Leading an Education Abroad Program

Faculty and staff who lead education abroad programs have a great deal of responsibility for ensuring the coursework, housing, site visits, budgets, and other program arrangements run smoothly. The Education Abroad team is available to support program leaders throughout the process.  There are several considerations that program leaders should review before finalizing the program details.

Education Abroad and International Travel Policies

Penn State’s International Travel Requirements compile several travel-related policies into a unified reference for employees and students to review before completing international travel.  As a leader or coordinator of an approved education abroad program, many aspects of the international travel requirements may affect your travel.  A brief explanation of how the policies may impact you are outlined for your reference.

Health and Safety for Program Leaders

Education abroad program leaders assume a great deal of responsibility for the students with whom they travel.  Penn State Global Programs providers training, resources, and support to assist program leaders in planning for and mitigating potential health and safety concerns during the course of the program.

Program Leader Responsibilities

Leading an education abroad program is a demanding yet rewarding opportunity.  The following is required of Education Abroad (EA) faculty leaders for most programs: