Docker Stacks

A Stack defines a set of platform configuration options that will get applied to each Node-RED instance when created.

For container based deployment models, this covers three things:

  • memory - the amount of memory (in MB) to limit container to. Recommended minimum: 256.
  • cpu - a value between 1 and 100 that is the % of a CPU core the container should be allowed to consume.
  • container - this is the fully qualified name of the container to use. The default container built when following the install instructions is named flowfuse/node-red:latest

FlowFuse supports Node-RED 2.2.x and later.

Creating Containers

There is an example Dockerfile and package.json in the node-red-container directory of the docker-compose project. This will start with nodered/node-red:latest as it's base and then add the required FlowFuse components.

Builds of this container for amd64, arm64 and armv7 are built for every release and published to Docker hub as flowfuse/node-red. These can be used as a base to build custom stacks.

If you wanted to pin at Node-RED v3.0.2 you would change the first line to:

FROM nodered/node-red:3.0.2

RUN if [[ ! -z "$REGISTRY" ]] ; then npm config set @flowfuse:registry "$REGISTRY"; fi

COPY package.json /data

To add nodes to the default image you can extend the supplied container. The following Dockerfile will install the node-red-dashboard

FROM flowfuse/node-red

WORKDIR /usr/src/node-red
RUN npm install node-red-dashboard

WORKDIR /usr/src/flowforge-nr-launcher

To build the container run the following:

docker build node-red-container/Dockerfile-dashboard -t flowfuse/node-red-dashboard:3.0.2

You would then enter flowfuse/node-red-dashboard:3.0.2 in the container section of the Stack configuration.

Stacks can be changed on a per instance basis, see also the user stack documentation.