readxl Public
Forked from tidyverse/readxlRead excel files (.xls and .xlsx) into R
C++ Other UpdatedJul 4, 2016 -
quantmod Public
Forked from joshuaulrich/quantmodQuantitative Financial Modelling Framework
R UpdatedJun 26, 2016 -
TrinityCore Public
Forked from TrinityCore/TrinityCoreTrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedFeb 2, 2016 -
Bukkit Public
Forked from Bukkit/BukkitThe Minecraft Mod API
fis Public
Forked from fex-team/fisFront-end Integrated Solution - 前端集成解决方案
mime-db Public
Forked from jshttp/mime-dbMedia Type Database
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2015 -
sequelize Public
Forked from sequelize/sequelizeSequelize is an easy-to-use multi sql dialect ORM for Node.js & io.js. It currently supports MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL and MSSQL.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2015 -
node-orm2 Public
Forked from dresende/node-orm2Object Relational Mapping
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 22, 2015 -
jsftp Public
Forked from sergi/jsftpLight and complete FTP client implementation for Node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 19, 2015 -
node-heapdump Public
Forked from bnoordhuis/node-heapdumpMake a dump of the V8 heap for later inspection.
C++ Other UpdatedJun 15, 2015 -
node-shared-cache Public
Forked from kyriosli/node-shared-cacheAn interprocess shared LRU cache module for Node.JS
C++ UpdatedJun 8, 2015 -
vert.x Public
Forked from eclipse-vertx/vert.xvert.x - The scalable polyglot application platform for the JVM
Java Other UpdatedMay 21, 2015 -
react-native Public
Forked from facebook/react-nativeA framework for building native apps with React.
JavaScript Other UpdatedMay 20, 2015 -
node-memwatch Public
Forked from lloyd/node-memwatchA NodeJS library to keep an eye on your memory usage, and discover and isolate leaks.
C++ UpdatedMay 12, 2015 -
es-spec-html Public
Forked from jorendorff/es-spec-htmlAn HTML version of the ECMAScript draft specification autogenerated from the source
rrrix-db-profiles Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/rrrix-db-profiles
UpdatedApr 26, 2015 -
microblog-1 Public
Forked from yuanzm/microblog《nodejs开发指南》微博实例express4.x版
JavaScript UpdatedApr 15, 2015 -
rift-bot-demonbuddy Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/rift-bot-demonbuddy
UpdatedApr 15, 2015 -
node-fs-extra Public
Forked from jprichardson/node-fs-extraNode.js: extra methods for the fs object.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 14, 2015 -
db-bounty-profiles Public
Forked from teddyvgt/db-bounty-profilesAutomatically exported from code.google.com/p/db-bounty-profiles
TypeScript Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScriptTypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 3, 2015 -
huhamhire-hosts Public
Forked from huhamhire/huhamhire-hostshosts for Internet Freedom
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 30, 2015 -
ultimacr Public
Forked from teddyvgt/ultimacrAutomatically exported from code.google.com/p/ultimacr
C# UpdatedMar 23, 2015 -
thunk-redis Public
Forked from thunks/thunk-redisA redis client with pipelining, rely on thunks, support promise.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 27, 2015 -
jslinux-deobfuscated Public
Forked from levskaya/jslinux-deobfuscatedJSLinux rewritten to be human readable, hand deobfuscated and annotated.
JavaScript Other UpdatedFeb 4, 2015