La drôle de société
Par Lorenzo Bonanni
À propos de ce livre électronique
Vraiment bizarre, l’espèce humaine est drôle en raison de son évolution. Le livre, de manière scientifique mais simple, parfois ironique et avec humour, explique les raisons évolutives et éthologiques de l'amour et la haine au sein du couple, pourquoi nous nous réfugions dans la tromperie, parce que nous sommes beaucoup attirés par les fleurs. Il propose un nouveau concept de maladie et une nouvelle organisation de la santé.
Il explique pourquoi les lois de l'évolution et de la physique nous privent de la possibilité d'être libre. Il explique pourquoi nous sommes seuls dans l'immensité de l’univers et pourquoi nous nous accrochons à des contes de fées de plus en plus surprenants pour survivre. Il explique l'intime mécanisme de notre comportement étrange et drôle, parfois complètement irrationnel. Il ouvre la porte à la compréhension de l'être humain, à sesrêves, à ses amours, à ses cauchemars.
Au sens ultime des choses.
Lié à La drôle de société
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La drôle de société - Lorenzo Bonanni
Lorenzo Bonanni
The Funny Society
© 2018 Lorenzo Bonanni
This work is protected by the Copyright Act. Any duplication, even partial, unauthorized, is prohibited.
The drawings are the property of the author.
Odi et amo
The Flower
Healing yourself with herbs
It's night
Alone or with friends?
They have been closed.
That's what everybody does.
The author
The Funny Society
Odi et amo
Odi et amo
Catullo. I hate you and at the same time I love you
. In this poem, the Roman poet sums up the great tragedy of mankind, the difficulty in living as a couple, the immense pain in front of the woman he loves and hates.
, literally meaning I am crucified
, is the term used by Catullo to describe his state of mind in the face of hatred and love felt for the woman he loves. The poet says he does not know the reason of this nescio
pain of his.
Why so much pain in human relationships?
The evolution is to be blamed for putting humanity in this difficult situation. The evolution has driven us into a blind alley of love. Our suffering is of little importance for the evolution.
The only thing that matters for the evolution is that genes are passed from one individual to another. This is what the evolution wanted and obtained from us.
Our species is indeed polygamous, like most mammals.
The size of the human testicle compared to the body, the male production of 200 million sperm per day, are obvious signs of human polygamy.
Our species, however, has emerged in the world also, and above all, thanks to the brain size.
Human individuals with a bigger brain have been selected over millennia. These individuals were advantaged by having a greater capacity to understand and exploit the surrounding environment. The bigger the brain, the greater the opportunity to establish and reproduce themselves in spite of other species.
We reached the point that, while being very advantageous, the brain could not further develop for anatomical reasons. A large brain and therefore a large brain cavity was no longer able to pass through the mother's birth canal.
However, given that having a large brain was very advantageous, evolution has selected those individuals who could continue to grow their brain after birth.
The human being has thus begun to be born unfinished
, not self-sufficient, needing, unlike other mammals, even several months of life before completing brain development and becoming autonomous.
This has resulted in numerous problems for parents.
The male, in order to ensure the survival of his genes through his children, had to control and protect the child until independence. Therefore he had to remain for a long time in the vicinity
of the woman who gave birth to them. This was the only way to ensure the survival of his children and therefore of his genes.
The greater the size of the human brain, the more the child needed time to become independent, the longer the time the man had to spend close to the woman.
The couple's bond was being created.
The evolution also arranged that after the father looked at the frontal eminence and the particular round shape of the head of the newborn child, this vision would cause a decrease in his production of testosterone. This would distract him, at least in part, from looking for other women for mating purposes. Our species, essentially polygamous, had to deal with this new situation.
At least two other causes have favoured the couple’s bond in spite of polygamy of the human species: the upright gait and agriculture.
When our species began to have the upright gait, the woman hid the external genitalia between her legs. The man has no longer been able to see the intense colour of the female external genitalia at the time of ovulation.
He did not know any more when the woman was ready to mate for reproduction. This has led to mating occurring also outside of the ovulation period, making the couple a little more stable.
Even the invention of agriculture has greatly contributed to the couple’s bond.
From hunter/gatherer the man became a farmer and then a breeder.
The man then took possession of the land, which provided him food. He abandoned nomadism and settled down. Everyone wanted their piece of land.
The man locked himself in his little piece of land and abandoned the group where he had felt safe for so many millennia. Then he had to leave the land, which he had conquered, worked, defended and considered his own, to his children.
This time it was a cultural cause, the invention of agriculture, pushing him towards the couple’s bond. In a couple ... but always structurally polygamist.
Ego nec sine te nec tecum vivere possum
, Ovid said to his loved woman who betrayed him: I can neither live without you nor with you.
This is the sad human condition.
If, despite the laws, religious impositions, abuses, humiliations, coercions, cultural habits, interests, despite the oppression, moral and physical mutilations, artfully instilled fears, despite the courts, inheritance, social reprimands, ten percent of the first children and twenty percent of the second ones are not of the husband, but of another man, it means that our polygamy is very present and arrived intact to this day.
We swear eternal love and fidelity, we trouble witnesses and the whole society ... then we furtively buy paternity tests and secretly go to see if the child is ours. The man is funny.
Evolution has therefore put humanity on the narrow ridge that runs between his innate polygamy and the couple’s bond that has been created subsequently, slowly, gradually and incompletely.
A treacherous ridge, exposed to the whims of nature, time and culture.
A ridge that is followed with pain, suffering and often resignation. Not everybody makes it and many fall from the ridge.
Some fall on one side of the ridge, into the abyss of loneliness, pain, misery and exclusion.
Others fall in the opposite side of the ridge, into the depths of a life as a couple made of abuses, misunderstandings, continuous disputes, murders, slaughters.
Going back is not possible, you cannot go