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説明 Description

這一工程旨在增加第五代合成器工坊(Synthesizer V Studio)漢語方言並縮小華語聲庫音素表並降低其解析程序之時空複雜度。
This repository is aimed at extending dialectal support for Chinese voicebanks of Synthesizer V Studio (SVS) and reduce their phoneme list size to lower the time and space complexity of their respective resolution programs.

既定事實 Accomplished Facts

  1. SVS不區分博歌樂區分的英語前L(lot, l0)與後L(gel, l)、送氣塞音與不送氣塞音;
    SVS does not tell initial L's (l0 in VOCALOID) apart from the final L's (l in VOCALOID), aspired explosives apart from unaspired ones (distinguished in VOCALOID) in English;
  2. SVS不區分日語haheho(は、へ、ほ)的h(/h/)與hi(ひ)的h(/ç/);
    SVS does not distinguish the H's in ha, he, ho (all /h/) and hi (/ç/);
  3. SVS不區分博歌樂區分的日語dZZ(ぢ/じ),dzz(づ/ず);
    SVS does not distinguish ji with zhi, dzu with zu as for VOCALOID;
  4. SVS誤將中文io并入iao;
    SVS mistakes Chinese io as iao;
  5. SVS中文音素方案難以獨立理解、記憶,不利於跨語種調教。
    SVS phoneme system for Chinese (mandarin-xsampa) is difficult to comprehend and memorize without the assistance of Pinyin, which results in a disadvantage of translingual synthesis.
  6. 自1958年出版以來,中華人民共和國《漢語拼音方案》從未將漢語拼音與國際音標音值(表徵爲X-SAMPA)對應,且現有對應關係頗存爭議。
    Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet has not been mapping Pinyin to IPA (then X-SAMPA) ever since its publication by the Chinese Government in 1958, with their corrrespondence still controversial.

These may be concluded as nationality of development, as Synthesizer V Studio is developed by Chinese (Hua Kanru) with VOCALOID by Japanese (Kenmochi Hideki), each concerning the phonetic differentials in their first languages finest.

華語方面列表 List for Mandarin

音素 Phonemes

a   vowel -> a
A   vowel *
o   vowel -> o
@   vowel -> e
e   vowel -> eh
7   vowel -> ex
U   vowel *
u   vowel -> u
i   vowel -> i
i\  vowel -> ih
i`  vowel *
y   vowel -> yu
AU  diphthong *
@U  diphthong *
ia  diphthong *
iA  diphthong *
iAU diphthong *
ie  diphthong *
iE  diphthong *
iU  diphthong *
i@U diphthong *
y{  diphthong *
yE  diphthong *
ua  diphthong *
uA  diphthong *
u@  diphthong *
ue  diphthong *
uo  diphthong *
:\i coda *
r\` coda -> rr (liquid)
:n  coda *
N   coda -> ng (nasal)
p   stop -> b
ph  stop -> p
t   stop -> d
th  stop -> t
k   stop -> g
kh  stop -> k
ts\  affricate -> j
ts   affricate -> z
tsh  affricate -> c
ts`  affricate -> zh
ts`h affricate -> ch
x    aspirate *actually h* -> h
f    fricative -> f
s    fricative -> s
s`   fricative -> sh
ts\h fricative *actually affricate* -> q (affricate)
s\   fricative -> x
m   nasal -> m
n   nasal -> n
l   liquid -> l
z`  semivowel -> r
w   semivowel -> w
j   semivowel -> y
pau silence *
sil silence -> sil

* 擬淘汰 To be eliminated

擬增加音素 Phonemes to be added

yw semivowel
v  fricative
gn nasal

聲母 Initials

拼音 Pinyin 現行 Current 建議 Suggestion 備注 Note
b p b 多數人讀成 mostly read as /b/ b
p ph p
m m m
f f f
d t d 多數人讀成 mostly read as /d/ d
t th t
n n n
l l l
g k g 多數人讀成 mostly read as /g/ g
k kh k
h x h 多數人讀成 mostly read as /h/ h
j ts\ j 多數人讀成 mostly read as /dʑ/ dz\
q ts\h q
x s\ x
zh ts` zh 多數人讀成 mostly read as /dʒ/ dZ
ch ts`h ch 多數人讀成 mostly read as /tʃʰ/ tSh
sh s` sh 多數人讀成 mostly read as /ʃ/ S
r z` r 多數人讀成 mostly read as /ʒ/ Z
z ts z 多數人讀成 mostly read as/dz/ dz
c tsh c
s s s
y j y
w w w

韻母 Finals

拼音 Pinyin 現行 Current 建議 Suggestion 備注 Note
a a a
ia ia y a 介音應拆分 should be split as noticed
ua ua w a 介音應拆分 should be split as noticed
o o o
io iAU y o
uo uo w o 介音應拆分 should be split as noticed
e 7 e
ie ie y eh 介音應拆分 should be split as noticed
üe yE yw eh 介音應拆分;真實發音仍是 should be split and read as /ɥe/ H e
i i i
(zh/ch/sh/r)i i` ih 不應與下一音素區分 Not necessarily distinguished with below
(z/c/s)i i\ ih
u u u
ü y yu
ai a :\i a y
iai ia :\i y a y
uai ua :\i w a y
ei e :\i eh y
ui ue :\i u y 貼近真實發音 cater to authentic pronunciation /uɪ/
ao AU a w 尾音應拆分;貼近真實發音 split and cater to authentic pronunciation /aʊ/
iao iAU y a w 介尾音應拆分 should be split as noticed
ou @U o w 尾音應拆分;貼近真實發音 split and cater to authentic pronunciation /oʊ/
iu i@U i w 貼近真實發音 cater to authentic pronunciation /iʊ/
an a :n a n
ian iE :n y eh n 介音應拆分;真實發音仍是 actually read as /ien/ j e n
uan ua :n w a n 介音應拆分
üan y{ :n yw eh n 介音應拆分;真實發音仍是 actually read as /ɥen/ H e n
en @ :n ex n
in i :n i n
un u@ :n u n 貼近真實發音 cater to authentic pronunciation /un/
ün yE :n yu n 正確發音是 actually read as /yn/
ang A N a ng 正確發音是 actually read as /aŋ/ a N
iang iA N y a ng 介音應拆分 should be split as noticed
uang uA N w a ng 介音應拆分 should be split as noticed
eng @ N ex ng
ing i N i ng
ueng u@ N w ex ng 介音應拆分 should be split as noticed
ong U N o ng 常讀作 normally read as /oŋ/ o N
iong iU N y o ng 介音應拆分 should be split as noticed
er a r\` ex rr 正確發音是 actually read as /ɚ/~/əɻ/ @` ~ @ r\`

總計 Total

拼音 Pinyin 現行 Current 建議 Suggestion
63 55 35

附注 Notes

The Mandarin dictionary of this repository also support rhotification.

粵語方面列表 List for Cantonese

This repository provides and only provides legal syllabic combinations.

聲母 Initials


1 2 3 4 5
b p m f -
d t n - l
g k h ng -
gw kw - - w
zh ch sh - -
z c s - y

韻母 Finals

medial - j w m n N p t k
a aa/a aai aau aam aan aang aap aat aak
@ - ai au am an ang ap at ak
e e ei - - - eng - - ek
i i - iu im in ing ip it ik
o o oi ou om on ong op ot ok
u u ui - - un ung - ut uk
7 oe eoi - - eon oeng - eot oek
y yu - - - yun - - yut -

Examples 示例

  1. 《七子之歌》之《香港》《九龍島》(慶祝香港回歸25周年,聞一多詞,本人曲)
    Seven Sons' Song, Hong Kong and Kowloon Island, in memory of Hong Kong's handover for 25 years

Credits 致謝


Extending dialectal support for Chinese voicebanks of Synthesizer V








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