- Keep an eye on trending hashtags. These are topics currently buzzing across social media.

- If relevant to your startup, join the conversation by incorporating trending hashtags into your posts.

- Example: During Earth Day, use #EarthDay2024 to align with the global movement and showcase your eco-friendly products.

5. Niche and Community Building:

- Beyond broad trends, explore niche hashtags related to your industry or interests.

- Engage with these communities by sharing valuable content and participating in discussions.

- Example: For our sustainable fashion startup, #SlowFashion and #EthicalStyle connect us with like-minded individuals.

6. Research and Strategy:

- Investigate which hashtags resonate with your target audience. tools like social media analytics platforms can provide insights.

- Develop a hashtag strategy: mix popular ones with less competitive ones.

- Example: If you're a tech startup, consider both #TechInnovation and #StartupLife.

Remember, hashtags are not just decoration; they're strategic tools. Use them wisely, adapt to trends, and foster genuine connections with your community.

Leveraging Hashtags and Trends - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

Leveraging Hashtags and Trends - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

5. Building a Consistent Brand Voice

Building a Consistent Brand Voice is a crucial aspect of utilizing social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community. It involves establishing a unique and recognizable tone, style, and messaging that aligns with your brand's values and resonates with your target audience.

1. Understand Your Target Audience: To build a consistent brand voice, it's essential to have a deep understanding of your target audience. Research their demographics, preferences, and communication styles. This knowledge will help you tailor your messaging to effectively engage and connect with them.

2. Define Your brand personality: Your brand personality is the human characteristics and traits that define your brand. It sets the tone for your communication and helps create a consistent voice across all social media channels. Are you playful, professional, or authoritative? define your brand personality and ensure it reflects in your content.

3. Craft a brand Voice guide: A brand voice guide serves as a reference for anyone creating content on behalf of your brand. It outlines the tone, language, and style to be used consistently across all platforms. Include guidelines on vocabulary, grammar, and even punctuation to maintain a cohesive brand voice.

4. Use Storytelling: storytelling is a powerful tool to engage your audience and convey your brand's values. Incorporate storytelling techniques into your social media content to create a connection with your community. Share anecdotes, customer success stories, or behind-the-scenes glimpses to humanize your brand.

5. Consistency in Visuals: Building a consistent brand voice goes beyond just words. Visual elements such as colors, fonts, and imagery also contribute to your brand's identity. ensure that your social media posts, graphics, and videos align with your brand's visual guidelines to reinforce your brand voice.

6. Engage in Conversations: Social media is a two-way communication channel. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and mentions. Use your brand voice to maintain consistency in your interactions and build relationships with your community.

7. Monitor and Adapt: Regularly monitor the performance of your social media content and gather feedback from your audience. analyze engagement metrics, comments, and sentiment to understand how well your brand voice is resonating. Adapt and refine your approach based on the insights gained.

Remember, building a consistent brand voice takes time and effort. Stay true to your brand's values, listen to your audience, and continuously refine your messaging to create a strong and authentic connection with your community.

Building a Consistent Brand Voice - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

Building a Consistent Brand Voice - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

6. Engaging with Followers

Engaging with your followers on social media is a crucial aspect of building a strong online community around your startup. It's not just about broadcasting your message; it's about creating meaningful connections, fostering loyalty, and turning casual followers into brand advocates. In this section, we'll explore various strategies for effective follower engagement, drawing insights from different perspectives.

1. Authenticity Matters:

- Point of View: As a startup founder or social media manager, authenticity should be your guiding principle. People crave genuine interactions, and they can spot insincerity from a mile away.

- Insight: Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your startup journey. introduce team members, showcase your workspace, and celebrate milestones. When followers see the real people behind the brand, they feel more connected.

- Example: Imagine a skincare startup sharing a video of their lab technician formulating a new product. Followers get a sneak peek into the creative process and feel like insiders.

2. Respond Promptly:

- Point of View: From a follower's perspective, timely responses matter. Whether it's a question, comment, or complaint, acknowledge it promptly.

- Insight: Set up notifications to monitor social media channels. Respond to messages within hours, if possible. Even a simple "Thank you!" or "We're working on it" shows that you value your followers.

- Example: A food delivery startup receives a complaint about a missing item. They reply swiftly, apologize, and offer a discount on the next order. The follower feels heard and appreciated.

3. Create Interactive Content:

- Point of View: Engagement isn't a one-way street. Encourage followers to participate actively.

- Insight: Polls, quizzes, and challenges are great tools. Ask for opinions ("Which flavor should we launch next?") or invite user-generated content (share photos using your product).

- Example: A fitness app runs a "Workout of the Week" challenge. Followers share their sweaty selfies after completing the workout, creating a sense of community.

4. Show Appreciation:

- Point of View: Gratitude goes a long way. Your followers are your cheerleaders; acknowledge their support.

- Insight: Regularly express appreciation. Feature user-generated content, highlight loyal followers, and celebrate milestones together.

- Example: A fashion startup reposts a follower's stylish outfit photo, tagging them. The follower feels recognized and proud to be associated with the brand.

5. leverage User-Generated content (UGC):

- Point of View: UGC is gold. It's authentic, showcases real experiences, and builds trust.

- Insight: Encourage followers to share their stories, reviews, and photos related to your product or service. Repost UGC with proper credit.

- Example: A travel startup runs a #WanderlustWednesday campaign. Followers share breathtaking travel photos, and the startup features them on their profile.

6. host Live sessions:

- Point of View: Live sessions break down barriers. They're unscripted, spontaneous, and allow direct interaction.

- Insight: Host Q&A sessions, product demos, or interviews. Invite followers to join, ask questions, and share their thoughts.

- Example: A tech startup's CEO goes live to discuss the latest industry trends. Followers engage by asking questions and providing insights.

Remember, engaging with followers isn't a one-time task. It's an ongoing commitment. Be present, listen actively, and build a community that feels like family. Your startup's success depends on these genuine connections.

Feel free to adapt these strategies to your startup's unique context and experiment with what resonates best with your audience!

Engaging with Followers - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

Engaging with Followers - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

7. Measuring Success and Analytics

## Why Measure Success?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's explore why measuring success matters:

1. strategic Decision-making: data-driven decisions lead to better outcomes. By assessing performance metrics, you can adjust your social media tactics, allocate resources wisely, and stay ahead of the curve.

2. ROI (Return on Investment): Investors, stakeholders, and even your team want to know if your social media efforts are paying off. Metrics provide tangible evidence of ROI.

3. Community Engagement: Understanding what resonates with your audience allows you to create content that sparks conversations, builds trust, and fosters brand loyalty.

4. Continuous Improvement: Metrics reveal areas for improvement. Whether it's optimizing posting times or refining your content mix, data guides your growth.

## key Metrics to track:

1. Engagement Rate:

- Definition: The percentage of people who interact with your content (likes, comments, shares) relative to the total number of followers.

- Why It Matters: High engagement indicates a strong community connection.

- Example: If your Instagram post received 500 likes and 50 comments, your engagement rate would be (500 + 50) / (your follower count) * 100.

2. Reach and Impressions:

- Definition:

- Reach: The number of unique users who saw your content.

- Impressions: The total number of times your content was displayed.

- Why It Matters: Reach shows your potential audience, while impressions reveal how often your content appeared.

- Example: Your tweet reached 10,000 users and had 20,000 impressions.

3. Conversion Rate:

- Definition: The percentage of users who take a desired action (e.g., sign up, purchase) after interacting with your social media content.

- Why It Matters: It directly ties social media efforts to business goals.

- Example: If 100 people clicked your Facebook ad, and 10 made a purchase, your conversion rate is 10%.

4. Click-Through Rate (CTR):

- Definition: The percentage of users who clicked on a link in your post.

- Why It Matters: Indicates how compelling your call-to-action (CTA) is.

- Example: Your LinkedIn post had 1,000 impressions, and 50 people clicked the link—CTR = 5%.

5. Bounce Rate:

- Definition: The percentage of users who leave your website after viewing only one page.

- Why It Matters: high bounce rates may indicate irrelevant content or poor landing pages.

- Example: Your blog post attracted 1,000 visitors, but 700 left without exploring further—bounce rate = 70%.

## Putting It Into Practice:

Imagine you're launching a new product. You create a captivating Instagram video showcasing its features. Here's how you'd measure success:

- Engagement Rate: Calculate likes, comments, and shares.

- Reach and Impressions: Monitor how many unique users saw the video and how often it appeared.

- Conversion Rate: Track how many viewers clicked the product link and completed a purchase.

- CTR: Evaluate how effective your CTA (e.g., "Swipe up to buy") was.

- Bounce Rate: Check if users explored other pages on your website after watching the video.

Remember, context matters. Compare metrics over time, analyze trends, and adjust your strategy accordingly. social media success isn't just about numbers; it's about building meaningful connections and driving real-world impact.

Measuring Success and Analytics - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

Measuring Success and Analytics - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

8. Collaborating with Influencers

1. understanding Influencer marketing:

- Perspective 1: The Brand

- Brands recognize that influencers possess a loyal and engaged audience. Collaborating with influencers allows them to tap into this existing community and create authentic connections.

- Example: A sustainable fashion brand partners with a popular eco-conscious lifestyle influencer. The influencer showcases the brand's products in her daily life, emphasizing their eco-friendly features.

- Perspective 2: The Influencer

- Influencers view collaborations as opportunities to monetize their content and expand their personal brand.

- Example: A fitness influencer collaborates with a sports nutrition company, promoting their protein shakes and workout gear to her fitness-focused followers.

- Perspective 3: The Audience

- Audiences appreciate genuine recommendations from influencers they trust. They value transparency and relatability.

- Example: A beauty influencer shares her skincare routine, highlighting a specific brand's cleanser. Her followers feel more inclined to try it out.

2. Choosing the Right Influencers:

- Micro vs. Macro:

- Micro-influencers (with smaller but highly engaged followings) often yield better results for niche products or local businesses.

- Macro-influencers (celebrities or those with millions of followers) provide broader exposure but may lack authenticity.

- Example: A local coffee shop collaborates with a micro-influencer who frequents their café. The influencer's genuine love for their coffee resonates with nearby residents.

- Relevance and Alignment:

- Select influencers whose content aligns with your brand's values, aesthetics, and target audience.

- Example: A tech startup partners with a YouTuber who reviews gadgets. The influencer's tech-savvy audience matches the startup's target market.

3. Negotiating and Structuring Collaborations:

- Compensation Models:

- Payment (flat fee or per post)

- Product exchange

- Affiliate commissions

- Example: A travel app collaborates with a travel blogger. The blogger receives a commission for every user who downloads the app using her referral link.

- Clear Expectations:

- Define deliverables (posts, stories, videos) and communication channels.

- Set deadlines and discuss exclusivity.

- Example: A skincare brand provides detailed guidelines to an influencer for an Instagram takeover.

4. content Creation and authenticity:

- Balancing Creativity and Brand Guidelines:

- Encourage influencers to infuse their unique style while staying true to your brand's messaging.

- Example: A fitness apparel brand lets an influencer showcase their activewear during her morning yoga routine.

- Disclosure and Transparency:

- Influencers must disclose paid partnerships to maintain trust.

- Example: A food blogger captions her sponsored recipe post with #ad.

5. Measuring Success:

- Metrics to Track:

- Engagement (likes, comments, shares)

- Reach (audience size)

- Conversions (sales, sign-ups)

- Example: An e-commerce startup analyzes the spike in website traffic during an influencer's promotion.

- long-Term relationships:

- Consider ongoing collaborations to build sustained brand loyalty.

- Example: A skincare brand partners with an influencer for a year-long campaign, featuring seasonal product launches.

Remember, successful influencer collaborations go beyond transactional exchanges; they foster genuine connections that resonate with both the influencer's audience and your brand.

Collaborating with Influencers - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

Collaborating with Influencers - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying updated with social media trends is crucial for individuals, businesses, and startups alike. Social media platforms constantly evolve, introducing new features, algorithms, and user behaviors. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to promote your startup or an individual seeking to connect with your community, understanding and leveraging these trends can significantly impact your success.

Let's delve into this topic from various perspectives, exploring how to stay informed, adapt, and thrive in the ever-changing social media ecosystem:

1. Continuous Learning and Curiosity:

- Entrepreneur's View: As a startup founder, maintaining curiosity about social media trends is akin to market research. Regularly explore industry blogs, attend webinars, and follow thought leaders. For instance, keeping an eye on Neil Patel's blog or subscribing to social Media examiner can provide valuable insights.

- Individual's View: Curiosity drives personal growth. follow social media influencers, read case studies, and participate in online communities. For example, joining Reddit communities related to your interests can expose you to emerging trends.

2. Monitoring Algorithm Changes:

- Entrepreneur's View: Algorithms significantly impact content visibility. Understand how platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok prioritize content. For instance, Instagram's Reels algorithm favors engaging, short-form videos. Adapt your content strategy accordingly.

- Individual's View: Keep an eye on platform updates. When Twitter introduced Spaces, users who quickly embraced it gained a competitive edge in community-building.

3. Embracing New Formats:

- Entrepreneur's View: Experiment with emerging formats. Live videos, Stories, and AR filters engage audiences differently. Brands like Glossier effectively use instagram Stories to showcase behind-the-scenes content.

- Individual's View: Explore creative formats. For instance, LinkedIn's carousel posts allow professionals to share insights or tell a story through multiple slides.

4. Micro-Communities and Niche Platforms:

- Entrepreneur's View: Beyond mainstream platforms, explore niche communities. Clubhouse, Substack, and Discord cater to specific interests. Find where your target audience congregates.

- Individual's View: Join micro-communities aligned with your passions. For instance, if you're a food enthusiast, explore Foodie Facebook Groups or Pinterest boards.

5. data-Driven Decision-making:

- Entrepreneur's View: Leverage analytics tools. Monitor engagement rates, demographics, and peak posting times. Adjust your content calendar based on data.

- Individual's View: Use insights to optimize your personal brand. If you're a travel blogger, analyze which posts resonate most with your audience.

6. collaborations and Influencer marketing:

- Entrepreneur's View: Partner with influencers or other brands. Co-create content or host joint events. Chipotle collaborated with David Dobrik for a successful TikTok challenge.

- Individual's View: Collaborate with peers. Participate in Instagram takeovers or guest blog on someone else's platform.

7. Ethical Considerations and Authenticity:

- Entrepreneur's View: Authenticity builds trust. Avoid clickbait or misleading tactics. Patagonia stands out for its genuine commitment to environmental causes.

- Individual's View: Be true to yourself. Share authentic stories, even if vulnerability feels uncomfortable.

Remember, trends come and go, but the underlying principles remain constant. Adapt, learn, and engage authentically. By staying updated, you'll navigate the social media landscape with finesse, whether you're promoting a startup or connecting with your community.


- Snapchat's disappearing content revolutionized storytelling.

- LinkedIn's professional networking focus led to its dominance in B2B connections.

- Pinterest's visual discovery format appeals to DIY enthusiasts and home decorators.

Stay curious, stay informed, and ride the social media wave!

Staying Updated with Social Media Trends - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

Staying Updated with Social Media Trends - Social media: How to use social media platforms and channels to promote your startup and connect with your community

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