This app is also available in dark mode:
Ensure you have the latest LTS (long-term support) version of Node.js installed on your system.
Recommended installation instructions are available here.
Somewhere in your file system, run either
$ git clone
if you aren't connect to GitHub with any SSH keys, or
$ git clone
if you are.
Next, navigate to the root of the newly cloned project by running the following:
$ cd ai-less-youtube/
Then, install a node_modules
folder for all the project's dependencies:
$ npm i
EAS Project Builds
Ensure the eas-cli
is installed globally on your machine:
$ npm i -g eas-cli
Run the following command and follow the instructions in the CLI to create EAS builds for iOS (Apple Developer account needed) and Android:
$ eas build --profile development --platform all
Alternatively, you can build for a single platform at a time as builds may take some time to complete:
$ eas build --profile development --platform ios
to create EAS builds for iOS only, and run
$ eas build --profile development --platform android
to create EAS builds for iOS only.
Run the following to run the Expo app:
$ npm start
Then, scan the barcode that appears and run the React Native app from an iOS or and Android device.
Press w
to open the web version of the React Native app in the browser.
NOTE: It's possible to run an iPhone, Android phone, and the browser on the same React Native app instance for cross-platform development. Also, simultaneous, universal Fast Refresh has been enabled for this app.