This is currently still more of a planning and working document.
Here is the CLI interface that is planned:
jess create <envelope file>
jess close <file> with <envelope name>
encrypt a file, write to file with the same name, but with a .letter suffix
-o <file> ... write output to <file>
jess open <file>
decrypt a file, write to file with the same name, but without the .letter suffix
-o <file> ... write output to <file>
jess sign <file> with <envelope>
same as close, but will put the signature in a separate file called <file>.seal
jess verify <file>
verifies the signature(s), but does not decrypt
jess show <file>
shows all available information about said file. File can be
- envelope
- letter
- seal (signature-only letter)
jess generate
generate a new signet and store both signet and recipient in the truststore
global arguments
--tsdir /path/to/truststore
--seclevel <uint>
--symkeysize <uint>
--quiet only output errors and warnings