ZMP 3237327 TFP1000-G1 - 830-05
ZMP 3237327 TFP1000-G1 - 830-05
ZMP 3237327 TFP1000-G1 - 830-05
TFP1000-G1 -830-05
TEC Flex Protect 1000 | Modules LED pour des applications semi-professionnelles
Caractéristiques produit
_ Bande de LED flexible et sécable
_ Up to 50,000 hrs lifetime @ tc max
_ Color consistency in 3 SDCM
Avantages produits
_ Montage facile sur de nombreuses surfaces lisses grâce à une bande autocollante située au dos
Domaines d'application
_ General lighting
_ Pour une utilisation dans des luminaires pour l'architecture, l'intérieur et les commerces
_ Zones humides
Fiche technique
Données électriques
Données photométriques
Données photométriques
LED pitch 14.29 mm
Longueur 5000,0 mm
Largeur 11,1 mm
Hauteur 4,10 mm
T° fonctionnement conft norme IEC 62717 30 °C
Durée de vie
Gradable Oui
Données logistiques
Environmental information
Technique / Accessoires
_ Raccordement simplifié grâce au système d’appariement optionnel CONNECTsystem
Données de téléchargement
User instruction
TEC Flex IP66
Light is strong - Discover the versatile and flexible lighting system OSRAM 24V TEC Flex (EN)
Déclaration de Conformité
TFX ENEC 130520
Déclarations de conformité
TECFlex CE 4210017 300420
CAD data
DWG TEC Flex and TEC Flex Shortpitch
ul>This product is considered to be a "containing product" in the sense of Regulations (EU) 2019/2020 and (EU) 2019/2015.
Tolerances of the reported values, are according to LED Modules Performance standard IEC/EN 62717.
In general, the replacement of the contained light sources without permanent damage to the product with the use of common
available tools is possible in the final application when they can be dismantled from the installation environment and
substituted for the necessary number of light sources restoring its full electrical/mechanical/thermal/optical functionality by
means of a professional installer.
In the contrary, and limited to the LINEARlight Flex Diffuse, LINEARlight Rigid Finesse, GINO LED Flex Diffuse and LUMINENT
Milky product families, the contained light source is an integrated part of the containing product and its removal can only be
done by causing a permanent damage to the containing product due to its tight mechanical, electrical, optical, thermal
interaction and/or environmental protection with or from the containing product. Therefore, a replacement of the light source
with the use of common available tools is not justified.
Dismantling of light sources from containing products at end of life: Containing products with light sources which are scalable
in length can be cut to the length of the contained light source and if applicable mechanically detached from protective and/or
optical covers. Containing products shall be separated from building material and/or from other additional mounting
accessories by means of a professional installer.
Separate control gear and light sources must be disposed of at certified disposal companies in accordance with Directive
2012/19/EU (WEEE) in the EU and with Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013 in the UK. For this
purpose, collection points for recycling centres and take-back systems (CRSO) are available from retailers or private disposal
companies, which accept separate control gear and light sources free of charge. In this way, raw materials are conserved and
materials are recycled.
Données logistiques
Code produit Description produit Unité d'emballage Dimensions (longueur x Volume Poids brut
(Pièces/Unité) largeur x hauteur)
4062172106740 TFP1000-G1 -830-05 Carton de regroupement 280 mm x 305 mm x 180 mm 15.37 dm³ 3664.00 g
Le code produit mentionné décrit la petite quantité d’unité qui peut être commandée. Une unité peut contenir un ou plusieurs
produits. Lorsque vous passez la commande, merci de bien vouloir entrer une unité ou un multiple d’une unité.
Accessoires optionnels
Subject to change without notice. Errors and omission excepted. Always make sure to use the most recent release.