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Fluo Tour: Word counts for unique documents exercise

Tour page 21 of 28

This exercise gives you an opportunity to use everything you have learned so far to attempt writing a simple Fluo application. A bare minimum of code, along with a conceptual sketch of a solution, is provided to get you started. After completing this exercise, consider tweeting a link to your solution to #apachefluotour. If you have time, try to complete the exercise before looking at the solutions.

The application should compute word counts for unique documents. This application should do the following.

  • Deduplicate content based on hash
  • Count how many URIs reference content
  • For the unique words in content, update global word counts.
  • When new content is added increment the global counts.
  • When content is no longer referenced by any URIs, decrement the global word counts and delete that content.
  • Partition different types of data using row prefixes. Use u: for URIs, use d: for document content, and use w: for word counts.

Part 1 : Loading data.

The class below is a simple POJO for documents.

package ft;

import com.google.common.hash.Hashing;

public class Document {
  public final String uri;
  public final String content;

  public Document(String uri, String content) {
    this.uri = uri;
    this.content = content;

  public String hash() {
    //use short prefix of hash for example
    return Hashing.sha1().hashString(content).toString().substring(0, 7);

The following code loads documents into Fluo. It should do the following :

  • Keep track of the current hash associated with a URI.
  • Deduplicate content based on hash
  • Reference count how many URIs point to content. Track this information in a column named doc:refc with a row based on the hash.
  • Track the status of whether content is referenced or unreferenced in a column named doc:refs. Note refs is short for reference status. When the reference count for content is 0 this columns value should be unreferenced. When the reference count is greater than 0, the doc:refs columns value should be referenced. In a later example, an Observer will watch this column.
  • Track the content associated with a hash using the doc:content column.

Some of this is implemented below, but not all. The parts that are not done have TODOs.

package ft;

import org.apache.fluo.api.client.Loader;
import org.apache.fluo.api.client.TransactionBase;
import org.apache.fluo.api.data.Column;

public class DocLoader implements Loader {

  private final Document doc;

  public static final Column HASH_COL = new Column("uri", "hash");
  public static final Column REF_COUNT_COL = new Column("doc", "refc");
  public static final Column REF_STATUS_COL = new Column("doc", "refs");
  public static final Column CONTENT_COL = new Column("doc", "content");

  public DocLoader(Document doc) {
    this.doc = doc;

  public void load(TransactionBase tx, Context context) throws Exception {
    String newHash = doc.hash();
    String oldHash = tx.gets("u:" + doc.uri, HASH_COL);

    // TODO check if uri already has the same content hash.  If so, then nothing to do.

    // TODO set the new hash associated with the URI

    if (oldHash != null) {
      // TODO decrement the reference count at row "d:"+oldHash
      // TODO set REF_STATUS_COL to "unreferenced" when the reference count goes from 1 to 0. Do
      // this for row "d:"+oldHash

    // TODO increment the reference count for the newHash content.
    // TODO add the new content when the reference count does not exists
    // TODO set REF_STATUS_COL to "referenced" when the reference count for the new content goes
    // from 0 to 1.  Do this for row "d:"+newHash

Add the following to the ft.Main class.

  // some test data
  private static Document[] docs1 = new Document[] {
      new Document("http://news.com/a23",
          "Jebediah orbits Mun for 35 days.  No power, forgot solar panels."),
      new Document("http://news.com/a24",
          "Bill plans to rescue Jebediah after taking tourist to Minimus.")};

  private static Document[] docs2 = new Document[] {new Document("http://oldnews.com/a23",
      "Jebediah orbits Mun for 35 days.  No power, forgot solar panels.")};

  private static Document[] docs3 = new Document[] {
      new Document("http://news.com/a23",
          "Jebediah orbits Mun for 38 days.  No power, forgot solar panels."),
      new Document("http://news.com/a24",
          "Crisis at KSC.  Tourist stuck at Minimus.  Bill forgot solar panels.")};

   * Utility method for loading documents and printing out Fluo table after load completes.
  private static void loadAndPrint(MiniFluo mini, FluoClient client, Document[] docs) {

    try (LoaderExecutor loaderExecutor = client.newLoaderExecutor()) {
      for (Document document : docs) {
        loaderExecutor.execute(new DocLoader(document));
    } // this will close loaderExecutor and wait for all load transactions to complete

    //This line is not needed in this step of the exercise.  However the next step will need this


  private static void exercise(MiniFluo mini, FluoClient client) {
    loadAndPrint(mini, client, docs1);
    loadAndPrint(mini, client, docs2);
    loadAndPrint(mini, client, docs3);

Once the TODOs in the DocLoader class are implemented, running Main should print out the following.

== fluo start ==
d:a6c4d1f doc content	Jebediah orbits Mun for 35 days.  No power, forgot solar panels.
d:a6c4d1f doc refc	1
d:a6c4d1f doc refs	referenced
d:cf8ddc0 doc content	Bill plans to rescue Jebediah after taking tourist to Minimus.
d:cf8ddc0 doc refc	1
d:cf8ddc0 doc refs	referenced
u:http://news.com/a23 uri hash	a6c4d1f
u:http://news.com/a24 uri hash	cf8ddc0
=== fluo end ===

== fluo start ==
d:a6c4d1f doc content	Jebediah orbits Mun for 35 days.  No power, forgot solar panels.
d:a6c4d1f doc refc	2
d:a6c4d1f doc refs	referenced
d:cf8ddc0 doc content	Bill plans to rescue Jebediah after taking tourist to Minimus.
d:cf8ddc0 doc refc	1
d:cf8ddc0 doc refs	referenced
u:http://news.com/a23 uri hash	a6c4d1f
u:http://news.com/a24 uri hash	cf8ddc0
u:http://oldnews.com/a23 uri hash	a6c4d1f
=== fluo end ===

== fluo start ==
d:2732ebc doc content	Crisis at KSC.  Tourist stuck at Minimus.  Bill forgot solar panels.
d:2732ebc doc refc	1
d:2732ebc doc refs	referenced
d:6658252 doc content	Jebediah orbits Mun for 38 days.  No power, forgot solar panels.
d:6658252 doc refc	1
d:6658252 doc refs	referenced
d:a6c4d1f doc content	Jebediah orbits Mun for 35 days.  No power, forgot solar panels.
d:a6c4d1f doc refc	1
d:a6c4d1f doc refs	referenced
d:cf8ddc0 doc content	Bill plans to rescue Jebediah after taking tourist to Minimus.
d:cf8ddc0 doc refc	0
d:cf8ddc0 doc refs	unreferenced
u:http://news.com/a23 uri hash	6658252
u:http://news.com/a24 uri hash	2732ebc
u:http://oldnews.com/a23 uri hash	a6c4d1f
=== fluo end ===

Part 2 : Computing word counts.

Now that you have data loading, create an observer that watches the reference status column (doc:refs). This observer should take the following actions based on the values of the columns doc:refs and doc:processed.

doc:refs doc:processed Action
referenced false Increment word counts and set doc:processed to true
referenced true None
unreferenced false Delete content
unreferenced true Delete content and decrement word counts

Make sure you handle the following scenario correctly.

  • content A becomes referenced
  • content A becomes unreferenced
  • an observer runs on content A

In this situation, word counts were never incremented for content A so there is no need to decrement the word counts. One way to handle this is to have a column that tracks if word counts were incremented.

Below is a skeleton for an observer to compute word counts.

package ft;

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.fluo.api.client.TransactionBase;
import org.apache.fluo.api.data.*;
import org.apache.fluo.api.observer.StringObserver;

public class ContentObserver implements StringObserver {

  public static final Column PROCESSED_COL = new Column("doc", "processed");
  public static final Column WORD_COUNT = new Column("word","docCount");

   * Utility method to tokenize the content of a document into unique words.
  private List<String> tokenize(String content) {
    return Arrays.asList(content.split("[\\W]+"));

   *  Adds the passed to delta to the values for each word.
  private void adjustCounts(TransactionBase tx, int delta, List<String> words) {
     Set<String> uniqueWords = new HashSet<String>(words);
    // TODO make a single call to get all of the current word counts.  Could use

    // TODO for each word, add delta to the current value and set the new value

  public void process(TransactionBase tx, String row, Column col) throws Exception {

    Map<Column, String> colVals =
        tx.gets(row, DocLoader.CONTENT_COL, DocLoader.REF_STATUS_COL, PROCESSED_COL);

    String content = colVals.get(DocLoader.CONTENT_COL);
    String status = colVals.get(DocLoader.REF_STATUS_COL);
    String processed = colVals.getOrDefault(PROCESSED_COL, "false");

    // TODO if status is referenced and not already processed then adjustCounts by +1 and set
    // PROCESSED_COL to true

    // TODO if status is unreferenced then delete all columns for content
    // TODO if status is unreferenced and document was processed, then adjust counts by -1

Something to think about: why observe the reference status column instead of the reference count column?

When you are ready to run the observer, modify the preInit() method in ft.Main to configure the observer as follows.

  public static class TourObserverProvider implements ObserverProvider {
    public void provide(Registry obsRegistry, Context ctx) {
      obsRegistry.forColumn(DocLoader.REF_STATUS_COL, NotificationType.STRONG)
          .useObserver(new ContentObserver());;

  private static void preInit(FluoConfiguration fluoConfig) {

After implementing the Observer, the output of the program should look like the following.

== fluo start ==
d:a6c4d1f doc content	Jebediah orbits Mun for 35 days.  No power, forgot solar panels.
d:a6c4d1f doc processed	true
d:a6c4d1f doc refc	1
d:a6c4d1f doc refs	referenced
d:cf8ddc0 doc content	Bill plans to rescue Jebediah after taking tourist to Minimus.
d:cf8ddc0 doc processed	true
d:cf8ddc0 doc refc	1
d:cf8ddc0 doc refs	referenced
u:http://news.com/a23 uri hash	a6c4d1f
u:http://news.com/a24 uri hash	cf8ddc0
w:35 word docCount	1
w:Bill word docCount	1
w:Jebediah word docCount	2
w:Minimus word docCount	1
w:Mun word docCount	1
w:No word docCount	1
w:after word docCount	1
w:days word docCount	1
w:for word docCount	1
w:forgot word docCount	1
w:orbits word docCount	1
w:panels word docCount	1
w:plans word docCount	1
w:power word docCount	1
w:rescue word docCount	1
w:solar word docCount	1
w:taking word docCount	1
w:to word docCount	1
w:tourist word docCount	1
=== fluo end ===

== fluo start ==
d:a6c4d1f doc content	Jebediah orbits Mun for 35 days.  No power, forgot solar panels.
d:a6c4d1f doc processed	true
d:a6c4d1f doc refc	2
d:a6c4d1f doc refs	referenced
d:cf8ddc0 doc content	Bill plans to rescue Jebediah after taking tourist to Minimus.
d:cf8ddc0 doc processed	true
d:cf8ddc0 doc refc	1
d:cf8ddc0 doc refs	referenced
u:http://news.com/a23 uri hash	a6c4d1f
u:http://news.com/a24 uri hash	cf8ddc0
u:http://oldnews.com/a23 uri hash	a6c4d1f
w:35 word docCount	1
w:Bill word docCount	1
w:Jebediah word docCount	2
w:Minimus word docCount	1
w:Mun word docCount	1
w:No word docCount	1
w:after word docCount	1
w:days word docCount	1
w:for word docCount	1
w:forgot word docCount	1
w:orbits word docCount	1
w:panels word docCount	1
w:plans word docCount	1
w:power word docCount	1
w:rescue word docCount	1
w:solar word docCount	1
w:taking word docCount	1
w:to word docCount	1
w:tourist word docCount	1
=== fluo end ===

== fluo start ==
d:2732ebc doc content	Crisis at KSC.  Tourist stuck at Minimus.  Bill forgot solar panels.
d:2732ebc doc processed	true
d:2732ebc doc refc	1
d:2732ebc doc refs	referenced
d:6658252 doc content	Jebediah orbits Mun for 38 days.  No power, forgot solar panels.
d:6658252 doc processed	true
d:6658252 doc refc	1
d:6658252 doc refs	referenced
d:a6c4d1f doc content	Jebediah orbits Mun for 35 days.  No power, forgot solar panels.
d:a6c4d1f doc processed	true
d:a6c4d1f doc refc	1
d:a6c4d1f doc refs	referenced
u:http://news.com/a23 uri hash	6658252
u:http://news.com/a24 uri hash	2732ebc
u:http://oldnews.com/a23 uri hash	a6c4d1f
w:35 word docCount	1
w:38 word docCount	1
w:Bill word docCount	1
w:Crisis word docCount	1
w:Jebediah word docCount	2
w:KSC word docCount	1
w:Minimus word docCount	1
w:Mun word docCount	2
w:No word docCount	2
w:Tourist word docCount	1
w:at word docCount	1
w:days word docCount	2
w:for word docCount	2
w:forgot word docCount	3
w:orbits word docCount	2
w:panels word docCount	3
w:power word docCount	2
w:solar word docCount	3
w:stuck word docCount	1
=== fluo end ===

Part 3 : Using Fluo Recipes

The suggested method of computing word counts above is prone to transaction collisions. One way to avoid collisions is to use a CombineQueue provided by Fluo Recipes. This will queue updates for words and notify another observer to process the queued updates. The updates are queued in a way that will not cause collisions. The CombineQueue has its own Observer which will call two functions you provide. One function combines updates for a key and the other consumes changes to values.

To try using a CombineQueue, first add the following class. This class handles changes to word counts by updating an inverted index of word counts.

package ft;

import org.apache.fluo.api.client.TransactionBase;
import org.apache.fluo.recipes.core.combine.ChangeObserver;

import static ft.ContentObserver.WORD_COUNT;

public class WordCountChangeObserver implements ChangeObserver<String, Long> {

  public void process(TransactionBase tx, Iterable<Change<String, Long>> changes) {
    // This print shows per bucket processing.
    System.out.println("== begin processing word count changes ==");

    for (Change<String, Long> change : changes) {

      long oldCount = change.getOldValue().orElse(0l);  //previous count for a word
      long newCount = change.getNewValue().orElse(0l);  //new count for a word

      if (change.getOldValue().isPresent()) {
        // delete old count for word from inverted index
        tx.delete(String.format("ic:%06d:%s", oldCount, change.getKey()), WORD_COUNT);

      if (change.getNewValue().isPresent()) {
        // insert new count for word into inverted index
        tx.set(String.format("ic:%06d:%s", newCount, change.getKey()), WORD_COUNT, "");

      // change.getKey() is a word
      System.out.printf("  update %s %d -> %d\n", change.getKey(), oldCount, newCount);

    System.out.println("== end processing word count changes ==");

Then modify preInit() in Main to the following.

  public static class TourObserverProvider implements ObserverProvider {
    public void provide(Registry obsRegistry, Context ctx) {
      CombineQueue<String, Long> wordCQ = CombineQueue.getInstance("wc", ctx.getAppConfiguration());

      // Pass the word count combine queue to the ContentObserver so it can queue updates 
      // when a documents word counts change.
      obsRegistry.forColumn(DocLoader.REF_STATUS_COL, NotificationType.STRONG)
          .useObserver(new ContentObserver(wordCQ));

      // Register observer to process queued updates, the observer will call the two functions.
      // SummingCombiner is provided by Fluo Recipes.  It sums all updates queued for a key.
      wordCQ.registerObserver(obsRegistry, new SummingCombiner<>(), new WordCountChangeObserver());

  private static void preInit(FluoConfiguration fluoConfig) {

Add a constructor to ContentObserver and modify adjustCounts() to the following.

  private CombineQueue<String, Long> wordCQ;

  public ContentObserver(CombineQueue<String, Long> wordCQ) {
    this.wordCQ = wordCQ;

  private void adjustCounts(TransactionBase tx, int delta, List<String> words) {
    HashMap<String, Long> wcUpdates = new HashMap<>();
    words.forEach(word -> wcUpdates.put(word, (long) delta));
    wordCQ.addAll(tx, wcUpdates);

A CombineQueue groups key values into buckets for efficiency and processes entire buckets in a single transaction. When you run this code, that is why == begin processing word count changes == is seen multiple times for each group of documents loaded.

These changes produce two new prefixes in the output of the table scan. First the wc: prefix is where the CombineQueue stores its data. By default the CombineQueue uses Kryo for serialization and therefore the key values with this prefix contain non-ASCII characters. The utility function FluoITHelper.printFluoTable() escapes non-ASCII characters with \x<HEX>. Second the ic: prefix contains the inverted index of word counts. This was created simply to show an example of a follow on action when word counts change. Ideally this follow on action would have a low chance of collisions. Creating the inverted index will not cause collisions because each word is in a single CombineQueue bucket and each bucket is processed independently.

Part 4 : Running this example on a real instance.

Everything in the tour so far has used MiniFluo to run code. The following instructions show how to run the code in this exercise on a real Fluo instance. Uno can be used to quickly setup Fluo on a single node.

The following two helper classes will be needed to run on a real instance.

package ft;

import org.apache.fluo.api.config.FluoConfiguration;

 * Generates application config.
public class GenConfig {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    FluoConfiguration conf = new FluoConfiguration();
package ft;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.*;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.apache.fluo.api.client.*;
import org.apache.fluo.api.config.FluoConfiguration;

 * Loads one or more document passed in on the command line.
public class Load {
  // when run with fluo exec command, the applications configuration will be injected
  private static FluoConfiguration fluoConfig;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try (FluoClient client = FluoFactory.newClient(fluoConfig);
        LoaderExecutor loaderExecutor = client.newLoaderExecutor()) 
      for (String filename : args) {
        Path path = Paths.get(filename);
        byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(path);
        String docContent = new String(encoded, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        String uri = path.toAbsolutePath().normalize().toUri().toString();
        Document doc = new Document(uri, docContent);
        loaderExecutor.execute(new DocLoader(doc));

The following command will run this application on a Fluo instance, assuming $FLUO_HOME is set and fluo is on the path.

cd <your fluo tour dir>

#create a new Fluo application named wordCount
fluo new wordCount

#populate applications lib directory
mvn clean package
cp target/fluo-tour-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar $FLUO_HOME/apps/wordCount/lib
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeArtifactIds="fluo-recipes-core,fluo-recipes-accumulo,fluo-recipes-kryo,kryo,minlog,reflectasm,objenesis" -DoutputDirectory=$FLUO_HOME/apps/wordCount/lib

#add app specific config to properties file that Fluo init will use
fluo exec wordCount ft.GenConfig >> $FLUO_HOME/apps/wordCount/conf/fluo.properties

#initialize and start Fluo application
fluo init wordCount
fluo start wordCount
fluo info wordCount

#load some text files
fluo exec wordCount ft.Load <some filename> <some filename> ...

#wait for all notifications to process
fluo wait wordCount

#scan data in Fluo
fluo scan wordCount
fluo scan wordCount -p ic:

#Could try changing a file and reloading it

#stop Fluo application
fluo stop wordCount

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