The minimum distance between two convex polygons with m and n vertices, respectively, is determined in O(log m+log n) time. This improves a previous result of Schwartz [7] whose algorithm requires O((log m) (log n)) time. For finding the maximum distance, (m + n) time is shown to be necessary and sufficient.
For computing the maximum distance, a lower bound Ω(m + n) is proved. This bound is also shown to be best possible by establishing an upper bound of O(m + n).
Dec 31, 1984 · A polygon in the plane is convex if it contains all line segments connecting any two of its points. Let P and Q denote two convex polygons.
A new fast algorithm for computing the distance between two disjoint convex polygons based on Voronoi diagram · Dynamic circle separability between convex ...
Mar 10, 2023 · The minimal distance between 2 convex polygons P, Q equals to the minimal distance of origin to P+(−Q), the Minkowski sum of P and −Qdef={−q:q∈Q} ...
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Jun 8, 2012 · I'm interested in calculating the Hausdorff Distance between 2 polygons (specifically quadrilaterals which are almost rectangles) defined by their vertices.
Computing the extreme distances between two convex polygons.
Feb 24, 2011 · I have two convex polygons in 3D. They are both flat on different planes, so they're a pair of faces. What's the simplest way to calculate the closest distance?
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The goal of this presentation is to describe an algorithm for computing the distance between convex polygons. 5. Page 6. Keep in mind. ○ 2D. ○ Code not ...
Abstract. We present algorithms for computing some distance functions between two (possibly intersecting) polygons, both in the convex and nonconvex cases.
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