Masuda and Y. Kiyoki,``A comprehension-based database language and its distributed execution,'' Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Distributed ...
People also ask
What are the three types of database languages?
What language is used in database?
What is the language of relational database?
What are the features of database language?
List comprehensions are structurally similar to SQL, the standard declarative query language for relational databases. Unlike SQL, they are more general, ...
Jan 11, 2024 · In this article, I'll elaborate on TiDB's SQL layer or SQL engine. Let's forget about the complex things like Raft, and RocksDB, just focus on SQL engine logic.
Jun 8, 2024 · This page defines database languages, explains the many types of languages, and provides a list of several popular database languages and their applications.
Missing: Comprehension- | Show results with:Comprehension-
SchemaCrawler can execute scripts in Python, JavaScript, Groovy and or any other language for which a Java Script Engine is available.
Nov 17, 2023 · Database languages serve dual functions: calculation and transaction (OLAP and OLTP), surpassing a mere storage role.
PDF | We demonstrate the language Ferry and its editing, com- pilation, and execution environment FerryDeck. Ferry's type system and operations match.
Distributed execution is running a database query in parallel across multiple servers or nodes. It allows scaling out query processing over clustered commodity ...
Missing: Comprehension- Language
Jul 10, 2024 · VBase makes it possible to build a unified database capable of executing various complex relational vector and scalar mixed queries. Currently, ...
The paper proposes a declarative, SQL-like sublanguage for Relation types that is embedded into Pascal. The result is relatively natural and not unlike some of ...
Missing: Comprehension- Based