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YouTube End Screens: How to Use End Screens to Encourage Viewers to Take Action

1. What are YouTube end screens and why are they important for your channel?

youtube end screens are a valuable tool for content creators to engage and retain viewers on their channels. These end screens appear during the final moments of a video and provide opportunities for viewers to take specific actions, such as subscribing to the channel, watching another video, or visiting a website. They serve as a powerful call-to-action that can drive audience interaction and increase channel growth.

From the perspective of content creators, YouTube end screens offer several benefits. Firstly, they allow creators to promote their own content by suggesting related videos or playlists to viewers. This helps to increase watch time and keep viewers engaged within the channel's ecosystem. Additionally, end screens provide an opportunity to showcase collaborations with other creators, cross-promote content, or even promote merchandise or crowdfunding campaigns.

From the viewers' point of view, end screens offer a convenient way to explore more content from their favorite channels. By presenting relevant video recommendations, viewers can easily continue their viewing experience without having to search for new content manually. This enhances user experience and encourages viewers to spend more time on the channel, ultimately increasing the likelihood of them becoming loyal subscribers.

Now, let's dive into some in-depth insights about YouTube end screens:

1. Increased Viewer Engagement: End screens provide a visually appealing and interactive way to encourage viewers to take action. By strategically placing end screens at the right moment in the video, creators can capture viewers' attention and guide them towards the desired actions, such as subscribing, watching another video, or visiting a website.

2. Customization Options: YouTube offers various customization options for end screens, allowing creators to tailor the appearance and content to align with their branding and messaging. This includes choosing the layout, adding text or images, and selecting the duration of the end screen.

3. analytics and Performance tracking: YouTube provides analytics data on end screen performance, allowing creators to track the effectiveness of their end screens and make data-driven decisions for optimization. This data includes click-through rates, engagement metrics, and conversion rates, providing valuable insights into viewer behavior and preferences.

4. A/B Testing: Content creators can leverage A/B testing to experiment with different end screen designs, placements, or calls-to-action. By testing and analyzing the performance of different variations, creators can optimize their end screens to maximize viewer engagement and achieve their desired goals.

To illustrate the impact of YouTube end screens, let's consider an example. Imagine a cooking channel that wants to promote a new recipe video. During the final moments of the video, an end screen appears, showcasing a thumbnail and title of the new recipe video, along with a compelling call-to-action to watch it. This prompts interested viewers to click on the end screen, leading them directly to the new video and increasing the overall viewership and engagement on the channel.

YouTube end screens play a crucial role in channel growth and viewer engagement. By strategically utilizing end screens, content creators can effectively guide viewers towards desired actions, increase watch time, and foster a loyal and engaged audience.

What are YouTube end screens and why are they important for your channel - YouTube End Screens: How to Use End Screens to Encourage Viewers to Take Action

What are YouTube end screens and why are they important for your channel - YouTube End Screens: How to Use End Screens to Encourage Viewers to Take Action

2. How to create and customize YouTube end screens using the YouTube Studio editor?

One of the most effective ways to increase your YouTube engagement and retention is to use end screens. End screens are the last few seconds of your video where you can add clickable elements that direct your viewers to take action. You can use end screens to promote your other videos, playlists, channels, websites, or products. You can also encourage your viewers to subscribe, like, comment, or share your video. In this section, we will show you how to create and customize youtube end screens using the youtube Studio editor. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Go to YouTube Studio and select the video you want to add an end screen to. You can access youtube Studio from your youtube account or by visiting studio.youtube.com. Once you are there, click on the Content tab on the left sidebar and find the video you want to edit. Click on the pencil icon under the video title to open the Details page.

2. Click on the End screen tab on the left sidebar. This will take you to the End screen editor where you can see a preview of your video and the available end screen elements. You can also see the End screen duration at the bottom, which is the time range in which you can add end screen elements. By default, it is the last 20 seconds of your video, but you can adjust it by dragging the handles on the timeline.

3. Choose the end screen elements you want to add and drag them to the preview area. You can add up to four end screen elements, which are:

- Video or playlist: This element allows you to display one of your videos or playlists on the end screen. You can choose to show your most recent upload, your best for viewer recommendation, or a specific video or playlist. You can also customize the title and the thumbnail of the element.

- Subscribe: This element allows you to display your channel icon and name on the end screen and prompt your viewers to subscribe. You can also customize the size and position of the element.

- Channel: This element allows you to display another channel's icon and name on the end screen and prompt your viewers to visit it. You can use this element to collaborate with other creators or to promote your other channels. You can also customize the size and position of the element.

- Link: This element allows you to display a link to an external website on the end screen. You can use this element to drive traffic to your website, blog, online store, or social media. You can also customize the title, the image, and the call-to-action of the element. Note that you need to have your website approved by YouTube before you can use this element.

4. Resize, reposition, and reorder the end screen elements as you like. You can use the handles on the corners of the elements to resize them and drag them around the preview area to reposition them. You can also use the timeline below the preview area to adjust the start and end time of each element. You can also reorder the elements by dragging them up or down on the right sidebar. Make sure that the elements do not overlap with each other or with important parts of your video.

5. Preview and save your end screen. You can use the Play button on the bottom right corner of the preview area to see how your end screen will look and function. You can also use the Preview button on the top right corner of the page to see your end screen in full screen mode. If you are happy with your end screen, click on the Save button on the top right corner of the page to apply it to your video.

That's it! You have successfully created and customized your YouTube end screen using the YouTube Studio editor. You can always go back and edit your end screen if you want to make any changes. You can also use the Import from video option on the right sidebar to copy the end screen from another video on your channel. This can save you time and ensure consistency across your videos.

End screens are a powerful tool to boost your YouTube performance and grow your audience. By using them effectively, you can increase your watch time, views, subscribers, and conversions. You can also use them to create a strong connection with your viewers and encourage them to take action. So, don't miss this opportunity and start adding end screens to your videos today!

3. Best practices for designing YouTube end screens that match your brand and video style

YouTube end screens are a powerful feature that can help you increase your views, subscribers, and engagement. End screens are the last 5 to 20 seconds of your video, where you can add interactive elements such as cards, playlists, links, or subscribe buttons. end screens can encourage your viewers to take action, such as watching another video, visiting your website, or subscribing to your channel. However, not all end screens are created equal. To make the most of this feature, you need to design end screens that match your brand and video style. Here are some best practices to follow:

1. Use consistent branding and colors. Your end screens should reflect your brand identity and match the colors and fonts of your video. This will create a seamless and professional look, and help your viewers recognize your channel. You can use a logo, a watermark, or a background image to add some branding elements to your end screens. For example, if your video is about cooking, you can use a kitchen-themed background image and a logo that matches your channel name and niche.

2. Choose relevant and compelling elements. Your end screens should include elements that are relevant to your video topic and your channel goals. You can use up to four elements on your end screens, but you don't have to use them all. Sometimes, less is more. You should prioritize the elements that are most important for your channel growth, such as subscribe buttons, playlists, or links to your website. You should also choose elements that are compelling and enticing for your viewers, such as videos that are related to the current one, or playlists that are curated and organized. For example, if your video is about how to make a cake, you can include a playlist of other baking videos, or a link to your blog where you share the recipe and tips.

3. Optimize the layout and timing. Your end screens should be well-designed and easy to navigate. You should avoid cluttering your end screens with too many elements, or placing them too close to each other. You should also avoid covering important parts of your video, such as your face, your product, or your call to action. You should use the grid and snap tools in the YouTube Studio to align and arrange your elements. You should also optimize the timing of your end screens, and make sure they appear at the right moment. You should avoid cutting your video abruptly, or adding end screens too early or too late. You should aim for a smooth and natural transition from your video to your end screens. For example, you can use a fade-out effect, or a verbal cue, such as "Thanks for watching, and don't forget to check out these other videos.

Best practices for designing YouTube end screens that match your brand and video style - YouTube End Screens: How to Use End Screens to Encourage Viewers to Take Action

Best practices for designing YouTube end screens that match your brand and video style - YouTube End Screens: How to Use End Screens to Encourage Viewers to Take Action

4. How to use YouTube analytics to measure the performance and impact of your end screens?

One of the most important aspects of creating effective YouTube end screens is to measure how well they are performing and what impact they have on your channel's growth. YouTube analytics provides you with various metrics and reports that can help you understand how your end screens are influencing your viewers' behavior and actions. In this section, we will discuss how to use youtube analytics to track and optimize your end screens. We will cover the following topics:

1. How to access the end screen report and what it shows you

2. How to interpret the end screen elements shown and click rate metrics

3. How to compare the performance of different end screen designs and layouts

4. How to use the end screen report to identify opportunities for improvement and experimentation

Let's get started!

1. How to access the end screen report and what it shows you

The end screen report is a part of the youtube Studio analytics dashboard. To access it, you need to go to the YouTube Studio homepage, click on the Analytics tab on the left menu, and then click on the Engagement tab on the top menu. You will see a section called End screens, where you can click on See more to view the full report.

The end screen report shows you the following information for a selected time period and video filter:

- The total number of end screen elements shown to viewers at the end of your videos

- The total number of clicks on your end screen elements by viewers

- The end screen elements shown and click rate, which is the percentage of end screen elements that were clicked by viewers

- The top videos by end screen elements shown and click rate, which shows you the videos that had the most end screen impressions and clicks

- The top end screen element types by end screen elements shown and click rate, which shows you the types of end screen elements that had the most end screen impressions and clicks. The types of end screen elements are: video, playlist, subscribe, channel, and link.

The end screen report can help you understand how many viewers are seeing and interacting with your end screens, and which end screen elements are the most effective at driving engagement and action.

2. How to interpret the end screen elements shown and click rate metrics

The end screen elements shown and click rate metrics are the key indicators of your end screen performance. They tell you how many viewers are exposed to your end screens and how many of them are taking action on them.

The end screen elements shown metric is the number of times an end screen element was displayed to a viewer at the end of your video. This metric depends on several factors, such as:

- The length of your video and the duration of your end screen

- The number of views your video receives

- The percentage of viewers who watch your video until the end

- The number and type of end screen elements you use

The end screen elements shown metric can help you estimate the potential reach of your end screens and the size of your audience that is exposed to your calls to action.

The end screen click rate metric is the percentage of end screen elements that were clicked by viewers. This metric depends on several factors, such as:

- The relevance and attractiveness of your end screen elements to your viewers

- The clarity and urgency of your calls to action

- The design and layout of your end screens

- The device and screen size of your viewers

The end screen click rate metric can help you measure the effectiveness of your end screens and the level of engagement and action they generate.

A high end screen elements shown metric indicates that your videos are getting a lot of views and retention, and that your end screens are reaching a large audience. A high end screen click rate metric indicates that your end screens are compelling and convincing, and that your viewers are responding to your calls to action.

However, these metrics are not mutually exclusive. You can have a high end screen elements shown metric but a low end screen click rate metric, or vice versa. This means that there is room for improvement and optimization in your end screen strategy.

3. How to compare the performance of different end screen designs and layouts

One of the ways to improve and optimize your end screen performance is to compare the results of different end screen designs and layouts. You can use the end screen report to do this by applying different filters and sorting options.

For example, you can filter the end screen report by video to see how each of your videos performs with its end screen. You can sort the report by end screen elements shown or end screen click rate to see which videos have the highest or lowest end screen performance. You can also compare the performance of different end screen element types by filtering and sorting the report by end screen element type.

By comparing the performance of different end screen designs and layouts, you can identify the best practices and the common pitfalls of your end screen strategy. You can see what works and what doesn't work for your audience and your channel. You can also get ideas and inspiration for new and improved end screen designs and layouts.

For example, you may find that:

- Videos with shorter end screens have higher end screen click rates than videos with longer end screens

- Videos with fewer end screen elements have higher end screen click rates than videos with more end screen elements

- Videos with end screen elements that match the video topic and theme have higher end screen click rates than videos with unrelated end screen elements

- Videos with end screen elements that have clear and catchy titles and thumbnails have higher end screen click rates than videos with vague and bland end screen elements

- Videos with end screen elements that have strong and specific calls to action have higher end screen click rates than videos with weak and generic calls to action

- Videos with end screen elements that are placed in the center of the screen have higher end screen click rates than videos with end screen elements that are placed in the corners or edges of the screen

- Videos with end screen elements that are optimized for mobile devices have higher end screen click rates than videos with end screen elements that are not optimized for mobile devices

These are just some examples of the insights and learnings you can get from comparing the performance of different end screen designs and layouts. You can use these insights and learnings to test and experiment with different end screen designs and layouts and see what works best for your channel and your audience.

4. How to use the end screen report to identify opportunities for improvement and experimentation

Another way to improve and optimize your end screen performance is to use the end screen report to identify opportunities for improvement and experimentation. You can use the end screen report to find gaps and weaknesses in your end screen strategy and to find new and creative ways to enhance your end screens.

For example, you can use the end screen report to:

- Find videos that have low end screen elements shown or end screen click rate metrics and analyze why they are underperforming. You can then try to improve their end screen performance by changing the length, number, type, design, or layout of their end screen elements.

- Find videos that have high end screen elements shown or end screen click rate metrics and analyze why they are performing well. You can then try to replicate their end screen performance by applying the same or similar end screen elements to other videos.

- Find end screen element types that have low end screen elements shown or end screen click rate metrics and analyze why they are not appealing or effective. You can then try to improve their end screen performance by making them more relevant, attractive, clear, or urgent.

- Find end screen element types that have high end screen elements shown or end screen click rate metrics and analyze why they are popular or successful. You can then try to increase their end screen performance by using them more frequently or prominently.

- Find new and innovative ways to use end screen elements to achieve your channel goals and objectives. You can then try to experiment with different end screen elements to see how they affect your end screen performance and your channel growth.

By using the end screen report to identify opportunities for improvement and experimentation, you can continuously optimize your end screen strategy and maximize your end screen impact.


End screens are powerful tools that can help you increase your viewer engagement and action on YouTube. By using YouTube analytics to measure the performance and impact of your end screens, you can gain valuable insights and learnings that can help you improve and optimize your end screen strategy. You can use the end screen report to track and compare the performance of different end screen designs and layouts, and to identify opportunities for improvement and experimentation. By doing so, you can create more effective and impactful end screens that can help you grow your channel and achieve your goals.

5. How to optimize your YouTube end screens for mobile devices and different screen sizes?

YouTube end screens are a powerful feature that can help you increase your views, subscribers, and engagement. They are the last 5 to 20 seconds of your video where you can add interactive elements such as links to other videos, playlists, channels, or websites. However, not all end screens are created equal. Depending on the device and screen size of your viewers, your end screens may look different and have different impacts. Therefore, it is important to optimize your end screens for mobile devices and different screen sizes. Here are some tips on how to do that:

1. Use the YouTube Studio end screen editor. This tool allows you to preview how your end screens will look on different devices and screen sizes. You can also adjust the position, size, and timing of your elements to make sure they are visible and clickable. You can access the end screen editor from the video details page in YouTube Studio.

2. Choose the right elements for your end screens. Depending on your goal and content, you may want to add different types of elements to your end screens. For example, if you want to promote a series or a playlist, you can add a playlist element that shows the next video in the sequence. If you want to drive traffic to your website or social media, you can add a link element that directs viewers to your landing page. You can also add a subscribe element to encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel, or a channel element to showcase another channel that you collaborate with or recommend.

3. Limit the number of elements you use. Too many elements on your end screens can clutter the screen and distract the viewers from your main message. YouTube recommends using no more than four elements on your end screens. However, you may want to use even fewer elements depending on the device and screen size of your viewers. For example, on mobile devices, the elements may overlap with the video player controls, making them hard to see or tap. Therefore, you may want to use only one or two elements on mobile devices, and place them in the center or top of the screen.

4. Make your elements relevant and compelling. Your end screens should match the tone and topic of your video, and provide value to your viewers. For example, if your video is about a product review, you can link to a video that shows how to use the product, or to your website where viewers can buy the product. You can also use custom images and text to make your elements more appealing and descriptive. For example, instead of using the default thumbnail and title of a video, you can use an image that shows a teaser or a highlight of the video, and a text that creates curiosity or urgency.

5. Test and analyze your end screens. The best way to optimize your end screens is to test different combinations of elements, positions, sizes, and timings, and see how they perform. You can use YouTube Analytics to measure the effectiveness of your end screens. You can see how many views, clicks, and conversions your end screens generate, and compare them across different devices and screen sizes. You can also use YouTube's A/B testing feature to run experiments and compare different versions of your end screens. Based on the results, you can refine and improve your end screens to achieve your goals.

6. How to test and experiment with different YouTube end screen elements and layouts?

One of the most important aspects of creating effective YouTube end screens is testing and experimenting with different elements and layouts. End screens are the last chance to persuade your viewers to take action, such as subscribing to your channel, watching another video, or clicking on a link. Therefore, you want to make sure that your end screens are optimized for your goals and your audience. In this section, we will discuss how to test and experiment with different YouTube end screen elements and layouts, and what to look for when analyzing the results. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Define your goal and your metric. Before you start testing, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your end screens and how you will measure it. For example, if your goal is to increase your subscriber count, your metric could be the number of subscribers gained per end screen impression. If your goal is to increase your watch time, your metric could be the average view duration per end screen impression. Having a specific goal and metric will help you design your tests and evaluate your outcomes.

2. Choose one element or layout to test at a time. To get reliable results, you need to isolate the variable that you are testing and keep everything else constant. For example, if you want to test whether a horizontal or a vertical layout works better for your end screens, you should use the same elements (such as video thumbnails, subscribe button, etc.) and the same duration for both layouts. This way, you can attribute any difference in performance to the layout, and not to other factors.

3. Create multiple versions of your end screen. Depending on what you are testing, you may need to create two or more versions of your end screen with different elements or layouts. For example, if you are testing whether a single video or a playlist works better for your end screen, you should create one version with a single video thumbnail and another version with a playlist thumbnail. You can use YouTube's end screen editor to create and edit your end screens easily.

4. Run your test for a sufficient period of time. To get valid and reliable results, you need to run your test for a long enough time to collect enough data. The length of your test will depend on your goal, your metric, and your traffic. Generally, you should aim for at least 1000 end screen impressions per version to get a meaningful sample size. You can use YouTube Analytics to track your end screen impressions and other metrics over time.

5. Analyze your results and draw conclusions. After you have run your test for a sufficient period of time, you can use YouTube Analytics to compare the performance of your different end screen versions. You can use the End Screens report to see how many end screen elements were shown, how many viewers clicked on them, and what actions they took. You can also use the Audience Retention report to see how long viewers watched your videos after seeing your end screens. You should look for any significant differences in your metric between your versions, and try to explain why they occurred. For example, if you find that a playlist thumbnail performed better than a single video thumbnail, it could be because viewers were more interested in watching more videos on the same topic, or because the playlist thumbnail was more eye-catching than the single video thumbnail.

6. Implement your findings and repeat the process. Based on your analysis, you can decide which end screen version to use for your videos, and implement it across your channel. You can also use your findings to generate new ideas for testing and experimenting with different end screen elements and layouts. You should always keep testing and experimenting to find the best end screen strategy for your channel and your audience.

7. How to use YouTube end screens to drive more views, subscribers, engagement, and conversions?

YouTube end screens are a valuable tool for content creators to drive more views, subscribers, engagement, and conversions. These end screens appear during the last 5-20 seconds of a video and allow creators to promote their own content or encourage viewers to take specific actions.

From the perspective of content creators, YouTube end screens provide an opportunity to showcase related videos, playlists, or even direct viewers to subscribe to their channel. By strategically placing end screens at the end of engaging videos, creators can entice viewers to continue watching their content or explore other videos within their channel. This not only increases views but also encourages viewers to subscribe, leading to a larger subscriber base.

From the viewers' point of view, YouTube end screens offer a convenient way to discover more content that aligns with their interests. By presenting related videos or playlists, end screens provide viewers with a seamless transition from one video to another, keeping them engaged and increasing their overall watch time. Additionally, end screens can prompt viewers to take action, such as subscribing to a channel or visiting a website, thereby enhancing engagement and fostering a sense of community.

To provide in-depth information about using YouTube end screens effectively, here is a numbered list of key strategies:

1. Promote relevant videos: Use end screens to showcase videos that are closely related to the content viewers have just watched. This helps to maintain their interest and encourages them to continue exploring your channel.

2. Highlight playlists: Create playlists that group together videos on a specific topic or theme. By featuring these playlists in end screens, you can guide viewers towards a curated collection of content that they are likely to enjoy.

3. call-to-action buttons: Utilize end screens to include call-to-action buttons, such as "Subscribe" or "Watch More." These buttons make it easy for viewers to take the desired action with just a click, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

4. Use compelling visuals: design visually appealing end screens that grab viewers' attention and entice them to click on the suggested content. Incorporate eye-catching thumbnails and clear text to make the end screens visually engaging.

5. Experiment with placement: Test different positions for your end screens within the last few seconds of your video. Consider placing them strategically to avoid blocking important content while still being noticeable to viewers.

6. Analyze performance: Regularly review the analytics provided by YouTube to assess the effectiveness of your end screens. Identify which end screens generate the most clicks, views, and conversions, and use this data to refine your strategies.

How to use YouTube end screens to drive more views, subscribers, engagement, and conversions - YouTube End Screens: How to Use End Screens to Encourage Viewers to Take Action

How to use YouTube end screens to drive more views, subscribers, engagement, and conversions - YouTube End Screens: How to Use End Screens to Encourage Viewers to Take Action

8. How to use YouTube end screens as part of your overall YouTube marketing strategy?

You have reached the end of this blog post on YouTube end screens. By now, you should have a clear understanding of what end screens are, why they are important, and how to create them for your videos. End screens are a powerful tool to increase your viewer engagement, retention, and conversion. They can help you achieve your YouTube marketing goals, whether it is to grow your channel, drive traffic to your website, or sell your products or services. In this conclusion section, we will summarize the main points of this blog post and give you some tips on how to use end screens as part of your overall youtube marketing strategy. Here are the key takeaways:

1. End screens are interactive elements that appear at the end of your videos. They allow you to promote your other videos, playlists, channels, websites, or calls to action. You can customize the design, layout, and timing of your end screens using YouTube Studio or third-party tools.

2. end screens can help you increase your viewer engagement, retention, and conversion. They can encourage your viewers to watch more of your content, subscribe to your channel, visit your website, or take any other action you want them to take. They can also improve your YouTube algorithm ranking by boosting your watch time, session time, and click-through rate.

3. To create effective end screens, you need to follow some best practices. These include:

- Plan your end screens in advance. Think about what you want your viewers to do after watching your video and how you can persuade them to do it. Choose the most relevant and compelling end screens for your video and your goal.

- Make your end screens consistent with your brand and your video. Use the same colors, fonts, and style as your video and your channel. Make sure your end screens match the tone and topic of your video and your audience's expectations.

- Keep your end screens simple and clear. Use only the necessary elements and avoid cluttering your end screen with too many options or information. Use clear and catchy titles, thumbnails, and text for your end screens. Make sure your viewers can easily see and understand your end screens and what you want them to do.

- Create a smooth transition to your end screens. Don't abruptly end your video or cut off your audio. Instead, use a natural and engaging way to wrap up your video and introduce your end screens. For example, you can use a verbal cue, a visual cue, a music cue, or a combination of them to signal the end of your video and the start of your end screens.

- Test and optimize your end screens. Use YouTube analytics or other tools to measure the performance of your end screens. See how many viewers watch your end screens, click on your end screens, and take the desired action. Experiment with different end screens and see what works best for your videos and your goals.

4. End screens are not a standalone strategy, but a part of your overall YouTube marketing strategy. To get the most out of your end screens, you need to integrate them with your other YouTube marketing efforts. For example, you can:

- Use end screens to support your content strategy. Create a content funnel that guides your viewers from one video to another, from awareness to consideration to decision. Use end screens to link your videos together and create a coherent and consistent viewer journey.

- Use end screens to complement your SEO strategy. optimize your videos for search engines and use keywords, tags, titles, descriptions, and captions that match your end screens. Use end screens to drive more organic traffic to your videos and your website.

- Use end screens to enhance your social media strategy. share your videos on your social media platforms and use end screens to invite your viewers to follow you on other channels. Use end screens to cross-promote your social media content and grow your online presence.

- Use end screens to boost your email marketing strategy. Use end screens to offer your viewers a lead magnet, such as a free ebook, a webinar, or a coupon, in exchange for their email address. Use end screens to build your email list and nurture your leads with valuable and relevant content.

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