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/* Linguine Maps Programmatic Visualization Library Copyright (C) 2005 Pavel Simakov http://www.softwaresecretweapons.com

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA


Version Info

Version: 1.4 Last build date: April 4, 2006 Release date: April 4, 2006

About this Package

This package contains full Java source code for programmatic visualization of:

  • Apache ANT build files
  • Document Type Definition (DTD) for XML documents
  • Object Relation Bridge mapping files
  • Hibernate mapping files

You can use this package to perform programmatic visualization of any of the above files. You could run programmatic visualization from command line or integrate it into a build process. We provided full set of Apache ANT tasks for integrating programmatic visualization with the build. This package also contains demo applications that shows you how to visualize abstract graphs.

Samples images included with Linguine Maps

There is a very large number of visualizations available from our web site at http:/www.softwaresecretweapons.com. This includes many official schema files from leading software development teams:

ANT Build files:

  • Apache Tomcat 5.0.25 start up script
  • Apache Object Relational Bridge 1.0.0 build
  • Hibernate 3.0 Ant build

XML DTD Files:

  • XML DTD for a Connector 1.0 resource adapter (raa) module
  • XML DTD for the JDO 1.0 Metadata
  • XML DTD for the JavaServer Faces 1.1 Application Configuration File
  • XML DTD for a Servlet 2.3 web-app (war) modulec
  • XML DTD Hibernate 2.0
  • XML DTD Hibernate 3.0
  • XML DTD Apache Object Relational Bridge 1.0.0

OJB mapping files

  • ObJectBridge 1.0.0 mapping of classes used in junit tests
  • ObJectBridge 1.0.0 mapping of classes used in junit tests and tutorials
  • ObJectBridge 1.0.0 mapping of classes used in testing references

Hibernate mapping files

  • HIBERNATE - Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java (mappings from Chapter 24)
  • HIBERNATE Mapping files shipped with Hibernate 3.0 release

Files in this package

This package contains:

\bin Graphviz 2.4 binary files for Windows platform

\dist jar file with classes from this package

\doc sample image files produced by this package

\lib jar files needed for this package

\src all source files for this package

Changes from release 1.3

  • file names are not double quoted for Linux platform
  • ANTtoGRAPH did not set proper node caption for "depends" and "antcall"
  • added HBMCtoGIFTask.java to allow processing Hibernate org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration from Ant

Changes from release 1.2

  • added ability to specify multiple XML files for hbm2gif task
  • added support for visualization of Hibernate org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration object via com.oy.shared.lm.ext.HBMtoGRAPH

Changes from release 1.1

  • added WSDL visualization
  • added support for XML namespaces; name spaces are used only for WSDL visualization
  • added new Ant task attribute "qualifiedNames" to strip package name from names of classes; default value is "true"
  • added new Ant task attribute "expandEntityRef" to allow processing of XML ENTITY; default value is "false"
  • ANTtoGRAPH was updated to group together targets called via
  • grouped derived classes with super classes (OJB and Hibernate) to improve layout
  • added concept of "group" for "node"; nodes that belong to the same group are clustered together
  • added handling for that used to show up as empty box
  • fixed depends="" showed up as empty box
  • runme.xml did not work since distribution was missing dtd files in src\com\oy\shared\lm\test\dtd folder
  • added "hollow diamond" arrow tail type
  • added SMIL 1.0 DTD sample
  • added double quotes around file names that contain spaces before forking dot.exe

Changes from release 1.0

  • properly escaped header, footer, caption for "\n"
  • improved handling of several elements in HBM schema
  • added stereotype to HBM collections
  • allowed for out put file in any format supported by Graphviz
  • moved all samples from GIF to PNG file format to save space
  • added check for root XML elements before visualization begins
  • added more samples
  • added options to hide details; usefule for large DTD's and E/R mappings

How to use this package with Hibernate 3.0 org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration object

Starting with Linguine Maps 1.2 it is possible to create entity-relation diagrams by directly accessing object-Hibernate 3.0 relational mapping information provided by org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration. A class com.oy.shared.lm.ext.HBMtoGRAPH should be used for this purpose.

By default com.oy.shared.lm.ext.HBMtoGRAPH is excluded from buil.xml. Please define "ext" property with value "true" to enable its compilation. Compilation also requires "hibernate3.jar" in the "lib-ext" folder.

Following example illustrates how to create entity-relation diagrams using an instance org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:

private void sampleFoo() throws Exception {
	// create hbm configuration object, add one (or more) mapping file
	Configuration conf = new Configuration();
	// set caption and colors
	TaskOptions opt = new TaskOptions();
	opt.caption = "Foo Test Diagram";
	opt.colors = "#FF5937, black, blue";
	// create generic graph model
	IGraphModel graph = HBMtoGRAPH.load(opt, conf);
	// convert graph model into GIF (PNG, JPG, SVG, etc.) image file
		graph, "c:/test/foo.dot", "c:/test/foo.gif", "c:/test/bin/graphviz/bin.dot.exe"

In order to run this example above the following files should be available on the classpath: - all of the class files required by your hbm.xml schema - hibernate3.jar - commons-collections-2.1.1.jar - commons-logging-1.0.4.jar - dom4j-1.6.jar - junit-3.8.1.jar - oy-lm-1.2.jar

How to use this package from ANT build files

There are several tasks for programmatic visualization of various files. You can define custom tasks as follows:

After new tasks have been defined you can use them in the Ant build files, for example:

	caption="ObJectBridge 1.0.0 ANT build configuration."
	colors="cyan, lightcyan, orange, black, black"

All tasks have identical set of parameters, with following usage:

inFile - qualified name for the input file (depends on the task); required;
dotFile - qualified name for the intermediate output file; required
outFile - qualified name for the images output file; required; can end with .gif, .png, .jpg
exeFile - qualified name for the Graphviz 2.4 executable; required
colors - comma separated list of colors (depends on the task); optional (can use #rrggbb format)
includes - comma separated list of entity names that are included into the diagram; optional
excludes - comma separated list of entity names that are excluded from the diagram; optional
rotated - "true|false"; controls page orientation; optional; default "false"
detailed - "true|false"; controls amount of details in the diagram; optional; default "true"    
caption - title of the diagram; optional
fontName - font name for the diagram; optional; default "Helvetica"
fontSize - base font size for the diagram; optional; default "10"
attr - custom Graphviz attributes for the diagram; optional
nodeAttr - custom Graphviz attributes for the nodes; optional
edgeAttr - custom Graphviz attributes for the edges; optional
qualifiedNames - "true|false"; strips package names class from names; default "true"; optional
expandEntityRef - "true|false"; forces processing of XML ENTITY; default "false"; optional

A "hbm2gif" task in addition to a inFile attribute supports nested elements. In this case a single diagram is produced reflecting contents of all mapping files contained in the . For example:

	caption="HIBERNATE - Animal &amp; Beings"
	colors="#FF5937, black, black"
	<fileset dir="${src}/com/oy/shared/lm/test/hbm/">
	  	<include name="Animal.hbm.xml"/>
		<include name="Beings.hbm.xml"/>

Please review runme.xml files for more examples of use of this tasks and parameters.

How to use this package from Java projects

Linguine Maps provides clean object-oriented diagramming API for graph visualization. We have a sample that shows how to construct diagram from Java code at runtime. Please review class com.oy.shared.lm.test.TextAll. You can also review the source for the numerous Ant tasks that conduct programmatic visualization for several file formats.

Relation to Graphviz

Linguine Maps is object-oriented wrapped around Graphviz. A set of official binaries of Graphviz 2.4 is included with this distribution. Linguine Maps allows you to focus on programmatic visualization of graphs without worrying about format of Graphviz dot files. Linguine Maps operates with objects that represent nodes and edges in the diagram. A formal representation of a drawing is converted into Graphviz behind the scenes.

Motivation for this Package

Do you how long it takes to learn new DTD, XML schema, or an object model for an object-relational mapping? It actually takes very long time to learn! Some of these files are 20 pages or longer. If you want to take a quick glance at them - forget it! It will take serious effort to make it through...

This is why we have created this package. This package conducts programmatic visualization of various schema files. The parsers will process your source files and will create an easy to understand entity-relation diagrams. With a diagram it will take you minutes now to get familiar with new schemas. And you can always go back to source files when more details are needed.

Linguine Maps is written in Java and provides clean object-oriented diagramming API for graph visualization. We developed full set of Apache ANT tasks for integrating programmatic visualization with the build process. This package also contains demo applications that shows you how to visualize abstract graphs.

  • Apache ANT build files; for these files we draw task dependency diagrams
  • Document Type Definition (DTD) for XML documents; for these files we draw relations between various entities and their attributes
  • Object Relation Bridge mapping files; for these files we draw UML-style class diagrams
  • Hibernate mapping files; for this files we draw UML-style class diagrams

Programmatic visualization is very effective communication tool for a software development teams. It can be attached to a build process and it helps to keep documentation up to date automatically. All members of your development team will have a common set of visual documents, constructed automatically from the source code.

It is well known that developers only trust the source code. All diagrams produced by the Linguine Maps are precise reflection of the source code! They will be trusted and accepted by your development team.

Please enquire further if you need help with similar projects.


Dr. Pavel Simakov Email: psimakov@softwaresecretweapons.com WWW: http://www.softwaresecretweapons.com


Linguine Maps Programmatic Visualization Library







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