Coaching Act
Coaching Act
Coaching Act
बहार गजट
असाधारण अंक
बहार सरकार ारा ूकािशत
8 वैशाख 1932 (श0)
(सं0 पटना 299)
299) पटना,
टना, बुधवार,
वार, 28 अूील 2010
fof/k foHkkx
28 vizhy 2010
la0 ,y0th0&1&07@2010@yst&150—fcgkj fo/kku eaMy }kjk ;Fkkikfjr fuEufyf[kr vf/kfu;e]
ftlij jkT;iky fnukad 24 vizhy 2010 dks vuqefr ns pqds gS]a blds }kjk loZlk/kkj.k dh lwpuk ds
fy;s izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gSA
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
etgj beke]
ljdkj ds izHkkjh lfpoA
[fcgkj vf/kfu;e 17] 2010]
fcgkj dksfpax laLFkku ¼fu;a=.k ,oa fofu;eu½ vf/kfu;e 2010
izLrkouk%&fofHkUu izfr;ksfxrk ijh{kkvksa ,oa ikB~;Øeksa dh rS;kjh rFkk fof'k"V laLFkkuksa vkfn esa izo's k
gsrq csgrj 'kSf{kd vuqleFkZu iznku djus ds fy, jkT; ds futh dksfpax laLFkkvksa ds fu;a=.k rFkk fofu;eu dk
mica/k djus ds fy, vf/kfu;eA
Hkkjr x.kjkT; ds bdlBosa o"kZ esa fcgkj jkT; fo/kku eaMy }kjk fuEufyf[kr :i esa ;g vf/kfu;fer
1- laf{kIr uke] foLrkj vkSj izkjaHkA& (1) ;g vf/kfu;e fcgkj dksfpax laLFkku ¼fu;a=.k ,oa
fofu;eu½ vf/kfu;e 2010 dgk tk ldsxkA
(2) bldk foLrkj lEiw.kZ fcgkj jkT; esa gksxkA
(3) ;g rqjr izo`Ùk gksxkA
2- ifjHkk"kk,¡A& tc rd dksbZ ckr fo"k; ;k izlx a ds fo:) ugha gks bl fu;ekoyh esa &
(i) **ljdkj** ls vfHkizsr gS **fcgkj ljdkj^^(
(ii) **fuca/ku** ls vfHkizsr gS] bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu fd;k x;k fuca/ku(
2 बहार गजट (असाधारण)] 28 अूील 2010
(iii) **fucaf/kr dksfpax laLFkk** ls vfHkizsr gS] bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu fucaf/kr dksfpax laLFkku(
(iv) **fuca/ku la[;k** ls vfHkizsr gS bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu nh xbZ fuca/ku la[;k(
(v) **fu;ekoyh** ls vfHkizsr gS /kkjk&9 ds v/khu cuk;h x;h fu;ekoyh(
(vi) **f'k{k.k Qhl** ls vfHkizsr gS] 'kSf{kd vuqleFkZu ds fy, fucaf/kr dksfpax laLFkk }kjk
ukekafdr Nk=ksa ls yh tkusokyh jkf'k] ;Fkk& ukekadu Qhl] f'k{k.k Qhl vkfn(
(vii) ^^izkfèkdkj** ls vfHkizsr gS] ftyk inkf/kdkjh dh v/;{krk esa xfBr fucaèku lfefr(
(viii) **vihyh; izkf/kdkj** ls vfHkizsr gS ize.Myh; vk;qDr(
(ix) **dksfpax laLFkku** ls vfHkizsr gS] fdlh futh @ fucaf/kr laLFkk vFkok VªLV }kjk bl
vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk&3 ds v/khu 10 ls vf/kd Nk=@Nk=kvksa dks izfr;ksfxrk ijh{kk vFkok
'kSf{kd vuqleFkZu ds fy, rS;kjh dk mica/k djus gsrq fucaf/kr laLFkk(
(x) **ikB~;Øe** ls vfHkizsr gS] vf[ky Hkkjrh;@jkT; Lrjh; fofHkUu izfr;ksfxrk ijh{kk@fofHkUu
cksMZ }kjk fofgr ikB~;Øe(
(xi) **fuca/ku Qhl** ls vfHkizsr gS] dksfpax laLFkku ds fuca/ku gsrq visf{kr Qhl(
(xii) ^^fuca/ku izek.k&i=** ls vfHkizsr gS] bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu fuxZr fuca/ku izek.k&i=(
(xiii) **fofgr** ls vfHkizsr gS] fu;ekoyh] fofu;ekoyh vkSj vf/klwpukvksa }kjk fofgr(
(xiv) ^^Nk=@Nk=k** ls vfHkizsr gS] dksfpax laLFkku esa ukekafdr Nk=@Nk=k(
(xv) ^^mYya?ku** ls vfHkizsr gS] dksfpax laLFkku ds lapkyu gsrq vfèkfu;e @ fu;ekoyh ds
izko/kkuksa ,oa lacfa /kr vf/klwpukvksa dk mYya?kuA
dksfpax laLFkk dk fuca/ku @ dksfpax laLFkku }kjk fofgr ikB~;p;kZ @ izfr;ksfxrk ijh{kk @ 'kSf{k.kd
vuqleFkZu @ ukekadu Qhl @ fuca/ku QhlA
3- fofHkUu izfr;ksfxrk ijh{kk ,oa ikB;Øeksa dh rS;kjh ds fy, 'kS{kf.kd vuqleFkZu gsrq
dksfpax laLFkk dh LFkkiuk@fuca/kuA& (1) bl vf/kfu;e ds vkjEHk gksus ds ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iwoZ ls
lapkfyr dksfpax laLFkkvksa dks fuca/ku djkuk gksxkA
(2) bl vf/kfu;e ds vkjaHk gksus ds ckn] dksbZ Hkh dksfpax laLFkku fcuk oSèk fuca/ku izek.k i= izkIr
fd;s u rks LFkkfir fd;k tk;sxk vkSj u pyk;k tk;sxkA
(3) fuca/ku dh vof/k rhu o"kks± dh gksxhA
(4) bl vf/kfu;e ds vkjEHk gksus ds ckn dksbZ O;fDr] tks dksfpax laLFkku LFkkfir djus ;k pykus dk
bPNqd gks] fuca/ku izek.k i= iznku djus ds fy, ftyk inkf/kdkjh dks fuEukafdr lwpukvksa ds lkFk fofgr izi=
es]a 5]000 ¼ik¡p gtkj½ :i;s fuca/ku Qhl ds lkFk] vkosnu nsxkA
¼d½ ikB~;Øe dk fu/kkZj.kA& (1) fofHkUu izdkj ds 'kS{kf.kd vuqleFkZu ds fy, ikB~;Øe ,oa
ikB~;Øe iw.kZ djus dh vof/k Li"V dh tk;xhA
(2) izR;sd ikB~;Øe ds fy, vf/kdre Nk=ksa dh la[;k mfYyf[kr dh tk;xhA
¼[k½ 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rkA& U;wure Lukrd ;ksX;rk/kkjh xSj&ljdkjh f'k{kdksa vFkok lsokfuo`Ùk f'k{kdksa
}kjk v/;kiu dk dk;Z lEiUu fd;k tk;xkA f'k{kdksa ds thou&o`r ds lkFk mudh 'kS{kf.kd
;ksX;rk ,oa vuqHko mfYyf[kr fd;k tk;sxkA
¼x½ f'k{k.k QhlA& (1) dksfpax laLFkku dks fofHkUu ikB~;p;kZ @ ikB~;Øe iw.kZ djus dh vof/k
dk mYys[k djrs gq, f'k{k.k Qhl ds lkFk izksLisDVl fuxZr djuk gksxkA
(2) ikB~;Øe ds v/khu izksLisDVl esa O;k[;ku] V~;qVksfj;y dh la[;k] xzqi fMLd'ku vkfn dk
mYys[k djuk vkKkid gksxkA
¼?k½ HkkSfrd vf/klajpuk&(1) dksfpax laLFkk dh vk/kkjHkwr lajpuk ds v/khu oxZ d{k dk U;wure
{ks= izfr Nk= U;wure 1 ¼,d½ oxZehVj gksxkA
(2) vU; lqfo/kk,¡A& blds v/khu izR;sd dksfpax laLFkk }kjk fuEufyf[kr lqfo/kk,¡ miyC/k
djk;h tk;sxh %&
¼i½ leqfpr miLdj ¼csp a @MsLd vkfn½(
¼ii½ i;kZIr izdk'kh; O;oLFkk ¼fo|qrhdj.k½(
¼iii½ is;ty dh lqfo/kk(
¼iv½ 'kkSpky; dh lqfo/kk(
¼v½ tyey fudklh vkSj LoPNrk lqfo/kk,¡(
¼vi½ vfXu'keu dh O;oLFkk(
बहार गजट (असाधारण)] 28 अूील 2010 3
v/;k;& 4
vihyh; izkf/kdkj ,oa ifjoknksa dk fuiVkjk
7- ifjoknksa dk fuiVkjkA& dksfpax laLFkkuksa ds Nk=@Nk=k vFkok dksfpax laLFkku ds dfeZ;ksa }kjk
dksfpax laLFkku ds fo:) vFkok dksfpax laLFkku }kjk Nk=@Nk=kvksa ds fo:) vuqe.My inkf/kdkjh ds le{k
ifjokn nk;j fd;k tk ldsxkA ifjoknkas dk fuiVkjk 30 ¼rhl½ fnuksa ds Hkhrj] vuqeM a y inkf/kdkjh dh
v/;{krk esa fuEufyf[kr dks feykdj xfBr lfefr }kjk fd;k tk;sxk&
¼d½ vuqeM a y inkf/kdkjh & v/;{k(
¼[k½ vuqeM a y iqfyl inkf/kdkjh @mik/kh{kd & lnL;(
¼x½ vuqeMa y f'k{kk inkf/kdkjh & lnL; lfpoA
lfefr tk¡p ds ckn fuca/ku izkf/kdkj dks ;FkkfLFkfr 'kkfLr vf/kjksi.k ;k fuca/ku jídj.k ds fy,
viuk izfrosnu nsxkA
8- vihyh; izkf/kdkjA& O;fFkr dksfpax laLFkku }kjk /kkjk&4] 5] 6 ,oa 7 ds v/khu dh xbZ dkjZokbZ
ds fo:) izeM a yh; vk;qDr ds le{k 30 ¼rhl½ fnuksa ds Hkhrj vihy lafLFkr fd;k tk ldsxkA izeM a yh;
vk;qDr vihy nk;j gksus ds 45 ¼iSrkyhl½ fnuksa ds Hkhrj vihy dk fuiVkjk dj nsxkA ize.Myh; vk;qDr dk
fu.kZ; vafre gksxkA
4 बहार गजट (असाधारण)] 28 अूील 2010
v/;k;& 5
9- fu;ekoyh cukus vkSj vf/klwpuk fuxZr djus dh 'kfDrA& ljdkj] iwoZ izdk'ku ds v/;/khu]
bl vf/kfu;e ds mica/kksa dks dk;kZfUor djus ds iz;kstukFkZ fu;ekoyh ,oa fofu;ekoyh cuk ldsxh vkSj
vf/klwpuk fuxZr dj ldsxhA
10- lansgksa ,oa dfBukbZ;ksa dk lq/kkj djus dh 'kfDrA& bl vf/kfu;e ds mica/kksa dks dk;kZfUor
djus es]a ;fn dksbZ langs ;k dfBukbZ mRiUu gks] rks ljdkj] bl vf/kfu;e vFkok mlds v/khu cuk;h x;h
fu;ekoyh ds mica/kksa vkSj fuxZr vf/klwpukvksa ls laxr ,slk dksbZ Li"Vhdj.k fuxZr dk;Z dj ldsxh] ftls
langs ;k dfBukbZ;ksa dks nwj djus ds fy, vko';d le>sAa
28 vizhy 2010
la0 ,y0th0 1&07@2010@yst&151—fcgkj fo/kku eaMy }kjk ;Fkk&ikfjr vkSj jkT;iky }kjk
fnukad 24 vizhy 2010 dks vuqer fcgkj dksfpax laLFkku ¼fu;a=.k ,oa fofu;eu½ vf/kfu;e] 2010 dk
fuEufyf[kr vaxszth vuqokn fcgkj&jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkj ls blds }kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] ftls
Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu mDr vf/kfu;e dk vaxszth Hkk"kk esa izkf/kÑr
ikB le>k tk;sxkA
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
etgj beke]
ljdkj ds izHkkjh lfpoA
[Bihar Act 17, 2010]
Preamble – to provide for the control and regulation of private coaching institutes
of the State for providing better academic support in preparation of different competitive
examinations and curriculum and admission into specialized institutions etc.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Bihar in the Sixty one year of the
Republic of India as follows:
1. Short title, extent and commencement.–(1) This Act may be called the Bihar
Coaching Institute (Control & Regulation), Act 2010.
(2) It shall extend to the whole of the State of Bihar.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.–In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or
(i) “Government” means – Government of Bihar;
(ii) “Registration” means - registration number given under this Act;
(iii) “Registered Coaching Institute” means - the coaching institute registered
under this Act;
(iv) “Registration Number” means the registration number given under this
(v) “Rules” means, rules made under Section-9;
(vi) “Tuition Fees” means the amount taken from the enrolled students for
academic support by the registered coaching institute, namely—
admission fees, teaching fees etc;
(vii) “Authority” means Registration Committee constituted under the
chairmanship of District Magistrate;
(viii) “Appellate Authority” means Divisional Commissioner.
बहार गजट (असाधारण)] 28 अूील 2010 5
institute and against the students by the coaching institute. Complaints shall be disposed
of within 30 (thirty) days by the committee constituted with the following under the
chairmanship of the sub-divisional officer :–
(a) Sub-Divisional Officer – Chairman
(b) Sub-divisional Police Officer/Deputy Superintendent of police – Member
(c) Sub-Divisional Education Officer – Member Secretary
After inquiry the committee shall submit its report to the registering authority for
imposition of penalty or cancellation of registration as the case may be.
8. Appellate Authority - Under Section 4, 5, 6 and 7, the aggrieved coaching
institute shall file appeal before the Divisional Commissioner within 30 days against the
action taken. The Divisional Commissioner shall dispose of the appeal within 45 (forty
five) days of filling of appeal. The decision of Divisional Commissioner shall be final.
9. Power of Making Rules and to issue notifications – The Government, subject
to pre-publication, for the purposes of enforcement of the provisions of this Act, shall
make rules and regulations and may issue notifications.
10. Power of rectification of doubts and difficulties – If any doubt and difficulties
occur in the enforcement of the provisions of this Act, the Government shall issue any
such clarification which deemed necessary for removal of doubts and difficulties under
this Act or the provisions of rules made under this and issued notifications.
अधी+क, सिचवालय मुिणालय,
बहार, पटना ारा ूकािशत एवं मु0ित।
बहार गजट (असाधारण) 299-571+400-ड0ट0पी0।