IEC 60079-28-2015, Explosive Atmospheres-2.0 Ed
IEC 60079-28-2015, Explosive Atmospheres-2.0 Ed
IEC 60079-28-2015, Explosive Atmospheres-2.0 Ed
Edition 2.0 2015-05
Explosive atmospheres –
Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using optical
Atmosphères explosives –
Partie 28: Protection du matériel et des systèmes de transmission utilisant le
rayonnement optique
IEC 60079-28:2015-05(en-fr)
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IEC 60079-28
Edition 2.0 2015-05
Explosive atmospheres –
Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using optical
Atmosphères explosives –
Partie 28: Protection du matériel et des systèmes de transmission utilisant le
rayonnement optique
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Attention! Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez obtenu cette publication via un distributeur agréé.
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 8
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 9
2 Normative references .................................................................................................... 10
3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................... 10
4 General requirements .................................................................................................... 13
5 Types of protection ........................................................................................................ 13
5.1 General ................................................................................................................. 13
5.2 Requirements for inherently safe optical radiation “op is” ...................................... 14
5.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 14
5.2.2 Continuous wave radiation ............................................................................. 14
5.2.3 Pulsed radiation ............................................................................................. 18
5.2.4 Ignition tests .................................................................................................. 19
5.2.5 Over-power/energy fault protection ................................................................ 19
5.3 Requirements for protected optical radiation “op pr” .............................................. 20
5.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 20
5.3.2 Radiation inside optical fibre or cable ............................................................ 20
5.3.3 Radiation inside enclosures ........................................................................... 21
5.4 Optical system with interlock “op sh” ..................................................................... 21
6 Type verifications and tests ........................................................................................... 22
6.1 Test set-up for ignition tests .................................................................................. 22
6.1.1 General ......................................................................................................... 22
6.1.2 Test vessel .................................................................................................... 22
6.1.3 Criteria to determine ignition .......................................................................... 23
6.2 Verification of suitability of test set-up for type tests ............................................. 23
6.2.1 Reference gas ............................................................................................... 23
6.2.2 Reference absorber ....................................................................................... 23
6.2.3 Reference test for continuous wave radiation and pulses above 1 s
duration ......................................................................................................... 23
6.2.4 Reference test for pulsed radiation below 1 ms pulse duration ....................... 23
6.3 Type tests ............................................................................................................. 24
6.3.1 Ignition tests with continuous wave radiation and pulses above 1 s
duration ......................................................................................................... 24
6.3.2 Ignition tests with single pulses less than 1 ms duration ................................ 24
6.3.3 Tests for pulse trains and pulses from 1 ms to 1 s duration ............................ 24
6.3.4 Absorber targets for type tests ....................................................................... 24
6.3.5 Test acceptance criteria and safety factors .................................................... 25
7 Marking ......................................................................................................................... 25
Annex A (informative) Reference test data ........................................................................... 27
Annex B (informative) Ignition mechanisms .......................................................................... 28
Annex C (normative) Ignition hazard assessment ................................................................. 33
Annex D (informative) Typical optical fibre cable design ...................................................... 35
Annex E (normative) Flow diagram for the assessment of pulses ......................................... 36
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 37
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 –3–
Figure 1 – Optical ignition delay times and safe boundary curve with safety factor of 2 ........ 22
Figure B.1 – Minimum radiant igniting power with inert absorber target (α 1064
nm =83 %, α 805 nm =93 %) and continuous wave-radiation of 1064 nm ................................. 31
Figure B.2 – Minimum radiant igniting power with inert absorber target
(α 1 064 nm=83 %, α 805 nm=93 %) and continuous wave-radiation (PTB: 1064 nm,
HSL: 805 nm, [8]: 803 nm) for some n-alkanes ..................................................................... 32
Figure C.1 – Ignition hazard assessment .............................................................................. 33
Figure D.1 – Example Multi-Fibre Optical Cable Design For Heavy Duty Applications ........... 35
Figure D.2 – Typical Single Optical Fibre Cable Design ........................................................ 35
Figure E.1 – Flow diagram for the assessment of pulses according to 5.2.3 .......................... 36
Table 1 – EPLs achieved by application of types of protection for optical systems ................ 13
Table 2 – Safe optical power and irradiance for Group I and II equipment, categorized
by Equipment Group and temperature class .......................................................................... 15
Table 3 – Safe optical power and irradiance for Group III equipment ..................................... 15
Table 4 – Safe limit values for intermediate area, Group I or II, constant power, T1 –
T4 atmospheres, equipment Groups IIA, IIB or IIC (Data derived from Figure B.1
including a safety factor) ....................................................................................................... 16
Table A.1 – Reference values for ignition tests with a mixture of propane in air at
40 °C mixture temperature .................................................................................................... 27
Table B.1 – AIT (auto ignition temperature), MESG (maximum experimental safe gap)
and measured ignition powers of the chosen combustibles for inert absorbers as the
target material (α 1 064 nm =83 %, α 805 nm =93) .................................................................. 30
Table B.2 – Comparison of measured minimum igniting optical pulse energy
(Q e,p i,min ) at 90 µm beam diameter with auto ignition temperatures (AIT) and
minimum ignition energies (MIE) from literature [9] at concentrations in percent by
volume (ϕ) ............................................................................................................................ 32
–4– IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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International Standard IEC 60079-28 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 31:
Equipment for explosive atmospheres.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2006, and constitutes
a technical revision.
The significance of the changes between IEC 60079-28, Edition 2.0 (2015) and IEC 60079-28,
Edition 1.0 (2006), is as listed below:
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 –5–
Significant Changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
Scope: Expansion to include Group III and EPLs Da, Db and x
Scope: Clarification and list of exclusions for optical 1 x
radiation sources
Normative references: Deletion of IEC 60079-10, and 2 x
addition of IEC 60050-426 and 60050-731
Terms and definitions: Some definitions not used in the 3 x
standard deleted. New definitions added.
General requirements: Introduction of an ignition hazard 4 x
assessment moved to 4, statement for presence of
absorbers added, Explanation of EPLs deleted
Table 1: EPLs versus protection types moved from 5.5 to 5.1 x x
5.1, table modified and extended
Structure of Table 2 changed and extended explanation in x
the notes, but with the same limit values
Table 3 for Group III added x
Table 4 replaces Figure 1 for better application x
Detailed requirements for the measurement of optical power x
Detailed requirements for the measurement of optical x
irradiance added
Requirements for the assessment of optical pulses for x
Group II much more detailed
Requirements for the assessment of optical pulses for x
Group I and Group III added
Ignition tests: Notes 1 and 2 added 5.2.4 x
Over-power/energy fault protection: Title changed and 5.2.5 x
wording modified for clarity
Radiation inside optical fibre or cable: requirements added, 5.3.2 C1
e.g. pull test
Radiation inside enclosures: IP 6X enclosures, “p” or “t” 5.3.3 x
enclosures added
Optical system with interlock “op sh” 5.4 x
Table 3 deleted, Figure 1 with interlock cutoff delay times
Type verifications and tests: structure changed (editorial, 6 x
without changing the requirements)
Marking: markings required by IEC 60079-0 deleted. 7 x
Examples of marking: example with combination of op is
with other types of protection added
Ignition hazard assessment: Flow chart in Figure C.1 Annex C x
modified for better understanding
Old Annex E (Introduction of EPLs) deleted. New Annex E Annex E x
provides a flow chart for the assessment of pulses
according to 5.2.3
Relevant IEC-Standards moved to Clause 2 Formerly x
Annex F
–6– IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
A list of all parts in the IEC 60079 series, published under the general title Explosive
atmospheres, can be found on the IEC website.
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 –7–
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under "" in the data
related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
IMPORTANT – The 'colour inside' logo on the cover page of this publication indicates
that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct
understanding of its contents. Users should therefore print this document using a
colour printer.
–8– IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
Optical equipment in the form of lamps, lasers, LEDs, optical fibers etc. is increasingly used
for communications, surveying, sensing and measurement. In material processing, optical
radiation of high irradiance is used. Where the installation is inside or close to explosive
atmospheres, the radiation from such equipment may pass through these atmospheres.
Depending on the characteristics of the radiation it might then be able to ignite a surrounding
explosive atmosphere. The presence or absence of an additional absorber, such as particles,
significantly influences the ignition.
a) Optical radiation is absorbed by surfaces or particles, causing them to heat up, and under
certain circumstances this may allow them to attain a temperature which will ignite a
surrounding explosive atmosphere.
b) Thermal ignition of a gas volume, where the optical wavelength matches an absorption
band of the gas or vapour.
c) Photochemical ignition due to photo dissociation of oxygen molecules by radiation in the
ultraviolet wavelength range.
d) Direct laser induced breakdown of the gas or vapour at the focus of a strong beam,
producing plasma and a shock wave both eventually acting as ignition source. These
processes can be supported by a solid material close to the breakdown point.
The most likely case of ignition occurring in practice with lowest radiation power of ignition
capability is case a). Under some conditions for pulsed radiation case d) also will become
relevant. These two cases are addressed in this standard. Although one should be aware of
ignition mechanism b) and c) explained above, they are not addressed in this standard due to
the very special situation with ultraviolet radiation and with the absorption properties of most
gases (see Annex A).
This standard describes precautions and requirements to be taken when using optical
radiation transmitting equipment in explosive gas or dust atmospheres. It also outlines a test
method, which can be used in special cases to verify that a beam is not ignition capable under
selected test conditions, if the optical limit values cannot be guaranteed by assessment or
beam strength measurement.
There is equipment outside the scope of this standard because the optical radiation
associated with this equipment is considered not to be a risk of ignition for the following
In most cases the optical equipment is associated with electrical equipment and where the
electrical equipment is located in a hazardous area then other parts of the IEC 60079 series
will also apply. This standard provides guidance for:
This standard is related to the integrated system used to control the ignition hazard from
equipment using optical radiation in explosive atmospheres.
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 –9–
1 Scope
This part of IEC 60079 specifies the requirements, testing and marking of equipment emitting
optical radiation intended for use in explosive atmospheres. It also covers equipment located
outside the explosive atmosphere or protected by a Type of Protection listed in IEC 60079-0,
but which generates optical radiation that is intended to enter an explosive atmosphere. It
covers Groups I, II and III, and EPLs Ga, Gb, Gc, Da, Db, Dc, Ma and Mb.
This standard contains requirements for optical radiation in the wavelength range from
380 nm to 10 µm. It covers the following ignition mechanisms:
• Optical radiation is absorbed by surfaces or particles, causing them to heat up, and under
certain circumstances this may allow them to attain a temperature which will ignite a
surrounding explosive atmosphere.
• In rare special cases, direct laser induced breakdown of the gas at the focus of a strong
beam, producing plasma and a shock wave both eventually acting as ignition source.
These processes can be supported by a solid material close to the breakdown point.
NOTE 1 See a) and d) of the introduction.
This standard does not cover ignition by ultraviolet radiation and by absorption of the radiation
in the explosive mixture itself. Explosive absorbers or absorbers that contain their own
oxidizer as well as catalytic absorbers are also outside the scope of this standard.
This standard specifies requirements for equipment intended for use under atmospheric
This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a
requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of
this standard takes precedence.
This standard applies to optical fibre equipment and optical equipment, including LED and
laser equipment, with the exception of the equipment detailed below:
1) Non-array divergent LEDs used for example to show equipment status or backlight
2) All luminaires (fixed, portable or transportable), hand lights and caplights; intended to be
supplied by mains (with or without galvanic isolation) or powered by batteries:
– with continuous divergent light sources (for all EPLs),
– with LED light sources (for EPL Gc or Dc only).
NOTE 2 Continuous divergent LED light sources for other than EPL Gc or Dc are not excluded from the
standard due to the uncertainty of potential ignition concerns regarding high irradiance.
3) Optical radiation sources for EPL Mb, Gb or Gc and Db or Dc applications which comply
with Class 1 limits in accordance with IEC 60825-1.
NOTE 3 The referenced Class 1 limits are those that involve emission limits below 15 mW measured at a
distance from the optical radiation source in accordance with IEC 60825-1, with this measured distance
reflected in the Ex application.
4) Single or multiple optical fibre cables not part of optical fibre equipment if the cables:
– 10 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
– comply with the relevant industrial standards, along with additional protective means,
e.g. robust cabling, conduit or raceway (for EPL Gb, Db, Mb, Gc or Dc),
– comply with the relevant industrial standards (for EPL Gc or Dc).
5) Enclosed equipment involving an enclosure that fully contains the optical radiation and
that complies with a suitable type of protection as required by the involved EPL, with the
enclosure complying with one of the following conditions:
– An enclosure for which an ignition due to optical radiation in combination with
absorbers inside the enclosure would be acceptable such as flameproof "d" enclosures
(IEC 60079-1), or
– An enclosure for which protection regarding ingress of an explosive gas atmosphere is
provided, such as pressurized "p" enclosures (IEC 60079-2), restricted breathing “nR”
enclosure (IEC 60079-15), or
– An enclosure for which protection regarding ingress of an explosive dust atmosphere is
provided, such as dust protection "t" enclosures" (IEC 60079-31), or
– An enclosure for which protection regarding ingress of absorbers is provided (such as
IP 6X enclosures) and where no internal absorbers are to be expected.
NOTE 4 For these scope exclusions based on enclosure constructions, it is anticipated that the enclosures are
not opened in the explosive atmosphere, so that ingress is protected.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and
are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
IEC 60079-11, Explosive atmospheres – Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
IEC 60079-15, Explosive atmospheres – Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection
IEC 60825-2, Safety of laser products – Part 2: Safety of optical fibre communication systems
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60050-426,
IEC 60050-731, IEC 60079-0 and the following apply.
in a propagation medium, the conversion of electromagnetic wave energy into another form of
energy, for instance heat
beam diameter (or beam width)
distance between two diametrically opposed points where the irradiance is a specified fraction
of the beam's peak irradiance
Note 1 to entry: Most commonly applied to beams that are circular or nearly circular in cross section.
beam strength
optical beam’s power, irradiance, energy, or radiant exposure
central region of an optical fibre through which most of the optical power is transmitted
dielectric material of an optical fibre surrounding the core
fibre bundle
assembly of unbuffered optical fibres
fibre optic terminal device
assembly including one or more opto-electronic devices which converts an electrical signal
into an optical signal, and/or vice versa, which is designed to be connected to at least one
optical fibre
Note 1 to entry: A fibre optic terminal device always has one or more integral fibre optic connector(s) or optical
fibre pigtail(s).
optical radiation types of protection
inherently safe optical radiation
“op is”
visible or infrared radiation that is incapable of producing sufficient energy under normal or
specified fault conditions to ignite a specific explosive atmosphere
Note 1 to entry: This definition is analogous to the term “intrinsically safe” applied to electrical circuits.
protected optical radiation
“op pr”
visible or infrared radiation that is confined inside optical fibre or other transmission medium
under normal constructions or constructions with additional mechanical protection based on
the assumption that there is no escape of radiation from the confinement
– 12 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
optical system with interlock
“op sh”
system to confine visible or infrared radiation inside optical fibre or other transmission
medium with interlock cut-off provided to reliably reduce the unconfined beam strength to safe
levels within a specified time in case the confinement fails and the radiation becomes
DEPRECATED: intensity
radiant power incident on an element of a surface divided by the area of that element
light (or visible radiation)
optical radiation capable of causing a visual sensation directly on a human being
Note 1 to entry: Nominally covering the wavelength in vacuum range of 380 nm to 800 nm.
Note 2 to entry: In the laser and optical communication fields, custom and practice in the English language have
extended usage of the term light to include the much broader portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be
handled by the basic optical techniques used for the visible spectrum.
optical fibre
filament shaped optical waveguide made of dielectric materials
optical fibre cable
assembly comprising one or more optical fibres or fibre bundles inside a common covering
designed to protect them against mechanical stresses and other environmental influences
while retaining the transmission qualities of the fibres
optical (or radiant) power
rate of flow of radiant energy with time
optical radiation
electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths in vacuum between the region of transition to X-rays
and the region of transition to radio waves, that is approximately between 1 nm and 1000 µm
Note 1 to entry: In the context of this standard, the term “optical” refers to wavelengths ranging from 380 nm to
10 µm.
protected optical fibre cable
optical fibre cable protected from releasing optical radiation into the atmosphere during
normal operating conditions and foreseeable malfunctions by additional armouring, conduit,
cable tray or raceway
radiant exposure
radiant energy incident on an element of a surface divided by the area of that element
4 General requirements
Electrical equipment and electrical Ex Components (e.g. fibre optic terminal devices) shall
comply with one or more of the specific electrical equipment protection technique standards
listed in IEC 60079-0 suitable for the application if intended to be installed inside the
hazardous area.
5 Types of protection
5.1 General
Three types of protection can be applied to prevent ignitions by optical radiation in explosive
atmospheres. These types of protection encompass the entire optical system.
Where the ignition hazard assessment given in Annex C shows that ignition due to optical
radiation may be possible, the principles of using the types of protection shown in Table 1
shall be applied.
5.2.1 General
Inherently safe optical radiation means that the visible or infrared radiation is incapable of
supplying sufficient energy under normal or specified fault conditions to ignite a specific
explosive atmosphere. The concept is a beam strength limitation approach to safety. Ignition
by an optically irradiated target absorber requires the least amount of energy, power, or
irradiance of the identified ignition mechanisms in the visible and infrared spectrum. The
inherently safe concept applies to unconfined radiation and does not require maintaining an
absorber-free environment. General
Either optical power or optical irradiance shall not exceed the values listed in Table 2, Table 3
and Table 4, categorized by equipment group and temperature class.
– For irradiated surface areas above 400 mm 2 , the maximum temperature measured on the
irradiated surface shall be used to establish the temperature class, with no limit on
irradiance. The temperature measurement shall consider the possibility of non-
homogeneous beam strength.
– For limited irradiated areas not greater than 130 mm 2 , maximum radiated power values
other than those as permitted by Table 2 for temperature classes T1, T2, T3 and T4 and
Groups IIA, IIB or IIC are detailed in Table 4.
– Passing the ignition tests in accordance to with 5.2.4.
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 15 –
Table 2 – Safe optical power and irradiance for Group I and II equipment,
categorized by Equipment Group and temperature class
mW mW/mm 2
No limit to the involved
≤ 150 IIA with T1, T2 or T3, and I
irradiated area
IIA, IIB independent of T-
No limit to the involved
≤ 35 Class, IIC with T1, T2, T3
irradiated area
or T4, and I
No limit to the involved
≤ 15 All atmospheres
irradiated area
Irradiated areas limited to
≤ 20 IIA with T1, T2 or T3, and I
≤ 30 mm 2
No limit to the involved
≤5 All atmospheres
irradiated area
NOTE The applicable optical power or optical irradiance values listed in this table are based on the subdivision
of the equipment group (gas group) and the temperature class since the ignition process by small hot particles
depends on both the subdivision and the temperature class of the explosive mixture. This is independent from the
(electrical) equipment group and temperature class associated with the assessment of the electrical equipment. It
is therefore important to realize that the meaning of the term ‘temperature class’ is not the same for optical
radiation protection technique, “op is”, as it is for other applicable electrical equipment protection techniques
(such as for flameproof enclosures, “d”, or intrinsically safe apparatus, “i”).
For “op is”, the use of the term ‘temperature class’ when applying this table does not relate to the maximum
temperature measured on the equipment. Instead, it relates to the ignition properties of the gases associated with
the various equipment groups. Therefore, for IIA and IIB equipment, T5 and T6 temperature classes are not
applicable, as there are no IIA or IIB gases that have T5 or T6 auto-ignition temperatures. Similarly, for IIC
equipment, there are no IIC gases with T5 auto-ignition temperatures, and carbon disulfide is the only IIC gas
with a T6 auto-ignition temperature.
So, when applying this table for IIB equipment, there is only one option for optical power or optical irradiance
values, T1 to T4. However, for IIA, the manufacturer would indicate an “op is” temperature class for the involved
equipment group gases relating to the intended end-installation application either of T1 to T3 or of T4. Similarly,
for IIC, the manufacturer would either indicate T1 to T4, or indicate T6 if carbon disulfide is included in the
intended end-installation application.
Table 3 – Safe optical power and irradiance for Group III equipment
Table 4 – Safe limit values for intermediate area, Group I or II, constant power,
T1 – T4 atmospheres, equipment Groups IIA, IIB or IIC (Data derived
from Figure B.1 including a safety factor)
< 4 * 10 –3 35
≥ 4 * 10 –3 40
≥ 1,8 * 10 –2 52
≥ 4 * 10 –2 60
≥ 0,2 80
≥ 0,8 100
≥ 2,9 115
≥8 200
≥ 70 400
For irradiated areas equal to or above 130 mm 2 the irradiance limit of 5 mW/mm 2 applies
1) The actual driver circuitry is used to power the optical device, with maximum optical power
measured under fault conditions in accordance with the over-power / energy fault
protection criteria according to 5.2.5 and the respective EPL at ambient temperature
between 21 °C and 25 °C. If the optical power is higher at the foreseen ambient
temperature range of the equipment, the measured value at room temperature shall be
adjusted according to the temperature coefficient taken from the data sheet. If no
information is given in the data sheet then the measurement shall be done additionally in
the lowest and highest values of the temperature range specified for the equipment.
Separate samples shall be taken for each of the 3 tests if the optical device is subjected
to input parameters which are higher than its maximum rating. The number of test
samples depends upon the number of fault conditions to be applied.
2) The maximum input parameters to the optical device from the actual driver circuitry are
calculated based on analysis of the driver circuitry schematic. This analysis shall include
consideration of fault conditions in accordance with the over-power / energy fault
protection criteria according to 5.2.5 and the respective EPL. One test sample of the
optical device without the driver circuitry is then connected to a separate variable source
of supply and subjected to input parameters equal to the maximum calculated input
parameter values. Maximum optical power is measured with the optical device at ambient
temperature between 21 °C and 25 °C. If the optical power is higher at the foreseen
ambient temperature range of the equipment, the measured value at room temperature
shall be adjusted due to the temperature coefficient taken from the data sheet. If no
information is given in the data sheet then the measurement shall be done additionally in
the lowest and highest values of the temperature range specified for the equipment.
Separate samples shall be taken for each of the 3 tests if the optical device is subjected
to input parameters which are higher than its maximum rating.
3) The actual driver circuitry is replaced with a separate variable source of supply. This
source of supply is then used to provide variable inputs to the optical device, with
maximum optical power measured. No faults are considered. Ten samples of the optical
device are to be tested at ambient temperature between 21 °C and 25 °C. The maximum
optical power is then taken from the highest power that can be measured at the ten
samples before the optical device shuts down or folds back.
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 17 –
NOTE When the actual driver circuitry is replaced with a separate variable source of supply, the maximum
optical power is the power that can be measured before the optical device shuts down or folds back. Under
such shut down or fold back conditions, there is the potential for significant variance between multiple samples
of the same optical device. To address this issue, 10 samples of the optical device are tested to identify the
maximum optical power. Such variance is not an issue when evaluating the optical device with its actual driver
4) Calculation of maximum optical power based on the electrical power supplied to the
optical device as described in 2). For the optical output values the data sheet
specifications shall be taken into account, together with the calculated power supplied,
and if applicable distances provided by construction from the radiating surface.
– An optical detector (e.g semiconductor sensor for nearly monochromatic radiation − optical
power meter − or thermopile sensor for non-monochromatic or spectrally variable optical
sources) is used to measure the optical power.
– The optical detector shall be positioned at a reasonable distance from the output of the
optical device such that the entire beam diameter is captured, while being in accordance
with the instructions for the optical detector. Alternatively, for optical devices recessed a
given distance within an enclosure that does not contain the optical radiation, the optical
detector may be positioned this given distance from the optical device. This alternative
approach requires that the enclosure complies with recognized types of protection for
electrical apparatus designed to contain an internal ignition (such as a flameproof "d"
enclosure) according to IEC 60079-1, or where it is not expected there are absorbing
targets inside the enclosure according to the ignition hazard assessment (such as an IP
6X enclosure, a pressurized "p" enclosure, restricted breathing “nR” enclosure, etc.).”
– The maximum measured optical power value shall be less than or equal to the applicable
maximum optical power value from Table 2, Table 3 or Table 4 respectively.
If the maximum measured optical power value is not less than or equal to the applicable
maximum optical power value from Table 2, Table 3 or Table 4 then an evaluation can be
performed to determine compliance with the requirements for ‘Optical irradiance’ (see
1) A limiting aperture of not more than 100 mm 2 shall be initially positioned such that the
midpoint of the aperture is centred on the beam from the optical device.
2) The size of the limiting aperture shall be less than the beam width so that the optical
radiation is partially blocked and does not exceed 100 mm 2 .
3) The limiting aperture shall be positioned at the closest point of access to the output of the
optical device. Alternatively, for optical devices recessed a given distance within the
enclosure, the limiting aperture can be positioned this given distance from the optical
device. This alternative approach requires that the enclosure complies with recognized
types of protection for electrical apparatus designed to contain an internal ignition (such
as a flameproof "d" enclosure according to IEC 60079-1), or where it is not to be expected
that there are absorbing targets inside the enclosure according to the ignition hazard
assessment (such as an IP 6X enclosure, pressurized "p" enclosure, restricted breathing
“nR” enclosure, etc).
4) An optical detector (e.g. semiconductor sensor for monochromatic radiation – optical
power meter – or thermopile sensor for non-monochromatic or spectrally variable optical
sources) with a wider detection area than the limiting aperture is used to measure the
maximum optical power passing through the limiting aperture.
– 18 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
5) These maximum optical power measurements are to be made with the limiting aperture
centred on the beam and also while moving the aperture along the radiation field in case
the beam power is not homogeneous.
6) Maximum optical irradiance is then calculated based on the maximum measured optical
power through the limiting aperture divided by the area of the limiting aperture.
7) The maximum calculated optical irradiance value shall be less than or equal to the
applicable maximum irradiance value from Table 2, Table 3 or Table 4.
In cases where the beam strength is not homogenous in the beam cross section area,
measurements of the optical power with an aperture of up to 100 mm 2 shall be made to
determine the maximum irradiance value.
If the maximum calculated optical irradiance value is not less than the applicable maximum
irradiance value from Table 2, Table 3 or Table 4, then an evaluation can be performed to
determine compliance with the requirements for ‘Optical power’ (see General
Optical pulse duration for Ga, Gb, Da, Db, Ma or Mb equipment shall be measured under
faults in accordance with the over-power/energy fault protection criteria required for ‘Optical
devices incorporating the inherently safe concept’. An electrical oscilloscope may be used to
measure the pulse duration of the voltage at the input to the optical device under each fault
The flow diagram in Annex E shows the assessment procedure for Group II.
For optical pulse duration of less than 1 ms, as determined in accordance with the applicable
equipment protection level, the optical pulse energy shall not exceed the minimum spark
ignition energy (MIE) of the respective explosive gas atmosphere.
For optical pulse duration from 1 ms to 1 s inclusive, as determined in accordance with the
applicable equipment protection level, an optical pulse energy equal to 10 times the MIE of
the explosive gas atmosphere shall not be exceeded.
For a single pulse, optical pulse energy is equal to the product of the average power and the
optical pulse duration of that single pulse.
NOTE In accordance with the ‘Comparison of measured minimum igniting optical pulse energy (Qe,pi,min) at
90 µm beam diameter with auto ignition temperatures (AIT) and minimum ignition energies (MIE) from literature
Table B.2, the applicable minimum spark ignition energy (MIE) is based on the equipment group subdivision.
For optical pulse durations greater than 1 s, the peak power shall be measured in accordance
with the ‘Continuous wave radiation’ requirements, and shall not exceed the safety levels for
continuous wave radiation (see 5.2.2, Table 2 or Table 4). Regardless of the involved EPL,
such pulses are considered as continuous wave radiation. Additional requirements for optical pulse trains for Group II equipment
For optical pulse trains involving pulse duration less than or equal to 1 s, the following
1) For all repetition rates, compliance with the single pulse criterion applies for each pulse.
2) For repetition rates above 100 Hz, the average power shall not exceed the safety levels
for continuous wave radiation in Table 2 or Table 4.
3) For repetition rates at or below 100 Hz, the average power shall not exceed the safety
levels for continuous wave radiation in Table 2 or Table 4 unless demonstrated to not
cause ignition by tests according to Clause 6. Additional requirements for optical pulses for Group I and Group III
The output parameters of optical sources of equipment for EPL Ma or Mb and Da or Db shall
not exceed 0.1 mJ/mm 2 for pulse lasers or pulse light sources with pulse intervals of at least
5 s.
The output parameters of optical sources of equipment of EPL Dc shall not exceed
0,5 mJ/mm for pulse lasers or pulse light sources.
Radiation sources with pulse intervals of less than 5 s are regarded as continuous wave
Ignition tests to demonstrate inherent safety may be performed for Group II in special cases
such as:
• beams of intermediate dimensions or pulse duration that may exceed the minimum optical
ignition criteria but are still incapable of causing ignition;
• beams with complex time waveforms such that pulse energies and/or average power are
not easily resolved;
• specific atmospheres, targets, or other specific applications that are demonstrably less
severe than test conditions studied to date.
NOTE 1 These tests will be used only in very rare cases since they are quite expensive and require special test
equipment. Not all testing stations working with this standard will have the necessary test equipment for ignition
The test shall be done as specified in Clause 6 with 10 samples of the optical radiation source
under worst case ambient conditions. The test is passed if there is no ignition during the
10 tests.
NOTE 2 Ignition tests for Group I and III are currently not specified. General
Optical devices incorporating the inherently safe concept shall provide over-power/energy
fault protection to prevent excessive beam strengths in explosive atmospheres. The
risk/hazard analysis shall determine if additional limitation is required. The failure modes of
– 20 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
the optical source, the driver circuitry, and the intended EPL shall be considered during
normal operation and during fault conditions to determine the requirement for additional
Optical sources such as laser diodes, light-emitting diodes (LED) or lamps will fail if over-
heated under over-power fault conditions. The thermal failure characteristic of certain optical
sources provides the necessary over-power fault protection if a test of 10 samples shows that
a defined fail-safe shutdown or foldback will occur (see and The highest
obtained optical output power value of the 10 samples is to be taken as the maximum power
or irradiance value. The thermal failure characteristic of such low power optical sources is
acceptable to provide adequate over-power protection for any EPL.
Where the beam strength of the optical device is limited by the driver circuitry, the faults to be
considered apply to that circuitry and not to the optical device itself.
An LED current limited by the driver circuitry to values within the data sheet specifications is
not considered to exceed the maximum forward voltage given in the data sheet for that
Faults to be considered include the opening or shorting of any component that could impact
the beam strength of the optical device. Printed wiring board traces need not be considered
for shorting because they comply with the creepage distance, clearance or through solid
insulation requirements of the relevant general industrial standard.
Electrical circuits such as current and/or voltage limiters placed between the optical source
and the electrical power source may provide over-power fault protection. Electrical over-power
fault protection shall be provided to the degree necessary for the intended EPL (see e.g.
IEC 60079-11 for an example methodology for conducting the fault analysis, but other
methodologies may also be applied). For Ga, Da or Ma equipment, current and/or voltage
limiters shall provide over-power fault protection in normal operation and after one or two
countable faults are applied to the current and/or voltage limiter. For Gb, Db or Mb equipment,
over-power fault protection shall be provided in normal operation and after one countable fault
is applied to the current and/or voltage limiter. For Gc or Dc equipment the rated electrical
values shall be taken without assuming any fault.
5.3.1 General
This concept requires radiation to be confined inside optical fibre or other transmission
medium based on the assumption that there is no escape of radiation from the confinement.
In this case the performance of the confinement defines the safety level of the system, “op
pr”. Safety levels that are applicable include EPL Gb or Gc and Db or Dc and Mb. (see
Table 1). Two options may be used, either 5.3.2 or 5.3.3.
All optical components shall be suitable for the ratings and temperature range for which they
are used.
NOTE It is not a requirement of this standard that conformity to the specification of the components be verified.
The optical fibre or cable protects the release of optical radiation into the atmosphere during
normal operating conditions. For EPL Gb, Db or Mb protected optical fibre cables shall be
used provided by additional armouring, conduit, cable tray, or raceway. For optical fibres or
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 21 –
cables, that exit the end-equipment enclosure, a pull test shall be performed according to
IEC 60079-11.
Internal or external cables can be terminated/ spliced from one fibre (from a cable) to another
fibre (in a new cable) by using dedicated coupler or joining kits giving a fixed termination. For
external termination/splicing, the cable connection shall provide equivalent mechanical
strength to that of the cable. The procedure to perform field connections shall be detailed in
the instructions.
For EPL Gc or Dc optical fibre or cables and internal pluggable factory connections that
comply with the applicable industrial standard are suitable. External optical fibre or cable field
connections shall comply with the external plug and socket outlet requirements from
IEC 60079-0 suitable for the EPL.
For EPL Gb, Db or Mb, optical fibre or cables connected via internal pluggable factory
connections shall comply with the pluggable connections requirements from IEC 60079-15.
External optical fibre or cable field connections shall comply with the external plug and socket
outlet requirements from IEC 60079-0 for the required EPL.
Ignition capable radiation inside enclosures is acceptable if the enclosure complies with
recognised types of protection for electrical equipment designed to contain an internal ignition
(flameproof "d" enclosure) according to IEC 60079-1, or where it is not to be expected that
there are absorbing targets inside the enclosure according to the ignition hazard assessment
(such as an IP 6X enclosure, pressurized "p" enclosure, restricted breathing “nR” enclosure,
dust ignition protection by enclosure "t" etc.). It shall, however, be considered, that any non-
inherently safe radiation that may leave the enclosure has to be protected according to this
This type of protection is also applicable when the radiation is not inherently safe. The
concept requires radiation to be confined inside an optical fibre or other transmission medium
based on the assumption that there is no escape of radiation from the confinement under
normal operating conditions.
Depending on the EPL, “op sh” requires the application of “op pr” principles, along with an
additional interlock cutoff, as follows (see also Table 1):
– For Ga, Da or Ma “op sh” applications, protected fibre optic cable “op pr” for Gb/Db/Mb,
along with a shutdown functional safety system based on ignition delay time of the
explosive gas atmosphere, is required.
– For Gb, Db or Mb “op sh” applications, protected fibre optic cable “op pr” for Gc/Dc, along
with a shutdown functional safety system based on eye protection delay times (IEC 60825-
2), is required.
– For Gc or Dc “op sh” applications, unprotected fibre optic cable (not “op pr”), along with a
shutdown functional safety system based on eye protection delay times (IEC 60825-2), is
The interlock cut-off shall operate if the protection by the confinement fails and the radiation
becomes unconfined on time scales shorter than the ignition delay time or the delay time for
eye protection.
– 22 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
The interlock cut-off delay time of equipment for use for Group I, Group IIA temperature class
T1 and Group IIA temperature class T2 shall be less than the boundary curve of Figure 1
represented by the curve fit to minimum ignition delays with a safety factor of 2 included.
NOTE Ignition delay times are only identified for Group I, Group IIA temperature class T1 and Group IIA
temperature class T2 in Figure 1. Therefore ignition delay times for other Group IIA applications or for any Group
IIB and Group IIC applications necessitate additional testing and documentation to establish suitable times.
Ignition delay,
t = 0,0149p -1,989
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
Optical power, W
The interlock cut-off shall be required to perform according to the requirements defined by the
risk analysis. The methods given in appropriate standards (e.g. IEC 61508, IEC 61511) may
be used to analyse equipment performance for the appropriate safety level. According to
Table 1 the shutdown system is required to operate safely with one fault.
6.1.1 General
All gas-air-mixtures within the test vessel shall be maintained during the test at a temperature
of 40 (±3) °C, or at the maximum temperature of the specific application.
All gas-air-mixtures within the test vessel shall be maintained at an ambient pressure in
accordance with IEC 60079-0.
A test vessel shall be used with a diameter greater than 150 mm, and a height above the
absorber target (potential ignition source) greater than 200 mm.
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 23 –
To check whether the test set-up is suitable for type tests according to 6.3, ignition tests shall
involve a propane-air-mixture in accordance with the following:
• For continuous wave radiation and for pulsed wave radiation above 1 s duration: propane-
air-mixture of either 5 % or 4 % by volume, quiescent mixture.
• For pulsed wave radiation equal to or less than 1 s and for all pulse trains: propane-air-
mixture of 4 % by volume, quiescent mixture.
See Table A.1 for additional background on the application of the propane-air-mixture.
If the set-up is used only for either continuous wave or pulsed radiation, only the applicable of
the two reference tests is necessary.
NOTE Experiments show that for pulses in the micro and nanosecond range a carbon black absorber gives the
lowest igniting pulse energies (absorption 99 %, combustible, high decomposition temperature) [1,4,6 1].
6.2.3 Reference test for continuous wave radiation and pulses above 1 s duration
The irradiated reference absorber shall be physically and chemically inert for the duration of
the test. The absorber needs to have very high absorption to act as nearly a black body. The
set-up shall be tested with the reference gas and absorber at 40 °C ± 5 K. For the testing of
fibre optics, the absorber shall be applied to the fibre tip in a very thin layer (approximately
10 µm) (e.g. applied as a powder in suspension and dried afterwards). The reference values
are given in Table A.1. The test setup is acceptable if the achieved ignition values are not
more than 20 % above the data from Table A.1. The absorber shall be undamaged at the end
of the test.
For the testing of free beam transmission the smallest diameter of the beam shall hit a plane
layer of the target material applied to a substrate or in a compressed form as a pellet. The
reference values are to be taken from Table A.1 for the respective beam diameter. The test
setup is acceptable if the achieved ignition values are not more than 20 % above the data
from Table A.1. The absorber shall be undamaged at the end of the test.
The irradiated reference absorber shall be irradiated from the front (free beam irradiation)
during all pulse tests. For the testing of free beam transmission the smallest diameter of the
beam shall hit a plane layer of the target material applied either to a substrate or to a
compressed form as a pellet. The reference value for a beam diameter of 90 µm is 499 µJ
pulse energy for pulses of 90 ns and 600 µJ for pulses of 30 ns. The set-up shall be tested
1 Numbers in square brackets refer to the bibliography.
– 24 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
with the reference gas and absorber at 40 °C ± 5 K. The test setup is acceptable if the
achieved ignition values are not more than 20 % above the data from Table B.1.
NOTE Background information for the reference values are given in the bibliography [4].
6.3.1 Ignition tests with continuous wave radiation and pulses above 1 s duration
The ignition tests for continuous wave radiation and for pulsed wave radiation above 1 s
duration shall involve a gas-air-mixture in accordance with the following:
• For T6/IIC atmospheres: CS 2 in air, 1,5 % by volume, and Diethyl ether, 12 % by volume.
If only diethyl ether is used, the minimum ignition powers or irradiances obtained shall be
divided by a factor of 4 when applying the acceptance criteria.
• For T4/IIA, T4/IIB and T4/IIC atmospheres: diethyl ether, 12 % by volume.
• For T3/IIA and I atmospheres: propane in air, 5 % by volume.
• For special applications: the atmosphere under consideration.
The ignition tests for pulsed wave radiation less than 1 ms duration shall involve a gas-air-
mixture in accordance with the following:
The ignition tests for pulsed wave radiation from 1 ms to 1 s and for all pulse trains shall
involve a gas-air-mixture in accordance with the following:
• ignition tests performed with gas-air-mixtures in accordance with the above “pulsed wave
radiation above 1 s duration”, followed by
• ignition tests performed with gas-air-mixture in accordance with the above “pulsed wave
radiation less than 1 ms duration”.
The absorber target shall be maintained at the same temperature as the gas-air-mixture.
When irradiated, the absorber target shall be physically and chemically inert for the duration
of the test. It is necessary for the absorber to have very high absorption so as to act as nearly
a black body.
For all optical transmission sources, the absorber target shall have an absorption property
above 80 % at the involved wavelength. Additional background on the selection of the
reference absorber is given below.
The absorber target shall be positioned at the closest point of access to the output of the
optical source. For optical fibre transmission sources, the reference absorber shall be applied
to the fibre tip in a very thin layer. For other than optical fibre transmission sources (free
beam transmission), the reference absorber shall be applied in a very thin layer to an inert
substrate, or compressed to form a pellet, and located at the output of the optical source.
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 25 –
Alternatively, for optical sources recessed a given distance within the enclosure, the absorber
target can be positioned this given distance from the optical source. For all optical
transmission sources, the absorber shall be applied in a very thin layer to an inert substrate,
or compressed to form a pellet, and located this given distance from the output of the optical
source. This alternative approach is only an option if the enclosure complies with recognised
types of protection for electrical apparatus designed to contain an internal ignition (such as a
flameproof "d" enclosure) according to IEC 60079-1, or where it is not to be expected that
there are absorbing targets inside the enclosure according to the ignition hazard assessment
(such as an IP 6X enclosure, pressurised "p" enclosure, restricted breathing “nR” enclosure,
Application of this very thin layer shall be achieved by having the absorber begin as a powder
in suspension, and then dried afterwards at a recommended thickness of approximately
10 µm.
NOTE Experiments show that for pulses in the micro and nanosecond range, a carbon black absorber gives
lowest igniting pulse energies (absorption 99 %, combustible, high decomposition temperature) [17][22][24].
Where ignition is considered to have occurred and the absorber is undamaged, these results
can be treated as inherently safe data under the following conditions:
Where no ignition is considered to have occurred (e.g. because the power or energy cannot
be increased further more in the test) and the absorber is undamaged, these results can be
treated as inherently safe data under the following conditions:
• A safety factor as follows is applied to the highest non incendive beam power as follows:
– For continuous wave radiation and for pulsed wave radiation greater than 1 s duration:
A safety factor of 1,5 shall be applied.
– For pulsed wave radiation less than or equal to 1 s and for pulse trains: A safety factor
of 3 shall be applied.
• After application of the above safety factors, the adjusted non-incendive beam power is
not more than 20 % above the data from Table A.1.
Another possibility to obtain inherently safe beam strength data (including application of a
safety factor) is to use an alternative reference gas that is more sensitive to ignition. As an
example, for continuous wave radiation and for pulsed wave radiation greater than 1 s
duration that is to be used in IIA/T3 atmospheres, this alternative test gas can be ethene
(C 2 H 4 ) up to a size of the beam area of about 2 mm . Ignition shall not be considered to have
occurred at the end of the test and the absorber shall be undamaged.
NOTE As ignition by a small hot surface is a process containing considerable statistical deviations, a safety factor
is justified. For the same reason, great care is to be applied when judging experiments as non-incendive because
small variations in test parameters may influence the results remarkably.
7 Marking
The equipment using optical radiation shall include all markings required by the other
applicable equipment protection techniques, if any, (such as flameproof enclosures, “d”, and
intrinsically safe apparatus, “i”). Electrical equipment, parts of electrical equipment, and Ex
– 26 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
components emitting optical radiation and protected by the types of protection specified in this
standard shall be marked in accordance with IEC 60079-0, with the following additional
For equipment not suitable for installation in a hazardous area, but providing optical radiation,
the marking for ‘Associated Equipment’ shall apply. If Table 2 requires a restriction of the
temperature class, this shall be indicated following the type of protection.
Determining compliance with Table 2 may involve the use of a column from Table 2 for optical
power or irradiance values associated with a temperature class other than the temperature
class that is part of the Ex marking string for the other applicable electrical equipment
protection technique(s). Only the more restrictive temperature class value shall be marked on
the equipment. More than one temperature class marking shall not be allowed.
Examples of marking
The certificate shall identify the relevant EPL of the equipment (there may be more than one
EPL for the different parts of the equipment).
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 27 –
Annex A
Table A.1 gives reference values for ignition tests with a mixture of propane in air at 40 °C
mixture temperature. The absorber was attached to the end of an optical fibre and irradiated
Fibre core diameter Minimum igniting power at Minimum igniting power at 805 nm
1 064 nm (absorption: 83 %, 5 % (absorption: 93 %, 4 % propane by
propane by volume) volume)
µm mW mW
NOTE Other reference test data (e.g. for 8 µm core diameter, 1 550 nm wavelength) are currently not available
– 28 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
Annex B
Ignition mechanisms 2
The potential hazard associated with optics in the infrared and visible electromagnetic
spectrum depends on:
There are an immense number of combinations of these factors that will influence the hazard
of optics in explosive atmosphere and at least the ignition mechanism. Worst case conditions
arise when an absorber is present. When the dimensions of the radiation and/or the absorber
fall below the quenching distance of the explosive gas, the ignition can be seen as a point
ignition. However, radiation from the end of a fibre optic cable diverges rapidly and the
irradiated area may reach dimensions of square centimetres. The conditions for ignition can
be characterised in terms of the fundamental parameters energy, area and time.
Infinite time means continuous wave radiation. The research results for small and big areas
are given in Table B.1, Figure B.1 and Figure B.2. In both regimes ignition takes place via hot
surface ignition when the beam hits an absorber. The smaller the surface, the higher the
igniting irradiance. This means that a smaller surface has to be heated to higher temperatures
to cause an ignition. No ignition was observed below 50 mW optical power for all gas/vapour
mixtures (excluding carbon disulfide). This supports the maximum permissible power value of
35 mW including a safety margin, which also has to consider the non-ideal grey body
absorption of the inert absorber. Experiments with reactive absorbers (coal, carbon black and
a toner) showed that even though they have higher absorption, they were less effective as
ignition sources. The n-alkanes do not ignite below 200 mW (150 mW including safety
margin). For bigger irradiated areas a permissible value of 5 mW/mm is much more realistic
than a restrictive power criterion.
In the small area short time regime a laser pulse can create an ignition source similar to an
electric spark by a breakdown in air. It is known from the literature [10] that such spark with
an energy approaching the electrical minimum ignition energy (MIE) is able to ignite an
explosive mixture under optimised conditions (µs and ns pulses).
2 The information provided in this annex is taken from [1].
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 29 –
Microsecond pulses and nanosecond pulses with energies close to the MIE were found to
ignite explosive mixtures as shown in Table B.2. In this case the combustible carbon black
target is the most effective absorber. The properties of carbon black support this breakdown
in comparison to the inert material chosen in the continuous wave experiments (very high
absorption, high decomposition temperature, electron-rich structure and combustibility). For
pulses in the millisecond range without a breakdown process but heating of the target, ignition
energies are more than one order of magnitude higher than the electrical MIE. Here the inert
grey body is the ideal absorber. Pulses longer than 1 s should be treated as continuous wave
For pulse trains the ignition criterion for each individual pulse is the energy criterion given
above when the pulse is less than 1 s. With higher repetition rates the previous pulse might
have an influence on the behaviour of the irradiated area with the actual pulse. For repetition
rates greater than 100 Hz, the average power should be restricted to the continuous wave
limit. This limitation forces a maximum repetition rate for a defined pulse energy. The shorter
the pulse, the higher the permissible peak power, but the longer the duty cycle. This gives
time for cooling of the target or decay of a spark or plume of hot material. Experiments
showed [4] that for nanosecond pulses in the range of the MIE (up to 400 µJ) a spark lifetime
of more than 100 µs is not to be expected for a beam diameter of 90 µm. For long pulse
duration > 1 s the peak power should be restricted to the corresponding cw-limit.
The remaining combination of fundamental parameters i.e. short times over infinite area can
be evaluated by the results for the other regimes.
– 30 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
Group acc. Combustible AIT MESG Conc. Min. Min. Conc. Min. Min. Min.
comb. at ignition ignition comb. at ignition ignition ignition
to in brackets: min. power power min. power power power
IEC 60079- increased ignition ignition
0 mixture power power
62,5 µm 400 µm 400 µm 600 µm 1 500 µm
fibre fibre fibre fibre fibre
(1 064 nm) (1 064 nm) (1 064 nm) (803 nm) (803 nm) (803 nm) (803 nm)
°C mm % vol. mW mW % vol. mW mW mW
IIA methane 595 1,14 5,0 304 1 125 6,0 960 1650 5 000
acetone 535 1,04 – – – 8 830 – –
2-propanol 425 0,99 4,5 273 660 – – – –
n-pentane 260 0,93 3,0 315 847 3,0 720 1100 3 590
butane 410 – – – 4,6 680 – –
(365) (0,98)
propane 470 0,92 5,0 250 842 4,0 690 1 200 3 600
petrol 300 >0,9 – – – 4,3. 720 3 650
unleaded (350)
n-heptane 220 0,91 3,0 – 502 – – – –
(110 °C)
methane/ 595 0,90 6,0 259 848 – – – –
IIB diethyl ether/ 200 0,90 4,0 – 658 – – – –
(110 °C)
tetra- 230 0,87 6,0 267 – – – – –
diethyl ether 175 0,87 12,0 89 127 23,0 110 180 380
propanal 190 0,84 2,0 – 617 – – – –
(110 °C)
dimethyl ether 240 0,84 8 280 – – – – –
ethene 425 0,65 7,0 202 494 7,5 530 – 2 007
methane/ 565 0,50 7,0 163 401 – – – –
IIC carbon 95 0,37 1,5 50/24** 149 – – – –
ethyne 305 0,37 25,0 110 167 – – – –
hydrogen 560 0,29 10,0 140 331 8,0 340 500 1 620
* HSL = Health and Safety Laboratory of the Health and Safety Executive (UK),
PTB = Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany)
** 24 mW was obtained for a combustible target (coal)
3 AIT and MESG were taken from [9].
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 31 –
35 mW non-ignition
10 −4 10 −3 10 −2 10 −1 10 −0 10 1 10 2
Irradiated area, mm 2
NOTE The given values are for each combustible in its most easily ignitable mixture.
Figure B.1 – Minimum radiant igniting power with inert absorber target
(α 1064 nm =83 %, α 805 nm =93 %) and continuous wave-radiation of 1064 nm
6 000
Minimum igniting power,
2 000
1 000
10 −5 10 −4 10 −3 10 −2 10 −1 10 −0
Irradiated area, mm 2
Figure B.2 – Minimum radiant igniting power with inert absorber target
(α 1 064 nm=83 %, α 805 nm=93 %) and continuous wave-radiation
(PTB: 1064 nm, HSL: 805 nm, [8]: 803 nm) for some n-alkanes
70 µs spiked Pulse
n-Pentane 669 3 260 280 3,3 2,4
Annex C
In all cases, where optical radiation is to be considered, the ignition hazard assessment shall
be the first step. If the assessment shows that no ignition is to be expected, the further
application of this standard is not necessary.
An explosive atmosphere can be ignited by optical radiation provided that the beam strength
exceeds an inherently safe level and an absorbing solid exists in the beam that can cause a
hot spot and an ignition source accordingly, or in case of pulses the conditions for a break
down apply (threshold irradiance exceeded). See Figure C.1.
equipment in Open beam no No ignition source due to optical
explosive or potential of breakage radiation as addressed in this standard
atmosphere of confinement
Optical no
breakdown possible
without solid
Apply MIE concept
( of this standard)
Where these conditions for an ignition do not apply, an ignition hazard does not exist within
the scope of this standard.
It is important to understand that even open radiation exceeding the inherently safe level does
not itself lead to ignition, as additional provisions are necessary to start an ignition process.
This is different from the situation of the electrical spark ignition process.
As an example, a gas analysis system where in the beam there is no absorbing target that
can be heated up to be an ignition source may not create an ignition hazard with respect to
the optical radiation. In this specific case, there will be absorption of optical energy in the
mixture itself, but it can be easily demonstrated in most cases that there is no heating of the
mixture to such an extent that it will be ignited.
The ignition hazard assessment also applies to the use of the protection concepts
themselves. Where an enclosure for the beam is used that does not allow solid materials to
– 34 – IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015
enter it − although it allows the explosive atmosphere to enter − an optical ignition source is
prevented inside this enclosure, provided inside the enclosure there exists no other solid
absorber which may enter the optical beam.
If a fibre breakage is assumed, where the concept of interlock with the breakage detection is
used, it may be safe to use the shut down times allowed for eye protection (IEC 60825-2:
2010 − Safety of laser products – Part 2: Safety of optical fibre communication systems
(OFCS)), if it is improbable that the beam will hit a target with an incendive intensity during
the shutdown time.
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 35 –
Annex D
Figures D.1 and D.2 show the typical optical fibre cable design.
Outer sheath
Steel armour
Optical fibre
Inner sheath
Figure D.1 – Example Multi-Fibre Optical Cable Design For Heavy Duty Applications
Singlemode Multimode
Optical fibre
Primary coating
Outer sheath
Secondary coating or “buffer”
Annex E
Figure E.1 gives a flow diagram for the assessment of pulses according to 5.2.3.
Assessment of pulsed
optical radiation
no W_pulse ≤ yes
no W_pulse ≤
10 a MIE
no P_pulse_peak ≤
P_table 2/4 c
Pulse train yes
no P_pulse_average ≤
P_table 2/4 b
Not in compliance
with 5.2.3 "op is"
Figure E.1 – Flow diagram for the assessment of pulses according to 5.2.3
IEC 60079-28:2015 © IEC 2015 – 37 –
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