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Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

1. Introduction to Lognormal Distribution

The lognormal distribution is a compelling statistical tool that emerges naturally in various fields, from environmental science to financial modeling. Unlike the more commonly known normal distribution, which is symmetrical, the lognormal distribution is skewed, typically to the right, indicating that it can take on only positive values. This characteristic makes it particularly suitable for representing variables that are bounded by zero but have no upper limit, such as income, stock prices, or even the size of living organisms.

Insights from Different Perspectives:

1. Economic Perspective:

In economics, the lognormal distribution is often used to model income distribution. It captures the reality that most people earn relatively modest incomes, while a smaller number earn exponentially more. For example, if we were to plot the income of a population on a lognormal scale, we would see a steep curve rising to the right, reflecting the exponential increase in income levels among the wealthiest.

2. Environmental Science:

Environmental scientists use the lognormal distribution to model the distribution of particle sizes in the atmosphere. Particles like dust, pollen, or pollutants are not uniformly sized but tend to follow a pattern where most particles are small, and a few are much larger. This distribution is critical for understanding air quality and the behavior of aerosols in the environment.

3. Quality Control:

In the field of quality control, the lognormal distribution helps in assessing the lifespan of products. Since products cannot fail in a negative amount of time, and failure times are not symmetrically distributed, the lognormal distribution provides a more accurate model than the normal distribution. For instance, if we're examining the failure times of light bulbs, we'd find that most last around the average lifespan, but some can last significantly longer, which is effectively captured by the lognormal distribution.

4. Financial Modeling:

The stock market is another area where the lognormal distribution is extensively applied. Stock prices cannot fall below zero, and the rate of return over time is more accurately modeled as a multiplicative process, which leads to a lognormal distribution of prices. For example, a stock might have daily returns that are normally distributed, but when we look at the stock price over a longer period, the compounded effect of those returns follows a lognormal distribution.

In-Depth Information:

1. Definition and Formula:

Mathematically, a variable \( X \) is lognormally distributed if its natural logarithm \( \ln(X) \) is normally distributed. The probability density function (PDF) of a lognormal distribution is given by:

$$ f(x;\mu,\sigma) = \frac{1}{x\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(\ln x - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}} $$

Where \( \mu \) and \( \sigma \) are the mean and standard deviation of the variable's natural logarithm, respectively.

2. Parameter Estimation:

To estimate the parameters of a lognormal distribution, one can use methods such as maximum likelihood estimation or method of moments. These methods involve taking the natural logarithm of the data points and then estimating the parameters as if the transformed data were normally distributed.

3. Applications and Examples:

An example of the lognormal distribution in action can be seen in insurance. Insurance companies model the size of claims, which are typically small but can occasionally be very large, using a lognormal distribution. This helps them to set premiums and reserves appropriately.

4. Excel Implementation:

Excel users can leverage the built-in functions such as LOGNORM.DIST and LOGNORM.INV to work with lognormal distributions. These functions allow for the calculation of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and the inverse CDF, which are useful for various statistical analyses.

The lognormal distribution is a versatile and powerful statistical tool that provides insights into phenomena where the data are positively skewed and multiplicative in nature. Its application spans numerous fields, offering a more nuanced and accurate representation of real-world data than the normal distribution in many cases. Understanding and utilizing the lognormal distribution can greatly enhance the depth and accuracy of statistical analysis, especially when dealing with data that exhibit its characteristic skewness and positivity.

Introduction to Lognormal Distribution - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

Introduction to Lognormal Distribution - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

2. The Significance of Lognormal Distributions in Data Analysis

Lognormal distributions are a cornerstone in the realm of statistical analysis, particularly when it comes to modeling the distribution of variables that are positively skewed. Unlike normal distributions, which are symmetrical, lognormal distributions are skewed to the right, meaning they can more accurately represent data where large values are more spread out and small values are clustered closely. This characteristic makes them exceptionally useful in various fields such as finance, environmental studies, and quality control, where they help in modeling phenomena like stock prices, pollutant concentrations, and product life times.

From an analytical perspective, lognormal distributions offer several advantages. They can handle data sets with non-negative values, which is a common constraint in many real-world scenarios. Moreover, when dealing with multiplicative processes—where variables are subject to repeated multiplication—the resulting distribution of the product often follows a lognormal distribution. This is particularly relevant in financial returns, where the compound return over time is more accurately modeled by a lognormal distribution.

1. Financial Modeling:

In finance, the lognormal distribution is used to model stock prices under the Black-scholes model. The assumption is that stock prices cannot go negative, and the rate of return over time is lognormally distributed. For example, if we consider the annual return of a stock, the compounded effect of daily returns can be modeled as a lognormal distribution.

2. Environmental Data Analysis:

Environmental scientists often use lognormal distributions to model the concentration of pollutants in the air or water. This is because the distribution of pollutant concentrations is typically right-skewed, with most of the area having low pollution levels and a few areas with very high levels. For instance, the concentration of lead in a sample of residential drinking water sources is likely to follow a lognormal distribution.

3. Quality Control:

In the field of quality control, the life span of products, especially those subject to wear and tear, often follows a lognormal distribution. This is due to the multiplicative nature of degradation—small damages accumulate over time, leading to failure. A classic example is the lifespan of mechanical components like bearings or gears in machinery.

4. Biological and Medical Research:

The sizes of living organisms and the timing of biological processes often follow lognormal distributions. For example, the distribution of certain species' body sizes or the incubation periods of diseases can be modeled using a lognormal distribution, providing insights into the underlying biological mechanisms.

5. Internet Traffic:

Internet traffic, particularly file sizes and transmission times, often exhibits lognormal characteristics. This is because the transmission of large files can be seen as a multiplicative process, with many small packets combining to form the final file size.

The lognormal distribution is a powerful tool in data analysis, providing a more accurate model for skewed data sets and multiplicative processes. Its versatility across different fields underscores its significance and the need for analysts to understand its properties and applications. By leveraging the lognormal distribution, analysts can gain deeper insights and make more informed decisions based on their data.

Basically if you study entrepreneurs, there is a misnomer: People think that entrepreneurs take risk, and they get rewarded because they take risk. In reality entrepreneurs do everything they can to minimize risk. They are not interested in taking risk. They want free lunches and they go after free lunches.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Plotting a Lognormal Distribution in Excel

Plotting a lognormal distribution in excel is a valuable skill for anyone delving into statistical analysis, especially when dealing with data that is positively skewed and cannot be well-described by a normal distribution. This type of distribution is frequently encountered in various fields such as finance, environmental studies, and quality control, where variables are constrained to positive values, such as stock prices, rainfall amounts, or product lifetimes. Understanding how to visualize and analyze lognormal distributions enables analysts to make more informed decisions based on the shape, spread, and central tendency of their data.

Here's a comprehensive guide to plotting a lognormal distribution in Excel:

1. Data Preparation: Begin by collecting or generating your dataset. For a lognormal distribution, ensure that all values are positive, as negative values are not applicable in this context.

2. Log Transformation: Apply a logarithmic transformation to your dataset. This can be done by creating a new column in Excel and using the formula `=LN(original_value)`, where `original_value` is the cell containing your data.

3. Descriptive Statistics: calculate the mean and standard deviation of the transformed data using Excel's built-in functions `=AVERAGE(range)` and `=STDEV(range)`.

4. Plotting the Data: Create a histogram to visualize the frequency distribution of the transformed data. Use the 'Insert' tab, select 'Histogram', and choose your data range.

5. Normal Distribution Overlay: To compare the log-transformed data to a normal distribution, you can add a normal distribution curve using Excel's 'Add Trendline' feature and selecting 'Normal Distribution'.

6. Inverse Transformation: To plot the actual lognormal distribution, you'll need to apply an inverse log transformation to the histogram bins. This can be done by using the formula `=EXP(transformation_value)`.

7. Final Touches: Customize your chart with titles, axis labels, and formatting to improve readability and presentation.

For example, if you're analyzing the lifespan of industrial machinery, you might find that the data follows a lognormal distribution. After log-transforming the lifespans and plotting them, you'll notice the bell-shaped curve characteristic of a normal distribution. Applying the inverse transformation will then give you the actual lognormal distribution, which can provide insights into the probability of a machine lasting beyond a certain number of years.

By following these steps, you can effectively plot and analyze lognormal distributions in excel, gaining deeper insights into your data and its underlying patterns. Remember, the key to mastering this process is practice and familiarity with Excel's statistical tools.

Step by Step Guide to Plotting a Lognormal Distribution in Excel - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

Step by Step Guide to Plotting a Lognormal Distribution in Excel - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

4. Converting a Normal Distribution to a Lognormal

Transforming data from a normal distribution to a lognormal distribution is a pivotal step in statistical analysis, especially when dealing with variables that cannot assume negative values and are positively skewed. This transformation is not merely a mathematical convenience; it's a reflection of the underlying processes that generate such data. For instance, the time it takes for a chemical reaction to occur or the load strength of materials can be better modeled with a lognormal distribution because these phenomena naturally follow a multiplicative process.

When we talk about converting a normal distribution to a lognormal, we're essentially referring to the exponentiation of normally distributed data. This process shifts the data so that the logarithm of the variable is normally distributed, hence the term 'lognormal'. The transformation is beneficial for several reasons:

1. Normalization of Skewed Data: Many statistical models assume normality. If the data is skewed, applying a log transformation can help meet this assumption.

2. Multiplicative Effects: In many real-world scenarios, effects are multiplicative rather than additive. A lognormal distribution captures this essence.

3. Handling Wide Ranges: Log transformation compresses wide ranges, making it easier to observe patterns and apply statistical models.

4. Error Distribution: It can stabilize the variance of the data, particularly when the variance grows with the mean.

To illustrate, consider a dataset representing the sizes of particles generated in a manufacturing process. The raw data might be heavily right-skewed, with a few very large values. If we apply a natural logarithm transformation to each data point, the transformed data can often resemble a normal distribution more closely.

Here's an example in Excel:

- Original Data: 10, 100, 1000

- Transformed Data (using `=LN(original_data)`): 2.30, 4.61, 6.91

The transformed data can then be analyzed using techniques that assume normality. When interpreting results, however, one must remember to back-transform (exponentiate) the results to maintain the original scale of measurement.

In summary, transforming data to a lognormal distribution is not just a statistical trick; it's a fundamental approach to aligning the data analysis with the natural phenomena being studied. It allows for a more accurate representation of the data and a more meaningful interpretation of the results. The lognormal distribution, with its asymmetry and ability to model multiplicative processes, is often more appropriate than the normal distribution for describing certain types of data. By understanding and applying this transformation, analysts can uncover insights that might otherwise be obscured by the raw data.

Converting a Normal Distribution to a Lognormal - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

Converting a Normal Distribution to a Lognormal - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

5. Calculating Mean and Variance for Lognormal Data

When it comes to analyzing data with a lognormal distribution, understanding the underlying parameters is crucial for accurate interpretation and subsequent decision-making. The lognormal distribution is particularly common in the realms of finance, environmental data, and other fields where the data are positively skewed, meaning that they have a long tail to the right. Unlike the normal distribution, which is symmetrical and centered around the mean, the lognormal distribution is not centered around the mean due to its asymmetry. This makes the process of estimating parameters like the mean and variance more nuanced and requires specific methods to ensure precision.

Insights from Different Perspectives:

1. Statistical Perspective:

- The mean and variance of lognormal data cannot be directly calculated as the arithmetic mean or variance. Instead, one must first transform the data by taking the natural logarithm of all values. This transformation converts the lognormal distribution into a normal distribution, for which the mean and variance are more straightforward to calculate.

- Once the data are transformed, the mean (μ) and variance (σ²) of the transformed data are estimated. These estimates are then used to determine the parameters of the original lognormal distribution. The mean (M) of the lognormal distribution is given by $$ M = e^{(μ + \frac{σ^2}{2})} $$, and the variance (V) is given by $$ V = (e^{σ^2} - 1)e^{(2μ + σ^2)} $$.

2. Practical Perspective:

- In practice, when working with tools like Excel, the LOGNORM.DIST and LOGNORM.INV functions can be used to estimate the parameters. These functions require an understanding of the lognormal distribution's shape and scale parameters, which correspond to the mean and standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution.

- For example, if we have a set of data representing the sizes of particles emitted by a certain type of machinery, and we suspect that the data follow a lognormal distribution, we can log-transform the data and use Excel's AVERAGE and VAR functions to estimate the mean and variance.

3. Computational Perspective:

- From a computational standpoint, parameter estimation can also be performed using iterative algorithms such as the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. This approach can be particularly useful when dealing with large datasets or when the data include censored observations, which are common in reliability testing and survival analysis.

Example to Highlight an Idea:

Consider a scenario where an environmental scientist is studying the concentration of a pollutant in a river. The data appear to be lognormally distributed due to the presence of extreme values caused by sporadic pollution events. To estimate the mean concentration of the pollutant, the scientist would:

- Log-transform the concentration data.

- Calculate the arithmetic mean (μ) and variance (σ²) of the transformed data.

- Use these estimates to find the mean concentration of the pollutant in the river using the formula for M mentioned above.

This approach allows the scientist to accurately describe the central tendency and variability of the pollutant concentration, which is essential for assessing environmental risk and making policy recommendations.

Parameter estimation for lognormal data is a multi-faceted process that requires careful consideration of the data's characteristics and the application of appropriate statistical methods. By understanding and applying these concepts, one can extract meaningful insights from lognormal distributions and apply them effectively in various fields of study.

Calculating Mean and Variance for Lognormal Data - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

Calculating Mean and Variance for Lognormal Data - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

6. How to Apply Lognormal Distribution to Real-World Data?

In the realm of statistical analysis, the lognormal distribution often emerges as a powerful tool when dealing with data that is positively skewed, such as income distributions, time to failure for products, or even the size of living tissue. Unlike the normal distribution, which is symmetrical, the lognormal distribution is skewed to the right, making it more suitable for datasets where large values are more frequent and there's a natural boundary at zero, meaning no negative values can occur.

Applying the lognormal distribution to real-world data involves several steps, each critical to ensuring that the model accurately represents the underlying patterns and trends. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Data Collection: Gather a robust dataset that you suspect follows a lognormal distribution. Ensure the data is clean and free from outliers that could skew the results.

2. Data Transformation: Since the lognormal distribution deals with logarithms, transform your data by taking the natural logarithm (ln) of all data points. This step 'normalizes' the data, making it easier to fit a lognormal model.

3. Parameter Estimation: Calculate the mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ) of the transformed data. These parameters define the lognormal distribution for your dataset.

4. Model Fitting: Use software like Excel to fit the lognormal distribution to your data. In Excel, you can use the `LOGNORM.DIST` function to calculate the probability or the `LOGNORM.INV` function to find the value associated with a given probability.

5. goodness-of-Fit test: Perform a goodness-of-fit test, such as the kolmogorov-Smirnov test, to see how well the lognormal model fits your data. A small p-value indicates a good fit.

6. Interpretation: Analyze the fitted model to draw insights. For instance, the median of the lognormal distribution is given by $$ e^{\mu} $$, which can be interpreted as the 'typical' value in your dataset.

7. Prediction: Use the fitted model to make predictions. For example, you can estimate the probability that a new data point will fall within a certain range.

Example: Imagine you're analyzing the time it takes for a group of runners to complete a marathon. The data is right-skewed, with most runners finishing around 4 hours, but a few taking as long as 6 hours. By applying a lognormal distribution, you can model this data to understand the variability in completion times and predict the time for future races.

By following these steps, you can harness the power of the lognormal distribution to uncover the hidden patterns in your data, leading to more informed decisions and predictions. Remember, the key to successful model fitting is understanding the nature of your data and choosing the right distribution to match its characteristics.

How to Apply Lognormal Distribution to Real World Data - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

How to Apply Lognormal Distribution to Real World Data - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

7. Using Excels Tools for Lognormal Analysis

Excel is a powerhouse when it comes to statistical analysis, and its capabilities are particularly impressive in the realm of lognormal distribution analysis. This distribution is commonly used in various fields such as finance, environmental studies, and quality control because it models phenomena where the data is positively skewed, such as income distribution or life expectancy. Excel's suite of tools can handle complex lognormal analysis, enabling users to delve into datasets and extract meaningful insights that might otherwise remain obscured.

1. Data Preparation:

Before any analysis, it's crucial to prepare your data. Ensure that your dataset is clean, with no missing values, and is formatted correctly for Excel to interpret it as a lognormal distribution.

Example: If you're analyzing the lifespan of machinery parts, you would remove any outliers that don't fit the expected pattern, such as parts that failed prematurely due to manufacturing defects.

2. Using the LOGNORM.DIST Function:

Excel's LOGNORM.DIST function calculates the probability distribution of a log-normally distributed random variable. This function is essential for understanding the likelihood of different outcomes within your dataset.

Example: In financial analysis, you might use LOGNORM.DIST to determine the probability that a stock's return will exceed a certain level.

3. Estimating Parameters with LOGNORM.INV:

The LOGNORM.INV function is used to estimate the value of the variable associated with a given probability. It's the inverse of LOGNORM.DIST and is particularly useful for setting thresholds or benchmarks.

Example: In quality control, LOGNORM.INV can help determine the maximum acceptable defect level for a product batch.

4. Descriptive Statistics:

Excel's descriptive statistics tools can provide an overview of your data's central tendency and dispersion, which are key to understanding the shape and spread of your lognormal distribution.

Example: You might calculate the mean and standard deviation of household incomes in a region to get a sense of the overall economic status.

5. Charting and Visualization:

Visual representation of data can be incredibly informative. Excel allows you to create histograms and scatter plots that can help visualize the lognormal distribution of your dataset.

Example: A histogram of city pollution levels can show the frequency of different pollution indexes, highlighting how often extreme values occur.

6. Regression Analysis:

For more advanced analysis, Excel's regression tools can help you understand the relationship between a lognormally distributed variable and other variables.

Example: You could perform a regression analysis to see how well environmental factors predict the longevity of a species of trees.

7. Solver Add-in for Optimization:

Excel's Solver add-in can be used to find the optimal solution to a problem by changing the values in the formula to meet a set of constraints, which is useful when dealing with lognormal distributions in optimization problems.

Example: In portfolio management, Solver can help find the asset allocation that maximizes return for a given level of risk.

By harnessing these advanced techniques, Excel users can perform robust lognormal analysis, gaining deeper insights into their data. Whether it's for academic research, business analytics, or personal projects, Excel's tools open up a world of possibilities for statistical exploration and decision-making based on lognormal distributions.

8. Lognormal Distributions in Financial Modeling

Lognormal distributions play a pivotal role in financial modeling, particularly because they can accurately reflect the skewed nature of market returns and various financial instruments. Unlike a normal distribution, which is symmetric, a lognormal distribution is skewed to the right, making it more suitable for modeling phenomena where the values are positively skewed, such as stock prices. This is because financial assets cannot fall below zero but have unlimited upside potential. The lognormal distribution is therefore used to model the prices of assets, option pricing, and other financial variables.

1. Understanding Lognormal Distributions: A lognormal distribution emerges when the logarithm of a variable is normally distributed. If we consider a random variable \( X \), and \( X \) is lognormally distributed, then \( Y = \ln(X) \) follows a normal distribution. The probability density function (PDF) of a lognormal distribution is given by:

$$ f(x;\mu,\sigma) = \frac{1}{x\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(\ln x - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}} $$

Where \( \mu \) and \( \sigma \) are the mean and standard deviation of the variable's logarithm.

2. Application in financial modeling: In financial modeling, lognormal distributions are used to model stock prices under the black-Scholes option pricing model. The model assumes that stock prices follow a geometric Brownian motion with constant drift and volatility. This leads to the stock prices being lognormally distributed over time.

3. Case Study Example: Consider a case where an analyst wants to model the future price of a stock. The current stock price is $100, and it is assumed to have an annual drift (expected return) of 8% and volatility (standard deviation of returns) of 15%. Using the lognormal distribution, the analyst can forecast future prices and calculate the probability of the stock reaching a certain price level.

4. Challenges and Considerations: While lognormal distributions are widely used, they also have limitations. They may not capture extreme events or "black swan" events well. Financial models often need to be adjusted to account for these limitations, possibly by incorporating fat tails or other modifications.

5. Excel Implementation: In Excel, analysts can use the LOGNORM.DIST function to calculate the lognormal distribution of a set of values. This can be particularly useful for running simulations or forecasting future values of financial variables.

By incorporating lognormal distributions into financial models, analysts can gain deeper insights into the potential behavior of financial markets and instruments. It allows for a more nuanced understanding of risk and return, which is essential for making informed investment decisions. The key is to remember the assumptions and limitations of the model and to use it as one of several tools in financial analysis.

Lognormal Distributions in Financial Modeling - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

Lognormal Distributions in Financial Modeling - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

9. Key Takeaways and Further Applications of Lognormal Distributions

The exploration of lognormal distributions within the realm of statistical analysis reveals a wealth of insights that extend far beyond the initial observations of data behavior. This distribution, characterized by its asymmetry and heavy right tail, is not merely a theoretical construct but a practical tool that mirrors the real-world phenomena observed in various fields such as finance, environmental studies, and even biological processes. The lognormal distribution's ability to model multiplicative processes makes it particularly relevant in scenarios where growth, decay, or any process that is proportional to the current value is observed.

From an economist's perspective, the lognormal distribution can be instrumental in modeling income distribution, as it accounts for the natural skewness observed in economic data. For environmental scientists, this distribution aids in understanding phenomena like the distribution of particle sizes in the atmosphere or pollutant concentrations. In the realm of biology, the lognormal distribution is adept at describing the variability in biological parameters such as the sizes of organisms or biological structures.

Key Takeaways:

1. Versatility in Application: The lognormal distribution is not confined to a single discipline but is a versatile tool that can be applied across various fields of study.

2. modeling Real-world Processes: It excels in modeling processes that are multiplicative in nature, providing a more accurate representation of the underlying mechanisms.

3. Handling Skewness: This distribution is particularly useful in handling data that is not symmetrically distributed, offering a more realistic approach to data analysis.

Further Applications:

1. Risk Assessment: In finance, the lognormal distribution is pivotal in assessing the risk and return of investments, as it can model stock prices which are often not normally distributed.

2. Quality Control: Manufacturing processes often employ lognormal distributions to model the life duration of products, leading to more effective quality control measures.

3. Pharmacokinetics: The field of pharmacology uses lognormal distributions to model the time course of drug absorption and elimination in the body, which is crucial for determining dosing regimens.

To highlight the practicality of the lognormal distribution, consider the example of predicting house prices. The distribution of house prices often follows a lognormal pattern due to the multiplicative factors affecting price, such as location, size, and amenities. By applying a lognormal model, analysts can better estimate the range and likelihood of various price points, which is invaluable for both buyers and sellers in the real estate market.

The lognormal distribution is a powerful statistical tool that offers significant insights and applications across a multitude of disciplines. Its ability to model real-world processes with greater accuracy makes it an indispensable part of any data analyst's toolkit. As we continue to delve into the intricacies of data, the lognormal distribution stands as a testament to the complex yet coherent nature of the world around us.

Key Takeaways and Further Applications of Lognormal Distributions - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

Key Takeaways and Further Applications of Lognormal Distributions - Statistical Analysis: Digging Deeper: Statistical Analysis of Lognormal Distributions in Excel

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