This folder contains codes to run the experiments:
For the synthetic dataset, directly run the notebook "synthetic_data.ipynb". Experiment with modified loss function also included in this file.
For F-MNIST, put the downloaded original data (the training set and the testing set should be named "fashion-mnist_train.csv" and "fashion-mnist_test.csv" respectively) in this folder and then run the notebook "fmnist.ipynb".
For CIFAR-10 experiment, directly run the notebook "CIFAR.ipynb".
For MNIST, put the downloaded original data (the training set and the testing set should be named "train.csv" and "test.csv" respectively) in this folder and then run the notebook "mnist.ipynb". The transformer (ViT) is included in "tf.ipynb".
For California housing data, put the downloaded original data (named "housing.csv") in this folder and then run the notebook "California_housing.ipynb". Experiment with modified loss function also included in this file.
For IMDb movie review dataset, run the notebook "lstm_imdb.ipynb".