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User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

1. Introduction to User-Generated Content (UGC)

user-Generated content (UGC) has revolutionized the way brands interact with their audiences, turning passive consumers into active participants in the brand's narrative. This paradigm shift is particularly evident in video submission campaigns, where users are invited to create and share their own videos that align with a brand's message or campaign theme. The power of UGC lies in its authenticity; it's content created by real people, reflecting genuine experiences and emotions that resonate with other users. This authenticity can enhance brand trust and loyalty, as consumers often find UGC more relatable and trustworthy than traditional advertising. Moreover, UGC campaigns can significantly expand a brand's reach, as enthusiastic customers become brand ambassadors, sharing their content within their own networks.

From a marketing perspective, UGC campaigns are a goldmine for insights into customer preferences and behaviors. They provide a wealth of data that can be analyzed to understand what motivates engagement and drives conversions. For creators, UGC offers a platform to express their creativity and connect with others who share their interests, often leading to the formation of communities around brands or products.

Here's an in-depth look at the facets of UGC in the context of video submission campaigns:

1. Authenticity and Trust: UGC videos are perceived as more authentic compared to professionally produced content. For example, GoPro's user-generated videos showcase real-life adventures of its customers, which has helped the brand cultivate a community of loyal followers.

2. Cost-Effectiveness: UGC campaigns can be more cost-effective than traditional advertising. Rather than investing in expensive ad production, brands like Starbucks have successfully leveraged UGC, encouraging customers to share their coffee experiences through the #RedCupContest.

3. Enhanced Engagement: UGC encourages higher levels of engagement. When Dove launched the real Beauty campaign, it prompted women to share their own stories, leading to widespread participation and discussion online.

4. Viral Potential: UGC has a higher likelihood of going viral. A notable example is the ALS ice Bucket challenge, where user videos not only went viral but also raised significant awareness and funds for the cause.

5. SEO Benefits: UGC can improve search engine rankings as fresh, original content is favored by search algorithms. User reviews and Q&A sections on sites like Amazon contribute to better visibility in search results.

6. Community Building: UGC helps in building a community around a brand. LEGO's Ideas platform invites fans to submit their own designs, some of which are turned into official LEGO sets, fostering a strong community of enthusiasts.

7. Customer Insights: Brands can gain valuable insights from UGC. By analyzing the content, they can understand customer preferences and trends, as seen with Netflix's use of UGC to gauge viewer reactions and preferences.

8. Legal Considerations: It's important to navigate the legal aspects of UGC, ensuring that content usage rights are clear. Brands must obtain proper permissions and credit users, as seen with National Geographic's user photo features.

9. Content Moderation: With UGC, there's a need for content moderation to maintain brand image and comply with regulations. Platforms like YouTube have extensive policies and tools in place to moderate user content.

10. Inclusivity and Diversity: UGC campaigns can promote inclusivity by showcasing diverse voices and perspectives. Nike's "Dream Crazier" campaign highlighted stories of female athletes, celebrating diversity in sports.

UGC in video submission campaigns offers a multifaceted approach to storytelling that can greatly benefit brands. It fosters authenticity, engagement, and community, all while providing valuable insights and potential cost savings. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, UGC will undoubtedly remain a key player in the way brands and consumers interact.

Introduction to User Generated Content \(UGC\) - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

Introduction to User Generated Content \(UGC\) - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

2. The Power of Video in UGC Campaigns

Video content has revolutionized the way brands interact with their audiences, offering a dynamic and immersive medium that can convey messages more effectively than static images or text. In the realm of user-generated content (UGC) campaigns, videos have emerged as a powerful tool for storytelling, allowing customers to share their experiences with products or services in a way that resonates with potential buyers. The authenticity and creativity of UGC videos can significantly enhance brand reputation and foster a sense of community among users.

From a marketing perspective, video UGC campaigns are invaluable because they provide raw and unfiltered testimonials that viewers find relatable and trustworthy. For instance, a makeup tutorial using a brand's products, created by a genuine customer, can have a more substantial impact than a professionally produced advertisement. These videos often showcase the product in action, providing practical demonstrations that can influence purchasing decisions.

Moreover, the shareability of video content on social media platforms amplifies the reach of UGC campaigns, often leading to viral trends. Brands like GoPro and Red Bull have excelled in this area by encouraging users to submit adventurous and high-energy videos that align with the companies' images, thus reinforcing their brand identities.

Here are some insights into the power of video in UGC campaigns:

1. Authenticity and Trust: Videos created by real users are perceived as more authentic compared to brand-created content. They build trust as potential customers see real people, rather than actors, using the products.

2. Enhanced Engagement: Videos are more engaging than other forms of content. They can capture attention quickly and maintain it for longer periods, which is crucial in the fast-paced digital landscape.

3. Emotional Connection: Video UGC allows for emotional storytelling, which can create a stronger connection between the brand and its audience. A heartfelt video review or story can be more persuasive than any sales pitch.

4. SEO Benefits: Videos can improve a brand's search engine rankings. Platforms like Google prioritize content that engages users, and videos often lead to longer site visits and interactions.

5. Social Proof: When users share videos of themselves with a product, it serves as social proof, influencing others within their network to consider the product.

6. Cost-Effectiveness: UGC campaigns can be more cost-effective than traditional advertising. Brands can leverage the content created by their users instead of investing in expensive production costs.

7. increased Conversion rates: Videos can lead to higher conversion rates. Users are more likely to purchase after watching UGC videos, as they provide a realistic preview of the product or service.

For example, the beauty industry has seen a surge in UGC video campaigns with influencers and everyday customers sharing their skincare routines or makeup applications. These videos not only demonstrate how to use the products but also show the real results on different skin types, which can be more convincing than any before-and-after photos.

The power of video in UGC campaigns lies in its ability to convey authenticity, engage audiences, and provide tangible evidence of a product's value. As brands continue to explore the potential of video UGC, we can expect to see more innovative campaigns that harness the storytelling capabilities of this versatile medium.

The Power of Video in UGC Campaigns - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

The Power of Video in UGC Campaigns - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

3. Designing Your Video Submission Campaign

In the realm of digital marketing, video submission campaigns stand out as a dynamic strategy to engage audiences and tell a brand's story through the lens of its users. This approach not only fosters a sense of community around a brand but also serves as a powerful tool for user engagement and content generation. By designing a video submission campaign, brands can tap into the creativity of their customers, encouraging them to share their experiences and perspectives in a way that resonates with others. This not only amplifies the brand's message but also provides authentic content that can be more impactful than traditional advertising.

From the perspective of the brand, the campaign must be meticulously planned to ensure clarity of purpose and ease of participation. For the users, the process should be straightforward and rewarding, making them feel valued and part of the brand's journey. Here are some in-depth insights into designing an effective video submission campaign:

1. define Clear objectives: Before launching the campaign, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, launch a new product, or gather customer testimonials? For example, GoPro's video challenges encourage users to showcase their adventures, aligning user content with the brand's image of action and exploration.

2. Establish Guidelines and Criteria: To maintain consistency and quality, set guidelines for video submissions. This includes technical specifications, content themes, and any do's and don'ts. Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign, for instance, had clear criteria that aligned with their brand values, inviting women to share their personal stories of beauty.

3. Simplify the Submission Process: The easier it is for users to submit their videos, the more likely they are to participate. Provide a simple submission form and ensure your website can handle the upload process smoothly. Dropbox's "Dropbox Stories" campaign utilized a straightforward submission form that made sharing stories hassle-free.

4. Offer Incentives: Motivate participation by offering rewards, such as featuring the best videos on your website, social media, or even in a commercial. LEGO often features user-created designs, providing recognition and sometimes even compensation for outstanding contributions.

5. Promote the Campaign: utilize your marketing channels to spread the word about the campaign. Social media, email newsletters, and your website are all effective tools for promotion. Red Bull excels at this, leveraging their extensive social media presence to promote user-generated content competitions.

6. Engage with Participants: Show appreciation for submissions by interacting with participants. Comment on videos, share them on your brand's channels, and create a dialogue. This builds a community and encourages further engagement.

7. ensure Legal compliance: Make sure you have the legal right to use the submitted videos. Include terms and conditions that cover usage rights and privacy concerns.

8. Review and Curate Content: Not all submissions will be suitable for your brand. Set up a review process to curate content that aligns with your brand's image and campaign goals.

9. Measure Success: Determine key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the campaign's success. This could include the number of submissions, engagement rates, or the impact on sales.

By considering these aspects, brands can create a video submission campaign that not only tells their story but also builds a stronger connection with their audience. It's a collaborative effort that benefits both the brand and its customers, creating a shared narrative that has the power to inspire and engage.

4. Incentives and Motivations

Encouraging participation in user-generated content campaigns, especially those involving video submissions, is a multifaceted endeavor that hinges on understanding the diverse motivations and incentives that drive individuals to contribute. At the heart of these campaigns lies the fundamental desire for recognition and a sense of belonging, which can be harnessed to tell compelling brand stories. From the perspective of the contributor, the act of creating and sharing a video is not just about the potential rewards; it's a chance to express creativity, to be heard, and to connect with a community of like-minded individuals. Brands, on the other hand, benefit from authentic narratives that resonate with their audience, creating a symbiotic relationship between the storyteller and the corporate narrative.

1. Recognition and Visibility: One of the strongest incentives for participation is the prospect of recognition. When contributors know that their content has the potential to be seen by a wide audience, they feel a sense of accomplishment. For example, GoPro's user-generated campaigns often feature the best videos on their social media channels, giving contributors a platform to showcase their talents.

2. Community Engagement: Building a community around a brand can significantly boost participation. When individuals feel part of a group, they are more likely to contribute. Adobe's Creative Cloud community is a testament to this, where users not only share their work but also support and inspire each other.

3. Monetary and Material Incentives: While intrinsic motivations are powerful, extrinsic rewards like cash prizes, discounts, or free products can also be effective. The key is to align these rewards with the brand's values and the interests of the target audience. For instance, Airbnb's travel credit for successful referrals is both a material incentive and an encouragement to engage with their service.

4. personal Growth and learning: Opportunities for learning and improving skills can motivate individuals to participate. This is particularly true for platforms like YouTube, where aspiring videographers can receive feedback from a global audience and improve their craft.

5. Social Causes and Impact: Aligning a campaign with a social cause can galvanize participation by tapping into the desire to make a difference. When Dove launched its Real Beauty campaign, it wasn't just about selling products; it was about challenging beauty standards and empowering women, which inspired many to share their stories.

6. Exclusive Experiences: Offering unique experiences, such as behind-the-scenes access or meet-and-greets with celebrities, can be a powerful draw. Red Bull, for example, has mastered this by integrating their brand with high-adrenaline experiences and exclusive events.

7. Gamification and Challenges: Incorporating elements of competition and gamification can make participation more engaging. tiktok challenges often go viral because they tap into the competitive spirit while being fun and easy to participate in.

By weaving together these various strands of motivation, brands can create a rich tapestry of user-generated content that not only promotes their products but also fosters a strong, engaged community. The key is to understand the audience and what drives them, offering a mix of incentives that cater to both the heart and the mind.

Incentives and Motivations - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

Incentives and Motivations - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

5. Curating and Moderating Submissions

Curating and moderating submissions is a critical step in the process of user-generated content campaigns, particularly when it comes to video submissions. This phase is where the brand's narrative and the users' stories intertwine, creating a tapestry of personal and collective experiences that resonate with the audience. It's not just about selecting the most visually appealing videos or those with the highest production quality; it's about finding the stories that align with the brand's values and messaging, and that will strike a chord with the wider audience. From the perspective of the brand, this means sifting through potentially hundreds or thousands of submissions to identify those gems that will help to tell the brand's story in an authentic and engaging way. From the user's point of view, it's about feeling heard and valued, knowing that their contribution is meaningful and has the potential to be shared with a larger community.

Here are some in-depth insights into the process:

1. Establish Clear Guidelines: Before the campaign begins, it's essential to communicate clear criteria for what constitutes an acceptable submission. For example, a brand might specify the video length, content, quality, and thematic relevance.

2. Diverse Selection Panel: To ensure a variety of perspectives, include individuals from different departments or even external experts who can provide diverse insights into the selection process.

3. Use of Moderation Tools: Leverage software that can help filter submissions based on predefined criteria, such as language, content flags, or even sentiment analysis.

4. Engage with the Community: Respond to submissions with feedback, whether they are selected or not. This can build a positive relationship with the contributors and encourage future participation.

5. Highlight Exemplary Submissions: Share outstanding videos on your platforms to set a benchmark and inspire others. For instance, if a video submission perfectly encapsulates the brand's message through a compelling story, showcasing this can illustrate what the brand is looking for.

6. Ensure Legal Compliance: Always check that submissions have the necessary permissions and do not infringe on copyrights or other legal issues.

7. Provide Feedback Loops: Create a system where submitters can learn from rejected submissions, perhaps by providing constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.

8. Maintain Transparency: Keep the process open and transparent to maintain trust. If a submission is rejected, explain why it didn't meet the criteria.

9. Celebrate Diversity: Aim to represent a wide range of voices and perspectives in the selected videos to show the brand's commitment to inclusivity.

10. Monitor and Adapt: Keep an eye on the campaign's progress and be ready to adjust the criteria or approach based on the type of submissions received.

For example, a tech company launching a new smartphone might ask users to submit videos showing how they use their current smartphone in their daily life. The company could then curate these submissions to highlight videos that demonstrate creativity, the impact of technology on daily routines, or unique use cases that align with the brand's image of innovation and user-centric design. This not only provides authentic content for the brand but also engages users by showcasing real-life applications of their products.

Curating and Moderating Submissions - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

Curating and Moderating Submissions - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

User-generated content (UGC) has become a cornerstone of modern marketing, offering a genuine and engaging way to connect with audiences. Among the various forms of UGC, video submissions stand out as a particularly powerful tool for storytelling. They allow customers to share their experiences with a brand's products or services in a dynamic and visually compelling format. This not only provides social proof to prospective customers but also builds a community around the brand, fostering loyalty and advocacy.

1. Authenticity and Trust:

Videos created by users are inherently authentic, which helps in building trust with potential customers. For example, a video of a customer using a skincare product and showing their skin's improvement over time can be more convincing than a professionally produced advertisement.

2. Increased Engagement:

UGC videos often lead to higher engagement on social media platforms. They encourage other users to share their own experiences, as seen with GoPro's user video campaigns, which often go viral and generate significant online buzz.

3. Enhanced SEO:

User-submitted videos can improve a brand's search engine optimization (SEO). When users upload videos with relevant keywords in the title and description, it can help the brand's website rank higher in search results.

4. cost-Effective content:

Sourcing content from users can be more cost-effective than producing it in-house. A notable example is the "Shot on iPhone" campaign by Apple, which showcases high-quality videos taken by iPhone users, saving on production costs.

5. Diverse Perspectives:

Featuring user videos allows brands to showcase diverse perspectives and uses of their products. For instance, a travel gear company might feature videos from users in different countries, highlighting the versatility of their products.

6. Emotional Connection:

User videos often capture real emotions and experiences, creating a stronger emotional connection with the audience. A video of a child's first steps taken in a pair of brand-name shoes can tug at the heartstrings of viewers.

7. Direct Feedback:

These videos can serve as direct feedback for the brand, showing how customers are using and benefiting from their products. This was evident in the video submissions for the "Red Bull Gives You Wings" campaign, where users showcased their extreme sports feats powered by the energy drink.

8. Viral Potential:

There's always the potential for a user-generated video to go viral, offering massive exposure for the brand. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a prime example, where user participation and video sharing led to unprecedented awareness and fundraising.

9. Long-Term Value:

User videos can provide long-term value as they continue to be shared and viewed over time, keeping the brand in the public eye. This enduring presence is exemplified by user videos featuring LEGO creations, which continue to inspire and entertain viewers of all ages.

10. Community Building:

Finally, encouraging users to submit videos can help in building a strong community around the brand. This is seen with gaming companies like Blizzard Entertainment, which fosters a dedicated fanbase through user-created game playthroughs and tutorials.

The "Spotlight on Success: Featured User Videos" section not only celebrates the creativity and passion of a brand's customers but also underscores the multifaceted benefits of incorporating user-generated video content into marketing strategies. By leveraging the power of ugc, brands can tell their stories through the voices of their most valuable advocates: their users.

7. Leveraging User Videos for Brand Storytelling

In the realm of digital marketing, the power of user-generated content (UGC) is undeniable. Leveraging user videos for brand storytelling is not just a trend; it's a transformative strategy that can humanize a brand and create an authentic connection with the audience. This approach taps into the creative potential of the brand's community, encouraging customers to share their experiences in a way that resonates more deeply than traditional advertising. By curating and featuring these personal narratives, brands can craft a collective story that reflects the values, aspirations, and experiences of their user base.

From the perspective of the marketer, UGC campaigns are cost-effective and can lead to higher engagement rates. For consumers, participating in such campaigns can be empowering and can foster a stronger sense of community and loyalty towards the brand. Moreover, from a brand management standpoint, these videos are a goldmine for insights into customer preferences and behaviors, which can inform future marketing strategies and product development.

Here are some in-depth insights into leveraging user videos for brand storytelling:

1. Authenticity and Trust: User videos are perceived as more authentic compared to professionally produced content. For instance, GoPro's user-generated videos showcase real people engaging in thrilling activities, which reinforces the brand's image as an enabler of adventure.

2. Community Engagement: Encouraging users to submit videos can foster a sense of community. Starbucks' #RedCupContest is a great example, where customers shared their holiday cheer by decorating their red Starbucks cups and posting the images online.

3. Content Diversity: User videos bring a variety of perspectives and stories, enriching the brand narrative. Airbnb's "Stories from the Airbnb Community" campaign highlights the diverse experiences of hosts and travelers, showcasing the brand's global reach and the unique experiences it offers.

4. Social Proof: When potential customers see real people using and enjoying a product, it serves as powerful social proof. Beauty brands often leverage user videos to show real results of their products, which can be more convincing than traditional ads.

5. Viral Potential: User videos have the potential to go viral, significantly increasing brand visibility. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a prime example of user-generated content that went viral, raising both awareness and funds for the cause.

6. SEO Benefits: Videos can improve search engine rankings, especially when they generate significant engagement and shares. This can lead to increased organic traffic to the brand's website.

7. Feedback Loop: User videos can serve as a feedback mechanism, providing brands with valuable insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement.

8. Cost-Effectiveness: UGC campaigns can be more cost-effective than traditional advertising, as the content is created by the users themselves.

By integrating user videos into their storytelling, brands not only amplify their message but also build a narrative that's continually enriched by the voices of their customers. This strategy not only enhances brand loyalty but also transforms customers into brand ambassadors, extending the reach and impact of the brand's message.

Leveraging User Videos for Brand Storytelling - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

Leveraging User Videos for Brand Storytelling - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

8. Measuring the Impact of Your Video Campaign

measuring the impact of your video campaign is a multifaceted process that involves both quantitative and qualitative analysis. It's not just about tallying views or likes; it's about understanding how your content resonates with your audience and drives them to action. A successful user-generated video campaign can significantly amplify your brand's message, as real stories from real users often carry more weight than traditional advertising. By analyzing various metrics, you can gauge the effectiveness of your campaign, make informed decisions for future marketing strategies, and continue to foster a community around your brand.

Insights from Different Perspectives:

1. Consumer Engagement:

- Track metrics like view count, likes, shares, and comments to measure engagement.

- Example: A video with a high number of shares suggests that viewers found the content relatable enough to spread within their own networks.

2. Conversion Rates:

- Assess how many viewers took a desired action, such as visiting your website or making a purchase.

- Example: Use unique promo codes or landing pages linked from the video to track conversions directly resulting from the campaign.

3. brand Sentiment analysis:

- Utilize sentiment analysis tools to understand the emotional response of your audience.

- Example: Positive comments and an increase in brand mentions on social media can indicate a successful impact on brand perception.

4. User Retention:

- Measure the average watch time and drop-off rates to see how well your content retains viewers.

- Example: A high average watch time suggests that your content is engaging and holds the audience's attention.

5. Content Reach:

- Analyze the spread of your video across different platforms and geographic locations.

- Example: If your video is being viewed and shared widely across various regions, it indicates a broad appeal and effective reach.

6. SEO Impact:

- Monitor changes in your website's search engine rankings and organic traffic following the campaign.

- Example: An uptick in organic search traffic to your site post-campaign could be attributed to the increased visibility from your video content.

7. Audience Growth:

- Look at the growth in your social media followers and subscribers as an indirect impact of your campaign.

- Example: A surge in new followers after the launch of a video campaign can signal that new audiences are interested in your brand's content.

8. Cost-Effectiveness:

- Compare the cost of user-generated content campaigns to traditional advertising methods.

- Example: lower production costs and higher ROI can demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of user-generated campaigns.

By considering these diverse metrics and examples, you can paint a comprehensive picture of your video campaign's impact. Remember, the ultimate goal is to not only achieve high numbers but to create content that fosters a genuine connection with your audience, encouraging them to become active participants in your brand's story.

Measuring the Impact of Your Video Campaign - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

Measuring the Impact of Your Video Campaign - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

9. The Future of UGC and Brand Engagement

User-generated content (UGC) has revolutionized the way brands interact with their audiences, turning passive viewers into active participants. The power of UGC lies in its authenticity; it's content created by individuals who are not paid for their contributions, which resonates with viewers and builds trust. As we look to the future, the role of UGC in brand engagement is poised to expand even further. Brands that leverage UGC can expect to see a deeper connection with their audience, as they're not just selling a product or service, but are fostering a community around shared experiences and values.

1. Authenticity and Trust: UGC campaigns have shown that authenticity leads to trust, which in turn drives engagement. For example, GoPro's user-submitted videos showcase real experiences that highlight the durability and versatility of their cameras in a way that professional advertisements cannot.

2. Cost-Effectiveness: UGC campaigns can be more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods. Instead of investing heavily in production, brands like Starbucks encourage customers to share their coffee experiences, effectively turning every submission into a personal endorsement.

3. Increased Engagement: UGC prompts higher engagement rates. When Dove invited women to share their personal stories for the Real Beauty campaign, it not only increased brand visibility but also sparked conversations about beauty standards.

4. SEO Benefits: UGC can improve search engine rankings as fresh, original content is favored by algorithms. The travel industry benefits greatly from this, with platforms like TripAdvisor relying on user reviews to generate content that keeps their site at the top of search results.

5. Challenges and Considerations: While UGC has many benefits, it also comes with challenges such as maintaining brand consistency and moderating content. Brands must establish clear guidelines and invest in moderation to ensure that the UGC aligns with their values.

6. Leveraging Technology: Advances in technology will continue to shape UGC. Artificial intelligence, for example, can help in curating and personalizing user content, as seen with Netflix's use of viewer data to recommend personalized content.

7. Future Trends: We can expect to see a rise in UGC platforms that offer monetization options for creators, similar to how YouTube has created an ecosystem where content creators can earn revenue through their submissions.

UGC is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in the dynamics of brand-consumer relationships. It offers a wealth of opportunities for brands to engage with their audiences in meaningful ways. As technology evolves and consumer behaviors change, UGC will remain a vital component of brand storytelling and audience engagement. The brands that will thrive are those that understand the value of their users' voices and find innovative ways to amplify them.

The Future of UGC and Brand Engagement - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

The Future of UGC and Brand Engagement - User generated content campaigns: Video Submissions: Telling Brand Stories Through User Submitted Videos

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