Candide, ou l'Optimisme
Par Voltaire
À propos de ce livre électronique
Candide, ou l’Optimisme est un conte philosophique de Voltaire paru à Genève en janvier 1759. Il a été réédité vingt fois du vivant de l’auteur (plus de cinquante aujourd’hui) ce qui en fait un des plus grands succès littéraires français.
Anonyme en 1759, Candide est attribué à un certain « Monsieur le Docteur Ralph » en 1761, à la suite du remaniement du texte par Voltaire. Ce titre ronflant donne tout de suite le ton au lecteur qui pourrait hésiter sur le genre de l’ouvrage : conte ou essai ? Art mineur ou art noble ? L’auteur prend, dès les premières lignes, position contre la noblesse aux titres bien plus ronflants que celui-ci. Et que dire du nom du soi-disant docteur Ralph ? Rien de plus qu’une onomatopée qui ne laisse aucun doute sur le ton de cette œuvre (voir Thunder-Ten-Tronckh, le château de la situation initiale). Cette œuvre si ironique dès les premières lignes, ne laisse aucun doute sur l’origine de l’auteur, qui ne pouvait faire partie que des Lumières. Et de là à pense
Voltaire (1694-1778) is one of the greatest French writers of all time. His wide-ranging body of work includes plays, letters, essays, novellas, poems, and treatises that champion freedom of speech, freedom of religion, separation of church and state, and respect for the rights of man. Using wit and satire, Voltaire crusaded against all forms of tyranny, bigotry, and cruelty. A major figure of the Enlightenment, he is credited with influencing the shape of European civilization.
Lié à Candide, ou l'Optimisme
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Avis sur Candide, ou l'Optimisme
3 571 notations127 avis
- Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles3/5Very enjoyable, especially for a philosophical stint. Definitely a book I will want to read several times over to digest, but for an initial reading it was fairly light.
- Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles5/5I'm not sure why it took me so long to pick up Candide and after finishing the book, I'm definitely upset with my younger self. This is Voltaire at his cattiest and it makes for great reading. He spares no one in his attacks against religion, philosophy, society, and romance. Candide is the protagonist, although readers will find he feels more like a whipping boy. He is painfully naïve and has been indoctrinated by his philosophy teacher Pangloss to believe everything happens to a man for the sole purpose of transporting him to a better situation. Naturally, Voltaire plays with the Leibnizian philosophy by putting Candide into extremely horrible situations and showing the character to have no belief other than things must keep happening so that an even better situation will befall him. Voltaire also shows his readers the hypocrisies of religion and the ironies of claiming to love someone whom you do not truly know. This is a quick read mainly because it is so fast paced and entertaining. Through word play and excessive gore, it's nearly impossible to set down the book. My only complaint with Candide is the simplicity of its content, but when one considers this as it was originally intended, as a barebones and intelligent satire, it's not exactly fair to expect better chapter transitions or less abrupt scene changes. Voltaire has succeeded in producing a rhetorical monster applicable to any age which also functions as an engaging novel.
- Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles3/5Wish I knew what everyone sees in this one. I've known a few people who have claimed this as one of their favorite works, and to me, anyway, this book appears so slight when compared with other classical works. But then, allegory was never my favorite form of literature. I can completely understand Balzac, or Zola, or Flaubert. They were amazing writers, and you can get something new out of them with each reading, I think, depending upon what stage you are at in your own life. But it seems like there is a trend in French literature - the spare and esoteric work, the one that says, "this may not look like much, but it has Layers." I'm thinking especially of The Little Prince, this work, and possibly all of Camus. It may be very worthy. I'm sure the fault is mine here. But I just don't get it.
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5Witty, easy to read, satirical, interesting. I shall have to dig more into context and such, to understand it fully, but I enjoyed it very much even without that. It's genuinely funny in itself, too, which is probably why it survives so well, even though satire is usually very much of its moment.
- Évaluation : 1 sur 5 étoiles1/5A man with a naive philosophy faces a series of tragedies around the world.1/4 (Bad).It's all bitter, derisive "wit" that reads like a summary of a novel. I don't understand what any modern reader would get out of this.
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5Audiobook performed by Tom Whitworth / Digital audio narrated by Jack Davenport
This is perhaps Voltaire’s best-known work. The novella follows the callow Candide as he travels the world searching for his true love, Cunégonde, accompanied by his faithful servant / companion Cacambo.
It opens with an idyllic situation, where Cunégonde, the daughter of Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh, and Candide, a ward with uncertain parentage, are raised together on the castle grounds, and educated by tutor Pangloss. But a war results in the death of the Baron, his wife and son, and with Cunégonde raped and captured and sold into slavery. Candide sets out to find and rescue her.
Among his adventures across the globe, he comes across Jesuits, the Inquisition, cannibals, El Dorado, pirates, an old woman, healers, merchants, etc. He frequently relies on the teachings of Pangloss to see him through, maintaining optimism in the face of adversity.
Voltaire managed to skewer virtually all “important” institutions of the day in this satirical fable. I had seen the operetta (music by Leonard Bernstein with lyrics by a group of uber-talented writers including Lillian Hellman, Dorothy Parker and Steven Sondheim) before, so was somewhat familiar with the plot. I have to admit I kept picturing the most recent production I saw (about two years ago) as I listened to the audio.
I had two versions of the audiobook, a CD in my car and a digital audio on my MP3 player. The CD was performed by Tom Whitworth, while the digital audio was narrated by Jack Davenport. Both were wonderful, but I think I prefer Whitworth’s interpretation.
I also had a text copy which included “philosophical letters” after the novella. ([book:Candide and Philosophical Letters|452801]) They range in subject matter but mostly include his thoughts, observations, and conclusions about a variety of topics, from religion (Quakers, Church of England, Presbyterians, etc) to government, and science (smallpox inoculation and Newton). I read a few of them and found them slightly amusing. They certainly give the modern-day reader a view of 18th-century issues. - Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5I found this book very humorous; albeit, very strange. It's so hyperbolic that at times it's hard to believe that someone actually constructed such a tale; nevertheless, the happenings of the story can be traced back to true occurrences and injustices.
All-in-all, it was an entertaining, quick read. - Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles5/5Juvenal once said, "It is difficult not to write satire", meaning that even if he put ink to paper with different intentions, his worldview would press him on in one direction. He and Voltaire would have got along famously, I suspect.
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5This is a witty, satirical tale about the philosophical optimism that proclaims that all disaster and human suffering is part of a benevolent cosmic plan. Candide travels around the world to discover that contrary to the teachings of Dr. Pangloss, all is not always the best. I enjoyed it very much and found Voltaire's wit to be funny and intellectually enlightening.
- Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles5/5How droll.
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5A young, naive man, named Candide, lives a sheltered life of luxury until he's kicked out of his home. The plot follows his extensive travels and mishaps around the world. He meets dozens of people with strange stories of loosing fortunes, being persecuted, loosing loved ones, etc. Each person has a unique worldview, some optimistic, some pessimistic or realistic, each affects the way Candide sees the world. His one goal is to find and marry his love, Cunégonde, from whom he keeps getting separated.
One of the big issues explored in this satire is the role money plays in finding happiness. The story is told almost like a parable, a simpleton learning about the world through others stories. Some of the stories are truly strange, but prove their point. Voltaire writes in a way that's clearly a thinly veiled social critique, but he does it without preaching at the reader. Candide is a must read. It has affected so many books written since then and it's points still ring true more than two centuries later. - Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles5/5Candide, one of Voltaire's most popular works, is a sociopolitical satire in which the author uses the misadventures of the book's titular hero to argue against the philosophy of Leibnizian optimism. The gullible and naive Candide suffers through repeated misfortunes, often inspired by real historic events (Seven Years' War, Lisbon Earthquake), organizations (Jesuit Order, Portuguese Inquisition), individuals (Admiral John Bying, Abbe Trublet), and even the mythical land of El Dorado.
This novella is bildungsroman coming-of-age narrative, and while many people compare it to Gulliver's Travels due to the scope and variety of Candide's travels, I was personally reminded of Samuel the Speaker by Upton Sinclair, which also features a young man whose world philosophy is constantly contradicted by the world itself. The
Personally, my favorite companion of Candide's is the Manichaean scholar Martin, whose level-headed pessimistic view of mankind as a world full of idiots drives his frequent recommendations of throwing people out of windows and into oceans.
Candide is fast-based and unrelenting, an epic journey in novella form full of black humor and theological debate as it tackles the concept of good versus evil and the nature of mankind. - Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles3/5A very famous novel, it is, first published in 1759. I remember only a small number of incidents but they have stuck after a half century, so...I'll call it a good book about human behaviour. I believe I read this in French...but I could have been doing a reread after doing it in English translation first.
- Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles5/5Hilarious! Ever since reading The Baroque Cycle (or at least the first two books and the first half of the third one) I've loved this historical period, and it's clear Stephenson wrote it with Candide in mind. It's silly, clever, and risqué, and you can read it in an afternoon.
- Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles5/5I took up reading so many other things at the same time, it took me longer to get through it than it should have. Otherwise, it’s a short read. Certainly a thought provoking one. It’s satirical and (in a good way) cynical. This may be the best possible world, but that would be to confuse everything as inherently good or “planned” in the human sense.
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5This is my second read of Candide. I was inspired to do so after reading a biography of Voltaire. I enjoyed the book more, I think, with more of the context of Voltaire's life...or maybe I'm just older and wiser!
This isn't my kind of book....too much plot, not enough character development. But, like many reviewers, I think the book raises issues that remain relevant today, and that made it thought-provoking. A true classic. - Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles3/5This tiny little book took me 8 days to read. Not because it was boring, the writing is just harder to read in this day and age (to me anyway).
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5Frank McLynn's work 1759: The Year Britain Became Master of the World mentioned a good deal about Voltaire, as did Leo Dramrosch's Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Restless Genius. This is my first Voltaire and I was surprised by how small the novella is relative to its historical impact. This has led me to purchase Edmund Burke's A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful and to take up Tristram Shandy again. Candide and Tristram Shandy were, of course, both published in 1759 so the linkages with my earlier reading are apparent, if unintended. If anything I have gained from Candide confirmation of the idea of tending one's own garden, not to mention a burning desire to remove all further naivety from my very being.
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5Candide by Voltaire is a humorous satire featuring the ultimate optimist experiencing life from so many different angles that this optimism is sorely tested. First published in 1759, the main character is Candide and he and his various companions travel around the world from Europe to South America and eventually settle on a small farm outside of Constantinople. They experience amazing adventures and dangers and Candide’s personal motto of “everything in the world is for the best”, taught to him by his beloved mentor, becomes questionable by characters and readers alike.
Voltaire’s style is often called absurd satire due to both the humor and the exaggeration that he inserts into the story. There has been so much written about this literary masterpiece that I won’t even begin to try to explain or analyze it in my meagre words, but, I can say that I was both surprised and delighted with this book. I read this in the form of installations and I looked forward to receiving a new section and learning what would happen next. The author missed no opportunity to skewer the religion, politics, morals and lifestyles of his time, and he put his characters into the most outrageous and outlandish situations that you really never knew what could possibly happen next.
Candide is entirely accessible and highly readable. Voltaire gives his readers the gift of laughter, both at life in general and the people it contains. This “road-trip” book is short, entertaining and downright brilliant. - Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5Great book. However, the Bantam Classic edition is only an ok translation. I got my copy for cheap. It tells the story but I'm sure there are other more scholarly translations I would choose if I were to read it again.
- Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles5/5In a constant barrage of hilarious, yet fairly accurate to history horror show: another war between the french and the english, the Lisbon earthquake and the inquisition's response to it, colonialism; Candide barely survives "this best of all possible worlds" according to his philosophy professor and a popular doctrine of the time period proposed by Leibniz (the argument not being that this world is free of evil, but given our species, it's the best we can achieve - for if we were capable of optimizing our world in any facet, God would have created that one instead). His experiences teach him that humanity is shit overall:
"Do you believe that men have always slaughtered each other as they do today, that they've always been liars, cheats, traitors, ingrates and thieves, weak, fickle, cowardly, envious, greedy, drunken, miserly, ambitious, bloodthirsty, slanderous, lecherous, fanatical, hypocritical and foolish?
Do you believe that hawks have always eaten pigeons when they find them?"
But in too small doses it does redeem itself individually. He ends with hope.
"Man cannot obliterate the cruelty of the universe, but by prudence he can shield certain small confines from that cruelty." Cultivate your garden!
Pretty keen on Voltaire now. - Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles5/5A complete and utter failure! Voltaire presents us with the premise that this is the best of all possible worlds, but only evil befalls his poor characters: scandal, conscription, rape, murder, pillage, mutilation, disease, disaster, inquisition, genocide, adultery, slavery, shipwreck, kicks in the backside, you name it. What the author was thinking of, I can scarcely imagine. I'm going back to my garden now.
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5Tragedy and comedy presented in sharp contrast satirising the optimism of certain philosophies.
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5Still funny, this sarcastic, cynical tale about the innocent young man learning about the ways of the world the hard way. "Why then was the world created?" " To drive us mad!"
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5A dark, comic, and biting satire. Whenever I revisit Candide, I always find Voltaire is making points which are relevant to contemporary events,
- Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5I read this in university and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, which I think happens to a lot of people when they read it.
It's a crazy adventure story, with twists, and turns and even stranger characters. It revolves around Candide, a young man so named because he resembles a blank slate, for all the word and society to write on.
There's so much to talk about within this book, even though it's so short I feel like Voltaire really crammed in some serious issues in the sparse number of pages he allocated himself. Some of the book has still stayed with me, and every once and a while I'll find myself quoting a line or two, or seeing Candide referred to in popular culture somewhere.
His witty critiques and snarky comments helped to empower a population of people who needed a revolution.
It looks intimidating, but I promise it's not as bad as it seems. In my opinion, it's worth it. - Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles3/5Voltaire wrote this under a pseudonym as a satyrical critique to the popular philosophy of the day whereby we live in the best possilble world. It reads as a (rather long) series of atrocities and misfortunes that happen to just about every person Candice encounters during his rather curious adventures.
An interesting read in it's historical and philosophical context, but rather tough read without it. - Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles3/5Voltaire's famous romp through his philosophy & grudges. Introduces the character Pangloss - the eternal optimist - "everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds".
Read in Samoa Apr 2003 - Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles4/5Although I was familiar with the story of Candide from having seen the musical based on it in Stratford, Ontario some time ago, I had never read the book. My library's electronic media site had a copy available as an audiobook so I thought I would give it a try. It's fantastical, satirical but fun to listen to so I'm glad I did.
Candide was brought up in a German castle by his uncle, the Baron Thunder-ten-Tronckh, with his uncle's children, Cunegonde and her brother. They are tutored by Dr. Pangloss who espouses optimism and tells his charges that they live in the best of all possible worlds and that whatever happens is for the best. Candide loves Cunegonde but when he is found kissing her his uncle throws him out of the castle. Soon after the castle is attacked. Pangloss escaped and he is reunited by happenstance with Candide. Pangloss tells Candide that everyone, including Cunegonde, was killed in the attack. Pangloss and Candide end up in the hands of the Catholic Inquisition in Lisbon where they are sentenced to death but Candide escapes as a result of a "lucky" earthquake. However, he saw Pangloss hung so he is despondent. Then he finds Cunegonde alive although prostituting herself and Candide rescues her. They leave for the New World where Candide and Cunegonde are separated once again and Candide has more near-misses with death. And on and on it goes with people who were thought to be dead turning up alive more often than you can imagine. Eventually Candide rejects Pangloss's philosophy of optimism. Instead he believes "we must all cultivate our garden".
My take on this is that we should work to determine our own future and not rely on fate to work things out for us. I think I tend to this philosophy as well but it is certainly a question that has puzzled people throughout the ages. - Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles5/5Candide by François-Marie Arouet, also known as Voltaire, was published in 1759 during the European 'enlightenment’ and at the time was banned as blasphemous, and politically seditious – Candide pokes a lot of fun at the establishment of the day. Voltaire was a sharp witty man, and (the two don’t often seem to go together) a philosopher, who strongly opposed certain Enlightenment ideas about social class. Candide is a naive young man who grows up in a baron’s castle. His tutor Pangloss teaches him that this is “the best of all possible worlds.” Candide is discovered kissing the baron’s daughter, his secret love, and is expelled from his home. He wanders the world with Pangloss, surviving the most awful disasters and tortures, while Pangloss continues to describe life as ‘the best of all possible worlds”. Shortly after reading this novella, I saw the film Oh, Lucky Man, staring Malcolm McDowell, a sprawling musical intended as an allegory on life in the 20th century. I could not help linking the two stories. I still to this day believe that the screenplay takes its inspiration from Candide.
Aperçu du livre
Candide, ou l'Optimisme - Voltaire
Chapitre 1
Comment Candide fut élevé dans un beau château, et comment il fut chassé d’icelui.
Il y avait en Vestphalie, dans le château de M. le baron de Thunder-ten-tronckh, un jeune garçon à qui la nature avait donné les moeurs les plus douces. Sa physionomie annonçait son âme. Il avait le jugement assez droit, avec l’esprit le plus simple; c’est, je crois, pour cette raison qu’on le nommait Candide. Les anciens domestiques de la maison soupçonnaient qu’il était fils de la soeur de monsieur le baron et d’un bon et honnête gentilhomme du voisinage, que cette demoiselle ne voulut jamais épouser parce qu’il n’avait pu prouver que soixante et onze quartiers, et que le reste de son arbre généalogique avait été perdu par l’injure du temps.
Monsieur le baron était un des plus puissants seigneurs de la Vestphalie, car son château avait une porte et des fenêtres. Sa grande salle même était ornée d’une tapisserie. Tous les chiens de ses basses-cours composaient une meute dans le besoin; ses palefreniers étaient ses piqueurs; le vicaire du village était son grand aumônier. Ils l’appelaient tous monseigneur, et ils riaient quand il faisait des contes.
Madame la baronne, qui pesait environ trois cent cinquante livres, s’attirait par là une très grande considération, et faisait les honneurs de la maison avec une dignité qui la rendait encore plus respectable. Sa fille Cunégonde, âgée de dix-sept ans, était haute en couleur, fraîche, grasse, appétissante. Le fils du baron paraissait en tout digne de son père. Le précepteur Pangloss était l’oracle de la maison, et le petit Candide écoutait ses leçons avec toute la bonne foi de son âge et de son caractère.
Pangloss enseignait la métaphysico-théologo-cosmolo-nigologie. Il prouvait admirablement qu’il n’y a point d’effet sans cause, et que, dans ce meilleur des mondes possibles, le château de monseigneur le baron était le plus beau des châteaux et madame la meilleure des baronnes possibles.
« Il est démontré, disait-il, que les choses ne peuvent être autrement: car, tout étant fait pour une fin, tout est nécessairement pour la meilleure fin. Remarquez bien que les nez ont été faits pour porter des lunettes, aussi avons-nous des lunettes. Les jambes sont visiblement instituées pour être chaussées, et nous avons des chausses. Les pierres ont été formées pour être taillées, et pour en faire des châteaux, aussi monseigneur a un très beau château; le plus grand baron de la province doit être le mieux logé; et, les cochons étant faits pour être mangés, nous mangeons du porc toute l’année: par conséquent, ceux qui ont avancé que tout est bien ont dit une sottise; il fallait dire que tout est au mieux. »
Candide écoutait attentivement, et croyait innocemment; car il trouvait Mlle Cunégonde extrêmement belle, quoiqu’il ne prît jamais la hardiesse de le lui dire. Il concluait qu’après le bonheur d’être né baron de Thunder-ten-tronckh, le second degré de bonheur était d’être Mlle Cunégonde; le troisième, de la voir tous les jours; et le quatrième, d’entendre maître Pangloss, le plus grand philosophe de la province, et par conséquent de toute la terre.
Un jour, Cunégonde, en se promenant auprès du château, dans le petit bois qu’on appelait parc, vit entre des broussailles le docteur Pangloss qui donnait une leçon de physique expérimentale à la femme de chambre de sa mère, petite brune très jolie et très docile. Comme Mlle Cunégonde avait beaucoup de dispositions pour les sciences, elle observa, sans souffler, les expériences réitérées dont elle fut témoin; elle vit clairement la raison suffisante du docteur, les effets et les causes, et s’en retourna tout agitée, toute pensive, toute remplie du désir d’être savante, songeant qu’elle pourrait bien être la raison suffisante du jeune Candide, qui pouvait aussi être la sienne.
Elle rencontra Candide en revenant au château, et rougit; Candide rougit aussi; elle lui dit bonjour d’une voix entrecoupée, et Candide lui parla sans savoir ce qu’il disait. Le lendemain après le dîner, comme on sortait de table, Cunégonde et Candide se trouvèrent derrière un paravent; Cunégonde laissa tomber son mouchoir, Candide le ramassa, elle lui prit innocemment la main, le jeune homme baisa innocemment la main de la jeune demoiselle avec une vivacité, une sensibilité, une grâce toute particulière; leurs bouches se rencontrèrent, leurs yeux s’enflammèrent, leurs genoux tremblèrent, leurs mains s’égarèrent. M. le baron de Thunder-ten-tronckh passa auprès du paravent, et voyant cette cause et cet effet, chassa Candide du château à grands coups de pied dans le derrière; Cunégonde s’évanouit; elle fut souffletée par madame la baronne dès qu’elle fut revenue à elle-même; et tout fut consterné dans le plus beau et le plus agréable des châteaux possibles.
Chapitre 2
Ce que devint Candide parmi les Bulgares.
Candide, chassé du paradis terrestre, marcha longtemps sans savoir où, pleurant, levant les yeux au ciel, les tournant souvent vers le plus beau des châteaux qui renfermait la plus belle des baronnettes; il se coucha sans souper au milieu des champs entre deux sillons; la neige tombait à gros flocons. Candide, tout transi, se traîna le lendemain vers la ville voisine, qui s’appelle Valdberghoff-trarbk-dikdorff, n’ayant point d’argent, mourant de faim et de lassitude. Il s’arrêta tristement à la porte d’un cabaret. Deux hommes habillés de bleu le remarquèrent: « Camarade, dit l’un, voilà un jeune homme très bien fait, et qui a la taille requise. » Ils s’avancèrent vers Candide et le prièrent à dîner très civilement. « Messieurs, leur dit Candide avec une modestie charmante, vous me faites beaucoup d’honneur, mais je n’ai pas de quoi payer mon écot. — Ah! monsieur, lui dit un des bleus, les personnes de votre figure et de votre mérite ne payent jamais rien: n’avez-vous pas cinq pieds cinq pouces de haut? — Oui, messieurs, c’est ma taille, dit-il en faisant la révérence. — Ah! monsieur, mettez-vous à table; non seulement nous vous défrayerons, mais nous ne souffrirons jamais qu’un homme comme vous manque d’argent; les hommes ne sont faits que pour se secourir les uns les autres. — Vous avez raison, dit Candide: c’est ce que M. Pangloss m’a toujours dit, et je vois bien que tout est au mieux. » On le prie d’accepter quelques écus, il les prend et veut faire son billet; on n’en veut point, on se met à table: « N’aimez-vous pas tendrement?… — Oh! oui, répondit-il, j’aime tendrement Mlle Cunégonde. — Non, dit l’un de ces messieurs, nous vous demandons si vous n’aimez pas tendrement le roi des Bulgares. — Point du tout, dit-il, car je ne l’ai jamais vu. — Comment! c’est le plus charmant des rois, et il faut boire à sa santé. — Oh! très volontiers, messieurs »; et il boit. « C’en est assez, lui dit-on, vous voilà l’appui, le soutien, le défenseur, le héros des Bulgares; votre fortune est faite, et votre gloire est assurée. » On lui met sur-le-champ les fers aux pieds, et on le mène au régiment. On le fait tourner à droite, à gauche, hausser la baguette, remettre la baguette, coucher en joue, tirer, doubler le pas, et on lui donne trente coups de bâton; le lendemain il fait l’exercice un peu moins mal, et il ne reçoit que vingt coups; le surlendemain on ne lui en donne que dix, et il est regardé par ses camarades comme un prodige.
Candide, tout stupéfait, ne démêlait pas encore trop bien comment il était un héros. Il s’avisa un beau jour de printemps de s’aller promener, marchant tout droit devant lui, croyant que c’était un privilège de l’espèce humaine, comme de l’espèce animale, de se servir de ses jambes à son plaisir. Il n’eut pas fait deux lieues que voilà quatre autres héros de six pieds qui l’atteignent, qui le lient, qui le mènent dans un cachot. On lui demanda juridiquement ce qu’il aimait le mieux d’être fustigé trente-six fois par tout le régiment, ou de recevoir à la fois douze balles de plomb dans la cervelle. Il eut beau dire que les volontés sont libres; et qu’il ne voulait ni l’un ni l’autre, il fallut faire un choix; il se détermina, en vertu du don de Dieu qu’on nomme liberté, à passer trente-six fois par les baguettes; il essuya deux promenades. Le régiment était composé de deux mille hommes; cela lui composa quatre mille coups de baguette, qui, depuis la nuque du cou jusqu’au cul, lui découvrirent les muscles et les nerfs. Comme on allait procéder à la troisième course, Candide, n’en pouvant plus, demanda en grâce qu’on voulût bien avoir la bonté de lui casser la tête; il obtint cette faveur; on lui bande les yeux, on le fait mettre à genoux. Le roi des Bulgares passe dans ce moment, s’informe du crime du patient; et comme ce roi avait un grand génie, il comprit, par tout ce qu’il apprit de Candide, que c’était un jeune métaphysicien, fort ignorant des choses de ce monde, et il lui accorda sa grâce avec une clémence qui sera louée dans tous les journaux et dans tous les siècles. Un brave chirurgien guérit Candide en trois semaines avec les émollients enseignés par Dioscoride, Il avait déjà un peu de peau et pouvait marcher, quand le roi des Bulgares livra bataille au roi des Abares.
Chapitre 3
Comment Candide se sauva d’entre les Bulgares, et ce qu’il devint.
Rien n’était si beau, si leste, si brillant, si bien ordonné que les deux armées. Les trompettes, les fifres, les hautbois, les tambours, les canons, formaient une harmonie telle qu’il n’y en eut jamais en enfer. Les canons renversèrent d’abord à peu près six mille hommes de chaque côté; ensuite la mousqueterie ôta du meilleur des mondes