Paul Royka's life is a tapestry of intriguing experiences, from working as a night auditor at a notoriously haunted American inn to traversing the Gulf of Maine solo by sailboat. H...voir plusPaul Royka's life is a tapestry of intriguing experiences, from working as a night auditor at a notoriously haunted American inn to traversing the Gulf of Maine solo by sailboat. His academic journey took him from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, to the historic halls of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Furthering his education, Paul achieved a Master's degree from Claremont Graduate University in California. As an author, he has penned several well-received books on antiques, set auction world records, assisted museums in acquiring significant art pieces, and was a former appraiser on the PBS series Antiques Roadshow. Beyond his appraisal career, Paul is an accomplished artist and photographer, recognized as a Master Circle member of the Salem Arts Association. He's an active member of The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. Paul's passion for storytelling extends to leading guided retreats to places he writes about in his memoir "A Secret Gathering," such as Monhegan Island. He currently delights in conducting historic and haunted tours in Salem, Massachusetts.voir moins