Dec 1, 1993 · This article describes the design of a highly parallel, high throughput database machine based on the new T9000 transputer family and a large number of ...
A sophisticated database application generation environment known as. DB4GL has been developed at Sheffield City Polytechnic. A unique feature.
A new parallel processing frontend for data acquisition has been designed and built at NSCL. This system, using inmos T800 transputers, is designed to add ...
Missing: Machine. | Show results with:Machine.
This thesis provides an evaluation of the P-DB4GL project as a whole, and concludes with some suggestions for further research in the areas of parallel ...
Missing: Machine. | Show results with:Machine.
People also ask
What is a parallel database system?
What are the benefits of a parallel database?
What are the three machine architecture on which parallel DBMS run?
What are the key elements of parallel database processing?
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The papers collected in this volume cover topics such as: methodology of Occam programming, parallel asynchronous algorithms, control of real parallelisms in ...
The T9000 and C104 provide a means of de- signing a large parallel database machine which can be constructed from commodity components in a manner that permits ...
The parallelization involves different parts of the diagnostic system: (1) the sensor data acquisition (2) the data interpretation, (3) the expert diagnosis.
Missing: Machine. | Show results with:Machine.
The database machine is designed to achieve a throughput of more than 10,000 elementary transactions per second and a total size in the range of terabytes. The ...
This paper presents the performance studies carried out in the design of a parallel machine translation system (MTS). It has been implemented in the ...
The transputer is a series of pioneering microprocessors from the 1980s, intended for parallel computing.