Papers by Dr. Taosige Wau, SE., M.Si
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Bisnis, 2024
Hubungan antara keterbukaan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta kualitas lingkungan telah menjadi perso... more Hubungan antara keterbukaan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta kualitas lingkungan telah menjadi persoalan pelik sejak lama. Apakah keterbukaan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh terhadap kualitas lingkungan. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengukur dan menjelaskan hubungan variabel independen keterbukaan ekonomi yang diproksikan Free Trade (TRADE) dan Foreign Direct Invesment (FDI) dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang diproksikan Gros Domestic Product per Capita (GDPC) dan pertumbuhan penduduk (POPULASI) terhadap kualitas lingkungan yang diproksikan dengan Per Capita Carbon Dioxide (CO2C) Emission. Populasi yang dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini ialah negara G20. Sampel yang dipakai yaitu negara G20 sebanyak 9 negara yaitu Amerika Serikat,
![Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Instrumen Keuangan Syariah Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia](
The growth of Islamic finance in Indonesia has experienced very significant growth. The Indonesia... more The growth of Islamic finance in Indonesia has experienced very significant growth. The Indonesian government hopes that the financial sector will become an important instrument in promoting economic growth in Indonesia, but it seems that the percentage of economic growth in Indonesia has declined over the past decade. This study aims to analyze the impact of Islamic financial instruments on economic growth in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative method with an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model analysis tool. The results of this study show that all Islamic financial instrument variables have a negative effect on economic growth in the short term. Meanwhile, in the long term, all independent variables have a positive effect on economic growth except for Sharia Mutual Funds which show a negative effect and Sharia Bank Financing and Sharia Stocks have no effect on economic growth in Indonesia. Thus, it can be concluded that Islamic financial instruments in the long term have a positive influence on encouraging economic growth in Indonesia.
Samudra Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Jul 13, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh inflasi, nilai kurs, investasi, dan partisip... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh inflasi, nilai kurs, investasi, dan partisipasi angkatan kerja terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi negara-negara anggota di kawasan ASEAN. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang bersifat panel, yaitu data ekonomi sepuluh negara anggota ASEAN dari tahun 2000-2020. Sumber data diperoleh dari publikasi World Bank. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode regresi data panel dengan pendekatan model fixed effect tertimbang dengan cross section SUR. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan inflasi, investasi dan partisipasi angkatan kerja mampu mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kawasan ASEAN. Sedangkan pelemahan nilai mata uang domestik (depresiasi) terhadap dollar Amerika menjadi pengoreksi pertumbuhan ekonomi negara-negara anggota ASEAN.
![Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Innovation, IT Advancement, GDP, and Inflation on Unemployment in OIC Countries 2013-2021](
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan
Unemployment still becomes a major developmental challenge in some OIC member countries. Thus, em... more Unemployment still becomes a major developmental challenge in some OIC member countries. Thus, employment determinants in those countries need to be investigated through empirical research. This study analyzes the influences of inflation, GDP, IT advancement, and innovation on unemployment in some OIC member countries. We use the purposive sampling method with criteria of countries with the past decade's average unemployment rate lower than 6%. We employ panel data from 20 countries fulfilling the requirements in 2013-2021. The panel data regression method with a fixed effect approach is used to analyze the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The results indicate that inflation and GDP significantly and negatively affect unemployment. On the other hand, innovation and ICT advancement have a negative but insignificant effect on the dependent variable. Regarding the results, we believe it is essential for the government as a policymaker to arrange appropr...
![Research paper thumbnail of Macroeconomics, sharia, and economic inequality in The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC): An empirical study](
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan
This study aimed to determine the factors that influence the level of income inequality in member... more This study aimed to determine the factors that influence the level of income inequality in member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OC). The research period used was from 2012 to 2021, using the System Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) analysis tool. The variables used consist of the Gini ratio (proxy of income inequality), economic growth, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), inflation, the average length of schooling (human capital proxy), and corruption perception index (sharia proxy). The results showed that sharia, human, and inflation variables had a negative effect, while economic growth and FDI had a positive and significant effect on income inequality in OIC countries. These results show that in addition to economic factors and human capital, sharia elements cannot be released in overcoming income inequality in OIC countries. Sharia is a driving factor in a more even distribution of income. Keywords: Income Inequality, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (O...
![Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of FDI and Economic Growth on Environmental Damage in Member Countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation](
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan
Global warming due to environmental damage is a serious problem for all countries in the world. T... more Global warming due to environmental damage is a serious problem for all countries in the world. The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of FDI and economic growth on environmental damage and to test the existence of the environmental Kuznets curve in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries. This research uses secondary data that is a panel, consisting of 57 OIC member countries as a cross-sectional unit from 1998-2020. The data analysis method used in this research is a panel regression model with a fixed effect model (FEM) estimation method approach. This research found that foreign direct investment and economic growth have positive impacts and significant on environmental damage. This research also found that the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis is also proven to exist in 57 OIC member countries. The policy implication that must be carried out is that the governments of OIC member countries must ensure that FDI which enters the country is FDI t...
Al-Amwal : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syari'ah
![Research paper thumbnail of Economic Growth, Human Capital, Public Investment, and Poverty in Underdeveloped Regions in Indonesia](
Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan
Poverty is a worldwide issue since its effects are widespread. In Indonesia, most pockets of pove... more Poverty is a worldwide issue since its effects are widespread. In Indonesia, most pockets of poverty are found in rural or underdeveloped areas. This research is essential as a reference for addressing the issue of poverty in Indonesia's undeveloped regions, as few studies have analyzed the causes of poverty in underdeveloped regions. This study analyses the impact of economic growth, human capital, and public investment on the alleviation of poverty in Indonesia’s undeveloped regions. This study employs panel data from 62 underprivileged regions in Indonesia according to Presidential Decree No. 63 of 2020 with an observation period of 2010-2020. The analytical method used is the ECM panel model. The unit root test indicates that the research data is steady and cointegrated at the first level of differentiation. This study demonstrates that economic growth does not have a substantial influence on poverty levels in underdeveloped areas of Indonesia, although human capital and pub...
![Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomi Internasional Suatu Kajian Teori Dan Empiris (Seri 1)](
Allah senantiasa kita bermunajat karena atas limpahan rahmat dan nikmat yang Allah berikan, sehin... more Allah senantiasa kita bermunajat karena atas limpahan rahmat dan nikmat yang Allah berikan, sehingga buku ajar Ekonomi Internasional ini mampu diselesaikan dengan baik. Shalawat serta salam tak lupa kita kirimkan kepada suri tauladan umat manusia, yaitu Muhammad SAW, beliau merupakan manusia pilihan yang membimbing kita dari kejahiliaan menuju makhluk yang bertauhid. Buku ini merupakan hasil karya kolaborasi dosen dan mahasiswa Prodi Magister Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnsis Islam UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. Buku ajar Ekonomi Internasional ini merupakan bahan bacaan yang ditulis untuk memperkaya materi perkuliahan sekitar isu perekonomian di masa kontemporer, yaitu dengan membahas tentang toeri-teori ekonomi seputar ekonomi internasional serta dibauri dengan kajian empiris sehingga keabsahan dapat dilihat dengan jelas dalam buku ini. Penulis menyadari bahwa masih banyak terdapat kelemahan dalam penyusunan buku ajar ini. Untuk itu penulis membuka diri untuk menerima setiap input dan respons dari berbagai kalangan untuk kesempurnaan penulisan. Semoga buku ini memberikan manfaat bagi semua pihak.
Jurnal Samudra Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The study aims to analyze the effect of inflation, exchange rate, investment, and labor force par... more The study aims to analyze the effect of inflation, exchange rate, investment, and labor force participation on the economic growth of member countries in the ASEAN region. This study uses secondary panel data, namely economic data from ten ASEAN member countries from 2000-2020. Sources of data obtained from the publications of the World Bank. The analytical method used is the panel data regression method fixed-effects model approach with a SUR cross-section weighted. This study indicates that the increase in inflation, investment, and labor force participation can encourage economic growth in the ASEAN Region. Meanwhile, the weakening of the value of the domestic currency (depreciation) has corrected the economic growth of ASEAN member countries.
![Research paper thumbnail of Determinan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah Kepulauan Nias](
Jurnal Progres Ekonomi Pembangunan (JPEP)
Pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah salah ukuran tingkat pembangunan yang dicapai sebuah daerah. Penentu p... more Pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah salah ukuran tingkat pembangunan yang dicapai sebuah daerah. Penentu pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah pembentukan modal fisik dan modal manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakaan metode analisis data panel yang terdiri lima unit cross section dengan interval waktu tahun 2010-2019. Hasil pengujian spesifikasi model memutuskan bahwa model yang terbaik adalah pendekatan Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Ditemukan bahwa human capital yang dihitung dengan rata-rata lama sekolah mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi secara signifikan. Variable pembentukan modal juga mampu mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di kepulauan nias secara signifikan, dimana setiap satu persen peningkatan belanja modal yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah mampu mendorong pertumbuan ekonomi sebesar 0,39 persen. Demikian juga variabel partisipasi angkatan kerja mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi di kepulauan Nias, yaitu setiap peningkatan TPAK sebesar satu persen akan mampu mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 0,...
![Research paper thumbnail of Economic Measurement of Optimal City Size: The Case of West Sumatra, Indonesia](
Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
This is an empirical study of economic measurement of the optimal size of seven cities in West Su... more This is an empirical study of economic measurement of the optimal size of seven cities in West Sumatra region, Indonesia. The empirical findings are quite interesting since the calculated optimal city size does not result in a single measure as mostly previous studies found, but they vary in accordance with the economic approaches used. The optimal city size measured by using the maximum profit approach would have been larger in size compared to those measured by the minimum cost and maximum net benefit approaches. Meanwhile, the cities measured by using the maximum net benefit have larger size than those of the minimum cost. Unlike previous studies, the measurement of optimal city size in this study is performed in terms of population density rather than the total population, in order to consider the influence of land area to the optimal city size. Moreover, by using the population density, the optimal city size becomes a relative index which enables us to compare it with the relat...
![Research paper thumbnail of Economic Measurement of Optimal City Size: The Case of West Sumatra, Indonesia](
Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
This is an empirical study of economic measurement of the optimal size of seven cities in West Su... more This is an empirical study of economic measurement of the optimal size of seven cities in West Sumatra region, Indonesia. The empirical findings are quite interesting since the calculated optimal city size does not result in a single measure as mostly previous studies found, but they vary in accordance with the economic approaches used. The optimal city size measured by using the maximum profit approach would have been larger in size compared to those measured by the minimum cost and maximum net benefit approaches. Meanwhile, the cities measured by using the maximum net benefit have larger size than those of the minimum cost. Unlike previous studies, the measurement of optimal city size in this study is performed in terms of population density rather than the total population, in order to consider the influence of land area to the optimal city size. Moreover, by using the population density, the optimal city size becomes a relative index which enables us to compare it with the relat...
Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dan Dana Perimbangan adalah dua instrument yang digunakan oleh pemer... more Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dan Dana Perimbangan adalah dua instrument yang digunakan oleh pemerintah untuk mendorong pembangunan ekonomi di daerah. Melalui penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisis pengaruh PAD dan Dana Perimbangan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah Kabupaten Nias Selatan. Dengan menggunakan data time series, model penelitian ini diestimasi dengan metode OLS. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa PAD dan Dana Perimbangan mampu mempengaruhi secara positif pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah Kabupaten Nias Selatan, dimana PAD menjadi variabel dominan yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah Kabupaten Nias Selatan. Dengan demikian, diperlukan upaya dari Pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Nias Selatan untuk meningkatkan PAD-nya sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kemandirian keuangan daerah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah.
![Research paper thumbnail of Konvergensi Pembangunan Ekonomi Antar Daerah Kabupaten Dan Kota Di Sumatera Utara](
Economic development imbalances between regions become a common phenomenon that occurs in a count... more Economic development imbalances between regions become a common phenomenon that occurs in a country because of differences in interest in the resource. Based on the assumption of diminishing marginal returns, the neoclassical theory underlying this analysis. The GDRP per capita rill each region in North Sumatra from years 1975-2013 were analyzed using analytical methods σ-convergence and β-convergence. σ-convergence analysis results concluded that the economic development of inter-district/city and inter-city region in North Sumatra suffered while the convergence process among the districts undergoing a process of divergence. While the results of the analysis of β-convergence concluded that the economic development of inter-district/city, inter-district, inter-city region in North Sumatra undergo a process of convergence with the speed of convergence varies. 1. PENDAHULUAN Selain peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi, pemerataan hasil pembangunan menjadi salah satu tujuan utama upaya pembangunan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Pemerataan dengan ketimpangan pembangunan antar daerah yang rendah adalah salah satu syarat penting untuk mewujudkan pembangunan yang berkualitas. Menurut Sjafrizal (2012) bahwa ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi antar wilayah merupakan fenomena umum yang terjadi dalam proses pembangunan ekonomi suatu daerah. Dimana, ketimpangan ini pada awalnya disebabkan oleh perbedaan kondisi demografi yang terdapat di masing-masing wilayah. Sedangkan menurut Fan dan Casetti (1994) bahwa ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi antar daerah yang berpendapatan tinggi lebih rendah daripada ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi antar daerah yang berpendapatan rendah. Model pertumbuhan Solow (1956) menyaratkan bahwa untuk mendorong pertumbuhan output diperlukan sejumlah penanaman modal atau investasi. Dengan asumsi bahwa tingkat pengembalian modal yang semakin menurun (diminishing return to capital), daerah miskin yang memiliki modal yang rendah akan tumbuh lebih cepat dari daerah kaya yang memiliki modal tinggi. Sehingga, dalam jangka panjang kondisi steady-state pendapatan perkapita antar daerah akan sama. Dengan kata lain bahwa terjadi suatu proses konvergensi (Sala-i-Martin, 1997). Konsep konvergensi ini kemudian dikembangkan oleh para ahli, seperti Borts dan Stein (1964), Barro dan Sala-i-Martin (1991), King dan Rebelo (1990) serta Knight et al. (1993). Barro dan Sala-i-Martin (1991) mengembangkan sebuah model regresi, dimana pertumbuhan ekonomi sebagai variabel terikatnya dan pendapatan perkapita sebagai variabel bebas, yang disebut dengan Regresi Barro. Hasil regresi ini akan menghasilkan sebuah koefisien (β) yang disebut sebagai β-konvergensi serta kecepatan proses konvergensi. Sebagai kritikan atas model ini, kemudian Quah (1993) mengembangkan sebuah model dengan menggunakan teknik Markov Chain. Kedua model ini terus berkembang dan digunakan sebagai alat analisis konvergensi sampai sekarang. Bahkan, Fingleton (1999) dengan menerapkan model Markov Chain ini dapat mengestimasi waktu konvergensi ekonomi antar daerah di Uni Eropa. Sumatera Utara adalah propinsi urutan ke tiga dengan jumlah daerah kabupaten/kota terbesar setelah Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah di Indonesia. Sebagai propinsi terbesar di luar pulau Jawa, Sumatera Utara memiliki keragaman antar daerah yang cukup besar yang dapat mengarah ke ketimpangan pembangunan
Papers by Dr. Taosige Wau, SE., M.Si