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Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

1. Introduction to Meme Marketing

Meme marketing has emerged as a powerful tool in the digital age, tapping into the cultural zeitgeist to create content that is not only shareable but also deeply resonant with audiences across various platforms. This form of marketing harnesses the viral potential of memes, which are often humorous images or videos that spread rapidly online, to engage with consumers in a more relaxed and relatable manner. Unlike traditional advertising, which can be seen as intrusive or overtly promotional, meme marketing offers a subtler approach to brand messaging, embedding products or services within content that viewers are eager to consume and share. It's a strategy that aligns with the evolving landscape of social media, where users are bombarded with information and have become adept at filtering out noise. Memes cut through this clutter by offering entertainment value, prompting not just passive consumption but active participation as users remix, reinterpret, and redistribute them.

From a business perspective, meme marketing can be a cost-effective way to increase brand visibility and foster community engagement. For instance, when a company's meme goes viral, it can reach an audience far beyond its existing customer base, often without the need for paid promotion. Moreover, memes can serve as a form of social proof, as their spread implies endorsement by those sharing them.

From a consumer standpoint, memes offer a way to interact with brands on a more personal level. They appreciate brands that understand their language and humor, which can lead to a stronger emotional connection and brand loyalty. For example, when a user sees a meme featuring a product they use, it can reinforce their decision to support the brand and encourage them to share the meme with their network.

Here are some key points that delve deeper into the intricacies of meme marketing:

1. Authenticity is Crucial: Memes should feel natural and in line with what is currently trending. Forced or overly promotional memes can backfire, leading to negative reception.

2. Timing is Everything: Memes are often tied to current events or trends. Brands need to act quickly to capitalize on these moments before they pass.

3. Know Your Audience: Not all memes will resonate with every demographic. Brands must understand their target audience and what type of humor appeals to them.

4. Engagement Over Sales: The primary goal of meme marketing is to engage audiences rather than push sales. It's about building relationships and community around the brand.

5. Monitor the Reception: It's important to track how memes are received and to be ready to respond to any negative feedback or controversy that may arise.

To illustrate these points, let's consider the example of a fast-food chain that uses a popular meme format to promote a new burger. By adapting the meme to include their product in a humorous way, they can generate buzz and encourage shares without making a hard sell. If the meme resonates with their audience, it can lead to increased foot traffic and sales as a secondary effect.

Meme marketing represents a shift in how brands communicate with consumers, favoring engagement and cultural relevance over traditional advertising methods. It's a dynamic and challenging field, but when executed well, it can yield significant rewards in terms of brand affinity and online presence.

Introduction to Meme Marketing - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

Introduction to Meme Marketing - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

2. The Psychology Behind Memes and Engagement

Memes have become a staple of internet culture, transcending their role as mere entertainment to become a significant force in social media engagement and marketing. The psychology behind memes is deeply rooted in their ability to convey complex ideas, emotions, and cultural nuances in a simple, often humorous format. They resonate with audiences because they provide a shared experience, a sense of belonging to a community that 'gets' the joke. Memes act as a social currency, where the exchange of this currency fosters connections and can influence social behavior and communication. From a marketing perspective, memes can be a powerful tool. They are inherently shareable, which makes them excellent for brand visibility and virality. However, the use of memes must be approached with an understanding of the target audience and the current cultural context to avoid missteps that could lead to negative reception.

1. Cognitive Ease: Memes often feature relatable content that requires minimal cognitive effort to process. This ease of understanding makes them more likely to be shared. For example, the 'Distracted Boyfriend' meme became popular due to its relatable portrayal of distraction and temptation, which can be applied to various scenarios, making it widely shareable.

2. Emotional Connection: Memes can evoke strong emotions, whether it's humor, nostalgia, or even outrage. The 'Success Kid' meme, for instance, captures the universal feeling of triumph in overcoming small daily challenges, which can quickly generate a positive emotional response and encourage sharing.

3. Cultural Commentary: Memes often serve as a commentary on current events or cultural trends. The rapid spread of the 'Area 51 Raid' memes not only provided humor but also offered insights into public sentiment about government secrecy and the power of internet communities to mobilize.

4. social Identity theory: Sharing memes can signal one's identity and affiliations. For example, political memes can signify alignment with certain ideologies, while fandom memes can indicate one's interest in a particular show or character.

5. Meme Lifespan and Evolution: Memes evolve over time, and their ability to stay relevant depends on their adaptability. The 'Pepe the Frog' meme has seen various incarnations, from a symbol of internet subculture to a political icon, demonstrating the meme's ability to adapt to different contexts and maintain engagement.

6. Marketing Integration: Brands that successfully integrate memes into their marketing strategies can achieve high levels of engagement. Wendy's use of witty and sarcastic memes on Twitter, for instance, aligns with their brand voice and appeals to a younger, meme-savvy audience.

7. Psychological Reactance: Sometimes, the attempt to ban or censor a meme can increase its popularity due to the psychological reactance, where people are driven to share the meme more as a form of resistance. The 'Streisand Effect' is a prime example of this phenomenon.

The psychology behind memes is multifaceted, involving cognitive, emotional, and social factors that contribute to their widespread appeal and effectiveness as a tool for engagement. Understanding these psychological underpinnings is crucial for anyone looking to leverage memes in marketing or social media strategies. Memes are not just a form of entertainment; they are a reflection of our collective psyche and a powerful means of communication in the digital age.

The Psychology Behind Memes and Engagement - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

The Psychology Behind Memes and Engagement - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

3. Evolution of Memes in Digital Marketing

Memes have become an integral part of our digital vernacular, serving as a bridge between humor and communication in the online world. Their evolution within digital marketing is a testament to the adaptability and creativity of marketers who seek to engage with audiences on a more personal and relatable level. Initially, memes were simply a form of entertainment, but they have since morphed into powerful marketing tools that can capture attention, evoke emotions, and foster a sense of community among consumers. They are particularly effective in social media marketing, where the rapid sharing and viral potential of content can significantly amplify a brand's message.

From the early days of internet culture, memes have been used to create buzz and encourage user interaction. However, as social media platforms have grown, so too has the sophistication of meme marketing. Brands have learned to harness the power of memes to create campaigns that are not only humorous but also resonate with their target audience's values and experiences. This has led to a more nuanced approach to meme marketing, where memes are tailored to fit the brand's identity and the platform's context.

Insights from Different Perspectives:

1. Consumer Engagement:

- Memes are a form of social currency in the digital age, allowing users to express their identities and affiliations.

- They encourage user-generated content, where customers create and share their own memes related to the brand, enhancing engagement.

2. Brand Identity:

- Memes can be a double-edged sword; they must align with the brand's voice and values to avoid misinterpretation.

- Successful meme marketing often involves a light-hearted and self-deprecating tone that humanizes the brand.

3. Viral Marketing:

- The shareability of memes makes them ideal for viral marketing campaigns.

- Memes that resonate with a wide audience can spread rapidly, creating organic reach far beyond the brand's own channels.

4. Cultural Relevance:

- Memes that tap into current events or popular culture can create a sense of timeliness and relevance.

- Brands that effectively leverage trending topics can position themselves as culturally savvy and in touch with their audience.

5. Cost-Effectiveness:

- Compared to traditional advertising, meme marketing can be highly cost-effective, requiring minimal investment for potentially high returns.

- The DIY nature of memes allows for quick production and distribution, ideal for reactive marketing strategies.

Examples Highlighting the Ideas:

- Denny's Twitter Account: Known for its quirky and humorous tweets, Denny's has mastered the art of meme marketing by creating content that feels organic and unforced, often playing on the brand's diner culture.

- Netflix's 'Bird Box' Challenge: Netflix capitalized on the viral success of the movie 'Bird Box' by encouraging the #BirdBoxChallenge, where fans recreated scenes from the movie, leading to widespread media coverage.

- Wendy's Roasts: Wendy's has become infamous for its sassy social media persona, engaging with other brands and users through playful roasts that often go viral, showcasing the brand's sharp wit.

The evolution of memes in digital marketing reflects a broader shift towards more authentic and engaging brand communication. As digital platforms continue to evolve, so too will the strategies that marketers employ to connect with their audiences. Memes, in their ever-changing form, will likely remain a staple in the marketer's toolkit, offering a unique blend of humor, culture, and commentary that can bring brands and consumers closer together.

Evolution of Memes in Digital Marketing - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

Evolution of Memes in Digital Marketing - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

4. Successful Meme Marketing Campaigns

Meme marketing has emerged as a powerful tool in the digital age, leveraging humor and relatability to create viral content that resonates with audiences across various social media platforms. This strategy taps into the cultural zeitgeist, using memes to foster a sense of community, engagement, and brand awareness. Memes are inherently shareable, often humorous, and can convey complex messages succinctly, making them an ideal medium for brands to connect with consumers in a more informal and entertaining way. By aligning with popular trends and narratives, companies can position their products within the larger social conversation, creating a memorable and impactful marketing campaign.

1. Denny's Twitter Campaign:

Denny's Diner has consistently used meme marketing to great effect on Twitter. Their quirky, offbeat humor aligns perfectly with the platform's culture, resulting in high engagement rates. For instance, their tweet "zoom in on the syrup" with a hidden message in the image became a viral sensation, showcasing the power of interactive content.

2. Netflix's 'Bird Box' Challenge:

Netflix's psychological thriller 'Bird Box' spawned a meme frenzy with the #BirdBoxChallenge. While the challenge led to humorous and sometimes risky endeavors, it also sparked conversations about safety, demonstrating how viral trends can transcend entertainment and lead to broader discussions.

3. Wendy's Roasting Competitors:

Wendy's has taken a bolder approach by directly engaging with competitors and consumers through witty comebacks and roasts. This strategy has not only differentiated their brand voice but has also encouraged other users to participate in the banter, amplifying their reach.

4. Gucci's #TFWGucci Campaign:

Luxury brand Gucci collaborated with popular meme creators to promote their watches in a campaign called "#TFWGucci". This approach not only modernized the brand's image but also appealed to a younger demographic, showcasing the versatility of meme marketing across different industries.

5. Old Spice's Viral Video Series:

Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign is a prime example of meme marketing before the term was even popularized. The surreal and humorous videos featuring Isaiah Mustafa led to numerous parodies and remixes, cementing the brand's image in the meme culture.

Through these case studies, it's evident that successful meme marketing campaigns require a deep understanding of the target audience, creativity, and the ability to quickly adapt to the ever-changing social media landscape. Brands that can effectively harness the power of memes can create a lasting impact and foster a loyal following.

5. Analyzing the Virality of Memes

Memes have become a cornerstone of internet culture, transcending their role as mere entertainment to become powerful tools for communication, branding, and even political discourse. Their ability to spread rapidly and resonate with a wide audience makes them particularly interesting from a marketing perspective. The virality of memes is not accidental; it is a complex interplay of content, context, and community dynamics. Memes that go viral do so because they strike a chord with the collective consciousness of the internet, often through humor, relatability, or a sharp commentary on current events.

From the standpoint of meme marketing, understanding the mechanics behind this virality is crucial. Here are some key factors that contribute to the success of a meme:

1. Relatability: The more a meme reflects common experiences or emotions, the more likely it is to be shared. For example, the "Distracted Boyfriend" meme gained popularity because it humorously depicted a universal feeling of being tempted by something new despite already having something good.

2. Timing: Memes often riff on current events or trending topics. A meme that is timely can spread like wildfire. The rapid rise in popularity of the "Bernie Sanders at the Inauguration" meme can be attributed to its immediate relevance and the widespread media coverage of the event it parodied.

3. Simplicity: Memes that are easy to understand and replicate tend to have higher virality. The simplicity of the "Pepe the Frog" meme allowed it to be adapted to countless scenarios, contributing to its widespread use.

4. Network Effect: The structure of social networks plays a significant role in meme dissemination. Memes often go viral within niche communities before reaching a tipping point where they break into mainstream consciousness.

5. Emotional Impact: Memes that evoke a strong emotional response, whether laughter, anger, or nostalgia, are more likely to be shared. The "Success Kid" meme became iconic because it captured a universally recognizable moment of triumph.

6. Originality: While many memes are variations on a theme, those that offer a new twist or a unique perspective can stand out. The "This Is Fine" meme, depicting a dog in a burning room, offered a darkly humorous take on denial that felt both original and apt for various situations.

7. Participatory Culture: Memes thrive in environments where users feel empowered to create and modify content. The "Ice Bucket Challenge" meme encouraged participation by challenging users to contribute to a cause, making it both viral and impactful.

8. Cross-platform Mobility: Memes that can easily be shared across different platforms have a greater chance of going viral. The "Harlem Shake" videos were easy to replicate and share, leading to their proliferation across multiple social media sites.

By analyzing these factors, marketers can better understand how to leverage memes for engagement. However, it's important to note that the landscape of meme culture is ever-changing, and what works today may not work tomorrow. The key to successful meme marketing lies in staying attuned to the pulse of the digital world and being ready to adapt to its evolving nature. Memes are not just a reflection of culture; they are active participants in shaping it.

Analyzing the Virality of Memes - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

Analyzing the Virality of Memes - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

6. Dos and Donts

Meme marketing has emerged as a powerful tool in the digital age, offering a unique blend of humor, virality, and cultural commentary that can significantly boost social media engagement. This strategy leverages the widespread appeal of memes to create a relatable and shareable content form that resonates with a broad audience. However, navigating the world of meme marketing requires a careful balance between creativity and sensitivity. Memes can quickly capture public imagination and spread like wildfire across social media platforms, but they can also backfire if not used appropriately. As such, understanding the do's and don'ts of meme marketing is crucial for brands looking to engage with their audience in a meaningful and impactful way.

Here are some key insights and guidelines to consider:

1. Do: Know Your Audience

- Tailor your memes to the interests, age group, and cultural background of your target audience. For example, a meme referencing a popular video game might resonate well with a younger demographic.

2. Don't: Force a Meme

- Avoid trying to create a meme out of something that doesn't have organic appeal. Forced memes often feel inauthentic and can be met with criticism or indifference.

3. Do: Stay Current

- Use recent trends and popular culture references to ensure your memes are timely. A meme referencing a current event, like a viral TikTok dance, can increase relevance and shareability.

4. Don't: Ignore the Context

- Always consider the broader context of a meme. What might be humorous in one setting could be offensive in another. Ensure that your meme doesn't inadvertently align your brand with a negative message.

5. Do: Encourage Sharing

- Design memes that are easy to share and encourage user-generated content. For instance, a meme challenge that prompts users to add their own twist can foster community engagement.

6. Don't: Overuse Memes

- While memes can be effective, overusing them can lead to fatigue. Balance your content strategy with a mix of memes and other types of posts.

7. Do: Monitor Feedback

- Pay close attention to how your audience reacts to your memes. Positive engagement can guide future content, while negative feedback can serve as a learning opportunity.

8. Don't: Disregard Copyright

- Be mindful of intellectual property rights when using images or references. Create original content or use royalty-free assets to avoid legal issues.

9. Do: align with Brand values

- Ensure that your memes align with your brand's values and messaging. A meme that contradicts your brand's image can confuse your audience.

10. Don't: Be Afraid to Apologize

- If a meme misses the mark and causes unintended offense, be quick to apologize and take corrective action.

By adhering to these do's and don'ts, brands can effectively harness the power of meme marketing to engage with their audience, enhance their social media presence, and create a memorable brand identity. Remember, the key to successful meme marketing lies in striking the right balance between humor and respect, relevance and originality, and virality and brand alignment.

Dos and Donts - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

Dos and Donts - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

7. Measuring the Impact of Memes on Brand Awareness

In the dynamic landscape of social media, memes have emerged as a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness. Unlike traditional advertising, memes can spread virally, resonating with audiences through humor and relatability. They often reflect current trends and cultural moments, making them particularly effective for engaging with younger demographics who are highly active on social media platforms. Memes can serve as a bridge between the brand and its target audience, fostering a sense of community and shared understanding. When a meme associated with a brand goes viral, it can significantly boost the brand's visibility and recognition, often leading to increased engagement and, ultimately, customer loyalty.

From the perspective of marketing professionals, the impact of memes is measured through various metrics such as engagement rates, shareability, and the increase in followers or subscribers. For instance, a meme that is widely shared and generates substantial conversation is considered successful in enhancing brand awareness.

Social media analysts look at the longevity and adaptability of memes. A meme that stays relevant over time and can be adapted to various contexts is valuable for sustained brand promotion.

Consumer behavior specialists focus on the sentiment and perception changes that memes can evoke. A positive association with a meme can enhance brand perception, while a negative one can harm it.

Here's an in-depth look at how the impact of memes on brand awareness can be measured:

1. Engagement Metrics: The immediate reaction to a meme—likes, comments, shares, and retweets—provides a quantitative measure of its impact. For example, when Denny's released a meme that played on the popular 'zoom in' trend, it resulted in one of their most engaged tweets ever.

2. Brand Mentions: Tracking increases in brand mentions across social media platforms can indicate the reach of a meme. A spike in mentions often correlates with a successful meme campaign.

3. Sentiment Analysis: Understanding public sentiment towards the meme and, by extension, the brand, is crucial. Tools that analyze the tone and emotion of social media posts can provide insights into how a meme is being received.

4. Conversion Rates: Ultimately, the goal of any marketing effort is to drive sales. Monitoring any upticks in website traffic, inquiries, or sales following a meme campaign can link meme engagement to actual business outcomes.

5. User-Generated Content: When a meme inspires users to create their own content, it amplifies the brand's message. A notable example is the '#ShareACoke' campaign by Coca-Cola, which encouraged users to share images of their personalized Coke bottles.

6. Competitor Benchmarking: Comparing a brand's meme-related engagement with that of competitors can offer a relative measure of success. It's important to consider the context and content of the memes when making these comparisons.

7. long-Term brand Health Tracking: Over time, the cumulative effect of meme marketing on brand health can be assessed through brand tracking studies, which measure brand recall, favorability, and recommendation likelihood.

Memes are more than just internet jokes; they are a strategic element in the modern marketer's toolkit. By leveraging the viral nature of memes, brands can achieve levels of engagement and recognition that traditional advertising might not reach. As with any marketing strategy, it's essential to measure the impact carefully to ensure that the memes align with the brand's values and messaging, contributing positively to long-term brand equity.

Measuring the Impact of Memes on Brand Awareness - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

Measuring the Impact of Memes on Brand Awareness - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

8. Challenges and Considerations in Meme Marketing

Meme marketing has emerged as a powerful tool in the realm of social media engagement, leveraging humor and relatability to capture the attention of a wide audience. However, this innovative approach is not without its challenges and considerations. The very nature of memes, which are often irreverent and spontaneous, can make it difficult for brands to maintain control over their messaging. Furthermore, the rapid pace at which memes rise and fall in popularity necessitates a nimble and responsive marketing strategy. Brands must also navigate the fine line between humor that resonates and content that could potentially offend, as the backlash from a poorly considered meme can be swift and damaging.

From the perspective of content creation, the following points delve deeper into the intricacies of meme marketing:

1. Cultural Sensitivity: Memes often play on cultural references, and what is humorous in one context may be offensive in another. For example, a meme that pokes fun at a particular celebrity might be well-received in one country but could lead to a public relations disaster in another where the celebrity is held in high regard.

2. Brand Alignment: Ensuring that memes align with the brand's image and values is crucial. A luxury brand, for instance, might find it challenging to use memes without diluting its perceived value. Conversely, a brand known for being edgy might use bold memes to reinforce its image.

3. Legal Considerations: Copyright issues can arise when using images or concepts that are not original. A notable case involved the 'Grumpy Cat' meme, which led to a legal battle over the unauthorized use of the cat's image by a coffee company.

4. Timing and Relevance: Memes are ephemeral, and timing is everything. A meme that is even a week old may no longer resonate with the audience. The 'Distracted Boyfriend' meme, for example, saw countless variations and was timely for a period before it became overused and lost its impact.

5. Audience Engagement: While memes can generate significant engagement, measuring the return on investment can be challenging. Brands need to consider whether the likes and shares translate into tangible benefits for the company.

6. Platform Specificity: Different social media platforms cater to different demographics, and a meme that works on Twitter might not have the same effect on LinkedIn. Understanding the nuances of each platform is key to successful meme marketing.

7. Authenticity: Users are quick to spot inauthenticity, and a meme that feels forced or tries too hard can backfire. It's important for brands to find a natural fit for memes within their existing social media strategy.

8. Viral Potential vs. Risk: While the goal is often to create a meme that goes viral, there's always a risk that it could go viral for the wrong reasons. A recent example is the 'Baby Yoda' meme, which spread rapidly but also led to discussions about intellectual property as Disney started to enforce its rights.

Meme marketing presents a unique set of challenges that require careful consideration and a strategic approach. Brands must remain culturally aware, legally compliant, and authentic to their identity while navigating the fast-paced and often unpredictable world of social media memes. By doing so, they can harness the power of memes to create meaningful and engaging content that resonates with their audience.

Challenges and Considerations in Meme Marketing - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

Challenges and Considerations in Meme Marketing - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

9. The Next Wave of Meme Marketing

Meme marketing has rapidly evolved from a niche internet phenomenon to a mainstream strategy that brands leverage for mass appeal and engagement. As we look towards the future, meme marketing is poised to enter a new phase characterized by greater sophistication, personalization, and integration with emerging technologies. This evolution is driven by the understanding that memes are not just humorous images or videos; they are cultural artifacts that encapsulate sentiments, ideologies, and trends. They act as a barometer for public opinion and as a powerful tool for creating brand narratives that resonate with audiences on a deeper level.

1. Personalization and AI: The next wave of meme marketing will likely see a surge in personalized memes, created with the help of AI algorithms that can analyze individual user data to generate content that resonates on a personal level. For example, Spotify's "Wrapped" campaign, which creates personalized memes based on users' listening habits, could be a precursor to more brands adopting similar strategies.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) Memes: AR technology offers a new dimension to meme marketing by allowing users to interact with memes in their physical environment. Imagine pointing your phone at a product in a store and seeing a meme pop up that humorously highlights the product's features, creating a memorable shopping experience.

3. Meme Commerce: The integration of memes into the e-commerce space is an emerging trend. Brands could use memes not only for engagement but also as a direct call-to-action for purchasing products. For instance, a meme that goes viral could have embedded links or QR codes that lead directly to a product page, streamlining the journey from entertainment to purchase.

4. Meme Communities and Co-Creation: Brands are beginning to recognize the value of meme communities as hotbeds for co-creation and collaboration. By engaging with these communities, brands can tap into a wealth of creative potential and authenticity. An example of this is the collaboration between a popular meme page and a fashion brand to create a limited-edition clothing line that sold out within minutes.

5. Meme Analytics: As meme marketing grows, so does the need for sophisticated analytics to measure its impact. Future tools might offer insights into meme virality, sentiment analysis, and engagement metrics, helping marketers fine-tune their strategies for maximum effect.

6. Ethical Meme Marketing: With the power of memes comes the responsibility to use them ethically. Brands will need to navigate the fine line between humor and sensitivity, ensuring that their meme content does not inadvertently offend or alienate segments of their audience.

The trajectory of meme marketing points to a future where memes become an integral part of the marketing mix, offering brands innovative ways to engage with consumers and stay relevant in a fast-paced digital world. As this trend continues to unfold, it will be fascinating to see how memes shape and are shaped by the cultural and technological landscape of our times.

The Next Wave of Meme Marketing - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

The Next Wave of Meme Marketing - Social media interactions: Meme Marketing: The Impact of Meme Marketing on Social Media Engagement

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