Transnational corporations (TNCs) have played an increasingly significant role in the world econo... more Transnational corporations (TNCs) have played an increasingly significant role in the world economy particularly throughout the last four decades. TNCs’ crucial significance makes them a subject of great concern to consumers, producers, nation states, and international organizations within the context of globalised economy. Locational preferences of transnational corporations, on the other hand, have always been deeply affected by changes in the economic and political structures, i.e. policies, institutional, and legal frameworks for foreign direct investments. From this point of view, the aim of this paper is to unravel the ways in which locational preferences of transnational corporations have changed throughout different historical periods in Turkey. For this aim, a historical analysis by way of giving reference to fluctuations occurred in the economic and political structure of the country is carried out from the host country perspective starting with the last period of Ottoman ...
Springer proceedings in business and economics, Dec 13, 2020
In recent decades, socioeconomic inequalities have become increasingly noticeable at internationa... more In recent decades, socioeconomic inequalities have become increasingly noticeable at international, national and regional scales. Strikingly, a significant number of countries have been characterized by a division between dynamic and growing metropolitan areas and shrinking and declining rural regions. Relatedly, the Territorial Agenda 2020 of the EU states explicitly that “the core-periphery division is still present”. Increasing socioeconomic inequalities are more apparent within the prosperous metropolises and there has been an increasing socioeconomic differentiation between core and periphery regarding income, employment, and socioeconomic characteristics. Metropolitan areas have been experiencing population growth within the urban core, driven primarily by younger, better-educated and higher income people, in contrast to the peripheral areas witnessing an ageing, poorly-educated and low-income population. This differentiation occurring between core and periphery of metropolitan areas and their distribution across space may bring challenging issues for the governments to deal with. The aim of the study is to figure out how much core and periphery differentiate from each other in terms of their socioeconomic characteristics. As a case study, Ankara metropolitan area is analyzed considering the variables of age groups, sex, level of education, household structure, employment, and political views in district level. Ankara metropolitan area have totally 25 districts. The core is defined as the inner metropolitan area, including eight central districts, and the periphery as the outer area, including 17 districts mainly defined by their rural characteristics. In the empirical part of the study, the socioeconomic characteristics of the core and the periphery are compared by using the Turkish Statistical Institute’s data set. The statistical analysis of socioeconomic variation is realized via recently available economic and social data for the 25 districts and cluster analysis is used for the classification of the districts. By analyzing the districts using the economic and social variables, a district pattern of socioeconomic differentiation of Ankara metropolitan area is revealed.
Following the publication of ‘European Spatial Development Perspective’ in 1999, a large number o... more Following the publication of ‘European Spatial Development Perspective’ in 1999, a large number of theoretical and empirical studies have been carried out on polycentric spatial development especially in European settlements. The relationship between polycentricity and economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability and social cohesion are some of the main concerns of these studies. This study aims to clarify ‘the meaning of polycentricity’ in the case of Turkey, as a developing country and analyse the relationship between polycentric spatial development and economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability and social cohesion. After calculation of morphological polycentricity of the regions at NUTS-5 level, the propositions on the positive effects of polycentric spatial development on economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability and social cohesion is tested by using Pearson correlation and OLS regression models. The results of the empirical study are mixed for these three subjects. Polycentric spatial development has not positive effects on economic competitiveness and social cohesion in Turkey case. Conversely, a positive effect exists in terms of environmental sustainability. It can be said, that to reach those policy aims highlighted by European Spatial Development Perspective, could not be realised by only taken into account polycentric spatial development in Turkey case.
ICPESS (International Congress on Politic, Economic and Social Studies), May 2, 2017
The Southeastern Anatolia Region is one of the less developed regions in Turkey. In order to elim... more The Southeastern Anatolia Region is one of the less developed regions in Turkey. In order to eliminate this uneven development in the country, in 1977, it was decided to bring projects envisaged for Lower Euphrates and Tigris basins together under the generic "Southeastern Anatolia Project"(GAP) and to accelerate the implementation of the project, the GAP Regional Development Administration was established upon the Government Law Decree (GLD) no. 388 published in the Official Gazette no. 20334, dated 6 November 1989. GAP is a major and comprehensive initiative, also giving a brand to Turkey in international arena, that aims at improving the income level and life quality of people living in the region, reducing regional disparities and contributing to country’s economic and social development by mobilizing and utilizing the resources of the region. The aim of this study is to evaluate the changes in the economic, social and spatial structure of Southeastern Anatolia Region by taken into account the goals of the GAP. For this aim, after giving a brief explanation on regional uneven development concept and policies for the elimination of this unevenness, some characteristics of GAP region and projects for GAP region will be clarified. The third section will be focused on the changes in economic, social and spatial structure of the GAP by time. By using TurkStat data sources (GDP, productivity, unemployment, education, gini, demographic structure, urbanization, migration, infrastructure, and etc.) descriptive analyses will be realized to reach the aim of the study. The last and the fourth section concludes by giving general evaluation of the study and some clues for further studies.
Normal 0 21 false false false TR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 In this study, innovati... more Normal 0 21 false false false TR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 In this study, innovation and technology transfer strategies of foreign firms in Turkey and the impact of vertical and horizontal linkages, labour turnover and technology spillover on these activities are analyzed by adopting a grounded theory approach, which allows a theory to emerge from field work. It is found that the foreign firms are more innovative than their local partners, and generally transfer technology from their parent companies in home country not from local market. Additionally, f indings of this study reiterate the importance of tacitness of knowledge, and confirm that technology cannot easily be transferred through passive mechanisms. Key Words : Foreign direct investment, Multinational Corporation, innovation, technology transfer, Istanbul,Turkey
Considering socioeconomic development differences among regions is a key factor to direct investm... more Considering socioeconomic development differences among regions is a key factor to direct investment decisions of institutions targeting to provide service through widespread branch networks in a country. When it comes to the investments of banking and retail sector that have been used as instruments to reduce income and social inequalities in the last decades, the prospect becomes even greater. Recent studies emphasize that there is a strong relationship between the location of commercial banking branches and regional development characteristics. The studies show that the development of banking sector in a region may highly be correlated with the socioeconomic capacity of the region. From this point of view, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between locational preferences of banking sector and socioeconomic structure of cities in Turkish case. For this aim, after the introduction, a literature review on the relationship between locational preferences of banking sector and socioeconomic characteristics of cities is given in the second section. In the third section, data gathering and methodology are presented. In the fourth session, the results of the statistical and spatial analyses are discussed. Finally, discussions of the results and concluding remarks are given in the fifth section.
By 1950s, large scale urbanization processes had accelerated at international scale due to signif... more By 1950s, large scale urbanization processes had accelerated at international scale due to significant technological, economic and political changes. Changes with regard to international relations after the World War II were manifest especially among -developed and developing countries. Before the World War II, economies of some developing countries had become dependent on the developed economies. After the War, economic dependency prevailed. Technology and capital transfer to developing countries in return for their raw material and cheap labour, gave rise to new international relations within the context of economic interaction between developed and developing countries. Rapid and comprehensive urbanization processes stemming from industrial investment to urban areas along with agricultural investment to predominant rural areas and consequent migration from latter to former became the pattern of development in the developing world. As other developing countries, Turkey was also in...
Surdurulebilirlik kavramini, turizm alanlarinin planlamasi ve yonetilmesi cercevesinde ele alan m... more Surdurulebilirlik kavramini, turizm alanlarinin planlamasi ve yonetilmesi cercevesinde ele alan makalede, surdurulebilir turizm planlamasi ve yonetimi konulari Guneydogu Anadolu Projesi (GAP) bolgesi icin hazirlanan “GAP Turizm Master Plani” orneginden hareketle irdelenmektir. Makalede, ulusal ve uluslararasi yazinda siklikla vurgu yapilan surdurulebilir turizm planlamasinin ekolojik boyutunun yani sira, ozellikle ulusal yazinda eksikligi gorulen sosyal ve ekonomik boyutlari da incelenmekte ve basarili bir surdurulebilir turizm yonetimi icin ele alinmasi gereken konular aktarilmaktadir. GAP bolgesi icin 2011 yilinda hazirlanan “GAP Turizm Master Plani"; ekolojik, ekonomik ve sosyal boyutlari ile degerlendirilmekte ve bu degerlendirmede, Dunya Turizm Orgutu’nun hazirladigi gostergelerden ve ilgili kurum ve sivil toplum kuruluslariyla gerceklestirilen derinlemesine gorusmelerden faydalanilmaktadir. Bu calismanin bulgulari GAP Turizm Master Plani ornegi ozelinde, surdurulebilir tu...
Metropollerin mekânsal olarak giderek buyumeleri ve yayilarak genislemeleri yeni bir mekansal yap... more Metropollerin mekânsal olarak giderek buyumeleri ve yayilarak genislemeleri yeni bir mekansal yapinin ortaya cikmasina sebep olmakta, bu yapida merkez ve cevre arasindaki iliskilerin degiserek, yeniden yapilandigi gozlenmektedir. Bu degisim/yeniden yapilanma, merkezin/ana kentin ceperinde yer alan farkli uzmanlasmis yerlesimleri de icine alan ve kent bolge olarak tanimlanan bir sosyo-mekansal yapinin ortaya cikmasina neden olmaktadir. Bu kapsamda kent bolgeler, bir merkez ve bu merkezin islevsel baglantilarla iliskili oldugu etki alanini icine almaktadir. 1980 sonrasi ortaya cikan kent bolge yazininda, kent bolgelerin tekil yerlesimlerin rekabet guclerini artirmak, bilgi ve teknoloji paylasiminda yer alabilmek icin kurduklari paylasim aglarinin yardimiyla yeni mekansal bir duzlem olusturduklari dile getirilmektedir. Kent bolgeler, ozellikle ulus devleti temel alan mekânsal olceklerden, yeni sosyo-mekansal olceklerin one ciktigi kuresel yapiya gecis surecinde “kuresellesmeye uyumu” k...
Bu calismanin amaci, cok - merkezli mekansal gelisme hedeflerinin, metropoliten alanlarda yaratti... more Bu calismanin amaci, cok - merkezli mekansal gelisme hedeflerinin, metropoliten alanlarda yarattigi mekansal yeniden bicimle nisi, surdurulebilirlik uzerinden degerlendirmektir. Bu kapsamda calismada, oncelikle, cok - merkezli mekansal gelisme, surdurulebilir gelisme kavrami uzerinden degerlendirilmekte ve cok - merkezli mekansal gelisme ile surdurulebilirlik kavrami arasindaki iliskinin kurulmasinda kullanilabilecek olasi yontemler incelenmektedir. Ardindan, Avrupa Birligi (AB) mekansal gelisme stratejileri (Avrupa Birligi Mekansal Gelisme Perspektifi (ESDP), Avrupa Mekansal Planlama Gozlem Agi ( ESPON), Avrupa Birligi Alansal Gundemi (TA) 2007, 2020) surdurulebilir mekânsal gelisme konusuna getirdigi katkilar acisindan incelenmektedir. Avrupa Birligi‟nin mekansal gelismesi icin belirlenen alansal onceliklerden biri olan „cok -merkezli ve dengeli alansal buyumenin desteklenmesi‟ ilkesi dogrultusunda benimsenen temel hedefler ve uygulama stratejileri surdurulebilirlik baglaminda tar...
Transnational corporations (TNCs) have played an increasingly significant role in the world econo... more Transnational corporations (TNCs) have played an increasingly significant role in the world economy particularly throughout the last four decades. TNCs’ crucial significance makes them a subject of great concern to consumers, producers, nation states, and international organizations within the context of globalised economy. Locational preferences of transnational corporations, on the other hand, have always been deeply affected by changes in the economic and political structures, i.e. policies, institutional, and legal frameworks for foreign direct investments. From this point of view, the aim of this paper is to unravel the ways in which locational preferences of transnational corporations have changed throughout different historical periods in Turkey. For this aim, a historical analysis by way of giving reference to fluctuations occurred in the economic and political structure of the country is carried out from the host country perspective starting with the last period of Ottoman ...
Springer proceedings in business and economics, Dec 13, 2020
In recent decades, socioeconomic inequalities have become increasingly noticeable at internationa... more In recent decades, socioeconomic inequalities have become increasingly noticeable at international, national and regional scales. Strikingly, a significant number of countries have been characterized by a division between dynamic and growing metropolitan areas and shrinking and declining rural regions. Relatedly, the Territorial Agenda 2020 of the EU states explicitly that “the core-periphery division is still present”. Increasing socioeconomic inequalities are more apparent within the prosperous metropolises and there has been an increasing socioeconomic differentiation between core and periphery regarding income, employment, and socioeconomic characteristics. Metropolitan areas have been experiencing population growth within the urban core, driven primarily by younger, better-educated and higher income people, in contrast to the peripheral areas witnessing an ageing, poorly-educated and low-income population. This differentiation occurring between core and periphery of metropolitan areas and their distribution across space may bring challenging issues for the governments to deal with. The aim of the study is to figure out how much core and periphery differentiate from each other in terms of their socioeconomic characteristics. As a case study, Ankara metropolitan area is analyzed considering the variables of age groups, sex, level of education, household structure, employment, and political views in district level. Ankara metropolitan area have totally 25 districts. The core is defined as the inner metropolitan area, including eight central districts, and the periphery as the outer area, including 17 districts mainly defined by their rural characteristics. In the empirical part of the study, the socioeconomic characteristics of the core and the periphery are compared by using the Turkish Statistical Institute’s data set. The statistical analysis of socioeconomic variation is realized via recently available economic and social data for the 25 districts and cluster analysis is used for the classification of the districts. By analyzing the districts using the economic and social variables, a district pattern of socioeconomic differentiation of Ankara metropolitan area is revealed.
Following the publication of ‘European Spatial Development Perspective’ in 1999, a large number o... more Following the publication of ‘European Spatial Development Perspective’ in 1999, a large number of theoretical and empirical studies have been carried out on polycentric spatial development especially in European settlements. The relationship between polycentricity and economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability and social cohesion are some of the main concerns of these studies. This study aims to clarify ‘the meaning of polycentricity’ in the case of Turkey, as a developing country and analyse the relationship between polycentric spatial development and economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability and social cohesion. After calculation of morphological polycentricity of the regions at NUTS-5 level, the propositions on the positive effects of polycentric spatial development on economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability and social cohesion is tested by using Pearson correlation and OLS regression models. The results of the empirical study are mixed for these three subjects. Polycentric spatial development has not positive effects on economic competitiveness and social cohesion in Turkey case. Conversely, a positive effect exists in terms of environmental sustainability. It can be said, that to reach those policy aims highlighted by European Spatial Development Perspective, could not be realised by only taken into account polycentric spatial development in Turkey case.
ICPESS (International Congress on Politic, Economic and Social Studies), May 2, 2017
The Southeastern Anatolia Region is one of the less developed regions in Turkey. In order to elim... more The Southeastern Anatolia Region is one of the less developed regions in Turkey. In order to eliminate this uneven development in the country, in 1977, it was decided to bring projects envisaged for Lower Euphrates and Tigris basins together under the generic "Southeastern Anatolia Project"(GAP) and to accelerate the implementation of the project, the GAP Regional Development Administration was established upon the Government Law Decree (GLD) no. 388 published in the Official Gazette no. 20334, dated 6 November 1989. GAP is a major and comprehensive initiative, also giving a brand to Turkey in international arena, that aims at improving the income level and life quality of people living in the region, reducing regional disparities and contributing to country’s economic and social development by mobilizing and utilizing the resources of the region. The aim of this study is to evaluate the changes in the economic, social and spatial structure of Southeastern Anatolia Region by taken into account the goals of the GAP. For this aim, after giving a brief explanation on regional uneven development concept and policies for the elimination of this unevenness, some characteristics of GAP region and projects for GAP region will be clarified. The third section will be focused on the changes in economic, social and spatial structure of the GAP by time. By using TurkStat data sources (GDP, productivity, unemployment, education, gini, demographic structure, urbanization, migration, infrastructure, and etc.) descriptive analyses will be realized to reach the aim of the study. The last and the fourth section concludes by giving general evaluation of the study and some clues for further studies.
Normal 0 21 false false false TR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 In this study, innovati... more Normal 0 21 false false false TR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 In this study, innovation and technology transfer strategies of foreign firms in Turkey and the impact of vertical and horizontal linkages, labour turnover and technology spillover on these activities are analyzed by adopting a grounded theory approach, which allows a theory to emerge from field work. It is found that the foreign firms are more innovative than their local partners, and generally transfer technology from their parent companies in home country not from local market. Additionally, f indings of this study reiterate the importance of tacitness of knowledge, and confirm that technology cannot easily be transferred through passive mechanisms. Key Words : Foreign direct investment, Multinational Corporation, innovation, technology transfer, Istanbul,Turkey
Considering socioeconomic development differences among regions is a key factor to direct investm... more Considering socioeconomic development differences among regions is a key factor to direct investment decisions of institutions targeting to provide service through widespread branch networks in a country. When it comes to the investments of banking and retail sector that have been used as instruments to reduce income and social inequalities in the last decades, the prospect becomes even greater. Recent studies emphasize that there is a strong relationship between the location of commercial banking branches and regional development characteristics. The studies show that the development of banking sector in a region may highly be correlated with the socioeconomic capacity of the region. From this point of view, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between locational preferences of banking sector and socioeconomic structure of cities in Turkish case. For this aim, after the introduction, a literature review on the relationship between locational preferences of banking sector and socioeconomic characteristics of cities is given in the second section. In the third section, data gathering and methodology are presented. In the fourth session, the results of the statistical and spatial analyses are discussed. Finally, discussions of the results and concluding remarks are given in the fifth section.
By 1950s, large scale urbanization processes had accelerated at international scale due to signif... more By 1950s, large scale urbanization processes had accelerated at international scale due to significant technological, economic and political changes. Changes with regard to international relations after the World War II were manifest especially among -developed and developing countries. Before the World War II, economies of some developing countries had become dependent on the developed economies. After the War, economic dependency prevailed. Technology and capital transfer to developing countries in return for their raw material and cheap labour, gave rise to new international relations within the context of economic interaction between developed and developing countries. Rapid and comprehensive urbanization processes stemming from industrial investment to urban areas along with agricultural investment to predominant rural areas and consequent migration from latter to former became the pattern of development in the developing world. As other developing countries, Turkey was also in...
Surdurulebilirlik kavramini, turizm alanlarinin planlamasi ve yonetilmesi cercevesinde ele alan m... more Surdurulebilirlik kavramini, turizm alanlarinin planlamasi ve yonetilmesi cercevesinde ele alan makalede, surdurulebilir turizm planlamasi ve yonetimi konulari Guneydogu Anadolu Projesi (GAP) bolgesi icin hazirlanan “GAP Turizm Master Plani” orneginden hareketle irdelenmektir. Makalede, ulusal ve uluslararasi yazinda siklikla vurgu yapilan surdurulebilir turizm planlamasinin ekolojik boyutunun yani sira, ozellikle ulusal yazinda eksikligi gorulen sosyal ve ekonomik boyutlari da incelenmekte ve basarili bir surdurulebilir turizm yonetimi icin ele alinmasi gereken konular aktarilmaktadir. GAP bolgesi icin 2011 yilinda hazirlanan “GAP Turizm Master Plani"; ekolojik, ekonomik ve sosyal boyutlari ile degerlendirilmekte ve bu degerlendirmede, Dunya Turizm Orgutu’nun hazirladigi gostergelerden ve ilgili kurum ve sivil toplum kuruluslariyla gerceklestirilen derinlemesine gorusmelerden faydalanilmaktadir. Bu calismanin bulgulari GAP Turizm Master Plani ornegi ozelinde, surdurulebilir tu...
Metropollerin mekânsal olarak giderek buyumeleri ve yayilarak genislemeleri yeni bir mekansal yap... more Metropollerin mekânsal olarak giderek buyumeleri ve yayilarak genislemeleri yeni bir mekansal yapinin ortaya cikmasina sebep olmakta, bu yapida merkez ve cevre arasindaki iliskilerin degiserek, yeniden yapilandigi gozlenmektedir. Bu degisim/yeniden yapilanma, merkezin/ana kentin ceperinde yer alan farkli uzmanlasmis yerlesimleri de icine alan ve kent bolge olarak tanimlanan bir sosyo-mekansal yapinin ortaya cikmasina neden olmaktadir. Bu kapsamda kent bolgeler, bir merkez ve bu merkezin islevsel baglantilarla iliskili oldugu etki alanini icine almaktadir. 1980 sonrasi ortaya cikan kent bolge yazininda, kent bolgelerin tekil yerlesimlerin rekabet guclerini artirmak, bilgi ve teknoloji paylasiminda yer alabilmek icin kurduklari paylasim aglarinin yardimiyla yeni mekansal bir duzlem olusturduklari dile getirilmektedir. Kent bolgeler, ozellikle ulus devleti temel alan mekânsal olceklerden, yeni sosyo-mekansal olceklerin one ciktigi kuresel yapiya gecis surecinde “kuresellesmeye uyumu” k...
Bu calismanin amaci, cok - merkezli mekansal gelisme hedeflerinin, metropoliten alanlarda yaratti... more Bu calismanin amaci, cok - merkezli mekansal gelisme hedeflerinin, metropoliten alanlarda yarattigi mekansal yeniden bicimle nisi, surdurulebilirlik uzerinden degerlendirmektir. Bu kapsamda calismada, oncelikle, cok - merkezli mekansal gelisme, surdurulebilir gelisme kavrami uzerinden degerlendirilmekte ve cok - merkezli mekansal gelisme ile surdurulebilirlik kavrami arasindaki iliskinin kurulmasinda kullanilabilecek olasi yontemler incelenmektedir. Ardindan, Avrupa Birligi (AB) mekansal gelisme stratejileri (Avrupa Birligi Mekansal Gelisme Perspektifi (ESDP), Avrupa Mekansal Planlama Gozlem Agi ( ESPON), Avrupa Birligi Alansal Gundemi (TA) 2007, 2020) surdurulebilir mekânsal gelisme konusuna getirdigi katkilar acisindan incelenmektedir. Avrupa Birligi‟nin mekansal gelismesi icin belirlenen alansal onceliklerden biri olan „cok -merkezli ve dengeli alansal buyumenin desteklenmesi‟ ilkesi dogrultusunda benimsenen temel hedefler ve uygulama stratejileri surdurulebilirlik baglaminda tar...
Papers by N. Aydan Sat