Galaxy Roadmap
This page contains short-term (6 to 12 months) roadmap of the project. It is organized by working groups.
User Interface and Experience
Underlying infrastructure
- Vue as the sole framework in primary app
- Zero Backbone, Zero jQuery, single entry
- Grids, Upload, FormElements
- Rule Builder UX+Refactor
- Testing for Accessibility
- Graph view
- Architecture: new scroller
- "Jump-to" bookmark
- Collection-level versus dataset-level behavior
- Activity Bar
Notification framework
- Summary notification page
- Badge on the activity bar
- initial build-in notifications
- API for sending notifications
- IGV.js replacing Trackster (with other options to come, including JBrowse, etc)
- independent from client build, API-driven registry & build management
- easier access to ITs and better management
Dataset-view: tabbed interface in the middle pane
- Comprehensive component for displaying all of a Dataset’s related sub-interfaces (display, viz, edit, info, etc.)
Dateset-management related features
- Design a good UX for Scratch history / History archival
UI simplification: One button-type analyses
- Select a well developed workflow and prototype a "one-click" type of analysis
Underlying infrastructure
- address limitations in the task execution framework
- SQLAlchemy 2.0
- FastAPI - Port (and document) more APIs to FastAPI
Assist System WG
- Pulsar hardening
- Get the new ToolShed deployed
User based object store
- External stores
- Scratch storage/histories
federated and data-local computing on commercial cloud(s):
- From .org, run an analysis on AWS/GCP that processes data on AWS/GCP and stores results on AWS/GCP
- Merge and harden the ToolShed replacement
- Push ITs to be considered "stable" (ToolShed ready)
Testing & Hardening
Support other WG and new contributors to write tests
- Expand testing tutorial
- Ongoing work on testing infrastructure with a focus on deployment tests
- Upgrade tests, test infrastructure for database access, add documentation
Systematic improvement of test coverage:
- Prioritize features that lack test coverage, are critical, and are known to break
- Improve documentation on Galaxy's testing utilities: help write more/better tests using existing infrastructure
- Talk and write more about the testing efforts in Galaxy
Tools and workflows
Improve subworkflow maintenance user story:
- Replace / upgrade subworkflow, keep connections (as far as possible)
- Workflows as trees
- Link child and derived workflows back to parent workflows
Execution of workflow and tool tests using embedded Pulsar by default
- Harden Pulsar support; less work for admins to route tools to non-pulsar destinations
- Support for sending steps that require large resources to external TES server
- Improve support for job caching framework
- Step javascript expressions
- A website for IWC workflows
Workflow development
- IWC procedure for workflow submission will benefit from simplification
Workflow editor improvements
- making workflow elements selectable, copyable, and pastable
- Named versions
- A nice UI for going back or displaying differences
High-importance tools & workflows
- Machine learning
- Genome assembly/Long-read analysis
- Spatial analyses
- Executable Workflow Editor Tour(s) and tutorials
Standalone workflow graph view (builds on reactive workflow editor work, with UI/UX)
- For Static Page, Progress View, Pages / Workflow Reports
- Entry in Galaxy-hub for every (new or updated) workflow
Schema for job and test definitions
- Make it easier and faster to write and validate tests and jobs
- Make VGP workflows available on ORG/EU/AU
- Deployment of iRODS on .org
Evaluate/collect all hacks that are currently used to keep usegalaxy.* working. Talk to WGs to get it fixed, or make plans to improve deployments
Potential candidates:
- Fix toolbox handling
- Data-managers
- Better errror reporting
- tmp/cache cleaning
- switching .eu and .org to TPV
- deciding on how to emit Pulsar state information to implement metascheduling
- creating one big pulsar network for usegalaxy.? (failover, more resilient usegalaxy. services)
- Reference data handling
Outreach and Training
Provide better support for the GTN & outreach
- Editing GTN
- Search and apply for GTN related funding
- GTN infrastructure help
Grow & diversify the Galaxy Event Horizon to reach wider audiences
- Actively encourage Galaxy team members to present at conferences & locally
- Work with the community members to help them publish & publicize their work