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class creating sparse matrices from a corpus

constructor(options: Object): this

creates a new instance for classifying text data for machine learning

data: *

tokens: *

vectors: *

wordMap: *

wordCountMap: *

maxFeatures: *

sortedWordCount: *

limitedFeatures: *

matrix: *

replacer: *

get_tokens(): String[]

Returns a distinct array of all tokens

Name Type Attribute Description

get_vector_array(): String[]

Returns array of arrays of strings for dependent features from sparse matrix word map

Name Type Attribute Description

fit_transform(options: Object, options.data: Object[])

Fits and transforms data by creating column vectors (a sparse matrix where each row has every word in the corpus as a column and the count of appearances in the corpus)

Name Type Attribute Description
options Object
options.data Object[] array of corpus data

get_limited_features(options: *, options.maxFeatures: number)

Returns limited sets of dependent features or all dependent features sorted by word count

Name Type Attribute Description
options *
options.maxFeatures number max number of features

evaluateString(testString: String): Object

returns word map with counts

Name Type Attribute Description
testString String

evaluate(testString: String): number[][]

returns new matrix of words with counts in columns

Name Type Attribute Description
testString String


class for manipulating an array of objects, typically from CSV data

constructor(dataset: Object[]): this

creates a new raw data instance for preprocessing data for machine learning

config: *

data: *

labels: *

encoders: *

scalers: *

selectColumns: *

columnArray: *

encodeObject: *

oneHotEncoder: *

oneHotDecoder: *

columnMatrix: *

reverseColumnMatrix: *

reverseColumnVector: *

getTransforms: *

getTransforms(transforms: Object): Array<Object>

Allows for fit transform short hand notation

Name Type Attribute Description
transforms Object

reverseColumnMatrix(options: *, options.vectors: Array[], options.labels: String[]): Object[]

returns an array of objects by applying labels to matrix of columns

Name Type Attribute Description
options *
options.vectors Array[] array of vectors
options.labels String[] array of labels


Name Type Attribute Description

encodeObject(data: Object, options: {labels:Array<String>,prefix:String,name:String}): Object

Returns an object into an one hot encoded object

Name Type Attribute Description
data Object object to encode
options {labels:Array,prefix:String,name:String} encoded object options

oneHotEncoder(name: string, options: *): Object

returns a new object of one hot encoded values

Name Type Attribute Description
name string csv column header, or JSON object property name
options *

oneHotDecoder(name: string, options: *): Array<Object>

Return one hot encoded data

Name Type Attribute Description
name string column name
options *

selectColumns(names: String[], options: *): Object[]

returns a list of objects with only selected columns as properties

Name Type Attribute Description
names String[] array of selected columns
options *

columnArray(name: string, options: *, options.prefilter: function, options.filter: function, options.replace.test: function, options.replace.value: string|number|function, options.parseIntBase: number, options.parseFloat: boolean, options.parseInt: boolean, options.scale: boolean): array

returns a new array of a selected column from an array of objects, can filter, scale and replace values

Name Type Attribute Description
name string csv column header, or JSON object property name
options *
options.prefilter function optional: true prefilter values to return
options.filter function optional: true filter values to return
options.replace.test function optional: true, default: undefined test function for replacing values (arr[val])
options.replace.value string number function
options.parseIntBase number optional: true, default: 10 radix value for parseInt
options.parseFloat boolean optional: true, default: false convert values to floats
options.parseInt boolean optional: true, default: false converts values to ints
options.scale boolean optional: true, default: false standard or minmax feature scale values

columnMatrix(vectors: Array, data: Array): Array

returns a matrix of values by combining column arrays into a matrix

Name Type Attribute Description
vectors Array optional: true, default: [] array of arguments for columnArray to merge columns into a matrix
data Array optional: true, default: [] array of data to convert to matrix

mapToObject(mapObj: Map): Object

returns a JavaScript Object from a Map (supports nested Map Objects)

Name Type Attribute Description
mapObj Map Map to convert into JavaScript Object

getBinaryValue(value: String|Number): Number

returns 0 or 1 depending on the input value

Name Type Attribute Description
value String Number optional: true, default: ''

exportFeatures(filter: Function): {labels:Map,encoders:Map,scalers:map}

returns Object of all encoders and scalers

Name Type Attribute Description
filter Function optional: true filter function

importFeatures(features: {labels:Map,encoders:Map,scalers:map})

set encoders, labels and scalers

Name Type Attribute Description
features {labels:Map,encoders:Map,scalers:map} optional: true, default: {} JavaScript Object of transforms encoders and scalers(labels, encoders, scalers)

filterColumn(filter: Function): Array

returns filtered rows of data

Name Type Attribute Description
filter Function optional: true filter function

columnScale(name: string, options.strategy: string): number[]

Returns a new array of scaled values which can be reverse (descaled). The scaling transformations are stored on the DataSet

Name Type Attribute Description
name string name - csv column header, or JSON object property name
options.strategy string optional: true, default: "log" strategy for scaling values

columnDescale(name: string, options.strategy: string): number[]

Returns a new array of descaled values

Name Type Attribute Description
name string name - csv column header, or JSON object property name
options.strategy string optional: true, default: "log" strategy for scaling values

labelEncoder(name: string, options: *, options.binary: boolean, options.sortFunction: function): array

returns a new array and label encodes a selected column

Name Type Attribute Description
name string csv column header, or JSON object property name
options *
options.binary boolean optional: true, default: false only replace with (0,1) with binary values
options.sortFunction function custom label encoding value sort function

labelDecode(name: string, options: *): array

returns a new array and decodes an encoded column back to the original array values

Name Type Attribute Description
name string csv column header, or JSON object property name
options *

oneHotColumnArray(name: string, options: *): Array<Object>

Return one hot encoded data

Name Type Attribute Description
name string column name
options *

columnReducer(name: String, options: Object, options.columnName: String, options.columnOptions: Object, options.reducer: Function): Object

it returns a new column that reduces a column into a new column object, this is used in data prep to create new calculated columns for aggregrate statistics

Name Type Attribute Description
name String name of new Column
options Object
options.columnName String name property for columnArray selection
options.columnOptions Object options property for columnArray
options.reducer Function reducer function to reduce into new array, it should push values into the resulting array

columnMerge(name: String, data: Array): Object

it returns a new column that is merged onto the data set

Name Type Attribute Description
name String name of new Column
data Array new dataset data

inverseTransformObject(data: *, options: *): Object

Inverses transform on an object

Name Type Attribute Description
data *
options *

transformObject(data: *, options: *): Object

transforms an object and replaces values that have been scaled or encoded

Name Type Attribute Description
data *
options *

columnReplace(name: string, options: *, options.empty: boolean, options.strategy: boolean): array|Object[]

returns a new array of a selected column from an array of objects and replaces empty values, encodes values and scales values

Name Type Attribute Description
name string csv column header, or JSON object property name
options *
options.empty boolean optional: true, default: true replace empty values
options.strategy boolean optional: true, default: "mean" strategy for replacing value, any array stat method from ml.js (mean, standardDeviation, median) or (label,labelEncoder,onehot,oneHotEncoder)

fitColumns(options.returnData: Boolean, options.columns: Object[]): Object[]

mutates data property of DataSet by replacing multiple columns in a single command

Name Type Attribute Description
options.returnData Boolean return updated DataSet data property
options.columns Object[] {name:'columnName',options:{strategy:'mean',labelOoptions:{}},}

fitInverseTransforms(options: *)

Mutate dataset data by inversing all transforms

Name Type Attribute Description
options *

fitTransforms(options: *)

Mutate dataset data with all transforms

Name Type Attribute Description
options *


base interface class for reinforced learning

constructor(options: Object): this

base class for reinforced learning

bounds: *

getBound: *

last_selected: *

total_reward: *

iteration: *


interface instance method for reinforced learning step

Name Type Attribute Description


interface instance method for reinforced training step

Name Type Attribute Description


interface instance method for reinforced prediction step

Name Type Attribute Description


Implementation of the Upper Confidence Bound algorithm

constructor(options: Object): this

creates a new instance of the Upper confidence bound(UCB) algorithm. UCB is based on the principle of optimism in the face of uncertainty, which is to choose your actions as if the environment (in this case bandit) is as nice as is plausibly possible

numbers_of_selections: *

sums_of_rewards: *

total_reward: *

predict(): number

returns next action based off of the upper confidence bound

Name Type Attribute Description

learn(ucbRow: Object, getBound: Function): this

single step trainning method

Name Type Attribute Description
ucbRow Object row of bound selections
getBound Function optional: true, default: this.getBound select value of ucbRow by selection value

train(ucbRow: Object|Object[], getBound: Function): this

training method for upper confidence bound calculations

Name Type Attribute Description
ucbRow Object Object[]
getBound Function optional: true, default: this.getBound select value of ucbRow by selection value


Implementation of the Thompson Sampling algorithm

constructor(options: Object): this

creates a new instance of the Thompson Sampling(TS) algorithm. TS a heuristic for choosing actions that addresses the exploration-exploitation dilemma in the multi-armed bandit problem. It consists in choosing the action that maximizes the expected reward with respect to a randomly drawn belief

numbers_of_rewards_1: *

numbers_of_rewards_0: *

total_reward: *

predict(): number

returns next action based off of the thompson sampling

Name Type Attribute Description

learn(tsRow: Object, getBound: Function): this

single step trainning method

Name Type Attribute Description
tsRow Object row of bound selections
getBound Function optional: true, default: this.getBound select value of tsRow by selection value

train(tsRow: Object|Object[], getBound: Function): this

training method for thompson sampling calculations

Name Type Attribute Description
tsRow Object Object[]
getBound Function optional: true, default: this.getBound select value of tsRow by selection value


getTransactions(data: Array, options: Object, options.exludeEmptyTranscations: Boolean): Object

Formats an array of transactions into a sparse matrix like format for Apriori/Eclat

Name Type Attribute Description
data Array CSV data of transactions
options Object
options.exludeEmptyTranscations Boolean optional: true, default: true exclude empty rows of transactions

assocationRuleLearning(transactions: Array, options: Object, options.support: Number, options.minLength: Number, options.summary: Boolean, options.valuesMap: Map): Object

returns association rule learning results

Name Type Attribute Description
transactions Array sparse matrix of transactions
options Object
options.support Number optional: true, default: 0.4 support level
options.minLength Number optional: true, default: 2 minimum assocation array size
options.summary Boolean optional: true, default: true return summarized results
options.valuesMap Map optional: true, default: new Map() map of values and labels (used for summary results)

train_test_split(dataset: array, options: object, options.test_size: number, options.train_size: number, options.random_state: number, options.return_array: boolean): Object|array

Split arrays into random train and test subsets

Name Type Attribute Description
dataset array array of data to split
options object
options.test_size number optional: true, default: 0.2 represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split, can be overwritten by the train_size
options.train_size number optional: true, default: 0.8 represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split
options.random_state number optional: true, default: 0 the seed used by the random number generator
options.return_array boolean optional: true, default: false will return an object {train,test} of the split dataset by default or [train,test] if returned as an array

cross_validation_split(dataset: array, options: object, options.folds: number, options.random_state: number): array

Provides train/test indices to split data in train/test sets. Split dataset into k consecutive folds. Each fold is then used once as a validation while the k - 1 remaining folds form the training set.

Name Type Attribute Description
dataset array array of data to split
options object
options.folds number optional: true, default: 3 Number of folds
options.random_state number optional: true, default: 0 the seed used by the random number generator

cross_validate_score(options: object, options.classifier: function, options.regression: function): number[]

Used to test variance and bias of a prediction

Name Type Attribute Description
options object
options.classifier function instance of classification model used for training, or function to train a model. e.g. new DecisionTreeClassifier({ gainFunction: 'gini', }) or ml.KNN
options.regression function instance of regression model used for training, or function to train a model. e.g. new RandomForestRegression({ nEstimators: 300, }) or ml.MultivariateLinearRegression

grid_search(options: object, options.classifier: function, options.regression: function): number[]

Used to test variance and bias of a prediction with parameter tuning

Name Type Attribute Description
options object
options.classifier function instance of classification model used for training, or function to train a model. e.g. new DecisionTreeClassifier({ gainFunction: 'gini', }) or ml.KNN
options.regression function instance of regression model used for training, or function to train a model. e.g. new RandomForestRegression({ nEstimators: 300, }) or ml.MultivariateLinearRegression

loadCSVURI(filepath: string, options: Object): Object[]

Asynchronously loads a CSV from a remote URL and returns an array of objects

Name Type Attribute Description
filepath string URL to CSV path
options Object optional: true options passed to csvtojson

loadCSV(filepath: string, options: Object): Object[]

Asynchronously loads a CSV from either a filepath or remote URL and returns an array of objects

Name Type Attribute Description
filepath string URL to CSV path
options Object optional: true options passed to csvtojson

loadTSV(filepath: string, options: Object): Object[]

Asynchronously loads a TSV from either a filepath or remote URL and returns an array of objects

Name Type Attribute Description
filepath string URL to CSV path
options Object optional: true options passed to csvtojson


Name Type Attribute Description


Name Type Attribute Description


Name Type Attribute Description

squaredDifference(left: Number[], right: Number[]): Number[]

Returns an array of the squared different of two arrays

Name Type Attribute Description
left Number[]
right Number[]

standardError(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

The standard error of the estimate is a measure of the accuracy of predictions made with a regression line. Compares the estimate to the actual value

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values

standardScore(observations: Number[]): Number[]

Calculates the z score of each value in the sample, relative to the sample mean and standard deviation.

Name Type Attribute Description
observations Number[] An array like object containing the sample data.

coefficientOfDetermination(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

In statistics, the coefficient of determination, denoted R2 or r2 and pronounced "R squared", is the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable(s). Compares distance of estimated values to the mean. {\bar {y}}={\frac {1}{n}}\sum {i=1}^{n}y{i}

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values

adjustedCoefficentOfDetermination(options: Object, options.actuals: Number[], options.estimates: Number[], options.rSquared: Number, options.sampleSize: Number, options.independentVariables: Number): Number

You can use the adjusted coefficient of determination to determine how well a multiple regression equation “fits” the sample data. The adjusted coefficient of determination is closely related to the coefficient of determination (also known as R2) that you use to test the results of a simple regression equation.

Name Type Attribute Description
options Object optional: true, default: {}
options.actuals Number[] optional: true numerical samples
options.estimates Number[] optional: true estimate values
options.rSquared Number optional: true coefficent of determination
options.sampleSize Number optional: true the sample size
options.independentVariables Number the number of independent variables in the regression equation

coefficientOfCorrelation(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

The coefficent of Correlation is given by R decides how well the given data fits a line or a curve.

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values

rSquared(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

The coefficent of determination is given by r^2 decides how well the given data fits a line or a curve.

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] optional: true, default: []
estimates Number[] optional: true, default: []

pivotVector(vectors: Array[]): Array[]

returns an array of vectors as an array of arrays

Name Type Attribute Description
vectors Array[]

pivotArrays(vectors: Array): Array

returns a matrix of values by combining arrays into a matrix

Name Type Attribute Description
vectors Array optional: true, default: [] array of arguments for columnArray to merge columns into a matrix

StandardScaler(z: number[]): number[]

Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance Centering and scaling happen independently on each feature by computing the relevant statistics on the samples in the training set. Mean and standard deviation are then stored to be used on later data using the transform method. Standardization of a dataset is a common requirement for many machine learning estimators: they might behave badly if the individual feature do not more or less look like standard normally distributed data (e.g. Gaussian with 0 mean and unit variance)

Name Type Attribute Description
z number[] array of integers or floats

StandardScalerTransforms(values: Number[]): Object

This function returns two functions that can standard scale new inputs and reverse scale new outputs

Name Type Attribute Description
values Number[] array of numbers

MinMaxScaler(z: number[]): number[]

Transforms features by scaling each feature to a given range. This estimator scales and translates each feature individually such that it is in the given range on the training set, i.e. between zero and one.

Name Type Attribute Description
z number[] array of integers or floats

MinMaxScalerTransforms(values: Number[]): Object

This function returns two functions that can mix max scale new inputs and reverse scale new outputs

Name Type Attribute Description
values Number[] array of numbers

approximateZPercentile(z: number): number

Converts z-score into the probability

Name Type Attribute Description
z number Number of standard deviations from the mean.

getSafePropertyName(name: String): String

returns a safe column name / url slug from a string

Name Type Attribute Description
name String

forecastErrors(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number[]

The errors (residuals) from acutals and estimates

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values

meanForecastError(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

The bias of forecast accuracy

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values

meanAbsoluteDeviation(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) indicates the absolute size of the errors

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values

trackingSignal(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

Tracking Signal - Used to pinpoint forecasting models that need adjustment

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values

meanSquaredError(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

The standard error of the estimate is a measure of the accuracy of predictions made with a regression line. Compares the estimate to the actual value

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values

MADMeanRatio(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

MAD over Mean Ratio - The MAD/Mean ratio is an alternative to the MAPE that is better suited to intermittent and low-volume data. As stated previously, percentage errors cannot be calculated when the actual equals zero and can take on extreme values when dealing with low-volume data. These issues become magnified when you start to average MAPEs over multiple time series. The MAD/Mean ratio tries to overcome this problem by dividing the MAD by the Mean—essentially rescaling the error to make it comparable across time series of varying scales

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values

meanAbsolutePercentageError(actuals: Number[], estimates: Number[]): Number

MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error) measures the size of the error in percentage terms

Name Type Attribute Description
actuals Number[] numerical samples
estimates Number[] estimates values