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Invariants being Tested

Stateful Deployment Tests

ID Description Status
CURV-1 The central registry has the daoAddress set to the deployer. Passed
CURV-2 The central registry has the timelock address set to the deployer. Passed
CURV-3 The central registry has the emergency council address set to the deployer. Passed
CURV-4 The central registry’s genesis Epoch is equal to zero. Passed
CURV-5 The central registry’s sequencer is set to address(0). Passed
CURV-6 The central registry has granted the deployer permissions. Passed
CURV-7 The central registry has granted the deployer elevated permissions. Passed
CURV-8 The central registry has the cve address setup correctly. Passed
CURV-9 The central registry has the veCVE address setup correctly. Passed
CURV-10 The central registry has the cveLocker setup correctly. Passed
CURV-11 The central registry has the protocol messaging hub setup correctly. Passed
CURV-12 The CVE contract is mapped to the centralRegistry correctly. Passed
CURV-13 The CVE contract’s team address is set to the deployer. Passed
CURV-14 The CVE’s dao treasury allocation is set to 10000 ether. Passed
CURV-15 The CVE dao’s team allocation per month is greater than zero. Passed
CURV-16 The Market Manager’s gauge pool is set up correctly. Passed

FuzzVECVE – Functional Invariants

ID Description Result
VECVE-1 Creating a lock with a specified amount when the system is not in a shutdown state should succeed, with preLockCVEBalance matching postLockCVEBalance + amount and preLockVECVEBalance + amount matching postLockVECVEBalance. Passed
VECVE-2 Creating a lock with an amount less than WAD should fail and revert with an error message indicating invalid lock amount. Passed
VECVE-3 Creating a lock with zero amount should fail and revert with an error message indicating an invalid lock amount. Passed
VECVE-4 Combining all continuous locks into a single continuous lock should result in identical user points before and after the operation. FAILED
VECVE-5 Combining all continuous locks into a single continuous lock should result in an increase in user points being greater than veCVE balance * MULTIPLIER / WAD. Passed
VECVE-6 Combining all continuous locks into a single continuous lock should result in chainUnlocksByEpoch being equal to 0. Passed
VECVE-7 Combining all continuous locks into a single continuous lock should result in chainUnlocksByEpoch being equal to 0. Passed
VECVE-8 Combining all non-continuous locks into a single non-continuous lock should result in the combined lock amount matching the sum of original lock amounts. Passed
VECVE-9 Combining all continuous locks into a single continuous lock should result in resulting user points times the CL_POINT_MULTIPLIER being greater than or equal to the balance of veCVE. Passed
VECVE-10 Combining non-continuous locks into continuous lock terminals should result in increased post combine user points compared to the pre combine user points. FAILED
VECVE-11 Combining non-continuous locks into continuous lock terminals should result in the userUnlockByEpoch value decreasing for each respective epoch. Passed
VECVE-12 Combining non-continuous locks into continuous lock terminals should result in chainUnlockByEpoch decreasing for each respective epoch. Passed
VECVE-13 Combining non-continuous locks to continuous locks should result in chainUnlockByEpochs being equal to 0. Passed
VECVE-14 Combining non-continuous locks to continuous locks should result in the userUnlocksByEpoch being equal to 0. Passed
VECVE-15 Combining any locks to a non continuous terminal should result in the amount for the combined terminal matching the sum of original lock amounts. Passed
VECVE-16 Combining some continuous locks to a non continuous terminal should result in user points decreasing. Passed
VECVE-17 Combining no prior continuous locks to a non continuous terminal should result in no change in user points. FAILED
VECVE-18 Combining some prior continuous locks to a non continuous terminal should result in the veCVE balance of a user equaling the user points. FAILED
VECVE-19 Processing an expired lock should fail when the lock index is incorrect or exceeds the length of created locks. Passed
VECVE-20 Disabling a continuous lock for a user’s continuous lock results in a decrease of user points. Passed
VECVE-21 Disable continuous lock for a user’s continuous lock results in a decrease of chain points. Passed
VECVE-22 Disable continuous lock for a user’s continuous lock results in an increase of amount to chainUnlocksByEpoch. Passed
VECVE-23 Disable continuous lock should for a user’s continuous lock results in preUserUnlocksByEpoch + amount matching postUserUnlocksByEpoch Passed
VECVE-24 Trying to extend a lock that is already continuous should fail and revert with an error message indicating a lock type mismatch. Passed
VECVE-25 Trying to extend a lock when the system is in shutdown should fail and revert with an error message indicating that the system is shut down. Passed
VECVE-26 Shutting down the contract when the caller has elevated permissions should result in the veCVE.isShutdown = 2 Passed
VECVE-27 Shutting down the contract when the caller has elevated permissions should result in the cveLocker.isShutdown = 2 Passed
VECVE-28 Shutting down the contract when the caller has elevated permissions, and the system is not already shut down should never revert unexpectedly. Passed
VECVE-29 Calling extendLock with continuousLock set to 'true' should set the post extend lock time to CONTINUOUS_LOCK_VALUE. Passed
VECVE-30 Calling extendLock for noncontinuous extension in the same epoch should not change the unlock epoch. Passed
VECVE-31 Calling extendLock for noncontinuous extension in a future epoch should increase the unlock time. Passed
VECVE-32 Calling extendLock with correct preconditions should not revert. Passed
VECVE-33 Increasing the amount and extending the lock should succeed if the lock is continuous. Passed
VECVE-34 Increasing the lock amount and extending a continuous lock's validity should succeed, with preLockCVEBalance matching postLockCVEBalance + amount Passed
VECVE-35 Increasing the lock amount and extending a continuous lock's validity should succeed, with preLockVECVEBalance + amount matching postLockVECVEBalance. Passed
VECVE-36 Increasing the amount and extending the lock should succeed if the lock is non-continuous. Passed
VECVE-37 Increasing the lock amount and extending a non-continuous lock's validity should succeed, with preLockCVEBalance matching postLockCVEBalance + amount Passed
VECVE-38 Increasing the lock amount and extending a non-continuous lock's validity should succeed, with preLockVECVEBalance + amount matching postLockVECVEBalance. Passed
VECVE-39 Processing an expired lock for an existing lock in a shutdown contract should complete successfully Passed
VECVE-40 Processing a lock in a shutdown contract results in decreasing user points Passed
VECVE-41 Processing a lock in a shutdown contract results in decreasing chain points Passed
VECVE-42 Processing a non-continuous lock in a shutdown contract results in preChainUnlocksByEpoch - amount being equal to postChainUnlocksByEpoch Passed
VECVE-43 Processing a non-continuous lock in a shutdown contract results in preUserUnlocksByEpoch - amount being equal to postUserUnlocksByEpoch Passed
VECVE-44 Processing a lock in a shutdown contract results in increasing cve tokens Passed
VECVE-45 Processing a lock in a shutdown contract results in decreasing vecve tokens Passed
VECVE-46 Processing a lock in a shutdown contract results in decreasing number of user locks Passed
VECVE-47 Processing a lock should complete successfully if unlock time is expired. Passed
VECVE-48 Processing a lock in a shutdown contract results in decreasing chain points Passed
VECVE-49 Processing a non-continuous lock in a shutdown contract results in preChainUnlocksByEpoch - amount being equal to postChainUnlocksByEpoch Passed
VECVE-50 Processing a non-continuous lock in a shutdown contract results in preUserUnlocksByEpoch - amount being equal to postUserUnlocksByEpoch Passed
VECVE-51 Processing an expired lock without a relocking option results in increasing cve tokens Passed
VECVE-52 Processing an expired lock without a relocking option results in decreasing vecve tokens Passed
VECVE-53 Processing an expired lock without relocking should result in user points being equal. Passed
VECVE-54 Processing an expired lock without relocking should result in chain points being equal if epochs to claim = 0. Passed
VECVE-55 Processing expired locks with relock should not change the number of locks a user has. FAILED
VECVE-56 Combining locks should not be possible when the system is shut down. FAILED
VECVE-57 Processing expired locks without relocking should decrease user points if epoch to claim > 0. Passed
VECVE-58 Creating a lock with the correct preconditions should not revert. Passed
VECVE-59 Combining non-continuous locks to continuous locks should be successful with correct preconditions. FAILED
VECVE-60 Combining some prior continuous locks to non continuous terminals should be successful with correct preconditions. FAILED

FuzzVECVE – System Invariants

ID Property Result
S-VECVE-1 Balance of veCVE must equal to the sum of all non-continuous lock amounts. Passed
S-VECVE-2 User unlocks by epoch should be greater than 0 for all non-continuous locks. Passed
S-VECVE-3 User unlocks by epoch should be 0 for all continuous locks. Passed
S-VECVE-4 Chain unlocks by epoch should be greater than 0 for all non-continuous locks. Passed
S-VECVE-5 Chain unlocks by epoch should be 0 for all continuous locks. Passed
S-VECVE-6 The sum of all user unlock epochs for each epoch must be less than or equal to the user points. Passed
S-VECVE-7 The contract should only have a zero cve balance when there are no user locks. Passed

Market Manager - Functional Invariants

                                                                                           | ID        | Property                                                                                                                     | Result |

|-----------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------| | MARKET-1 | Once a new token is listed, isListed(mtoken) should return true. | Passed | | MARKET-2 | A token already added to the MarketManager cannot be added again. | Passed | | MARKET-3 | A user can deposit into an mtoken provided that they have the underlying asset, and they have approved the mtoken contract. | Passed | | MARKET-4 | When depositing assets into the mtoken, the wrapped token balance for the user should increase. | Passed | | MARKET-5 | Calling updateCollateralToken with variables in the correct bounds should succeed. | Passed | | MARKET-6 | Calling updateCollateralToken with divergence in prices too large should fail with PriceError. | Passed | | MARKET-7 | Calling updateCollateralToken where price returns PriceError should fail with PriceError. | FAILED | | MARKET-8 | Calling updateCollateralToken on a token with a non-zero collateral ratio should not allow the new collateral ratio to be set to zero. | Passed | | MARKET-9 | Setting the collateral caps for a token should increase the globally set value for the specific token. | Passed | | MARKET-10 | Setting collateral caps for a token given permissions and collateral values being set should succeed. | Passed | | MARKET-12 | With the correct bounds on input, updateCollateralToken should revert if the price feed is out of date. | Passed | | MARKET-13 | After collateral is posted, the user’s collateral posted position for the respective asset should increase. | Passed | | MARKET-14 | After collateral is posted, calling hasPosition on the user’s mtoken should return true. | Passed | | MARKET-15 | After collateral is posted, the global collateral for the mtoken should increase by the amount posted. | Passed | | MARKET-16 | When price feed is up to date, address(this) has mtoken, tokens are bound correctly, and caller is correct, the postCollateral call should succeed. | Passed | | MARKET-17 | Trying to post too much collateral should revert. | Passed | | MARKET-14 | Removing collateral from the system should decrease the global posted collateral by the removed amount. | Passed | | MARKET-15 | Removing collateral from the system should reduce the user posted collateral by the removed amount. | Passed | | MARKET-16 | If the user has a liquidity shortfall, the user should not be permitted to remove collateral (function should fail with insufficient collateral selector hash). | Passed | | MARKET-17 | Removing collateral for a nonexistent position should revert with invariant error hash. | Passed | | MARKET-18 | Removing collateral from the system should decrease the global posted collateral by the removed amount. | Passed | | MARKET-19 | Removing collateral from the system should reduce the user posted collateral by the removed amount. | Passed | | MARKET-20 | If the user has a liquidity shortfall, the user should not be permitted to remove collateral (function should fail with insufficient collateral selector hash). | Passed | | MARKET-21 | If the user does not have a liquidity shortfall and meets expected preconditions, the removeCollateral should be successful. | Passed | | MARKET-22 | If new collateral for user after removing is = 0 and a user wants to close position, the user should no longer have a position in the asset | Passed | | MARKET-23 | Removing collateral for a nonexistent position should revert with invariant error hash. | Passed | | MARKET-24 | Removing more tokens than a user has for collateral should revert with insufficient collateral hash. | Passed | | MARKET-25 | Calling reduceCollateralIfNecessary should fail when not called within the context of the mtoken. | Passed | | MARKET-26 | Calling closePosition with correct preconditions should remove a position in the mtoken, where collateral posted for the user is greater than 0. | Passed | | MARKET-27 | Calling closePosition with correct preconditions should set collateralPosted for the user’s mtoken to zero, where collateral posted for the user is greater than 0. | Passed | | MARKET-28 | Calling closePosition with correct preconditions should reduce the user asset list by 1 element, where collateral posted for the user is greater than 0. | Passed | | MARKET-29 | Calling closePosition with correct preconditions should succeed,where collateral posted for the user is greater than 0. | Passed | | MARKET-30 | In a shortfall, closePosition should revert with insufficient collateral error | Passed | | MARKET-31 | Calling closePosition with correct preconditions should remove a position in the mtoken, where collateral posted for the user is equal to 0. | Passed | | MARKET-32 | Calling closePosition with correct preconditions should set collateralPosted for the user’s mtoken to zero, where collateral posted for the user is equal to 0. | Passed | | MARKET-33 | Calling closePosition with correct preconditions should reduce the user asset list by 1 element, where collateral posted for the user is equal to 0. | Passed | | MARKET-34 | Calling closePosition with correct preconditions should succeed,where collateral posted for the user is equal to 0. | Passed | | MARKET-35 | Liquidating an entire account should succeed with the correct preconditions. | FAILED | | MARKET-36 | Liquidating an entire account should zero out users’ balance for every collateral token they deposited. | Passed | | MARKET-37 | Liquidating an entire account should remove the user’s position in every asset. | Passed | | MARKET-38 | Attempting to liquidate an entire account (hard liquidation) should fail if the collateral >= debt with NoLiquidationAvailable. | Passed | | MARKET-39 | Attempting to liquidate an entire account (hard liquidation) should fail if a user is attempting to liquidate themselves with Unauthorized. | Passed | | MARKET-40 | Attempting to liquidate an entire account (hard liquidation) should fail if seize is paused with Paused. | Passed | | MARKET-41 | Calling removeCollateral with zero tokens should fail. | Passed |

Market Manager – Access Controls

ID Property Result
AC-MARKET-1 Calling setMintPaused with correct preconditions should not revert. Passed
AC-MARKET-2 Calling the setMintPaused(mtoken, true) with authorization should set isMintPaused to 2. Passed
AC-MARKET-3 Calling the setMintPaused(mtoken, false) with authorization should set isMintPaused to 1. Passed
AC-MARKET-4 Calling setRedeemPaused with the correct preconditions should succeed. Passed
AC-MARKET-5 Calling setRedeemPaused(true) with authorization should set redeemPaused to 2. Passed
AC-MARKET-6 Calling setRedeemPaused(false) with authorization should set redeemPaused to 1. Passed
AC-MARKET-7 Calling setTransferPaused with the correct preconditions should not revert. Passed
AC-MARKET-8 Calling setTransferPaused(true) with authorization should set transferPaused to 2. Passed
AC-MARKET-9 Calling setTransferPaused(false) with authorization should set transferPaused to 1. Passed
AC-MARKET-10 Calling setSeizePaused with the correct authorization should succeed. Passed
AC-MARKET-11 Calling setSeizePaused(true) should set seizePaused to 2. Passed
AC-MARKET-12 Calling setSeizePaused(false) should set seizePaused to 1. Passed
AC-MARKET-13 Calling setBorrowPaused with correct preconditions should succeed. Passed
AC-MARKET-14 Calling setBorrowPaused(mtoken, true) should set isBorrowPaused to 2. Passed
AC-MARKET-15 Calling setBorrowPaused(mtoken, false) should set isBorrowPaused to 1. Passed

Market Manager - State Checks

ID Property Result
SC-MARKET-1 The canMint function should not revert when mint is not paused and a token is listed in the system. Passed
SC-MARKET-2 The canMint function should revert when the token is not listed. Passed
SC-MARKET-3 The canMint function should revert when mint is paused. Passed
SC-MARKET-4 The canRedeem function should succeed when redeem is not paused, mtoken is listed, MIN_HOLD_PERIOD has passed since posting, and the user does not have a liquidity deficit. Passed
SC-MARKET-5 The canRedeem function should revert when the redeemPaused flag is set to 2. Passed
SC-MARKET-6 The canRedeem function should revert when the token is not listed. Passed
SC-MARKET-7 The canRedeem function should revert when a user has a liquidityDeficit greater than 0. Passed
SC-MARKET-8 The canRedeem function should return (no error or return) when no position exists. Passed
SC-MARKET-9 The canRedeemWithCollateralRemoval function should fail when not called by the mtoken address. Passed
SC-MARKET-10 The canTransfer function should pass when all preconditions are met. Passed
SC-MARKET-11 The canTransfer function should fail when transferring in the system is paused. Passed
SC-MARKET-12 The canTransfer function should fail when the mtoken is not listed.
SC-MARKET-13 The canTransfer function should fail when redeem is paused. Passed
SC-MARKET-14 The canBorrow function should succeed when borrow is not paused and mtoken is listed. Passed
SC-MARKET-15 The canBorrow function should fail when borrow is paused. Passed
SC-MARKET-16 The canBorrow function should fail when mtoken is unlisted. Passed
SC-MARKET-17 The canBorrow function should fail when a liquidity deficit exists. Passed
SC-MARKET-18 The canBorrowWithNotify function should fail when called directly. Passed
SC-MARKET-19 The canRepay function should succeed when mtoken is listed and MIN_HOLD_PERIOD has passed. Passed
SC-MARKET-20 The canRepay function should revert when mtoken is not listed. Passed
SC-MARKET-21 The canRepay function should revert when MIN_HOLD_PERIOD has not passed. Passed
SC-MARKET-22 The canSeize function should succeed when seize is not paused, collateral and debt token are listed, and both tokens have the same lendtroller. Passed
SC-MARKET-23 The canSeize function should revert when seize is paused. Passed
SC-MARKET-24 The canSeize function should revert when collateral or debt token are not listed in the Lendtroller. Passed
SC-MARKET-25 The canSeize function should revert when both tokens do not have the same Lendtroller. Passed

Market Manager – System Invariants

ID Property Result
S-MARKET-1 A user’s cToken balance must always be greater than the total collateral posted for a ctoken. Passed
S-MARKET-2 Market collateral posted of 0 for a token should have collateral posted for a token to be equivalent to the max collateral cap. Passed
S-MARKET-3 Market collateral posted should always be less than max collateralCap for a non-zero collateral cap. Passed
S-MARKET-4 The total supply of a token should never go down to zero once it has been listed. Passed

Market Manager – Liquidation Invariants

ID Property Result
LIQ-1 The baseCFactor must be bound between MIN_BASE_CFACTOR and MAX_BASE_CFACTOR Passed
LIQ-2 The lFactor must be bound between 1 and WAD. Passed
LIQ-3 The resulting cFactor be bound between baseCFactor and WAD Passed
LIQ-4 The liqBaseIncentive must be bound between MIN_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE and MAX_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE Passed
LIQ-5 The resulting incentive must be bound between MIN_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE and MAX_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE Passed
LIQ-6 If cfactor is equivalent to 0, maxAmount should be equal to the 0. Passed
LIQ-7 If cfactor is equivalent to WAD, maxAmount is equal to debtBalanceCached Passed
LIQ-8 If cfactor is bound between 0 and WAD, non-inclusive, the maxAmount is bound between 0, debtBalanceCached. Passed
LIQ-9 If the collateral token has less decimals than the debt token, amountAdjusted should be less than the debt balance. Passed
LIQ-10 If the collateral token has more decimals than the debt token, amountAdjusted > debtBalanceCached. Passed
LIQ-11 If collateral token decimals has less decimals than the debtTokenDecimals, amountAdjusted < debtBalanceCached. Passed
LIQ-12 If amountAdjusted==0, tokens to be liquidated should be equal to 0. Passed
LIQ-13 If debtToCollateralRatio==0, tokens to be liquidated should be equal to 0. Passed

DToken - Functional Invariants

ID Property Result
DTOK-1 Calling DToken.mint should succeed with correct preconditions. Passed
DTOK-2 Underlying balance for sender DToken should decrease by amount after minting DToken. Passed
DTOK-3 Balance of the recipient after minting DToken should increase by amount * WAD/exchangeRateCached() FAILED
DTOK-4 DToken totalSupply should increase by amount * WAD/exchangeRateCached() after calling DToken mint. Passed
DTOK-5 The borrow function should succeed with proper preconditions, when not accruing interest. Passed
DTOK-6 If interest has not accrued, totalBorrows should increase after calling borrow. Passed
DTOK-7 If interest has not accrued, the underlying balance of the caller should increase by amount Passed
DTOK-8 The borrow function should succeed with proper preconditions, when accruing interest. Passed
DTOK-9 If interest has accrued, the totalBorrows should increase by the amount. Passed
DTOK-10 If interest has accrued, the underlying balance should increase by amount. Passed
DTOK-11 A user attempting to repay too much should error gracefully. FAILED
DTOK-12 The repay function should succeed with proper preconditions. Passed
DTOK-13 Repaying any amount with no interest accruing should make totalBorrows equivalent to preTotalBorrows - amount Passed
DTOK-14 If a user repays with amount = 0, they zero out their accountDebt for their account. Passed
DTOK-15 A user should be able to repay between 0 and their accountDebt with the repay function.
DTOK-16 A user trying to soft liquidate another account should fail with a 0 amount. Passed
DTOK-17 Repaying an amount with interest accruing should make totalBorrows equivalent to totalBorrows - preTotalBorrows - amount - ( new_exchange_rate - old_exchange_rate
DTOK-18 The mint function should revert if amount * WAD / exchangRate == 0, when trying to deposit to the GaugePool. Passed

DToken – System Invariants

ID Property Result
S-DTOK-1 Market underlying held for a DToken must be equivalent to the balanceOf the underlying token. Passed
S-DTOK-2 The number of decimals for the DToken must be equivalent to the number of decimals for the underlying token. Passed
S-DTOK-3 The isCToken function for a DToken must not return true. Passed

So you found a failure?

Tips and tricks:

  • Run both Echidna and Medusa to maximize the number of issues you find with the same test suite
  • Add export ECHIDNA_SAVE_TRACES=true, then run Echidna to get full traces for entire length of callsequences (reference)
    • The reproducer file will be in output/echidna-corpus/reproducer-traces/ and find the most recent file that highlights the property that failed
  • If Echidna or Medusa find an exploit, write a unit test with the same numbers. This can help you sanity check it. Add this unit test to the maintained unit tests.

Coverage Limitations

System-wide limitations

  • Larger range on oracle prices – This will allow the fuzzer to explore large price deviations – the current test suite uses a default price to match the unit tests of 1e8 for each asset
  • More token interactions – A larger range of debt and collateral tokens the fuzzer can transact with, with additional assets valued in USD and ETH would be meaningful for the rest of the system. This can also include decimal checks.
  • Larger input ranges – Input ranges being expanded to test entire full range of inputs (i.e: for uint256, testing the full range of 0 - type(uint256).max

VeCVE limitations

  • Additional system invariants – chainPoints being equal to a user’s (CVE locked as noncontinuous) + CVE locked / continuousPoint Multiplier
  • Additional coverage on delegation functions – These include enhanced coverage for createLockFor and increaseAmountAndExtendLockFor, in addition to
  • Pre- and post-conditions for additional functions - Some functions such as earlyExpire, and a few other introduced after we started our fuzzing campaign were not scoped for pre- and post-conditions and are missing in coverage
  • Rewards data – Currently, the system tests test against a default reward data of no reward and empty bytes. Given changes implemented in the rewards claiming on the VeCVE side, the fuzzing suite is missing coverage on these functions.
  • Full range of uint values on inputs – The createLock function for example, is currently only bound at uint64. The upper bounds of the input should be extended with the current fuzzing suite.

Market Manager limitations

  • Partner gauges – The system does not test the GaugePool, and its interactions with partner gauges.
  • Removing collateral with a shortfall – There is coverage currently missing on removing collateral with a shortfall > 0, which may need additional tweaking with respect to system state.
  • Market Manager State Checks – missing coverage on canLiquidate and canLiquidateWithExecution functions

Installation Requirements

  1. Slither/crytic-compile
  2. Echidna (currently running on echidna:master instead of release for reproducer traces - binaries here)
  3. Medusa (binaries for medusa:master available here)
  4. Foundry
  5. Cloudexec

see: https://github.com/curvance/curvance-contracts/blob/1ec341b7e3c2408abf3f3853a5a8145fc6bd67c3/cloudexec.toml#L8

Installing cloudexec

We use cloudexec to run this fuzzing suite on the server.

  1. Follow the installation instructions through brew or release here.
brew tap trailofbits/tools
brew install cloudexec
  1. Setup your cloudexec configuration for Digital Ocean as outlined in the README here.

This should include:

  • A DigitalOcen API Key
  • A DigitalOcean Spaces Key
  • A DigitalOcean Secret Access Key
  • A DigitalOcean Spaces Region

Running the Fuzzers

  1. Download the corpus.zip file, temporarily linked here
  2. Unzip this into the root curvance/ directory


There are two flavours of the config provided in this code. See below for their differences

Echidna – Locally

make el
make echidna-local

See ./tests/fuzzing/echidna-local.yaml for yaml.

The main difference here is the shortened number of runs, so we can run a quick sanity check or verify that properties pass locally while running

Echidna – Cloud

make ec
make echidna-cloud

The following values encompass our historical test limit with Echidna. Note that this will depend on compute power, and resources available. The initial jobs below were deployed on a DigitalOcean droplet with 8 cores, and were then expanded to 16 core machines. Note that these times may be relative, and a fuzzing run may actually run significantly faster or slower than expected. This will depend on the value generation for this specific instance.

  • For 12-14 hour runs, our historical test limit has been around 10,000,000 iterations.
  • For 50+ hour runs, our historical test limit has been around 50,000,000 iterations.
  • For 10 day runs, our historical test limit has been around 100,000,000,000 iterations.

Medusa – Locally

make ml
make medusa-local

Unlike Echidna, Medusa's config takes the timeout, which defines how long to run the fuzzing campaign instead of how many iterations to attempt. This affords us visibility into finetuning the precise amount of time to run. In the early stages of the engagement, Medusa's out of memory bug was affecting Medusa's ability to run efficiently on the system, which limited our runs to 2 hour intervals each time.

Medusa – Cloud

make mc
make medusa-cloud

Our cloud runs have extended significantly since the fixing the out of memory bug in Medusa. Increasing the number of workers in Medusa scales the compute needed on the DigitalOcean droplet. Thus, Medusa runs in the following intervals:

  • 12-14 hours
  • 50+ hours
  • 10 day runs (during project breaks)