We are concerned herein with implementation aspects, particularly for parallel computers. There are several aspects to parallelizing a domain decomposition.
6. Parallel Domain Decomposition Software ... Domain decomposition is natural for parallel computing; the domains are natural ways to decompose the problem across ...
Domain decomposition in computer science is the process of dividing a domain into multiple sub-domains, each with an equal number of cells per processor.
A framework for evaluating the cost of parallelism is introduced and applied to answering questions such as which and how many processors should solve global ...
Abstract. This paper describes the parallelization strategy and achieved parallel effi- ciency of an explicit time-marching algorithm.
Missing: Software. | Show results with:Software.
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What is domain decomposition in parallel computing?
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Numerical experiments show that the algorithm has superlinear scalability with over three thousand processors for problems with tens of millions of unknowns.
Abstract. Domain decomposition is a natural route to parallel computing for partial differential equation solvers. In this procedure, subdomains of which ...
Domain decomposition methods in computer science refer to the technique of dividing a major grid into smaller subdomains, followed by further division into ...
Compute and store the preconditioner in 32-bit precision arithmetic Is accurate enough? Limitation when the conditioning exceeds the accuracy of the 32-bit ...
There are many possible ways in which the system (6) can be preconditioned. Some of these are purely algebraic, such as incomplete Cholesky factorization [6, 37] ...