a cli tool for muslims who don't wanna leave their terminal .
- check prayers times
- check prayer times in any given date (this year tho)
salat 20 10
- how much until the next prayer ?
salat -n
- search for hadith (usin dorar API) in your terminal (arabic only)
salat -s "الصلاة"
- what is the hijri date?
salat -d
what else ?
salat -h # help is work in progress
git clone https://github.com/gh0r1b/salat.git
mv salat/salat ~/.local/bin/salat
chmod u+x ~/.local/bin/salat
salat -S # set up your country, city and prefered method
wanna help ?
report issues, make pull requests, suggest features (or even ideas for a whole other project) and check ##TODO
- better help