This program contains code for running LOCC analysis on TCGA LIHC data. You will need to download the TCGA Liver hepatocellular carcinoma dataset. I have also included E2F1 expression data from LIRI-JP in the downloads.
Install R and R studio. Input Code into a new script.
Install packages, which are located at the top of the code.
Download the TCGA dataset from []
Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA, PanCancer Atlas)
Move folder (lihc_tcga_pan_can_atlas_2018) to suitable directory and set directory to that location.
#Set Directory
Copy and replace that old directory location to the new directory location for all of the code.
Add the LIRIJP_E2F1_Ranked.csv to the folder (lihc_tcga_pan_can_atlas_2018).
The Loccfunc function will calculate LOCC and AUC and save pictures of graphs related to LOCC and AUC for a gene of interest in the TCGA dataset. The gene of interest will be located at j where j is the row number of the gene in the TCGA expression dataset. You can query a gene of interest by replacing "E2F1" in grep("E2F1"...) with your gene of interest.
j <- grep("E2F1", PtExpressionZ$Hugo_Symbol)
The LOCC analysis can will take a long time to run if it attempts to analyze LOCC scores for every single gene. I would recommend not running this particular loop until all the other code can be run. If you # out these lines, you can run the rest of the code to make sure it works.
#Loop over all genes, will take a long time
for (j in 1:20531){ Loccfunc(j) }
The other code after the loop include LOCC and AUC analysis of other gene sets (RISK/8-gene RISK) and samples of genes.