In this study, evaluation of teacher education programs, has taken place in three phases, before ... more In this study, evaluation of teacher education programs, has taken place in three phases, before the start of training, during training, and after training, and is discussed in 8 different dimensions. When evaluating teacher education programs, Stake, Kirkpatrick and Stufflebeam evaluation models were investigated as a comparative analysis of models of program evaluation. It has been identified that teacher education programs in the above mentioned three models can be used in different dimensions. But all three models were insufficient to assess contribution of social structure for long-term success of the graduates of teacher education programs.
Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Bu calisma ortaokul matematik ogretmenlerinin matematik ogretiminde bilisim teknolojileri (BT) ku... more Bu calisma ortaokul matematik ogretmenlerinin matematik ogretiminde bilisim teknolojileri (BT) kullanimina iliskin goruslerinin ortaya cikarilmasi amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma grubu olarak Nigde’deki merkez ve merkeze bagli ortaokullarda gorev yapan matematik ogretmenleri arasindan olcut orneklemeyle secilmis 24 matematik ogretmeni belirlenmistir. Calismada nitel arastirma desenlerinden durum calismasi yontemi kullanilmistir. Calisma kapsaminda arastirmaci tarafindan hazirlanan yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formundaki sorular, ogretmenlerle roportaj yapilarak yoneltilmistir. Ses kaydi kullanilarak gorusleri alinan ogretmenlerden elde edilen veriler arastirmaci ve farkli bir alan uzmani tarafindan es zamanli olarak icerik analizi teknigi ile cozumlenmistir. Bu sayede %100 gorus birligi ile kodlayici guvenirliligi saglanmistir. Calismada bilisim teknolojileri ile matematik ogretimine iliskin olarak gorusme yapilan ogretmenlerin buyuk cogunlugu bu konuda olumlu dusunduklerini ve bu tur uygulamalara sicak baktiklarini dile getirmislerdir. Ayrica matematik ogretmenlerinin BT kullanimiyla ilgili hizmet ici egitimlerin universitelerle isbirligi icinde alaninda uzman ogretim elemanlarinca gerceklestirilmesi daha faydali olacagi dusunulmektedir.
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Oct 18, 2010
Abstract Icebreakers can be used for engaging students. In an online course, use of icebreakers f... more Abstract Icebreakers can be used for engaging students. In an online course, use of icebreakers facilitates an instructional environment to start up discussions where everyone can get to know each other (Varvel, 2002). The purpose of the study is to identify types ...
This study investigated effects of the use of digital storytelling activities in 6th grade social... more This study investigated effects of the use of digital storytelling activities in 6th grade social studies course on perceived satisfaction of students related to the course. In this context, a 10-week case study was designed and implemented in the social studies course. The study data were collected via reflection reports prepared by the learners once every two weeks and semi-structured interviews and focus group sessions held after the implementation. The content analysis was used for data analysis. As a result of the content analysis, a total of 18 codes were encoded 296 times under three categories: " perceived satisfaction " , " perceived dissatisfaction " , and " perceived improvement in motivation ". According to the results of the study, the Social Studies course became more enjoyable for students and digital storytelling allowed students to be more productive and improved their satisfaction. However, one hour of the Social Studies course was carried out in the IT Laboratory and it was found that classroom management became more difficult for the teacher and therefore problems related to classroom management. Negative student behaviors arising from this situation were frequently emphasized under the perceived dissatisfaction category.
Programlama ogrenimi zor ve karmasik bir surectir. Programlama ogreniminin karmasikligini azaltma... more Programlama ogrenimi zor ve karmasik bir surectir. Programlama ogreniminin karmasikligini azaltmak amaciyla gorsellestirme araclarinin kullaniminin arttigi gorulmektedir. Bu gorsellestirme araclarindan biri de Alice programidir. Calisma kapsaminda Java programlama dili ogreniminde Alice programinin kullanim sureci incelenmistir. Calisma grubu, meslek yuksekokulu bilgisayar teknolojileri bolumu 2. sinifta ogrenim goren 20 ogrenciden olusmaktadir. Arastirma haftada dort saat olmak uzere bes hafta surmus ve toplamda 20 saat uygulanmistir. Gagne'nin dokuz asamali ogretim modeli kullanilarak dersler yurutulmustur. Ogrencilerden iki haftada bir degerlendirme notu toplanmistir. Calismada tanimlayici durum calismasi kullanilmis ve veriler icerik analizi yonetimi ile analiz edilmistir. Sonuclar incelendiginde ogrencilerin; Alice programinin donanim gereksinimlerinin yuksek olmasi nedeniyle bilgisayarda kilitlenmelerin yasandigini ancak Alice programinin kod mantigini ogrenmeye yardimci oldugunu, programlamaya olan ilgiyi arttirdigini ve programlamayi eglenceli hale getirdigini belirttikleri gorulmektedir. Programlama mantiginin daha iyi anlasilmasi icin Alice programinin kullanilmasinin faydali olacagi dusunulmektedir.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of instructional systems development. Instruc... more The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of instructional systems development. Instructional design is an applied study field in which principles of learning are systematically applied to instructional environments. Conjunction with instructional design, instructional technology is a practical field of study and research area whose aim is to create, use, and manage the resources and processes to improve human learning. Instructional systems development is to apply the principles of instructional design to an instructional development. The principle benefit of instructional systems development process is to develop instructional programs effectively and efficiently and to ensure consistency of design activities.
Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Jun 1, 2014
The aim of this study is to investigate awareness of faculty members being a role model to their ... more The aim of this study is to investigate awareness of faculty members being a role model to their pre-service teachers for utilizing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching activities. The data were collected with a survey from 130 instructors from two education faculties. In order to analyze data t-test and ANOVA test were conducted. According to the results, instructors have mostly used computer in classes. They have mostly used ICT for research purposes. They have mostly learned how to use ICT with the help of studying on their own. They consider themselves as quite adequate in the use of ICT. Instructors' use of ICT was mostly hindered by lack of technical support team which provides technical support in maintaining the technical infrastructure. No significant differences were found in terms of gender, department and seniority in the awareness of being a role model
In this study, evaluation of teacher education programs, has taken place in three phases, before ... more In this study, evaluation of teacher education programs, has taken place in three phases, before the start of training, during training, and after training, and is discussed in 8 different dimensions. When evaluating teacher education programs, Stake, Kirkpatrick and Stufflebeam evaluation models were investigated as a comparative analysis of models of program evaluation. It has been identified that teacher education programs in the above mentioned three models can be used in different dimensions. But all three models were insufficient to assess contribution of social structure for long-term success of the graduates of teacher education programs.
Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Bu calisma ortaokul matematik ogretmenlerinin matematik ogretiminde bilisim teknolojileri (BT) ku... more Bu calisma ortaokul matematik ogretmenlerinin matematik ogretiminde bilisim teknolojileri (BT) kullanimina iliskin goruslerinin ortaya cikarilmasi amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma grubu olarak Nigde’deki merkez ve merkeze bagli ortaokullarda gorev yapan matematik ogretmenleri arasindan olcut orneklemeyle secilmis 24 matematik ogretmeni belirlenmistir. Calismada nitel arastirma desenlerinden durum calismasi yontemi kullanilmistir. Calisma kapsaminda arastirmaci tarafindan hazirlanan yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formundaki sorular, ogretmenlerle roportaj yapilarak yoneltilmistir. Ses kaydi kullanilarak gorusleri alinan ogretmenlerden elde edilen veriler arastirmaci ve farkli bir alan uzmani tarafindan es zamanli olarak icerik analizi teknigi ile cozumlenmistir. Bu sayede %100 gorus birligi ile kodlayici guvenirliligi saglanmistir. Calismada bilisim teknolojileri ile matematik ogretimine iliskin olarak gorusme yapilan ogretmenlerin buyuk cogunlugu bu konuda olumlu dusunduklerini ve bu tur uygulamalara sicak baktiklarini dile getirmislerdir. Ayrica matematik ogretmenlerinin BT kullanimiyla ilgili hizmet ici egitimlerin universitelerle isbirligi icinde alaninda uzman ogretim elemanlarinca gerceklestirilmesi daha faydali olacagi dusunulmektedir.
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Oct 18, 2010
Abstract Icebreakers can be used for engaging students. In an online course, use of icebreakers f... more Abstract Icebreakers can be used for engaging students. In an online course, use of icebreakers facilitates an instructional environment to start up discussions where everyone can get to know each other (Varvel, 2002). The purpose of the study is to identify types ...
This study investigated effects of the use of digital storytelling activities in 6th grade social... more This study investigated effects of the use of digital storytelling activities in 6th grade social studies course on perceived satisfaction of students related to the course. In this context, a 10-week case study was designed and implemented in the social studies course. The study data were collected via reflection reports prepared by the learners once every two weeks and semi-structured interviews and focus group sessions held after the implementation. The content analysis was used for data analysis. As a result of the content analysis, a total of 18 codes were encoded 296 times under three categories: " perceived satisfaction " , " perceived dissatisfaction " , and " perceived improvement in motivation ". According to the results of the study, the Social Studies course became more enjoyable for students and digital storytelling allowed students to be more productive and improved their satisfaction. However, one hour of the Social Studies course was carried out in the IT Laboratory and it was found that classroom management became more difficult for the teacher and therefore problems related to classroom management. Negative student behaviors arising from this situation were frequently emphasized under the perceived dissatisfaction category.
Programlama ogrenimi zor ve karmasik bir surectir. Programlama ogreniminin karmasikligini azaltma... more Programlama ogrenimi zor ve karmasik bir surectir. Programlama ogreniminin karmasikligini azaltmak amaciyla gorsellestirme araclarinin kullaniminin arttigi gorulmektedir. Bu gorsellestirme araclarindan biri de Alice programidir. Calisma kapsaminda Java programlama dili ogreniminde Alice programinin kullanim sureci incelenmistir. Calisma grubu, meslek yuksekokulu bilgisayar teknolojileri bolumu 2. sinifta ogrenim goren 20 ogrenciden olusmaktadir. Arastirma haftada dort saat olmak uzere bes hafta surmus ve toplamda 20 saat uygulanmistir. Gagne'nin dokuz asamali ogretim modeli kullanilarak dersler yurutulmustur. Ogrencilerden iki haftada bir degerlendirme notu toplanmistir. Calismada tanimlayici durum calismasi kullanilmis ve veriler icerik analizi yonetimi ile analiz edilmistir. Sonuclar incelendiginde ogrencilerin; Alice programinin donanim gereksinimlerinin yuksek olmasi nedeniyle bilgisayarda kilitlenmelerin yasandigini ancak Alice programinin kod mantigini ogrenmeye yardimci oldugunu, programlamaya olan ilgiyi arttirdigini ve programlamayi eglenceli hale getirdigini belirttikleri gorulmektedir. Programlama mantiginin daha iyi anlasilmasi icin Alice programinin kullanilmasinin faydali olacagi dusunulmektedir.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of instructional systems development. Instruc... more The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of instructional systems development. Instructional design is an applied study field in which principles of learning are systematically applied to instructional environments. Conjunction with instructional design, instructional technology is a practical field of study and research area whose aim is to create, use, and manage the resources and processes to improve human learning. Instructional systems development is to apply the principles of instructional design to an instructional development. The principle benefit of instructional systems development process is to develop instructional programs effectively and efficiently and to ensure consistency of design activities.
Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Jun 1, 2014
The aim of this study is to investigate awareness of faculty members being a role model to their ... more The aim of this study is to investigate awareness of faculty members being a role model to their pre-service teachers for utilizing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching activities. The data were collected with a survey from 130 instructors from two education faculties. In order to analyze data t-test and ANOVA test were conducted. According to the results, instructors have mostly used computer in classes. They have mostly used ICT for research purposes. They have mostly learned how to use ICT with the help of studying on their own. They consider themselves as quite adequate in the use of ICT. Instructors' use of ICT was mostly hindered by lack of technical support team which provides technical support in maintaining the technical infrastructure. No significant differences were found in terms of gender, department and seniority in the awareness of being a role model
Papers by Hasan Cakir