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VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

1. Introduction to VBA Last Column Techniques

visual Basic for applications (VBA) is a powerful scripting language that enables users to automate tasks in Microsoft Office applications. When working with Excel, one common task is identifying the last used column in a worksheet. This is crucial for dynamically adjusting the range of data being processed, whether it's for formatting, analysis, or manipulation. The concept of the "last column" is inherently connected to the "last row," as both are about determining the boundaries of data within a spreadsheet.

1. Using the `End` Property: The `End` property in VBA is akin to pressing the `Ctrl` + arrow key shortcut in Excel. It allows you to navigate to the last non-empty cell in a specified direction. For example, `Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column` will return the column number of the last non-empty cell in the first row.

2. `UsedRange` Property: The `UsedRange` property returns a range that represents all the used cells in a worksheet. `UsedRange.Columns.Count` gives you the count of all columns that have been used, which can be offset by the first used column to find the last used column.

3. `Find` Method: The `Find` method is more comprehensive and can be used to find the last non-empty cell in a worksheet. An example would be `Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column`.

4. specialcells method: The `SpecialCells` method with `xlCellTypeLastCell` returns the last cell that has data or formatting. `ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column` provides the column number of the last cell.

5. Iterating Through Cells: In some cases, you might need to iterate through columns to find the last non-empty one. This is not the most efficient method but can be useful in specific scenarios.

Example: Imagine you have a dataset where the last few columns are intermittently empty and you want to find the last column that contains a specific value or meets a certain condition. You could use a loop to iterate through the columns from right to left until you find a cell that matches your criteria.


Dim lastCol As Integer

For lastCol = ActiveSheet.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1

If Not IsEmpty(Cells(1, lastCol)) Then

If Cells(1, lastCol).Value = "DesiredValue" Then

Exit For

End If

End If

Next lastCol

In this code snippet, we're checking each column in the first row from the last column backwards until we find the "DesiredValue". Once found, `lastCol` will hold the column number of the cell that contains the value we're looking for.

Understanding these techniques is pivotal for anyone looking to harness the full potential of vba in Excel. Each method has its own use cases and limitations, and often the best solution depends on the specific context of the data and the task at hand. By mastering these last column techniques, you can create more dynamic and resilient macros that can adapt to varying data structures.

Introduction to VBA Last Column Techniques - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

Introduction to VBA Last Column Techniques - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

2. Understanding Column Dimensions in VBA

In the realm of Excel VBA, understanding column dimensions is pivotal for creating robust and dynamic spreadsheets. This knowledge not only aids in manipulating data effectively but also ensures that the visual presentation of worksheets is precise and tailored to the user's needs. When we talk about column width in VBA, we're referring to the measurement from the left edge of one column to the left edge of the next. It's a crucial aspect because it directly affects how content is displayed, whether it's text, numbers, or graphics.

From a developer's perspective, the width of a column is not just a static number; it's a property that can be dynamically adjusted to accommodate varying amounts of data. For instance, a column containing names may require less width compared to one with full addresses. Here, we delve into the intricacies of column dimensions, exploring different viewpoints and providing in-depth insights through examples.

1. Standard Width: The default column width in excel is 8.43 characters, but this can be misleading. In VBA, column width is measured in points, where one point equals 1/72 of an inch. To convert this to characters, Excel uses the width of the zero (0) character in the default font. However, this doesn't account for different fonts and sizes, which can lead to variations in perceived width.

2. AutoFit: A common technique used to dynamically adjust column width is the `AutoFit` method. This feature automatically resizes the column to the longest entry, ensuring that all data is visible without manual adjustments. For example:




This simple line of code can make a significant difference in how information is presented, making it a go-to method for many VBA developers.

3. Manual Adjustment: Sometimes, the `AutoFit` method may not suffice, especially when dealing with aesthetic requirements or fixed-width data exports. In such cases, setting the column width manually is necessary. VBA allows for precise control with statements like:


Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 20


This sets the width of column C to 20 points, providing a consistent look or meeting specific layout criteria.

4. Range Objects and Width: When working with a range of cells, understanding the collective width is important for operations like merging cells or setting print areas. The `Range` object in VBA can be used to manipulate multiple columns at once. For example:



Range("D:F").ColumnWidth = 15


This merges the first row of columns D through F and sets a uniform width for these columns.

5. Considerations for data types: Different data types may require different column widths. Text data, for instance, often needs more space than numerical data due to varying character lengths. It's important to consider the data type when setting column widths to ensure readability and prevent data truncation.

6. User Interaction: Lastly, it's essential to consider the end-user experience. Users may have preferences or requirements for column width, especially in shared or template spreadsheets. Providing the ability to adjust column widths easily, or setting them with user input in mind, can enhance the usability of the spreadsheet.

Column dimensions in VBA are more than just numbers; they're a reflection of the data they contain and the people who interact with them. By understanding and utilizing the various methods to control column width, developers can create spreadsheets that are not only functional but also visually appealing and user-friendly. Whether through `AutoFit`, manual adjustments, or considering the type of data, the width of a column plays a significant role in the overall effectiveness of an excel VBA application.

Understanding Column Dimensions in VBA - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

Understanding Column Dimensions in VBA - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

3. VBA Tips and Tricks

Navigating through columns in Excel using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) can be a nuanced task, especially when dealing with dynamic datasets that can change in size and scope. The ability to accurately pinpoint the last column in a worksheet is crucial for a variety of tasks, from data analysis to report generation. This process involves not just understanding the syntax and functions available in VBA but also appreciating the context in which your code will run. Different scenarios may call for different approaches, whether you're dealing with a single row of data or multiple rows that span across various columns.

Here are some insights and tips to effectively navigate to the last column in VBA:

1. Using the `End` Property: The `End` property in VBA is similar to pressing the `End` key on your keyboard followed by an arrow key. For instance, to find the last used column in a specific row, you can use:


Dim lastCol As Long

LastCol = Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column


This code snippet will give you the column number of the last non-empty cell in row 5.

2. `UsedRange` Property: The `UsedRange` property returns a range that represents all the used cells in the worksheet. However, it's important to note that `UsedRange` can sometimes extend beyond the actual used area if there are formats applied to cells outside of it. To find the last used column with `UsedRange`, you can use:


Dim lastCol As Long

LastCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Column


3. SpecialCells Method: The `SpecialCells` method with the `xlCellTypeLastCell` constant can be used to find the last cell that has data or formatting. An example would be:


Dim lastCol As Long

LastCol = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column


This method is particularly useful when you want to consider cells that might not have data but have some form of formatting which is part of the dataset.

4. Looping Through Columns: Sometimes, you might need to loop through columns to find the last one with data. This can be a more reliable method if you want to ignore cells with formatting only:


Dim col As Long

Dim lastCol As Long

For col = 1 To Columns.Count

If Not IsEmpty(Cells(5, col)) Then

LastCol = col

End If

Next col


This loop checks each cell in row 5 until it finds the last non-empty one.

5. Considerations for Tables: If you're working within an Excel Table (ListObject), you'll need to adjust your approach:


Dim lastCol As Long

With ActiveSheet.ListObjects("YourTableName")

LastCol = .ListColumns.Count

End With


This will give you the count of columns in the specified table, which effectively is the last column index.

6. Error Handling: Always include error handling to manage situations where there might be no data in the expected range:


On Error Resume Next

' Your code to find the last column

If Err.Number <> 0 Then

' Handle error

End If

On Error GoTo 0


By considering these different points of view and techniques, you can write vba code that is robust and adaptable to various datasets and requirements. Remember, the key to mastering navigation in VBA is understanding the context of your data and choosing the right method for the task at hand. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, these tips and tricks can help you work more efficiently with Excel's last column challenges.

VBA Tips and Tricks - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

VBA Tips and Tricks - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

4. Transitioning Your Code

When working with Excel VBA, a common task is to dynamically identify the range of data to be processed. This often involves finding the last used column or row in a worksheet. While many resources focus on finding the last column, transitioning this approach to identify the last row is equally important for comprehensive data manipulation.

The journey from the last column to the last row involves a shift in perspective but rests on the same foundational principles. Both tasks require an understanding of how Excel and VBA interpret a "used" cell, which is not as straightforward as it might seem. A cell can be considered used if it contains a formula, value, or formatting that differentiates it from a default, empty cell.

Here are some insights from different perspectives:

1. From a Developer's Viewpoint:

- The transition requires altering the VBA property from `.End(xlToRight)` to `.End(xlDown)`. This change reflects the direction in which VBA searches for the last used cell.

- Developers must consider the possibility of false positives, such as a row with a single cell of data far to the right, which might not be the actual "last" row of interest.

2. From a Data Analyst's Perspective:

- Understanding the data structure is crucial. A data analyst knows that the last column might represent the most recent data point, while the last row could signify the culmination of a data series.

- It's essential to ensure that the transition from column to row selection doesn't omit relevant data, especially in datasets where entries are not uniform across rows.

3. From an End-User's Standpoint:

- The ease of use is paramount. End-users might prefer a button or a simple macro that does the job without needing to understand the underlying code.

- Providing clear instructions or a user interface can help bridge the gap between the code's functionality and the user's needs.

Let's consider an example to highlight the idea:


Sub FindLastRow()

Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")

' Find the last used column in the first row

Dim lastCol As Long

LastCol = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

' Transition to finding the last used row based on the last column

Dim lastRow As Long

LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, lastCol).End(xlUp).Row

' Output the last row to the Immediate Window

Debug.Print "The last used row based on column " & lastCol & " is: " & lastRow

End Sub

In this example, the macro first identifies the last used column in the first row and then uses this information to find the last used row in that column. This approach ensures that the last row is relevant to the data set's actual width, avoiding the pitfalls of scattered data.

By understanding the nuances of transitioning from column to row selection, developers, analysts, and end-users can work together to create more robust and user-friendly excel VBA applications. The key is to maintain a clear line of communication between those writing the code and those using it, ensuring that the final product meets the needs of all parties involved.

Transitioning Your Code - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

Transitioning Your Code - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

5. Working with Row Heights in VBA

When working with Excel VBA, managing row heights is a crucial aspect of creating readable and well-formatted spreadsheets. Unlike column widths, which are often uniform across multiple cells, row heights need to be adjusted to accommodate varying amounts of data. This can include text wrapping, merged cells, or cells containing objects like charts or images. The challenge with row heights lies in the fact that Excel's default settings may not always provide the desired appearance, and manual adjustments can be time-consuming, especially in large spreadsheets. Therefore, understanding how to manipulate row heights programmatically using VBA is a valuable skill for any advanced excel user.

Here are some in-depth insights into working with row heights in VBA:

1. AutoFit: The `AutoFit` method is the simplest way to adjust row heights. It automatically resizes the row to display the contents without clipping. For example:




This code will adjust the height of row 5 to fit the contents.

2. Specific Height: To set a specific row height, assign a value to the `RowHeight` property:


Rows("6:6").RowHeight = 25


This sets the height of row 6 to 25 points.

3. Iterating Over Rows: When dealing with multiple rows, you can loop through them to set heights individually or conditionally. For instance:


Dim rng As Range

For Each rng In Range("A1:A10").Rows

Rng.RowHeight = 20

Next rng


This loop sets the height of each row from 1 to 10 to 20 points.

4. Conditional Heights: Sometimes, you might want to change the row height based on certain conditions, such as the length of the text in a cell:


Dim cell As Range

For Each cell In Range("A1:A10")

If Len(cell.Value) > 50 Then


End If

Next cell


This code checks each cell in the range A1:A10, and if the text length exceeds 50 characters, it autofits the row height.

5. Minimum and Maximum Heights: You can enforce minimum and maximum row heights by combining the `AutoFit` method with additional logic:


Dim row As Range

For Each row In Range("A1:A10").Rows


If row.RowHeight < 15 Then

Row.RowHeight = 15

ElseIf row.RowHeight > 50 Then

Row.RowHeight = 50

End If

Next row


This ensures that each row's height is between 15 and 50 points.

6. Merged Cells: Adjusting the height of rows containing merged cells requires a different approach since `AutoFit` doesn't work as expected. You may need to unmerge, autofit, and then re-merge the cells.

7. Performance Considerations: When working with large datasets, it's important to optimize your code to prevent slow execution. Turning off screen updating (`Application.ScreenUpdating = False`) before running your row height adjustments can significantly improve performance.

By mastering these techniques, you can ensure that your spreadsheets look professional and are easy to read, no matter how complex the data. Remember, the key to effective row height management in VBA is understanding the context in which your code will run and anticipating the needs of your data presentation.

Working with Row Heights in VBA - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

Working with Row Heights in VBA - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

6. Connecting Columns and Rows in VBA

In the realm of Excel VBA, mastering dynamic ranges is akin to unlocking a new level of flexibility and efficiency. Dynamic ranges are essential when dealing with datasets that change in size, as they allow your VBA code to adapt seamlessly to the amount of data present. This is particularly useful when you're connecting columns and rows because it ensures that your operations cover the entire dataset, no matter how many entries are added or removed.

Dynamic ranges can be created using the `Range` object in VBA, often in conjunction with the `Offset` and `Resize` methods. These methods are powerful because they let you specify a starting point and then expand the range to include the desired number of rows and columns. For example, if you want to select a range that starts at cell A1 and includes all contiguous rows with data, you could use something like:


Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Range("A1").CurrentRegion

This code snippet sets `rng` to the current region surrounding A1, which is a range bounded by any combination of blank rows and columns. Here's an in-depth look at how you can leverage dynamic ranges in vba:

1. Identifying the Last Row and Column: Before you can create a dynamic range, you need to know where it ends. You can find the last row with data in a column using the `End` property, like so:


Dim lastRow As Long

LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row


Similarly, for the last column in a row:


Dim lastCol As Long

LastCol = Cells("A", Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column


2. Creating a Dynamic Range: Once you have the last row and column, you can create a dynamic range using the `Resize` method:


Set rng = Range("A1").Resize(lastRow, lastCol)


3. Expanding and Contracting Ranges: If you anticipate that your dataset will grow or shrink, you can use the `Offset` and `Resize` methods together to adjust your range accordingly:


Set rng = rng.Offset(1, 0).Resize(rng.Rows.Count - 1, rng.Columns.Count)


4. Looping Through a Dynamic Range: To perform operations on each cell within a dynamic range, you can loop through the range using a `For Each` loop:


Dim cell As Range

For Each cell In rng

' Perform your operation here

Next cell


5. Combining Columns and Rows: To connect columns and rows dynamically, you can use the `Union` method to combine multiple ranges into one:


Dim combinedRange As Range

Set combinedRange = Union(rng, anotherRange)


By using these techniques, you can write VBA code that adapts to your data, making your macros more robust and easier to maintain. Whether you're generating reports, analyzing data, or automating repetitive tasks, dynamic ranges will undoubtedly become an indispensable tool in your VBA toolkit. Remember, the key to success with dynamic ranges is understanding the size and shape of your data and using VBA's range manipulation methods to your advantage.

Connecting Columns and Rows in VBA - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

Connecting Columns and Rows in VBA - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

7. Efficient Last Column and Row Coding

In the realm of VBA programming, efficiency is key. When dealing with large datasets, the ability to quickly and accurately identify the last used column or row can significantly streamline your code's performance. This is particularly true in scenarios where data is dynamically changing, and you need to adapt your code to handle these fluctuations. By optimizing the way you reference the last column and row, you can reduce runtime, avoid errors, and make your code more readable and maintainable.

Insights from Different Perspectives:

1. From a Developer's Viewpoint:

- Developers often prioritize code that is both efficient and easy to understand. Using built-in VBA properties like `End(xlUp)` or `End(xlToLeft)` can quickly navigate to the last non-empty cell in a row or column.

- Example: To find the last used row in a column, you might use `Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row`, which starts at the bottom of the spreadsheet and looks upwards to find the last non-empty cell.

2. From a Data Analyst's Perspective:

- Data analysts require accurate data ranges to perform analyses. By optimizing last column and row coding, they ensure that their analyses cover all relevant data without including empty cells that could skew results.

- Example: An analyst might use `Range("A1").CurrentRegion` to select a contiguous data set, but if additional data is added outside this region, they would need to use last column and row coding to adjust the range dynamically.

3. From an End-User's Standpoint:

- End-users expect macros to run quickly and without error. Efficient coding for the last column and row reduces the likelihood of runtime errors and improves the user experience.

- Example: If a macro is designed to summarize data, it should automatically adjust to include all new data entries by using dynamic last row and column references.

In-Depth Information:

1. Utilizing the `Find` Method:

- The `Find` method can be used to locate the last non-empty cell in a row or column. It's more robust than `End(xlUp)` as it can find the last cell even if there are empty cells in between.

- Example: `ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row`

2. Leveraging `UsedRange`:

- The `UsedRange` property returns a range that represents all the used cells in a worksheet. However, it can sometimes include cells that were formatted but not actually used, which requires additional code to refine.

- Example: `ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count`

3. Combining Methods for Accuracy:

- Sometimes, a combination of methods is necessary for the most accurate result. For instance, using `Find` to get the last row and `End(xlToLeft)` for the last column can cover scenarios where data is not contiguous.

- Example: Combining `Find` and `End(xlToLeft)` to dynamically set a range for data processing.

By considering these different perspectives and techniques, VBA developers can ensure that their code is not only functional but also optimized for performance. This leads to faster execution times, less memory usage, and an overall better experience for both the developer and the end-user. Remember, the goal is to write code that is not just working, but working efficiently.

Efficient Last Column and Row Coding - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

Efficient Last Column and Row Coding - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

8. Real-World Applications of Last Column and Row Techniques

In the realm of spreadsheet automation and data analysis, the ability to dynamically identify the last column and row in a dataset is a cornerstone technique for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) practitioners. This capability not only streamlines the process of data manipulation but also ensures that scripts remain robust and adaptable to varying dataset sizes. The real-world applications of these techniques are vast and varied, reflecting the diverse challenges faced by data analysts and developers alike.

From financial modeling to inventory management, the last column and row techniques have proven to be invaluable. For instance, consider a financial analyst tasked with consolidating monthly reports from various departments. By utilizing VBA to automatically locate the last row of each department's dataset, the analyst can append new data without manual intervention, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Here are some case studies that showcase the practical applications of these techniques:

1. Dynamic Charting: A marketing analyst generates monthly sales performance charts. By using VBA to determine the last column with sales data, the analyst can create charts that automatically update with new data, providing real-time insights into sales trends.

2. Data Cleaning: In a large dataset with inconsistent entry lengths, identifying the last non-empty cell in a column is crucial for trimming excess whitespace or removing incomplete records. This ensures data quality and consistency across analyses.

3. Automated Reporting: A logistics company uses VBA to compile daily delivery reports. By identifying the last row, the script can insert new delivery data at the correct location, enabling the generation of up-to-date reports with minimal manual input.

4. Inventory Tracking: An e-commerce platform tracks stock levels across multiple warehouses. By determining the last row of the inventory list, VBA scripts can add new stock items efficiently, aiding in seamless inventory management.

5. Consolidation Tasks: Merging data from multiple sources often requires identifying the last used row or column to ensure that new data is appended correctly. This is particularly useful in scenarios where datasets are updated frequently, such as in customer relationship management systems.

Each of these examples highlights the versatility and efficiency gains afforded by mastering last column and row techniques in VBA. By automating these fundamental tasks, organizations can allocate their resources more effectively, focusing on strategic analysis rather than repetitive data manipulation. As datasets continue to grow in size and complexity, these techniques will only become more essential in the toolkit of any VBA professional.

Real World Applications of Last Column and Row Techniques - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

Real World Applications of Last Column and Row Techniques - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

9. Mastering the Art of VBA Range Management

mastering the art of vba Range Management is akin to becoming a maestro of a symphony orchestra. Each cell, row, and column in Excel is an instrument, and VBA is the conductor's baton that brings harmony to data manipulation and analysis. The journey from understanding the width of the last column to the height of the last row is not just about learning the syntax or memorizing functions; it's about developing a mindset that sees beyond the gridlines of a spreadsheet and into the realm of efficient and dynamic data handling.

1. understanding Range objects: At the core of vba range management is the Range object. It represents any cell or a collection of cells. For example, `Range("A1")` refers to a single cell, while `Range("A1:B2")` refers to a 2x2 block of cells. It's crucial to grasp that a Range object can be a single cell or a multitude of cells, and this flexibility is what makes VBA powerful.

2. dynamic Range selection: To automate processes, it's essential to work with dynamic ranges. For instance, selecting the last column dynamically can be achieved using `Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column`, which finds the last non-empty cell in the first row. Similarly, for rows, `Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row` gives you the last non-empty row in column A.

3. Expanding and Contracting Ranges: Expanding a range to include more cells or contracting it to a smaller size is a common task. This can be done using the `Resize` property. For example, if you have a range `Set myRange = Range("A1")`, you can expand it by two rows and three columns with `myRange.Resize(2, 3)`.

4. Looping Through Ranges: Often, you'll need to loop through each cell in a range to perform operations like data validation or formatting. A `For Each` loop is an efficient way to do this:


Dim cell As Range

For Each cell In Range("A1:A10")

' Perform your operation

Next cell


5. SpecialCells and Their Uses: The `SpecialCells` method is a powerful feature that allows you to target specific types of cells, such as formulas, blanks, or constants. For example, `Range("A1:C10").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)` will return all cells with constants in the specified range.

6. error Handling in range Management: When working with ranges, it's possible to encounter errors, especially when referring to cells that don't exist or are out of bounds. implementing error handling using `On Error Resume Next` and `On Error GoTo ErrorHandler` can prevent your code from crashing and provide a smoother user experience.

7. Best Practices for Performance: Large ranges can slow down your code. To enhance performance, minimize the interaction between VBA and the worksheet by reading ranges into arrays, performing operations on the array, and then writing the array back to the sheet.

By incorporating these insights and techniques, one can truly master the art of VBA range management. It's not just about writing code; it's about crafting solutions that are elegant, efficient, and adaptable to the ever-changing landscape of data within Excel. As you continue to explore and apply these principles, you'll find that your VBA scripts become more robust and your ability to manipulate data becomes second nature.

Mastering the Art of VBA Range Management - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

Mastering the Art of VBA Range Management - VBA Last Column: From Width to Height: Connecting VBA Last Column Techniques to the Last Row

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