The purpose of the research was to explore the decision-making strategies that school principals ... more The purpose of the research was to explore the decision-making strategies that school principals employ while dealing with the challenges faced during the change process at schools. The study was conducted in two cities located in Central and Southeast Turkey, with a sample comprising 29 primary, middle and secondary school principals, selected via a purposive sampling technique. Q methodology, a qualitative-dominant mixed methods research design, was used in the study. The researchers developed and used a concourse of 24 specific items that target school principals’ decision-making strategies about change-related challenges in schools by taking a perception-driven decision-making model as the theoretical framework. The statistical software PQMethod was used for data analysis. The findings revealed that school principals shared similar views via the item configurations provided regarding decision-making during times of change, and had a similar profile in terms of decision-making an...
Introduction Turkish school principals are expected to supervise courses in K-12 schools with a r... more Introduction Turkish school principals are expected to supervise courses in K-12 schools with a recent regulation issued in 2014. In the previous system, the supervisory practices were carried out by educational supervisors. Educational supervisors had limited interaction with teachers and were not mostly acquainted with them except for official supervisions which were held once or twice a year. The new implementation has given the responsibilities regarding course supervisions to school principals. This study aims at unearthing how school principals manage the feedback process after course supervisions. Building upon Rigby et al.’s (2017) call for further research on how feedback is conceptualized and enacted in schools, this study specifically examines how school principals channel their views, concerns, and suggestions to teachers about teaching and learning processes and instruction, rather than how they supervise courses. Feedback as an integral part of supervision can be defin...
This qualitative case study discusses the opinions of teachers and principals (educational leader... more This qualitative case study discusses the opinions of teachers and principals (educational leaders) working at primary schools regarding recent changes implemented in the Turkish education system. “E-okul,” the “FATIH project,” and “MEBBIS,” which are technology-focused changes; and “girls’ education,” “the unfragmented 8-year compulsory education,” “children’s school participation,” and “promotion of literacy” and “students’ clothing” are changes that broaden the boundaries of the teaching and learning processes and are viewed as successful. However, “the new elective courses,” a component of the 12-year compulsory education reform, were perceived as a failed change. The most striking finding of the study indicated no agreement among the participants on the radical reforms, such as “the fragmented 12-year compulsory education,” “curriculum reform of 2005,” and “changes in the national examination system.” Although the recent change initiatives in the Turkish education system were t...
The purpose of the present study is to explore challenges faced by classroom teachers in multi-gr... more The purpose of the present study is to explore challenges faced by classroom teachers in multi-grade classes from a comparative perspective of pre-pandemic and peri-pandemic processes. The qualitative case study was employed as the research design. Nine classroom teachers working in multi-grade classes in a district of southeastern Turkey were recruited using the criterion-based sampling technique. Three focus group interviewing sessions, three teachers in each session, were carried out to gather data. The researchers utilized a semi-structured interview protocol including eight open-ended questions. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The themes produced were categorized as challenges before the pandemic, challenges faced in distance education during the pandemic, and challenges faced in face-to-face education during the pandemic. The challenges accentuated most, in the pre-and peri-pandemic periods, were parents’ indifference, students’ approaches to learning, inappropriat...
This Article is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for ... more This Article is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in International Journal of Leadership and
Okullar her gecen gun teknoloji yonunden daha zengin kurumlar haline gelmektedir. Bu durumun yol ... more Okullar her gecen gun teknoloji yonunden daha zengin kurumlar haline gelmektedir. Bu durumun yol actigi degismeler bir yandan egitimde reform cabalarina destek olurken (Means, Roschelle, Penuel, Sabelli & Haertel, 2004; Gulbahar & Guven, 2008; Tezci, 2009), diger yandan ogrencilerin bilgi toplumunda ihtiyac duyacaklari becerilerle donatilmasi surecine katki saglamaktadir (UNESCO, 2002; Kozma & Wagner, 2006). Alanda yapilan arastirmalar da BIT ile zenginlestirilmis ogrenme ortamlarinin egitimin hedeflerine ulasmasinda onemli katkilar sagladigini ortaya koymaktadir (Sandholtz, Ringstaff, & Dwyer, 1997; Schacter, 1999; OECD, 2005). Bunun farkinda olan egitim alanindaki politika yapici ve karar vericiler, BIT’in egitimde daha cok kullanilmasi icin caba gostererek (UNESCO, 2003), onemli miktardaki parasal kaynagi bu konuya ayirmaktadirlar (Kozma, 2005).
The purpose of the study was to adapt the Preparedness to Teach Scale into Turkish and investigat... more The purpose of the study was to adapt the Preparedness to Teach Scale into Turkish and investigate the psychometric properties of the scale. The research was conducted in the academic year of 2015-2016 with the participation of a total of 535 prospective teachers. In the adaptation process, first of all the linguistic equivalence of the translation of the scale was examined. Then a positive, strong and significant correlation was detected between the Turkish and English forms of the scale. As a result of the validity and reliability study, a fourfactor scale with 20 items was formed. It may be suggested that the Turkish version of the Preparedness to Teach Scale is a valid and reliable instrument which can be used to determine prospective teachers’ preparedness to teach.
The purpose of the study was to investigate middle school teachers’ perceptions of the effects of... more The purpose of the study was to investigate middle school teachers’ perceptions of the effects of a teacher-targeted intervention, that is, Psychological Capital Development Training Intervention (PCDTI), aiming at enhancing positive psychological capacities of teachers. The PCDTI was prepared and implemented by the researchers at a state university in a large city in Turkey during the academic year of 2014-2015. The implementation of the PCDTI lasted for 2 months, once in a week, and after completing the training intervention, interviews were conducted with twelve teachers who were the participants in the experimental group. Data were gathered through one-on-one interviews and were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The participants stated that the PCDTI had some positive effects in terms of their personal and professional awareness and development. Raising awareness about some key issues in teachers’ lives, experiencing positive emotions, cognitions, and attitudes, and e...
This qualitative case study discusses the opinions of teachers and principals (educational leader... more This qualitative case study discusses the opinions of teachers and principals (educational leaders) working at primary schools regarding recent changes implemented in the Turkish education system. “E-okul,” the “FATIH project,” and “MEBBIS,” which are technology-focused changes; and “girls’ education,” “the unfragmented 8-year compulsory education,” “children’s school participation,” and “promotion of literacy” and “students’ clothing” are changes that broaden the boundaries of the teaching and learning processes and are viewed as successful. However, “the new elective courses,” a component of the 12-year compulsory education reform, were perceived as a failed change. The most striking finding of the study indicated no agreement among the participants on the radical reforms, such as “the fragmented 12-year compulsory education,” “curriculum reform of 2005,” and “changes in the national examination system.” Although the recent change initiatives in the Turkish education system were t...
OZ: Bu calismada, okul yoneticilerinin hesap verebilirligi ile ogretmenlerin orgutsel adalet algi... more OZ: Bu calismada, okul yoneticilerinin hesap verebilirligi ile ogretmenlerin orgutsel adalet algilari arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Bu arastirma, tarama modelinde iliskisel bir calismadir. Calismanin evrenini Gaziantep ili Şahinbey ve Şehitkâmil ilcelerindeki ortaogretim kurumlarinda calisan ogretmenler olusturmaktadir. Calismanin orneklemi, 268 ogretmenden olusmaktadir. Veriler, okul yoneticisi hesap verebilirlik olcegi ve orgutsel adalet olcegi kullanilarak toplanmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS 15.0 paket programi kullanilmistir. Veriler korelasyon ve dogrusal regresyon yontemi ile analiz edilmistir. Ayrica, yas, cinsiyet ve kidem degiskenleri arasinda anlamli farkliliklarin olup olmadigini incelemek amaciyla bagimsiz orneklem t-testi ve tek faktorlu varyans analizi (ANOVA) yapilmistir. Okul yoneticilerinin hesap verebilirligi ve okullardaki orgutsel adalet algilari arasinda yuksek duzeyde anlamli iliskiler bulunmustur. Yas, cinsiyet ve kidem degiskenlerine gore ogretmen algi...
This study aimed at exploring the factors affecting classroom teachers’ job performance. Maximum ... more This study aimed at exploring the factors affecting classroom teachers’ job performance. Maximum variation sampling was used to select the study group. 72 teachers working at primary schools in a province in Eastern Turkey participated in a qualitative dominant mixed-methods study incorporating a qualitative case study and Q methodology. The data obtained through interviews were content-analyzed, and the Q data were analyzed via the PQMethod 2.35 software program. The results indicated that organizational, managerial, and systemic factors had both negative and positive effects on teacher performance. Teachers expressed similar views via the item configurations provided and built up a similar profile about the factors affecting job performance. Besides general professional competencies, students’ readiness level and teachers’ mastery of course content were reported to have impacts on classroom teachers’ job performance.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, Ogretmenlige Hazir Olma Olcegini Turkce’ye uyarlamak ve olcegin psikometri... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, Ogretmenlige Hazir Olma Olcegini Turkce’ye uyarlamak ve olcegin psikometrik ozelliklerini incelemektir. Arastirma 2015-2016 Ogretim Yili Guz doneminde toplam 535 ogretmen adayi ile yurutulmustur. Olcegin Turkce’ye uyarlanmasi surecinde ilk olarak olcegin cevirisine iliskin dilsel esdegerligi incelenmis ve Ingilizce ile Turkce formlara iliskin puanlar arasinda pozitif yonde, yuksek duzeyde ve anlamli bir korelasyon saptanmistir. Sonrasinda yapilan gecerlik ve guvenirlik calismalari neticesinde 20 maddeden olusan dort faktorlu bir olcek elde edilmistir. Sonuc olarak, Ogretmenlige Hazir Olma Olcegi Turkce formunun ogretmen adaylarinin ogretmenlige hazir olma durumlarini olcmek amaciyla kullanilabilecek gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcme araci oldugu soylenebilir.
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 2021
Bireylerin dünyayı ilk tanıdıkları ortam ailedir. Aileden sonraki sosyalleşme alanı ise genelde o... more Bireylerin dünyayı ilk tanıdıkları ortam ailedir. Aileden sonraki sosyalleşme alanı ise genelde okul, özelde ise sınıf ortamıdır. Öğrencilerin birbiriyle iletişim içerisinde olduğu sınıf, kendine has bir iklimi olan eğitsel amaçla oluşturulmuş eğitim ortamı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Sınıf, öğrencilerin hem sosyal hem de akademik gelişimlerinin sağlandığı yerdir. Bu bağlamda sınıf ortamının bu gelişim alanlarını destekler nitelikte olması istenir. Sınıf ortamının verimli ders işlemeye uygun hale getirilebilmesi için sınıf yönetiminin başarılı bir şekilde sürdürülmesi gerekmektedir. Araştırmanın temel amacı mesleğe yeni başlayan sınıf öğretmenlerinin sınıf yönetiminde karşılaştıkları istenmedik davranışlara ve bu davranışlar karşısında uyguladıkları yöntemlere ilişkin görüşlerini ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum araştırması kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturan katılımcı grubu belirlenirken, mesleğe yeni başlayan 9 sınıf öğretmeninin yaşadığı sorunları ortaya koymak için amaçlı (ölçüt) örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın verileri, araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen kişisel bilgi formu ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğretmenlerin en çok karşılaştığı sorunların başında "öğrencilerin söz hakkı almadan konuşmaları" ve "öğrencilerin kendi aralarında konuşmaları" yer almaktadır.
The purpose of the current research was to investigate the perceptions and experiences of univers... more The purpose of the current research was to investigate the perceptions and experiences of university students regarding three different teaching and learning approaches constructed as a face-to-face approach, a technology-supported traditional approach, and an e-learning approach. The researchers attempted to report the preliminary findings of student perceptions and experiences from test lectures given during an EU-funded project which utilised new approaches (i.e. a digital interactive tool and an e-learning platform) in architectural history education. Our qualitative comparative case study involved focus-group interviews with 22 students who took part in different groups for the same course over 6 weeks in the 2018–2019 academic year at a large public university in Southeastern Turkey. The same curriculum content was used for each group in the same course divided into three groups. Semi-structured interview forms were used to examine students’ perceptions and experiences about their groups to compare the pros and cons of the approaches and recommendations for the improvement of each approach. Students put great emphasis on teacher guidance, but they demanded alternative ways to enhance their learning. Timeline travel tool was regarded as a useful interactive tool to be used as a companion and supportive material in architectural history courses. It was understood that the timeline travel e-learning platform could be used as a supplementary resource, not necessarily taking over the role of an instructor. The research suggested that a blended learning approach could make more contributions to student learning.
The purpose of the research was to explore the decision-making strategies that school principals ... more The purpose of the research was to explore the decision-making strategies that school principals employ while dealing with the challenges faced during the change process at schools. The study was conducted in two cities located in Central and Southeast Turkey, with a sample comprising 29 primary, middle and secondary school principals, selected via a purposive sampling technique. Q methodology, a qualitative-dominant mixed methods research design, was used in the study. The researchers developed and used a concourse of 24 specific items that target school principals’ decision-making strategies about change-related challenges in schools by taking a perception-driven decision-making model as the theoretical framework. The statistical software PQMethod was used for data analysis. The findings revealed that school principals shared similar views via the item configurations provided regarding decision-making during times of change, and had a similar profile in terms of decision-making an...
Introduction Turkish school principals are expected to supervise courses in K-12 schools with a r... more Introduction Turkish school principals are expected to supervise courses in K-12 schools with a recent regulation issued in 2014. In the previous system, the supervisory practices were carried out by educational supervisors. Educational supervisors had limited interaction with teachers and were not mostly acquainted with them except for official supervisions which were held once or twice a year. The new implementation has given the responsibilities regarding course supervisions to school principals. This study aims at unearthing how school principals manage the feedback process after course supervisions. Building upon Rigby et al.’s (2017) call for further research on how feedback is conceptualized and enacted in schools, this study specifically examines how school principals channel their views, concerns, and suggestions to teachers about teaching and learning processes and instruction, rather than how they supervise courses. Feedback as an integral part of supervision can be defin...
This qualitative case study discusses the opinions of teachers and principals (educational leader... more This qualitative case study discusses the opinions of teachers and principals (educational leaders) working at primary schools regarding recent changes implemented in the Turkish education system. “E-okul,” the “FATIH project,” and “MEBBIS,” which are technology-focused changes; and “girls’ education,” “the unfragmented 8-year compulsory education,” “children’s school participation,” and “promotion of literacy” and “students’ clothing” are changes that broaden the boundaries of the teaching and learning processes and are viewed as successful. However, “the new elective courses,” a component of the 12-year compulsory education reform, were perceived as a failed change. The most striking finding of the study indicated no agreement among the participants on the radical reforms, such as “the fragmented 12-year compulsory education,” “curriculum reform of 2005,” and “changes in the national examination system.” Although the recent change initiatives in the Turkish education system were t...
The purpose of the present study is to explore challenges faced by classroom teachers in multi-gr... more The purpose of the present study is to explore challenges faced by classroom teachers in multi-grade classes from a comparative perspective of pre-pandemic and peri-pandemic processes. The qualitative case study was employed as the research design. Nine classroom teachers working in multi-grade classes in a district of southeastern Turkey were recruited using the criterion-based sampling technique. Three focus group interviewing sessions, three teachers in each session, were carried out to gather data. The researchers utilized a semi-structured interview protocol including eight open-ended questions. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The themes produced were categorized as challenges before the pandemic, challenges faced in distance education during the pandemic, and challenges faced in face-to-face education during the pandemic. The challenges accentuated most, in the pre-and peri-pandemic periods, were parents’ indifference, students’ approaches to learning, inappropriat...
This Article is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for ... more This Article is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in International Journal of Leadership and
Okullar her gecen gun teknoloji yonunden daha zengin kurumlar haline gelmektedir. Bu durumun yol ... more Okullar her gecen gun teknoloji yonunden daha zengin kurumlar haline gelmektedir. Bu durumun yol actigi degismeler bir yandan egitimde reform cabalarina destek olurken (Means, Roschelle, Penuel, Sabelli & Haertel, 2004; Gulbahar & Guven, 2008; Tezci, 2009), diger yandan ogrencilerin bilgi toplumunda ihtiyac duyacaklari becerilerle donatilmasi surecine katki saglamaktadir (UNESCO, 2002; Kozma & Wagner, 2006). Alanda yapilan arastirmalar da BIT ile zenginlestirilmis ogrenme ortamlarinin egitimin hedeflerine ulasmasinda onemli katkilar sagladigini ortaya koymaktadir (Sandholtz, Ringstaff, & Dwyer, 1997; Schacter, 1999; OECD, 2005). Bunun farkinda olan egitim alanindaki politika yapici ve karar vericiler, BIT’in egitimde daha cok kullanilmasi icin caba gostererek (UNESCO, 2003), onemli miktardaki parasal kaynagi bu konuya ayirmaktadirlar (Kozma, 2005).
The purpose of the study was to adapt the Preparedness to Teach Scale into Turkish and investigat... more The purpose of the study was to adapt the Preparedness to Teach Scale into Turkish and investigate the psychometric properties of the scale. The research was conducted in the academic year of 2015-2016 with the participation of a total of 535 prospective teachers. In the adaptation process, first of all the linguistic equivalence of the translation of the scale was examined. Then a positive, strong and significant correlation was detected between the Turkish and English forms of the scale. As a result of the validity and reliability study, a fourfactor scale with 20 items was formed. It may be suggested that the Turkish version of the Preparedness to Teach Scale is a valid and reliable instrument which can be used to determine prospective teachers’ preparedness to teach.
The purpose of the study was to investigate middle school teachers’ perceptions of the effects of... more The purpose of the study was to investigate middle school teachers’ perceptions of the effects of a teacher-targeted intervention, that is, Psychological Capital Development Training Intervention (PCDTI), aiming at enhancing positive psychological capacities of teachers. The PCDTI was prepared and implemented by the researchers at a state university in a large city in Turkey during the academic year of 2014-2015. The implementation of the PCDTI lasted for 2 months, once in a week, and after completing the training intervention, interviews were conducted with twelve teachers who were the participants in the experimental group. Data were gathered through one-on-one interviews and were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The participants stated that the PCDTI had some positive effects in terms of their personal and professional awareness and development. Raising awareness about some key issues in teachers’ lives, experiencing positive emotions, cognitions, and attitudes, and e...
This qualitative case study discusses the opinions of teachers and principals (educational leader... more This qualitative case study discusses the opinions of teachers and principals (educational leaders) working at primary schools regarding recent changes implemented in the Turkish education system. “E-okul,” the “FATIH project,” and “MEBBIS,” which are technology-focused changes; and “girls’ education,” “the unfragmented 8-year compulsory education,” “children’s school participation,” and “promotion of literacy” and “students’ clothing” are changes that broaden the boundaries of the teaching and learning processes and are viewed as successful. However, “the new elective courses,” a component of the 12-year compulsory education reform, were perceived as a failed change. The most striking finding of the study indicated no agreement among the participants on the radical reforms, such as “the fragmented 12-year compulsory education,” “curriculum reform of 2005,” and “changes in the national examination system.” Although the recent change initiatives in the Turkish education system were t...
OZ: Bu calismada, okul yoneticilerinin hesap verebilirligi ile ogretmenlerin orgutsel adalet algi... more OZ: Bu calismada, okul yoneticilerinin hesap verebilirligi ile ogretmenlerin orgutsel adalet algilari arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Bu arastirma, tarama modelinde iliskisel bir calismadir. Calismanin evrenini Gaziantep ili Şahinbey ve Şehitkâmil ilcelerindeki ortaogretim kurumlarinda calisan ogretmenler olusturmaktadir. Calismanin orneklemi, 268 ogretmenden olusmaktadir. Veriler, okul yoneticisi hesap verebilirlik olcegi ve orgutsel adalet olcegi kullanilarak toplanmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS 15.0 paket programi kullanilmistir. Veriler korelasyon ve dogrusal regresyon yontemi ile analiz edilmistir. Ayrica, yas, cinsiyet ve kidem degiskenleri arasinda anlamli farkliliklarin olup olmadigini incelemek amaciyla bagimsiz orneklem t-testi ve tek faktorlu varyans analizi (ANOVA) yapilmistir. Okul yoneticilerinin hesap verebilirligi ve okullardaki orgutsel adalet algilari arasinda yuksek duzeyde anlamli iliskiler bulunmustur. Yas, cinsiyet ve kidem degiskenlerine gore ogretmen algi...
This study aimed at exploring the factors affecting classroom teachers’ job performance. Maximum ... more This study aimed at exploring the factors affecting classroom teachers’ job performance. Maximum variation sampling was used to select the study group. 72 teachers working at primary schools in a province in Eastern Turkey participated in a qualitative dominant mixed-methods study incorporating a qualitative case study and Q methodology. The data obtained through interviews were content-analyzed, and the Q data were analyzed via the PQMethod 2.35 software program. The results indicated that organizational, managerial, and systemic factors had both negative and positive effects on teacher performance. Teachers expressed similar views via the item configurations provided and built up a similar profile about the factors affecting job performance. Besides general professional competencies, students’ readiness level and teachers’ mastery of course content were reported to have impacts on classroom teachers’ job performance.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, Ogretmenlige Hazir Olma Olcegini Turkce’ye uyarlamak ve olcegin psikometri... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, Ogretmenlige Hazir Olma Olcegini Turkce’ye uyarlamak ve olcegin psikometrik ozelliklerini incelemektir. Arastirma 2015-2016 Ogretim Yili Guz doneminde toplam 535 ogretmen adayi ile yurutulmustur. Olcegin Turkce’ye uyarlanmasi surecinde ilk olarak olcegin cevirisine iliskin dilsel esdegerligi incelenmis ve Ingilizce ile Turkce formlara iliskin puanlar arasinda pozitif yonde, yuksek duzeyde ve anlamli bir korelasyon saptanmistir. Sonrasinda yapilan gecerlik ve guvenirlik calismalari neticesinde 20 maddeden olusan dort faktorlu bir olcek elde edilmistir. Sonuc olarak, Ogretmenlige Hazir Olma Olcegi Turkce formunun ogretmen adaylarinin ogretmenlige hazir olma durumlarini olcmek amaciyla kullanilabilecek gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcme araci oldugu soylenebilir.
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 2021
Bireylerin dünyayı ilk tanıdıkları ortam ailedir. Aileden sonraki sosyalleşme alanı ise genelde o... more Bireylerin dünyayı ilk tanıdıkları ortam ailedir. Aileden sonraki sosyalleşme alanı ise genelde okul, özelde ise sınıf ortamıdır. Öğrencilerin birbiriyle iletişim içerisinde olduğu sınıf, kendine has bir iklimi olan eğitsel amaçla oluşturulmuş eğitim ortamı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Sınıf, öğrencilerin hem sosyal hem de akademik gelişimlerinin sağlandığı yerdir. Bu bağlamda sınıf ortamının bu gelişim alanlarını destekler nitelikte olması istenir. Sınıf ortamının verimli ders işlemeye uygun hale getirilebilmesi için sınıf yönetiminin başarılı bir şekilde sürdürülmesi gerekmektedir. Araştırmanın temel amacı mesleğe yeni başlayan sınıf öğretmenlerinin sınıf yönetiminde karşılaştıkları istenmedik davranışlara ve bu davranışlar karşısında uyguladıkları yöntemlere ilişkin görüşlerini ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum araştırması kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturan katılımcı grubu belirlenirken, mesleğe yeni başlayan 9 sınıf öğretmeninin yaşadığı sorunları ortaya koymak için amaçlı (ölçüt) örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın verileri, araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen kişisel bilgi formu ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğretmenlerin en çok karşılaştığı sorunların başında "öğrencilerin söz hakkı almadan konuşmaları" ve "öğrencilerin kendi aralarında konuşmaları" yer almaktadır.
The purpose of the current research was to investigate the perceptions and experiences of univers... more The purpose of the current research was to investigate the perceptions and experiences of university students regarding three different teaching and learning approaches constructed as a face-to-face approach, a technology-supported traditional approach, and an e-learning approach. The researchers attempted to report the preliminary findings of student perceptions and experiences from test lectures given during an EU-funded project which utilised new approaches (i.e. a digital interactive tool and an e-learning platform) in architectural history education. Our qualitative comparative case study involved focus-group interviews with 22 students who took part in different groups for the same course over 6 weeks in the 2018–2019 academic year at a large public university in Southeastern Turkey. The same curriculum content was used for each group in the same course divided into three groups. Semi-structured interview forms were used to examine students’ perceptions and experiences about their groups to compare the pros and cons of the approaches and recommendations for the improvement of each approach. Students put great emphasis on teacher guidance, but they demanded alternative ways to enhance their learning. Timeline travel tool was regarded as a useful interactive tool to be used as a companion and supportive material in architectural history courses. It was understood that the timeline travel e-learning platform could be used as a supplementary resource, not necessarily taking over the role of an instructor. The research suggested that a blended learning approach could make more contributions to student learning.
Papers by Mahmut Kalman