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The Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2, 127-142 (1991)

© 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured in the Netherlands.

Technical Efficiency of Norwegian Banks: The

Non-Parametric Approach to Efficiency Measurement*
Research Department, Bank of Norway, P.O. Box 1179, Sentrum, N-O107, Oslo, Norway
Department of Economics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1095, Blindern N-0317, Oslo, Norway
Research Department, Bank of Norway, PO. Box 1179, Sentrum, N-0107, Oslo, Norway

The nonparametric frontier methodology is applied to a sample of banks, where output levels are measured either
by the number of accounts and their average size, or by the total balances of the accounts. The efficiency rankings
of individual banks are found to depend substantially on our choice of output metric, whereas the estimated size
of potential productivity improvements in the banking sector are less affected. The results on economies of scale
are also largely unchanged.

Keywords: Bank outputs, data envelopment analysis, efficiency gains, economies of scale, efficiency ranking.

1. Introduction

The main contribution of this paper is empirical in nature. We apply a nonparametric fron-
tier methodology to a sample of banks, and measure output levels in two alternative ways.
We seek to determine whether our choice of output metric is important with respect to
three applications of frontier analysis: We analyze the efficiency distributions of banks by
considering how much total productivity in the banking sector could be improved, and
we investigate the existence of economies of scale in banking. Both issues present impor-
tant information for the design of public policy. We also consider the efficiency ranking
of individual banks, which is an important micro application of frontier analysis.
The large number of average cost studies of banking firms have focused on scale and
scope economies assuming all banks to be efficient. These studies have adopted different
ways of measuring bank output. The main alternatives have been to measure output either
by the number of accounts and their average size, or by the total balances of assets and
liabilities. The choice between these alternatives does not seem to be essential for the
qualitative characteristics of the cost functions estimated. See, for instance, the surveys
by Kolari and Zardkoohi [1987] and by Clark [1988].
We are aware of few previous studies of bank efficiency frontiers; Sherman and Gold
[1985] and Parkan [1987] have analyzed bank branches, whereas Rangan et al. [1988],
Charnes et al. [1989, 1990], Ferrier and Lovell [1990], and Berger and Humphrey [1990a,
1990b] have analyzed banking firms.
*The refereeing process of this paper was handled through S. Grosskopf.

It is interesting to note that bank output is measured in different ways in most of these
previous papers. For instance, Sherman and Gold used the number of transactions per-
formed, Rangan et al. used total balances of deposits and loans, and Ferrier and Lovell
used the number of accounts and their average size. We shall use the two latter alternatives,
which are also the main alternatives from the average cost literature, and compare the results
We adopt the same method of analysis as most previous bank efficiency studies: data
envelopment analysis (DEA). DEA is a linear programming technique for constructing
a nonparametric, piecewise linear envelope to the observed data. See e.g., Charnes and
Cooper [1985] for an excellent presentation of the DEA method as developed since 1978
by these authors and associates. We briefly present and discuss DEA in Section 2 of the
paper. In Section 3 we discuss the modelling of bank production, with special emphasis
on alternative ways of measuring bank output. Section 4 presents the data, while Section
5 characterizes the efficiency frontiers under the two alternative ways of measuring output.
We offer a few concluding remarks in Section 6.

2. Methodology

The general problem when measuring efficiency of micro units is to establish a benchmark.
The seminal article by FarreU [1957] used a convex hull in the input coefficient space, assum-
ing constant returns to scale, as the nonparametric best practice reference technology. Data
envelopment analysis (DEA) represents a generalization of the Farrell approach because
other assumptions than constant returns to scale can be accommodated within a convex
piecewise linear best practice technology (see e.g., Grosskopf [1986]).
When making a choice between parametric frontiers (pioneered by Aigner and Chu [1968],
and applied to banking cost functions in Ferrier and Lovell [1990], Berger and Humphrey
[1990a, 1990b]) and nonparametric frontiers, one should bear in mind that the functional
forms used for parametric frontiers are at best approximations to underlying production
functions. As remarke ~ by Afriat [1972], the properties of the functions "are not deliberate
empirical hypotheses, but are accidental to technical convenience of the functions." The
Farrell or DEA approach of fitting facets as close as possible to the observations seems
more appropriate when our knowledge of underlying technologies is weak. It is also a tech-
nique that can be extended quite straightforwardly to multiple outputs, and that does not
rely on price information for dual cost functions as in the parametric frontier cases referred
to above.
Measures of efficiency are based on the distance of an observation from the frontier.
This distance can in principle be measured in a number of ways, but are conventionally
restricted to either the horizontal or the vertical direction in the output-input space. Measur-
ing horizontally is here understood to mean that observed input usage is compared to the
input bundle, with observed input ratios, needed with frontier technology at observed out-
put levels. Measuring vertically means that observed outputs are compared with potential
outputs at the frontier for observed inputs, keeping the relative composition of outputs as
observed. For constant returns to scale these measures are of course identical. When the
reference technology exhibits variable returns to scale, a need for a measure of scale

efficiency arises. The benchmark is input coefficients at optimal scale. These can either
be compared with observed input coefficients or coefficients adjusted for technical ineffi-
ciency in the two ways pointed out above (see F6rsund and Hjalmarsson [1979]). This point
is further elaborated below.
It does not matter for the definition of the efficiency measures whether the reference
technology is parametric or piecewise linear. In the D E A approach the efficiency scores
are obtained directly, together with information on the reference technology. We have chosen
to concentrate on the input saving efficiency measure due to the expressed interest in the
banking sector of reducing costs. The DEA technique finds the input saving efficiency meas-
ure of a production unit by minimizing the distance from the observed point to the linear
combination of best practice units along the factor ray of observed input proportions keep-
ing outputs constant. Thus a linear programming problem is solved for each unit. Assum-
ing k inputs, rn outputs and a sample of n units, the formal problem can conveniently be
stated in the following way:

Min Eli (1)


Yzj >- yj (la)

Xzj <_ F~ljxj (lb)

zj >-- 0 (lc)


Elj is the input saving efficiency measure for unit j,

Y is the mxn matrix of outputs from all units,
yj is the mxl vector of outputs from unit j,
X is the kxn matrix of inputs for all units,
xj is the kx 1 vector of inputs for unit j,
zj is the lxn vector of intensity weights defining the linear combination of best
practice units to be compared with unit j.

The inequality (la) states that the observed outputs must be less or equal to a linear com-
bination of outputs of the best practice reference units. The next set of inequalities state
that the use of inputs at the linear combination of reference units must be less or equal
to the use of inputs of unit j adjusted to efficient operation.
As stated, problem (1) implies that the reference technology with output set P ( y ) =
{y: Yzj >- yj, Xzj <- xj, zj -> 0, j = 1, . . . , n } is restricted to constant returns to scale.
By introducing restrictions on the sum of intensity weights, D E A can accommodate either
nonincreasing returns to scale or variable unrestricted returns to scale (see Grosskopf [1986]):

zjI -< 1 (nonincreasing returns to scale) (2)


zjI = 1 (variable returns to scale) (3)

where I is the sum vector. The type of reference technology assumed is of course impor-
tant for the efficiency distributions obtained.
When allowing for variable returns to scale, measures of scale efficiency may be calculated
as described above. A convenient procedure is to establish the technical efficiency measures
both with constant and with variable returns as the reference technology, i.e., solving prob-
lem (1) both without and with the constraint (3). With respect to input saving efficiency,
the gross scale efficiency measure for the VRS technology is simply the efficiency measure
for the CRS technology. Scale efficiency corrected for technical efficiency is the ratio be-
tween the two measures. Further clarification and interpretation follow below in connec-
tion with Figure 1.
Scale inefficiency is due to either decreasing or increasing returns to scale. To determine
which case occurs, one can simply sum the weights zj from the CRS technology problem
(assuming unique solutions). Total weights exceeding one indicate decreasing returns,
whereas weights totalling to less than one indicate increasing returns to scale. ~

Out )ut



1 1

0 E N Input

Figure 1. DEA-frontiers and efficiency measures.


To illustrate how the various measures are calculated, we adapt Figure 1 from Ftrsund
and Hjalmarsson [1979] (parametric case), F~re et al. [1983] and Rangan et al. [1988] (non-
parametric case). The best practice frontier with variable returns to scale [constraint (3)
applies] is EABCD, the frontier with non-increasing returns [constraint (2) applies] is OBCD,
while the constant returns to scale frontier is the ray through B. Input saving efficiency
E 1 for the unit at K is measured as HJ/HK when the reference technology allows for
variable returns to scale, and as HI/HK when constant returns are imposed.
The gross scale efficiency measure, E3, for unit K compares the observed input coeffi-
cients with those obtained at the optimal scale (scale elasticity equal to one). In Ftrsund
and Hjalmarsson [1979] it is shown that this can be calculated as a/b. By simple geometry
we see from Figure 1 that this measure is the same as HI/HK, i.e., the input saving measure
E1 with reference to the CRS technology. This property generalizes to multiple outputs
and inputs. Correcting for technical inefficiency in the input direction, observation K is
moved to point J on the frontier. The corrected scale measure, E4, is then HI/HJ. Clearly,
E4 = E3/E1, where both measures now refer to the VRS technology.
Note the interpretation of the scale efficiency measures. 2 An E3 or E4 efficiency score
of say 0.8 means that the input coefficients at optimal scale and with frontier technology
are 80 percent of the observed input coefficients (E3) or of the coefficients corrected for
technical inefficiency (E4), when retaining the observed output and input ratios?
When solving problem (1) for the unit K in Figure 1, unit B will clearly be the only
one with a positive weight z in the reference set. The reference point is I and the weight
attributed to unit B is thus OI/OB, which is less than one. This implies that the elasticity
of scale for unit K, both evaluated at point J and at point K, must be greater than one.
This interpretation of the sum of weights z in the CRS case generalizes to multiple outputs
and inputs.
By the nature of placing the linear faceted convex lid over the observations, increasing
returns can only be experienced from the start of the output range. There must be at least
one unit at the other end of the size range that experiences constant returns. Very efficient
large units could lead to most of the reference set exhibiting constant returns, while very
efficient medium sized units divide the reference set into small units exhibiting increasing
returns and large units exhibiting decreasing returns to scale.
When the reference technology allows for variable returns to scale, units operating with
input and output quantities sufficiently far from other units at both ends of the size distribu-
tion can be identified as fully efficient simply for lack of other comparable units. Also,
increasing the number of units in the sample should lead to decreasing average levels of
efficiency due to the positive probability of including more efficient outliers. One should
keep in mind that efficiency estimates are relative measures, conditional on the sample
actually at hand.

3. Modelling Bank Production

The banking literature is divided on whether deposits should be treated as inputs or out-
puts. See, for instance, the thorough discussion by Berger and Humphrey [1990b]. The
DEA approach implicitly views banking as a number of (interdependent) activities, each

producing a technical output in the sense of Sealey and Lindley [1977]. Within that analytical
framework, deposits should be treated as outputs simply because they represent a resource-
consuming activity. This corresponds to what is sometimes called the value added approach
to bank modelling, see, e.g., Fixler [1988] and Berger and Humphrey [1990b].
In accordance with this view, we specify five banking activities, namely supplying de-
mand and time deposit services, short and long term loan services and other services (mainly
brokerage services, property management and the provision of safe deposit boxes). These
activities entail operating costs in terms of four inputs, namely labor, machines, materials
and buildings.
The costs incurred depend on the activity levels. The banking literature does not provide
a clear answer to how these levels should be measured. Although treating deposits as out-
puts is often associated with measuring activity levels by the number of accounts (see, e.g.,
Berger et al. [1987]), total balances seem equally reasonable (see, e.g., Kim [1989]). We
have already noted that the previous studies of bank efficiency have used a number of dif-
ferent output measures.
We shall investigate two of these alternatives, by carrying out parallel analyses, measur-
ing deposit and loan activities both by the ntunber of accounts and their average size, and
by the total balances. These are also the two main alternatives used in the average cost
literature. Prominent examples are Benston et al. [1983] who use the number of accounts
and their average size, and Gilligan and Smirlock [1984] who use total balances.
In both cases the efficiency concept will be the technical efficiency measure, but the
exact meaning of efficiency will differ in the two cases. If activity levels are measured
by the number of accounts and their average size, the efficiency concept will be close to
pure operating efficiency. If we measure by total balances, the efficiency concept will be
broader and include the bank's ability to influence the sizes of deposit and loan accounts.
The levels of other services will in both cases be measured by the income generated
from these services. The implicit assumptions are that income differences represent dif-
ferences in volume, i.e., equal service prices are charged by all banks, and that prices are
appropriate weights for aggregation of different services, i.e., the relative prices of differ-
ent services reflect their relative costs. The first of these assumptions is probably closer
to reality than the second one. An imperfect measure of the activity level still seems prefer-
able to ignoring this activity.
The quantity of inputs will also be measured in the same way in both cases. We use
expenditure data from the annual accounts, see below.

4. Data

Our data are the primary data from the official Norwegian Bank Statistics for 1985. That
year has been chosen because it is the only year for which data on the number of accounts
are available. Such data were collected from 121 of the total sample of 218 Norwegian banks,
subsidiaries of foreign banks not included. Among these 121 banks, 14 had given information
we found to be obviously incorrect. Data on the number of accounts are thus available
from 107 banks, whereas data on total balances are available from all 218 banks. Notice
that bank branching is permitted in Norway, and that most banks operate several branches.

Number of b a n k s

80 77




3 0 3 3 ,,
u 4 I u^ 3
1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2. Banks by size (total loans in billions NOK).

Figure 2 shows that most of the 107 banks are quite small; in fact the median bank has
only approximately 200 million NOK (30 million USD) in total loans. Only 17 banks have
total loans in excess of 1 billion N O K (150 million USD). This means that data envelop-
ment analysis based on a variable returns to scale technology, is likely to find most large
banks efficient (see the discussion in Section 3). The sample of 107 banks is unbiased in
the sense that the relative size distribution remains about the same when all 218 banks are
included. The latter distribution is therefore not shown.
The definitions of our output and input measures are given in Table 1. In principle we
should measure inputs in physical units, but that has not been possible. We have to make do
with expenditures, implicitly assuming equal input prices for all banks. We believe that this
assumption is quite close to the realities of Norwegian banking. Labor remunerations are
regulated by national wage agreements, and machines and materials are easily transportable

Table 1. The productionactivitiesof banks. Bank statistics codes in paren-

theses, see Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway [1987].
A. Activities: 1. Demand deposits. (2011+2012 +2111)
2. Time deposits. (2112+2114)
3. Short-term loans. (161+ 162+ 163 + 164+ 165)
4. Long-termloans. (166)
5. Other services. (431+433)

B. Inputs: 1. Labor. (3211+3212+3213)

2. Machines. (3311+3312+3330)
3. Materials. (334+335 +336)
4. Buildings. (3321+3322 +3411 +3412)

Table 2. The correlation between alternative measures of activity levels.

No. of accounts No. of accounts NOK volume

Average size NOK volume Average size
Demand deposits 0.02 0.97 0.10
Time deposits -0.12 0.99 -0.01
Short-term loans 0.33 0.94 0.42
Long-term loans 0.20 0.99 0.26

goods where the law of one price should approximately apply. However, building services
are measured by maintenance costs plus depreciation allowances or rental costs. This user
cost is the best measure available, even though it is not very likely to be a correct measure
of building services. We have still chosen to retain buildings as a specified input.
Table 2 is based on the sample of 107 banks. It shows for each of the deposit and loan
activities the correlation between the proposed measures of activity levels. Coefficients
above 0.16 are statistically significant at the 5% test level. Notice that the average size of
accounts is only weakly correlated with the number of accounts or the total balances of
accounts, whereas the number of accounts and total balances are highly correlated. The
latter finding is consistent with the standard result that average cost functions do not de-
pend much on which set of output measures we adopt.

5. Technical Efficiency Scores

In this section we solve for each bank in the sample of 107 the linear programming prob-
lem (1) with and without the additional constraint (3) from Section 3, for each of the two
alternative ways of measuring activity levels. Under the first alternative a bank is found to
be inefficient if we are able to construct a reference bank as a linear combination of other
banks, such that the reference bank has at least as many accounts and at least the same
average size of accounts, while using fewer inputs than the real bank. Under the second
alternative a bank is found to be inefficient if the reference bank has at least the same total
balances of each type of deposit and loan accounts, while using fewer inputs. In both cases the
reference bank must supply at least the same amount of other services as the real bank.
As an example consider two banks from the sample, with the activity levels and input
quantities listed in Table 3. The input vectors of the banks are approximately equal. Con-
sider first the case where activity levels are measured in value. Bank A's deposit and loan
activities are greater than those of bank B, whereas bank B produces more of other ser-
vices. It is still evident that bank A is the more efficient. The VRS efficiency scores generated
by data envelopment analysis are 1.00 and 0.78, respectively. Bank A is one of six banks,
whose linear combination constitutes the reference bank relative to bank B.
However, consider also the case where activity levels are measured by the number of
accounts, and their average size. The table shows that bank B has more and smaller accounts
of all four types than bank A. Bank A is no longer close to dominating bank B. In fact
both banks now obtain a VRS efficiency score equal to 1.00.

Table 3. Data from two savings banks.

Inpu~ in 1000 NOK.

Labor Machines Materials Buildings

Bank A 2472 1617 946 767

Bank B 2266 1664 1288 676

Activity levels measured in 1000 NOK.

Demand Time Short-term Long-term Other
deposits deposits loans loans services

Bank A 235927 66104 54687 126213 1

Bank B 109147 24397 33724 98795 27

Activity levels measured by the number of accounts, and the average size of accounts (NOK).
Demand Time Short-term Long-term
deposits deposits loans loans

Bank A
- number 9434 1890 1080 1998
- size 25008 34976 50636 63169
Bank B
- number 10836 2197 1354 2070
- size 10073 11104 24907 47727

The example illustrates that the efficiency scores obtained may be sensitive to our measure-
ment of activity levels. We proceed to explore the differences between the two cases.

5.1. Potential Efficiency Gains

In Figure 3 total loans are cumulated according to efficiency scores. Consider first the
case with variable returns to scale. When we measure activity levels by the number of
accounts, banks with 84 % of total loans are found to be fully efficient, as compared to
86% when we measure by total balances. The potential efficiency gains seem small. The
picture changes drastically, however, if we impose constant returns to scale. In that case
only 4% or 11%, respectively, of total loans are given in fully efficient banks. The poten-
tial savings now seem very important.
The reason for the difference in conclusions is that large banks are all fully efficient
in the variable returns to scale case. This in turn is due to the fact that there are so few
large banks and that they differ widely in size. Reference banks of comparable size are
therefore hard to construct. In the constant returns to scale case large banks are compared
with proportional blow-ups of smaller banks, and very few large banks are then found to
be efficient.
For our purpose, however, the important conclusion is that the size of the potential input
saving does not depend much on how the activity levels are measured.

Efficiency scores

,," VRS ~ ~ ,,,

0,8~ S
t-''- .... •



A c t i v i t y levels measured
by total balances
Activity levels measured
by the numberof accounts

0 1 i I I I
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
Share of total loans

Figure 3. The distribution of efficiency scores against share of total loans.

We have not investigated in depth how the efficiency scores correlate with profitability.
But as a piece of anecdotal evidence, consider two banks which met with serious economic
problems in 1988. These banks both obtain efficiency scores of 1.00 however activity levels
are measured. This indicates that inefficiency was not the main reason for their economic
problems. We should notice, however, that giving loans without using resources to deter-
mine the creditworthiness of the customers is an easy way to become efficient within our
analytical framework. We note also that the two banks are comparatively large, with total
loans between 2 and 3 billion N O K (300-500 million USD). As mentioned above, very
few banks o f that size are found to be inefficient in our sample.

5.2. Economies of Scale

Economies of scale at individual banks can be identified in the way explained in Section
3 above. The results from the sample of 107 banks are summarized in Figure 4, for the

! D Oecreaalng returns [ ] Constant returns."

[ ] Increasing returns

A: A c t i v i t y levels measured by t h e number of accounts




20 _25Z

iO0 200 300 400 700 tO00
B: A c t i v i t y levels measured In v a l u e terms
Iooz ~



20 ~ 2 S X

tO0 200 300 400 700 iO00


Figure 4. Returns to scale by size (total loans in million NOK).

two alternative measures of activity levels. When activity levels are measured by the number
of accounts, only 5 small banks experience increasing returns to scale. 28 banks have con-
stant returns, and the majority have decreasing returns. All banks with total loans in excess
of 1 billion NOK (150 million USD) show decreasing returns. The largest bank with in-
creasing returns to scale has total loans of 270 million NOK (40 million USD).
In the alternative case where activity levels are measured by total balances, the results
are not as extreme. Half of all banks are still found to experience decreasing returns to
scale. Increasing returns are only found among banks with less than 200 million NOK

(30 million USD) in total loans, whereas constant returns are found even among the largest
As pointed out in Section 3, the convexity of the frontier ensures that increasing returns
will be more frequent at smaller banks. That result can be inferred from Rangan et al.
[1988]. Ferrier and Lovell [1990] found that 85-90% of all banks (except the smallest size
class) exhibit increasing returns. But they did not find nonincreasing returns at all large
banks, as we do.
Lack of scale economies beyond a certain size is also the standard result in conventional
average cost studies. Clark [1988] states in his survey of that literature that "only two studies,
however, find significant overall economies of scale above $100 million of deposits." Recent
studies based on samples of large banks (see, e.g., Shaffer and David [1986], Shaffer [1988]
and Noulas et al. [1990]) find economies of scale at much larger banks. The critical size
found apparently depends on the size distribution of the sample. This could possibly be
explained by the fact that larger banks are involved in more activities. The specified activ-
ities thus tend to be less representative of their true activities. In the present study we have
tried to alleviate this problem by introducing other services than deposits and loans as a
separate banking activity, however this did not alter the standard conclusions on economies
of scale.
For our present purpose the important conclusion is that the two alternative ways of
measuring output generate about the same conclusion.

5. 3. Efficiency Rankings

So far we have found that the distribution of efficiency scores does not differ much in the
two cases. But the picture changes when we turn to the efficiency rankings.
First, the two approaches do not identify the same number of efficient banks. When ac-
tivity levels are measured by total balances 51 banks are found to be fully efficient, but
that number increases to 66 when activity levels are measured by the number of accounts
and their average size Further, 3 of the original 51 banks are no longer found to be effi-
cient. Second, the two approaches do not identify the same banks as being the least effi-
cient. Among the 20 banks with the lowest efficiency scores in the two cases, only 7 are
the same.
The correlation between the rankings of the banks under the two alternatives is 0.69,
which is certainly statistically significant. The correlation coefficient still confirms that
the rankings do depend on the way we measure activity levels. If we impose constant returns
to scale, the correlation between the two rankings becomes weaker, namely 0.59. The cor-
relation between the two pairs of rankings is illustrated in Figures 5A and 5B.

5.4. Increasing the Sample Size

We proceed to consider how efficiency scores are affected by expanding the sample from
107 banks where data on the number of accounts are available, to 218 banks where data
only permit measurement by total balances. In the VRS case the share of fully efficient

A. Variable returns to scale

Ranking 1
100 ............................................................................................ • ........................... 7 .....................
mm • •





'0 , I , I , I • m,m I , )
0 20 40 60 80 100

Ranking 2

B. Constant returns to scale

Ranking 1
100 ....

• • A• • • Am

60 ................................ ," :
........ ............ ,. .......... ................ . ........



I A,ALIk& • AI A, • I ) t • I
20 40 60 80 1 O0

Ranking 2

Figure 5. Efficiency rankings o f individual b a n k s w h e n b a n k output is m e a s u r e d by: 1. the n u m b e r of accounts

a n d their average size; 2. total balances.

banks now decreases from 86 % to 73 % of total loans. This still implies that the potential
efficiency gains are small.
The average efficiency score drops to 0.81 when the sample is expanded to 218 banks.
This can be compared to the average score of 0.72 reported by Rangan et al. [1988] in their
sample of 215 American banks (where output is also measured by total balances). The higher

average in our sample indicates that the efficiency spread is lower. This might perhaps
be taken as an indication that competition is a bit more severe in the Norwegian banking
market than in the segment of the American market analyzed by Rangan et al. [1988].
The number of fully efficient banks increases modestly from 51 to 59, but only half of
the efficient banks from the small sample remain efficient in the larger sample. These dif-
ferences are as we should expect.
Increasing the sample size also changes the ranking of the original 107 banks. The rank
correlation coefficient is 0.73. Considering the 20 banks with the lowest efficiency scores,
we find that only 12 of these banks are the same on both rankings. From this we conclude
that rankings within a subsample may change significantly when the size of the total sam-
ple is increased. The change in efficiency scores is most pronounced for the class of medium
sized banks where the number of banks increases the most.

6. Concluding Remarks

In this study we have found that important characteristics of the efficiency frontier for
Norwegian banking are about the same whether we choose to measure output by the number
of accounts and their average size or by the total balances of the accounts. This applies
to the size of potential efficiency gains as well as to our results on economies of scale.
The Norwegian banking market may be about to become more competitive, both because
of deregulation of the national banks, and because of entry by foreign banks. Assuming
constant returns to scale, we find that the efficiency gains from increased competition may
be substantial. Assuming variable returns, the estimated gains are more modest. A realistic
estimate is somewhere in between, which would still be substantial. The development of
a more competitive market should therefore be encouraged.
However, the banking sector is also about to become more concentrated, through mergers
and acquisitions. We do not find evidence of cost savings from increased bank size. There
is thus a case for restrictions on the concentration process in order to retain a sufficient
number of independent banks on the market.
While the efficiency frontier is not much affected, the efficiency rankings of individual
banks depend heavily on how we choose to measure bank output. As mentioned in Section
4, the interpretation of the efficiency concept will be different for different sets of output
measures. Before undertaking efficiency studies, one should therefore take great care to
clarify what kind of efficiency one wants to measure, and define output measures accordingly.
The study also reveals the sensitivity of data envelopment analysis to sample size. The
rankings within a subsample were shown to change significantly when the total sample
size was expanded.
Our findings on large banks may indicate that even the larger sample of 218 banks is
too thin in that end of the size distribution: Large banks are found to be very efficient
and to exhibit decreasing returns to scale. These two findings may be closely connected:
If with a variable returns to scale technology large banks have been found to be efficient
merely for lack of a truly efficient reference set, their true inefficiency will in the DEA
framework show up as decreasing returns to scale. This may very well be the case in our
sample. It illustrates that assumptions about technology may be quite important for the
results obtained from thin data sets.


Useful comments from Rolf F/ire and from three anonymous referees are gratefully acknowledged.
1. Rangan et al. [1988] state that one has to solve a third problem, namely (1) with constraint (2), to determine
the nature of the scale property. This approach yields consistent inferences even when solutions are not unique,
but is unnecessary in case of uniqueness.
2. Rangan et al. [1988] wrongly state that 1 - - E4 (E4 being defined as above) shows the proportional reduction
in input usage which could occur if the observation K were scale efficient. Their reference point I is in fact
outside the feasible technology. When moving to the feasible point B, which exhibits constant returns to scale,
both inputs and outputs have to change.
3. An output increasing efficiency measure E2 is equal to NK/NL and NK/NM, respectively, for the two technologies,
see F6rsund and Hjalmarsson [1979]. When correcting for inefficiency in the output direction the measure
E5 = E3/E2 corresponds to E4, with observed input and output ratios retained.


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