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Package cs-algorithms provides C# implementation of algorithms for data structures and manipulation, as well as graph and string processing


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Package cs-algorithms provides C# implementation of algorithms for data structures and manipulation, as well as graph and string processing. The project is written with .NET Core and is cross-platform for development.

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  • Data Structure

    • Stack

      • Linked List
      • Array
    • Queue

      • Linked List
      • Array
    • HashSet

    • HashMap

      • Separate Chaining
      • Linear Probing
    • Binary Search Tree

    • Red Black Tree

    • Priority Queue

      • MinPQ
      • MaxPQ
      • IndexMinPQ
    • Graph

      • Simple graph
      • Edge weighted graph
      • Directed graph (digraph)
      • Directed edge weight graph
    • Search Tries (Symbol table with string-based keys)

      • R-way search tries
      • Ternary search tries
  • Algorithms

    • Sorting

      • Selection Sort
      • Insertion Sort
      • Shell Sort
      • Merge Sort
      • Quick Sort
      • 3-Ways Quick Sort
      • Heap Sort
    • Selection

      • Binary Search
    • Shuffling

      • Knuth
    • Union Find

      • Quick Find
      • Weighted Quick Union with path compression
  • Graph Algorithms

    • Search

      • Depth First Search
      • Breadth First Search
    • Connectivity

      • Connected Components
      • Strongly Connected Components
    • Topological Sorting

      • Depth First Reverse Post Order
    • Directed Cycle Detection

    • Minimum Spanning Tree

      • Kruskal
      • Prim (Lazy)
      • Prim (Eager)
    • Shortest Path

      • Dijkstra
      • Topological Sort (for directed acyclic graph, namely dag)
      • Bellman-Ford (for graph with negative weight as well)
    • MaxFlow MinCut

      • Ford-Fulkerson
  • Strings

    • Longest Repeated Substring

    • String Sorting

      • LSD (Least Significant Digit first radix sorting)
      • MSD (Most Significant Digit first radix sorting)
      • 3-Ways String Quick Sort
    • String Search

      • Rabin Karp
      • Boyer Moore
      • Knuth Morris Pratt


Package cs-algorithms provides C# implementation of algorithms for data structures and manipulation, as well as graph and string processing








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